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1st ed. 1996/97 (1996). 304 p. ISBN 3-598-23077-X (Saur): DM 98.00. ISBN 2-86460-269-5 (Didier Erudition)
As the designation "Edition art adress" suggests, the 19,000 French and French territorial addresses contained in this directory are extracted from the same database as this publisher's International Directory of Arts ( RREO 94-1-075 ). Entries are limited to addresses, with occasional indications of specialization, and are arranged according to the following subject areas, subdivided by place: museums and public collections; associations and organizations; antique and coin dealers; art galleries; auction houses; restorers; art publishers; art periodicals; book stores. This work is intended for small French libraries interested in the national art market. The above-mentioned International Directory of Arts is a better bet for academic libraries. Those with a specialized interest in art and antique dealers, not to mention flea markets, will want to acquire the Guide Emer (Paris, 25th ed., 1995). [sh/ab]
Vol. 8. Das Baudenkmal: Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege: systematisches Fachwörterbuch = Le monument historique [The Historical Monument: Protection and Preservation; A Classified Subject Dictionary ]. 2d rev. and expanded ed. 1994. 331 p. ill. 3-598-11113-4: DM 168.00
A classified subject dictionary with emphasis on architecture, urban development, and the preservation of monuments, the Glossarium artis has been sponsored by the Comité Internationale d'Histoire de l'Art since the 1970s. Earlier volumes have been revised and expanded to include English terminology as well as the original German and French, and feature more thorough definitions and better layout. Volume 8 contains sections on topics such as historic monuments, the construction industry, preservation and protection, and assessment criteria. The main lemmata provide definitions, brief (too brief) historical outlines, quotations, related terms, and illustrations. The three part index (German-French-English; French-German; English-German) simply indicates terminological equivalents without definitions. Although far from covering the entire field of art, the Glossarium artis is unique in the realm of multilingual art dictionaries. Other available volumes (some already in their second or even third editions) include castles, crosses and other religious objects, arches and arcades, vestments, stairways and vaults. [ak and sh/ab]
This dictionary leaves much to be desired. The 10,000 German lemmata are arranged alphabetically with the corresponding French terms listed without definition, or any kind of systematic classification of terms. Until the Glossarium artis is complete, Jost's work is the only German-French art "dictionary" available. A companion volume, French-German, is expected. [ak/ab]
Although their titles differ, these two works represent the hardback and paperback editions of the same book. In this case the paperback appeared a year before the hardback. The text of the articles appears to be identical, although the pagination, format, binding, and paper quality differ. The paperback uses paper so thin that the text shows through from one side to the other. Based on the Dizionario della critica d'arte of 1978, this revised and expanded edition includes, however, much more on modern art. The 1,400 articles, which vary in length from a few lines to several columns, cover the terminology of art of all eras, art history and criticism, excluding applied arts, which is covered by the Dizionario di antiquariato (Milano, 1992) by the same authors. Distinct in its emphasis on art theory and criticism, the Dizionario is a lexicographic unfolding of Grassi's history of art theory and criticism, providing not only definitions, but tracing the development of the terms, illustrated by quotations from the literature of art criticism. Complete citations to these sources are provided in the comprehensive bibliography, which includes works in Italian, French, German, and English. Although it requires a good knowledge of Italian terminology, the Dizionario is an indispensable complement to other familiar dictionaries of art. [sh/ab]
This reprint of Julius von Schlosser's classic (German) collection is enriched by the addition of new source material published since 1900 and updated bibliographic citations. Indexes by (1) authors organized by country of origin, (2) places, (3) key terms, (4) artists, and (5) technical terms have been re-edited. This edition also carries Italian translations of the German introduction and of other supplemental material from the original version. [sh/hsb]
This revised edition usefully supplements the Museum's more specialized catalogs devoted to particular schools and periods. It contains over 2,200 entries about European paintings from the 13th to the early 20th century, and is now accompanied by a CD-ROM version. The tiny black-and-white illustrations of the 1986 edition have been replaced with slightly larger, colored ones. However, the illustrations are still unsatisfactory. Entries include explanatory texts as well as a few bibliographic citations, although these are not always up-to-date. The CD-ROM format provides the same text, a user-friendly interface and a far greater range of access points than the printed version. Another advantage of the CD-ROM product, is that the pictures can be enlarged for detail. It is altogether a serious product, not a plaything. Nonetheless, one hopes that the National Gallery will add to it some of the more detailed information now available only in their specialized catalogs. [ak/hsb]
Intending to publish a complete, illustrated catalog of its pre-1800 collections, Frankfurt's Städelsche Kunstinstitut has issued its first volume, devoted to Dutch painting. The first part of this catalog contains large color reproductions of all exhibited works in alphabetical order by artist. The second part includes black-and-white illustrations of the works currently held in storage. The third volume, which comprises the actual catalog, provides a great deal of technical information for each painting as well as a bibliography for each work. There are no further descriptions or discussions of the works themselves. Jochen Sander's 1993 catalog (Niederländische Gemälde im Städel 1400-1550) is more informative in its text, but it is also more limited in its coverage. Eventually the entire holdings of the Städelsche Kunstinstitut, including the present volume, will be offered in a CD-ROM version. A comparison with the new National Gallery catalog (above) reveals a stronger attention to text in the London catalog (though it is aimed at a lay audience), whereas the Frankfurt volume p resents superior images and information that is more likely to be useful to the scholar than the layman. [ak/hsb]
The 1266 entries, without any illustrations, are organized in alphabetical order by artist. This catalog updates and revises the 1990 illustrated catalog of the Museum's 14th to 18th century paintings, and a still older catalog (1973) of its 19th and 20th century paintings. Only the most basic information is given for each painting. The catalog lacks bibliographic references, and one misses a history of the museum and its collection. Its strength is an abundance of indexes (in a section twice the length of the main text), providing access by chronology, by donors, etc., and above all by a very extensive thematic listing. [ak/hsb]
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