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[CDs Up-to-date: The Catalog: Index of Published CD-ROMs]. Friedrichsdorf: Hardt & Wörner. 30 cm. (Hardt & Wörner, Saalburgstr. 20, D-61381 Friedrichsdorf, fax [49 6172] 71547)CD-aktuell, der Katalog: Verzeichnis erschienener CD-ROM
[Basic Work]Grundwerk
1997/98 (1997). 246 p. ISBN 3-930120-14-3: DM 197.50 (Basic work only)
3d ed. (1998). 54 p. ISBN 3-930120-13-5: DM 475.00 (Basic Work 1997/98 + 11 Suppl.)
[CDs and Diskettes: Software (excluding Audio-CDs]. Stuttgart: K. F. Koehler Verlag. 21 cm. 1st ed. (1996). Preceded by: CDs und Disketten und Bücher mit CDs und Disketten [CDs and Diskettes and Books with CDs and Diskettes].
4th ed. (1998). 718 p.
CD-aktuell, der Katalog is a listing of about 12,000 CD-ROMs from over 8,000 publishers, including CD-ROMs without ISBNs. The list contains many titles which are no longer available on the market. CD-ROM titles are listed alphabetically under broad subject categories which lack additional useful subdivisions. The information given about each CD-ROM is minimal. The appendix contains a list of suppliers. The main catalog lacks a title index (something which would have been very helpful), but title indexes can be found in the supplements. It is not clear how the CD-ROMs were selected; some discs from foreign suppliers are included. The publisher of the catalog states that the directory lists "those CD-ROMs which are of interest to the German market." The usefulness of this catalog is certainly not apparent. It is supposedly in demand by book and CD-ROM stores and dealers due to its listing of CD-ROM titles without ISBNs.
Libraries and general users are much better served by CDs und Disketten (former title CDs und Disketten und Bücher mit CDs und Disketten, see the review in RREO 1995). The latest (4th) edition of this directory lists 6,600 CD-ROM titles currently available on the market. Compared to the previously discussed title, the description of each CD-ROM is more complete and the organization of the directory is more user-friendly. [sh/ba]
[Langenscheidt's Internet Dictionary]. Eva and Rumold Hochrath. 1st ed. Berlin [et al.]: Langenscheidt, 1997. 127 p. 20 cm. ISBN 3-468-20397-7: DM 14.80Langenscheidts Internet-Wörterbuch
This small dictionary is a completely new title in the Langenscheidt series. Very modestly priced, it serves the general user and explains in readable language a broad range of terms associated with the Internet. Each page is divided into two columns: in the left column you find the English term, in the right one the German equivalent and explanations in German. The dictionary's particular strength are the explanations of terms from the socio-cultural area, such as "cyber-café," "cyberpunk," "virtual community," and "infinite monkey theorem." The explanation of technical terms, such as "Active X," "Real Audio," and "gateway," are less satisfactory, and some technical terms, such as "CGI Script," "Perl," and "Extranet," are missing altogether. [rh/ba]
[Internet Dictionary]. Detlef Jürgen Brauner, Robert Raible-Besten, and Martin M. Weigert. München [et al.]: Oldenbourg, 1997. xvii, 244 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3-486-24170-2: DM 49.80Internet-Lexikon
Three authors compiled this dictionary of terms related to the Internet and other areas (such as online and computer science). According to the foreword, 4,400 terms (including acronyms) were selected and are explained in a language which proves to be difficult for the general reader, the lay person, and the Internet novice to understand. Nor are the definitions complete or accurate enough to serve the specialist. The length of the explanatory articles is very uneven: most terms are explained in one or two sentences, while terms such as "IP address" and "Web Browser" are dealt with in much more detail. Other terms, such as "Relaunch," "Extranet," and "Real Audio," are not included at all. An inordinate amount of see-references reduces the ease of use of this dictionary. Overall, the Internet-Lexikon does not meet users' needs. It includes too much jargon for the Internet novice, yet it does not contain enough detail to satisfy the specialist. Organization, content, and ease of use leave much to be desired, and the price is too high. [rh/ba]
[The Internet Dictionary]. Dietmar Sittek with Christian Wenz. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1997. 304 p. ill. 19 cm. (dtv, 50324: Beck-EDV-Berater A-Z) ISBN 3-423-50324-6 (dtv); ISBN 3-406-43396-0 (Beck): DM 24.90Das Internet-Lexikon
This dictionary of Internet terms offers both beginning and advanced Internet users a practical and clearly organized reference tool. Its strengths are its clarity of organization and writing and wealth of screen-shot illustrations. The content emphasizes everyday Internet usage, such as search engine, service provider, and software fundamentals and for this reason it is best suited to the Internet newcomer or sporadic user. The usefulness of this work is occasionally marred by inaccurate technical details and entry format inconsistencies. [rh/ldb]
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