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This encyclopedia, which originally appeared 25 years ago, has remained conceptually unchanged, but has been substantially expanded in comparison with the 8th edition (1992). Text, tables and bibliographical references have been brought up to date. Some of the new entries are very concise and well-researched explanations of recent developments in society ("political apathy," "new media," "new age"). Some purely historical concepts are included (e.g., "Wehrmacht," "Vichy government"), although this would not be a source that most readers would normally go to for such material. Political science jargon ("fractal society," "governance" or "policy") is, unfortunately, omitted. For such terms one must go to Manfred G. Schmidt's Wörterbuch zur Politik (Stuttgart, 1995). The editors conceive of their work as a political book that takes a position (left); its users should approach it critically. Citations for additional reading are excellent; there are, however, numerous typographical and spelling errors. This is a useful, though clearly evaluative handbook, more appropriate for general readers and students than scholars. [kuw/vh]
Vol. 1 (1995). xii, 347 p. ISBN 1-85743-013-1: £ 115.00
This new directory lists over 1,000 research institutes which are in some way involved with "international relations" in the broadest sense. 111 countries are listed, with the institutes appearing under them in alphabetical order by their English names; the name in the original language appears in brackets. The amount of information given beyond the address varies; research emphases and serial publications are sometimes included. The index gives both English and vernacular names. The second part of the directory lists approximately 1,000 periodicals and yearbooks, indicating title, subscription address, scope of content, and, sometimes, year of first publication, frequency of publication and circulation. The value of this directory would be greatly increased by a subject index. [sh/vh]
2nd ed. (1996). xxii, 478 p. ISBN 1-85743-009-3: £ 195.00
The first edition appeared in 1991 under the title The European Communities Encyclopedia and Directory. Except for the updating of information, little has changed in its content, and it remains a most useful work. There are four main parts: (1) the lexicon (including member countries, persons and other countries and organizations which relate to the EU), (2) seven essays, only three of which were noticeably revised, (3) the directory of EU agencies and upper level personnel, and (4) a statistical survey. The format closely resembles that of the same publisher's regional handbooks. The comparative statistical tables are particularly useful. In short: this encyclopedia offers lots of current information about the EU in a concise format. [sah/vh]
The 22 essays in The European Union Handbook, largely by British experts, cover the period from the founding of the EU to the Maastricht Treaty and beyond. They are grouped into five chapters: History and Context; Politics; Economics; Law and Society; Future. The essays are enriched by tables, maps and other graphics. The bibliographies vary from three to forty titles. A substantial appendix includes, among other features, a chronology, a glossary, brief biographies of EU leaders, and a selective annotated bibliography. There is a name and subject index. This work (which is quite different in purpose and scope from The European Union Encyclopedia and Directory above) makes good its promise to provide a useful (if British-oriented) introduction to the EU for students and the interested general public. [sah/vh]
This lexicon includes 56 entries, of which 32 are survey articles on ethnic minorities; there are also topical articles on religion, the politics of migration, the concept of "minority," etc. An appendix with tables and a directory of interest groups and support groups are also included. The book intends to be a "snapshot of multicultural reality;" it tries to promote awareness of cultural diversity and the enrichment it provides. The selection of entries is not based on the size of the group: Chileans are included, for example, while the British, a group five times larger, are not. Addressing contemporary issues, as well as historical and sociological perspectives, the articles are ambitious -- though not "scholarly" -- but readable. Generally written by members of the groups being described, they tend to neglect intraethnic conflicts and to lack critical distance. Many of the thematic articles are disappointingly superficial. A comparable work is the looseleaf Ethnische Minderheiten in Deutschland [Ethnic Minorities in Germany] published for the Berliner Institut für Vergleichende Sozialforschung (Berlin, 1992- ), which has fewer thematic articles, but whose articles on minorities are more detailed and have comprehensive bibliographies; for a researcher it would be more the more useful work. The Schmalz-Jacobsen/Hansen volume, on the other hand, is good as an introduction. [kuw/vh]
This is a uniquely comprehensive bibliography of the immense and diverse body of primary and secondary literature on National Socialism. Listed are works published between 1945 and 1994 on the political, social, economic and intellectual history of Germany from 1933 to 1945, with an emphasis on publications of the last fifteen years. Also included is literature on the history of National Socialism and on right-wing radicalism and Neo-nazism after 1945. An impressive total of some 20,000 titles is listed, divided more or less evenly between monographs and other works (entries from newspapers, magazines, and collected works). The works are mostly in German, with some English and French titles. The division of works into almost 400 groups and subgroups allows the user to approach the listings with consideration precision. Each main group begins with bibliographies, reference works, and primary sources, after which the titles are given in increasingly specific order. Whatever its scope, each title is included in only one group, although a list of cited periodicals and indexes to authors, people, and places expand the searching possibilities. The planned supplements to this comprehensive and carefully done volume would be welcome, as would a CD-ROM edition. Whether a bibliography on National Socialism should continue to include right-wing radicalism after 1945, however, may warrant further discussion. [ah/mm]
This work closely resembles the German bibliography of National Socialism (above). Covering not merely the political aspect but all areas relevant to the study of fascism/Nazism, both could be considered period bibliographies. This selective bibliography is divided into thirteen subject groupings with subdivisions and contains some 12,208 entries (the first chapters includes many cross-references and duplicate entries) listing works -- most of them Italian -- published between 1919 and 1984; of the works published during the fascist period, only monographs are included. The name index covers authors and persons mentioned; unfortunately it gives page numbers rather than citation numbers. A subject index would have been a useful addition to the detailed thematic classification scheme. [sh/mm]
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