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Deutsche Presse: biobibliographische Handbücher zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen periodischen Presse von den Anfängen bis 1815 [The German Press: Bio-bibliographical Handbooks on the History of the German-language Periodical Press from the Beginnings to 1815]. Holger Böning. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7728-1589-8
Vol. 1. Hamburg: kommentierte Bibliographie der Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Intelligenzblätter, Kalender und Almanache sowie biographische Hinweise zu Herausgebern, Verlegern und Druckern periodischer Schriften [Hamburg: Annotated Bibliography of Newspapers, Journals, Intelligencers, Calendars, and Almanacs with Biographical Information on Editors, Publishers, and Printers of Periodical Publications]. Holger Böning and Emmy Moepps
Pt. 1. Von den Anfängen bis 1765 [From the Beginnings to 1765]. 1996. lvii p., 758 col. ISBN 3-7728-1589-8: DM 510.00
Pt. 2. 1766-1795. 1996. col. 761-1566. ISBN 3-7728-1591-X: DM 510.00
Pt. 3. 1796-1815. 1996. col. 1569-2419. ISBN 3-7728-1763-7: DM 510.00
A number of large-scale bibliographic projects relating to press history in northern Germany have been started in the past few years. Peter Stein's Die nordostniedersachsische Tagespresse: von den Anfangen bis 1945 was welcomed as an "unimaginable miracle" in IFB 95-2-178, and the work of Holgar Boning and Emmy Moepps is - if possible - even better. They have given us a comprehensive bibliography of the press in the publishing center of Hamburg from the beginnings to 1815 in a way that has never been done before. Their methodology is new and eminently successful.
These volumes present 1,018 periodicals (chiefly newspapers, advertisers, magazines, and annuals) founded in Hamburg between 1492 and 1815 in chronological order. The ending date is considered a turning-point in the politics and the press of German-speaking countries. For each entry there is a detailed description of the publication and the editors, writers, publishers, and printers connected with it; a listing of copies held in Hamburg and in other locations (not necessarily complete); and a commentary of up to 20 columns on the nature and influence of the periodical. Indexes cover terms and places mentioned in the commentaries, names of persons and institutions, and titles with all variants.
A supplementary volume for Altona and Schiffbeck is nearly finished, and similar projects for Leipzig, Halle, and the Braunschweig region have begun. The high price may be an indication that such projects should be made available in electronic form in the future, at least for cities of regional importance. [wub/gh]
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