AK-96-2/3 -- Other Categories


Bibliographie der Tarnschriften 1933 bis 1945 [Bibliography of Books with Disguised Covers, 1933 to 1945]. Heinz Gittig. München [et.al.]: Saur, 1996. xxiv, 260 p. 25 cm. Orig. ed. pub. (1972) as: Illegale antifaschistische Tarnschriften 1933-1945. ISBN 3-598-11224-6: DM 248.00

Tarnschriften--books with disguised or false covers--were part of the clandestine literature of the battle against the fascist dictatorship in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Appearing in the guise of well known series, such as Reclam's Universal-Bibliothek or the Insel-Bücherei, or of advertising, they made possible the inconspicuous distribution of oppositional texts. Only a few copies have survived in archives and special collections. Heinz Gittig defended his dissertation about them at the Humboldt University in Berlin in 1972, and it was published by the Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig, and Roederberg-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, in the same year. Now Gittig has identified new repositories and published a new edition of his bibliography. He now cites 1,024 Tarnschriften with holdings information for 29 libraries and archives in Germany and in other western European countries--almost double the number in the first edition, which listed 590. The bibliography is arranged chronologically by year of publication. For each year the texts of the KPD (German Communist Party) come first because of their number, then those of Social Democrats and other anti-fascist groups, as well as titles spread among soldiers of the German army by the Allies. There are indexes of the camouflaged titles, authors, names, and subjects. Because these documents are rare, hard to access, and undoubtedly in poor condition, the microfiche edition of Tarnschriften planned by K. G. Saur Verlag will be very welcome. [kkw/gh]

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