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The Salomon Brothers Directory of International Financial Institutions. Ed. Jacob Nell. London: Central Banking Publications. 25 cm
1996. 226 p. ISBN 0-951790-34-X: £160.00, £169.00 (outside the U.K.)
The institutions represented in this directory are of three types: development banks, currency funds, and organizations that take on a coordinating function in international finance. Information was obtained from the institutions themselves and taken from annual reports and other official sources. In addition to addresses, phone and fax numbers, numbers of employees, etc., this directory also provides biographical data with black-and-white photo of the directors of the institutions that are listed, some historical background, lists of publications, financial data, a description of the organizational structure, etc. An appendix covers biographies of upper-level managers of the International Monetary Fund from 1946 to 1996. The banks and government offices for which this work is intended will no doubt need more extensive information than is provided here. Libraries, on the other hand, are likely to find its conciseness and clear organization appealing. [sah/sl]
Telefonbuch für Deutschland [Telephone Book for Germany]. [Computer file.] (Original title: Die aktuellen Teilnehmerdaten für die Telefonbücher zum Telefondienst der Deutschen Telekom AG [Current Information on the Customers of German Telekom].) Ed. DeTeMedien. Frankfurt: Deutsche Telekom Medien. (DeTeMedien GmbH, Wiesenhüttenstr. 18, D-60329 Frankfurt, Fax 069/2682-1602)
Feb. 1996. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-931424-09-X: DM 29.50
D-Info: Adress- und Telefonauskunft Deutschland; für DOS, Windows und Windows 95 [Computer file.] [Address and Telephone Information on Germany]. Mannheim: TopWare. (TopWare Direktmarketing AG, Hervester Str. 36, D-46286 Dorsten)
2d ed. 1995-96 (1996). 1 CD-ROM. DM 49.95
TopWare's D-Info (DOS, Windows, and Windows 95 compatible), with 34,765,730 entries from 119 German phone books and an array of search options, is far more useful than Deutsches Telekom's "official" CD-ROM telephone directory (with unspecified contents) (Windows and Mac compatible). The limitations of Telekom's software reflect restrictions on the use of its data (networking the CD-ROM and sharing its contents in any form are prohibited). In both directories, searches can be saved and phone numbers found can be dialed directly by modem, but complex searches, including alternate spellings or targeting particular sections of the database, are only possible in D-Info. Output options in D-Info include sorting, generation of mailing lists (screening out unusable addresses), printing, and saving in several formats; they are very restricted in Telekom's Telefonbuch. With its greater functionality, D-Info is necessarily more complex. A monthly update (DM 1,200, or DM 10.00 for a single month) and special prices for network use are available from TopWare. Telekom, whose previous CD-ROM directories cost over DM 3,000, sued TopWare for its scanning of phonebooks for the first version of D-Info (version 2.0 was keyboarded in China). D-Info 3.0 was released in July 1996. In the meantime a third directory, containing 35,000,000 addresses, 1 million fax numbers, fax cartoons and pictures, and phone rates, was recently released by the company Tele-Info-Verlag in Garbsen, Germany, for 35 DM. [beh/mm]
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