AR-96-4 -- Media


Medien- und Journalistenjahrbuch [Media and Journalist Yearbook]. Wolfgang J. Koschnick. Berlin [et.al.]: de Gruyter. 22 cm. 1996. x, 576 p. ISBN 3-11-014911-7: DM 98.00

Well-known for his reference works about media and marketing, Koschnick is the sole author and editor of this yearbook in which he mixes, as is his wont, both very general and highly specialized information that is intended to provide a snapshot of media today. This first volume establishes the baseline on which future editions will be based. It begins with an overview which is less than up-to-date. The longest section is on the press (90 pages), with much shorter chapters on radio and television (22 pages), and still briefer information on videotext, videorecorder, and audiotext (10 pages together), with nothing at all on film. There are also sections on media and the law, data networks, and a very substantial two-part bibliography (one consisting of the most important new titles, with annotations, and the other a "general," unannotated listing of 5,000 titles), almost 300 pages in all. Unfortunately, there is no author index. This work should be useful to journalists, and, generally, for its bibliographic chapter. [wub/sl]


Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook. New Providence, NJ: Bowker. 28 cm. ISSN 0000-1511 1996, 1-2. ISBN 08352-3725-7 (set): $ 179.95

The Broadcasting & Cable Yearbook has kept its familiar format since its inception in 1935, but grown in scope and detail. Its sections include: regulations and ownership, a listing of U.S. and Canadian radio stations in geographical arrangement, TV broadcasting stations, cable television, satellite and other carriers, advertising and marketing services, programming services, services and suppliers, associations, events, education and awards, books, periodicals, videos. Volume 1 contains a brief index, but the yellow pages in volume 2 provide a more detailed alphabetic directory/index of organizations and their personnel. It is not clear that this abundance of detailed information is of use to readers other than Americans. European statistical data is available in the Statistical Yearbook of the European Audiovisual Observatory. [wub/ab]


Statistisches Jahrbuch, Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle: Filmindustrie, Fernsehen, Video und neue Medien in Europa [Statistical Yearbook, European Audiovisual Observatory]. Strasbourg: Europäische Audiovisuelle Informationsstelle. 30 cm. (Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, D-76520 Baden-Baden) 1996 (1995). 302 p. ISBN 92-871-2906-1: DM 249.00

The intention of the European Audiovisual Observatory to provide comparative data on media production and consumption for the members of the European Community is only partially realized by this volume. Missing data, a multitude of sources, and frequent reference to diverse collection and compilation methods are indicative of the lack of coordination among the national surveys from which the data is drawn. Nevertheless, it is the most useful presentation to date, assigning economic significance to the raw data, and one hopes for improvement with the backing of the EC. Data for the 33 EC members plus the USA and Japan are presented in tabular format with a few graphics. Sections include: basic population and consumer data; equipment ownership; AV market participants; the film industry; video and new media; television; advertising. [wub/ab]

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