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Islensk tímarit í 200 ár: skrá um íslensk blöd og tímarit frá upphafi til 1973 = 200 years of Icelandic periodicals. Comp. Bödvar Kvaran and Einar Sigurdsson. Reykjavík: Thjónustumidstöd Bókasafna, 1991. xix, 205 p. 24 cm. ISBN 9979-9067-5-8: ISK 2900.00. (Thjónustumidstöd . . ., Austurströnd 12, IS-170 Seltjarnarnes)
This title is a bibliography of Icelandic serials and monographic series pertaining to Iceland which were published before 1973. (After 1973 this information is found in the Icelandic national bibliography). This bibliography supercedes a previous publication by the same author published in 1970 and it covers not only titles published in Iceland but also 143 foreign titles that pertain to Iceland. The material is organized by century. Each entry contains detailed bibliographical information (including personal or corporate author and years of publication) and occasionally a brief annotation. There is only an index for place of publication; none for personal or corporate author. [sh/ldl]
Catalogo dei periodici italiani [Catalogue of Italian Periodicals]. Roberto Maini. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per l'Informazione e l'Editoria. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 28 cm 1995. With a report on periodicals publishing in Italy during 1995. Giuliano Vigini. xxiv, 898 p. ISBN 88-7075-406-5: Lit. 260,000
Guida ragionata ai periodici italiani [Regional Guide to Italian Periodicals]. Ed. Bea Marin. Milano: La Rivisteria. 30 cm. Formerly: Catalogo ragionato dei periodici italiani. (La Rivisteria, Via Verona 9, 20135 Milano, Fax (0039) 2 58320473) 1995/96 (1995). x, 283 p. ISBN 88-86090-03-X: Lit. 120,000
First published in 1980, Roberto Maini's bibliography of current Italian periodicals (magazines, newspapers, and yearbooks) has gradually acquired the status of a national bibliography for this type of publication and it may soon appear annually. The 6th edition contains 12,728 titles, considerably more than previous editions. The entries were updated with the aid of a questionnaire sent to all publishers. Asterisks appear beside entries where a reply was received. There are four sections: an alphabetical list by title, short-title lists by subject keyword and by place of publication, and a list of titles that have ceased publication. It would be a useful service to libraries researching new titles for subscription if the next edition would clearly indicate, both in the title and subject index, titles that are appearing for the first time. A comparison between the Catalogo dei periodici italiani and the Guida ragionata ai periodici italiani shows that the former is far superior. The Guida, published by the editors of the periodicals review journal Rivisteria, contains far fewer titles (about 4,000), it totally omits newspapers, the subject categories are too general, and the list of publishers, including only publishers who issue three or more titles, is somewhat unreliable. The Catalogo dei periodici italiani is the clear choice for libraries. [sh/ldl]
Annuario della stampa italiana all'estero [Annual of the Italian Press Abroad]. Ed. F.U.S.I.E. (Federazione Unitaria della Stampa Italiana all'Estero). Roma. 24 cm. (FUSIE, Via G. Marcora 18/20, I-00153 Roma)
8th ed. (1995). 160 p. ill. Lit. 25,000
This bibliography describes 312 Italian-language magazines and newspapers that are published outside of Italy, as well as 93 that are published in Italy but are primarily intended for foreign distribution. The individual entries provide detailed bibliographic information as well as an indication of the portion of each issue that is not in Italian, the area of distribution, the year of first publication, and a facsimile of the latest title page. This bibliography also contains the addresses of Italian cultural institutes and Italian-language radio and television stations located outside of Italy. [sh/ldl]
Dictionarul presei românesti: (1731-1918) [Dictionary of the Romanian Press]. Georgeta Raduica and Nicolin Raduica. Bucuresti: Editura Stiintifica, 1995. 552 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 973-44-0123-8: Lei 16,000
The bibliographic control of earlier Romanian periodicals is not in bad shape. The Publicatiile periodice românesti offers a reliable and quite complete index to magazines and newspapers from 1790 through the year 1924. For the genre of calendars and almanacs--the earliest media in Romania--a specialized bibliography is available covering the years 1731-1918, and additional bibliographies give coverage to literary magazines (1790-1982) and to various local periodicals. This new publication calls itself a "dictionary" rather than "bibliography," although it culminates a sequence begun in the same publishing house with the bibliographies of calendars and almanacs and of literary magazines mentioned above. In fact, all three can be considered primarily bibliographies even if the annotations are at times quite extensive. This new bibliography, for its reporting period of 1731-1918, indexes around 1,000 more titles than the aforementioned Publicatiile periodice românesti and contains numerous improvements--of which the print quality is not one. Still, the older bibliography has not been rendered obsolete, since its bibliographic descriptions are significantly more complete. [sh/rdh]
