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Bibliographie theoretischer Arbeiten zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: . . . in deutscher Sprache erschienene Veröffentlichungen [Bibliography of Studies on Children's and Young Adult Literature: German Language Publications]. Ed. Heinz Wegehaupt. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann. 24 cm. (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Volkach e.V., . . .)
1992/93 (1995). 97 p. (. . . , 16). ISBN 3-8260-1073-6: DM 29.80
The compiler of this bibliography, Heinz Wegehaupt, director of the Children's and Young Adult Book Department of the Deutsche Staatsbibliothek (German State Library) in East Berlin, occupies a prominent position among bibliographers of historical German children's literature, having published extensively in the field since 1962. Wegehaupt's bibliography lists 1,019 German-language monographs, collected editions, yearbooks, conference proceedings, journals, and articles devoted to all areas of children's and young adult literature published in 1992 and 1993 in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The bibliography is not intended to be comprehensive: selections do not include works of general interest, works dealing with the teaching of literature and activity with children's books in libraries, kindergartens, etc., individual reviews, or antiquarian and auction catalogs. Media and illustrative publications that deal with children's and young adult literature or the reception of such literature by children and young adults are included, as are review articles. Journals from public libraries and the book trade are strongly represented, and citations for articles provide the place of publication for the journals. Very few publications from the former East Germany are included. A large number of references provide access to illustrations, and an author/compiler/editor index is included. This large-scale and clearly organized bibliography is a success. [mmk/rm]
Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung: mit einer Gesamtbibliographie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres . . . [Children's and Young Adult Literature: With a Comprehensive Bibliography of the Year's Publications . . .] Ed. Hans-Heino Ewers [et al.]. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler. 23 cm
1994/95 (1995). 249 p. ISBN 3-476-01325-1: DM 78.00
This 1994/95 yearbook aspires to document the broad field of children's and young adult literary research with a bibliography of 1994 publications, as well as reviews and research reports, and to provide information about children's book collections and archives, research projects and plans for research. It is unclear why the bibliography does not build on the strength of Heinz Wegehaupt's 1992/93 bibliography (reviewed above) by employing his system of organization. The yearbook's bibliography covers German-language monographs, conference proceedings, festschrifts, exhibition catalogs, and journals published in 1994 in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as international research dealing with German-language children's and young adult literature, international theoretical discussions, and interdisciplinary publications that consider the teaching and research of children's and young adult literature. It considers related areas such as pedagogy, psychology, and sociology in greater detail than does Wegehaupt, but, in contrast to the Wegehaupt bibliography, contains almost no recommended reading lists. The bibliography, which lists more than 1,100 titles, lacks references and index, contains multiple listings of some titles, and follows RAK (the German "rules for descriptive cataloging") in the organization of its entries. There are some errors in thematic classification of material, and the user cannot gather from the bibliography's table of contents where to locate information by genre, theme, or author. Yearbook articles cover such topics as British and US research of the 1980s and 1990s, books for girls and young women, feminist research, Scandinavian studies, children's theater, and subject development in online catalogs of children's and young adult literature. The yearbook deserves credit for being up-to-date and relevant, listing literature within a year of its publication. While the bibliography needs a more user-friendly system of organization and an author/editor index, it is still a useful publication. [mmk/rm]
Andersen archivio: gli scrittori italiani per ragazzi [Andersen Archive: Italian Children's Book Authors]. Ed. Gualtiero Schiaffino. Genova: Feguagiskia'studios Edizioni. 24 cm
3d ed. (1995). 159 p. Lit. 34.000
Feguagiskia'studios publishes three related titles: Andersen, a magazine containing articles and information about children's and young adult literature in schools and libraries; Annuario Andersen, consisting primarily of addresses; and the biographical reference work Andersen archivio, now in its 3rd edition (previously published in 1989 and 1992). Andersen archivio lists around 300 Italian authors (and illustrators, when author and illustrator are the same) of children's books. Each entry contains concise biographical information, description of work, books, contributions to anthologies, prizes, and honors. The level of detail varies greatly, however, as the data were collected by questionnaire. Bibliographical information on the author's works is extremely limited: title, abbreviation of publisher's name, and year of publication, the latter sometimes lacking. [sh/rm]
Bibliographie des traductions françaises (1810-1840): répertoires par disciplines [Bibliography of French Translations (1810-1840): By Categories]. Katrin Van Bragt. With the collaboration of Lieven D'hulst and José Lambert. Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 1995. xxvii, 1032 p. 25 cm. (Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis: Series A, 21). ISBN 90-6186-707-X: FB 3,250.00
This bibliography lists books translated into French and published in France during the years 1810 to 1840. It attempts to include French translations from any other language and on any subject, but excludes the considerable number of translations published in journals or anthologies. The major source for this bibliography was the Bibliographie de la France (BF). The arrangement of the 12,032 titles is similar to that used in the BF: the French titles are listed alphabetically under broad subject categories. The title in the original language is often not indicated. Separate indexes for authors and translators are included. The bibliography is also available electronically on disc from the authors. Searching the disc version might be easier than searching the print version. This bibliography might pave the way for other language and subject-specific bibliographies of translations. [sh/ba]
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