Historische Zeitungsbestände und ihre Verfilmung: Studie zur Bestimmung des Anteils der noch nicht verfilmten Zeitungsbestände in Deutschland [Collections of Older Newspapers and Their Microfilming: A Study to Determine the Proportion of Newspaper Holdings in Germany that Have Not Yet Been Microfilmed]. Comp. Manfred Pankratz, Institut für Zeitungsforschung, Dortmund, on behalf of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. 59 p. 21 cm + 2 Diskettes. (Schriften der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft). ISBN 3-87068-468-2: DM 16.00, DM 12.00 (separate brochure), DM 8.00 (separate diskettes)
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, or DFG (German Research Council), is one of the few German institutions attending to the issues of preservation and accessibility of newspaper holdings in German libraries and archives. In 1978, for instance, it sponsored an initiative for the microfilming of historically valuable newspapers, although the program was not particularly well utilized by libraries. Since 1986, further subsidies have been available for the same purpose, and the current study--sponsored by the DFG--investigates the portion of newspaper holdings in Germany not yet microfilmed. Manfred Pankratz, the compiler, describes his methodology and investigative criteria in detail and comes to doubt the precision of his data. Nevertheless, where can truly precise holdings information be found? The bottom line is that two-thirds of the German newspaper holdings remain unfilmed. Added bonuses for the library practitioner in this brochure are lists of unfilmed but "worthy" newspapers in various institutions and of actually available holdings. The study is useful even when certain expected data could not be presented. The compiler Pankratz has become a pioneer in documenting German newspapers. [gh/rdh]
La presse politique et d'information générale de 1944-1958: inventaire des titres [The Political and General Press 1944-1958]. Yves Guillauma. Paris: Guillauma, 1995. 620 p. 25 cm. ISBN 2-9509315-0-2: FF 1300.00. (Guillauma, 79, av. Denfert-Rocherau, F-75014 Paris)
The bibliographic control of earlier French newspapers is by no means perfect, though it is respectable--especially in contrast to the bibliographic situation in Germany. The Bibliothčque de la presse politique et d'information générale, devoting a volume to each département of France, is not nearly complete--with only 50 volumes completed as of the beginning of 1996--and the project could easily extend into the next millennium. The change in periods of coverage of the project are disadvantageous: 1865-1944 for volumes published up to 1979, and from each newspaper's incorporation date forward for volumes published since 1980. For the period after the liberation of France near the end of World War II there have been a number of less-than-perfect solutions--until the publication of the volume under review. A bibliographic spinoff from the author's 1993 dissertation on print media during the Fourth Republic, it covers the the years after World War II through 1958 in three sections: alphabetical by title, by département, and by city. All three sections contain the full bibliographic information for each entry. [sh/rdh]
Verzeichnis österreichischer Zeitungen 1800-1945: vermehrt durch Bestände ausländischer Zeitungen in österreichischen Bibliotheken; Auswertung aus dem Datenbestand der Österreichischen Zeitschriftendatenbank an der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek [Catalog of Austrian Newspapers, 1800-1945: Supplemented with Holdings of Foreign Newspapers in Austrian Libraries; Compiled from data of the Austrian Periodical Database of the Austrian National Library]. Hermann Sagl (for the bibliography of Austrian newspapers, 1800-1945); Ladislaus Lang (for integration of electronic information). Österreichische Nationalbibliothek; ÖZDB (Österreichische Zeitschriftendatenbank). Current to: 25 May 1993. Wien, 1993. 578 p. 30 cm.
In large national union catalogs of periodicals, newspapers are lost in the sheer volume of other types of periodicals, if they are adequately covered at all. For that reason, special indexes for newspapers can be useful. For Germany, such an index is Internationale Zeitungsbestände in deutschen Bibliotheken, or ZDB (International Newspaper Holdings in German Libraries; see RREO 94-1-026). Happily, just such an index has now been published for Austria, based on entries in the Austrian periodical database. ZDB users will find this Austrian index familiar at once, since the latter is based largely on the data and conventions of the former. Nevertheless, the Austrian version differs in two essential respects: first, where the ZDB has no limits on its reporting period, this index ends with the year 1945 and only indexes newspapers appearing after that if they began before 1945; and second, the Austrian list offers substantially more complete bibliographical data than the ZDB. Both differences arise from the fact that the impetus for this project came from a Hermann Sagl research project under the name Bibliographie österreichischer Zeitungen 1800-1945, configured with specific annotations and limits. This index represents a considerable improvement in the bibliographic control of earlier Austrian newspapers. [sh/rdh]
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