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[The Manuscripts of the Kassel University Library, the State Library and the Murhard Library of the City of Kassel]. Ed. Hans-Jürgen Kahlfuss. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 31 cm.Die Handschriften der Gesamthochschulbibliothek Kassel, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel
Vol. 6. Manuscripta musica [Music Manuscripts]. Ed. Clytus Gottwald. 1997. xxvi, 936 p. ill. ISBN 3-447-03775-X: DM 298.00
A series of manuscript catalogs for the Kassel University Library, the State Library, and the Murhard Library of the City of Kassel (which happen to all be under one roof) has been in the works since the 1960s and is projected to encompass ten volumes when complete. This work, volume 6, brings together the 800 or so music manuscripts in these three libraries, many of which are unique. The editor has done an outstanding job of cataloging and describing the materials according to the guidelines of the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), the underwriter of this project. Medieval choral pieces are excluded from this group and are described instead in the series' treatment of theological manuscripts. This weighty volume draws on earlier, less comprehensive manuscript catalogs for these collections and provides extensive commentaries about the individual composers and pieces of music. The manuscripts originate from (mostly local) private and church collections from the 15th to the 20th centuries, with the 17th and 19th centuries representing the largest segments. They often reflect the collecting preferences of the Hessian princes, whose libraries form the bases for the Kassel collections. This detailed and extensive work is appropriate for large research libraries with music collections. Among its few drawbacks are its physical awkwardness (936 pages in one volume!) and its inadequate explication of abbreviations used throughout. [mre/ldb]
[The Bibliophile Collection of Carl Georg von Maassen (1880-1940) in the Munich University Library: Annotated Catalog, with an Introduction and Catalog of the Manuscript Collection]. Ed. Wilfried Ehrsam and Ilse Jöstlein for the Universitätsbibliothek München. Puchheim: Bibliographisches Büro. 25 cm. ISBN 3-932774-00-0: DM 480.00 (both vols.) (Bibliographisches Büro, Am Mühlanger 4, D-82178 Puchheim)Die bibliophile Sammlung von Carl Georg von Maassen (1880-1940) in der Universitätsbibliothek München: annotierter Katalog. Mit einer Einführung und dem Verzeichnis des handschriftlichen Nachlasses
Vol. 1. Abel-Kyau. 1997. 850 p. ISBN 3-932774-01-9: DM 240.00
Vol. 2. LaBruyère-Zwierlein. 1997. 789 p. ISBN 3-932774-02-7: DM 240.00
The 8,000 volume collection of the intellectual, journalist, and bibliophile Carl Georg von Maassen (1880-1940) luckily survived destruction during World War II and is housed as a special collection in the Munich University Library. Strongly represented in Maassen's collection are works of 18th and 19th century German literature and E.T.A. Hoffman in particular, as Maassen was the editor of his works. This two-volume annotated catalog of his collection was financed by the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) as part of a larger cataloging project for the Bavarian Union Catalog (Bayerischer Verbundkatalog). The volumes include an overview of Maassen's life, his work, and his library and an alphabetical catalog of 4,963 numbered entries culled from the Bavarian Union Catalog. Although these entries are unfortunately brief, the footnotes provide many details such as physical description, dedications, and previous owners.
These two volumes are the very first publication from a promising new German publisher specializing in bibliographic products. The next project of Bibliographisches Büro is to be a personal name index to the Holzmann/Bohatta Deutsches Anonymen-Lexikon 1501-1926. [sh/ldb]
[Index of Early Modern German-Language Marriage Instruction Books]. Ed. Erika Kartschoke with Walter Behrendt. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 25 cm. ISBN 3-05-002997-8Repertorium deutschsprachiger Ehelehren der frühen Neuzeit
Vol. 1. Handschriften und Drucke der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Haus 2) [Manuscripts and Prints of the Berlin State Library of the Foundation for Prussian Culture (Building 2)]
Pt. 1. 1996. xxxii, 338 p. ill. ISBN 3-05-002841-6: DM 168.00
The Repertorium is an index to German-language texts, both in manuscript and printed form, whose primary purpose was to instruct and inform about marriage as a way of life and as a social institution. Around 1400, social organization in Europe began to change. A loosening of extended family ties and the establishment of bourgeois values led to a new concept, in which marriage was seen as the nucleus of social stability. The principles governing the central issues of private and public life, religiosity, and moral discourse changed radically. Recent research has begun to address these developments, but until now there has been no adequate bibliographic access to the German manuscript and printed texts that offered instruction in the conduct of a socially productive marriage. The three-volume Repertorium aims to provide this access in a systematic fashion, but, because of the large corpus of materials, has had to restrict itself to the period of most prolific publication, 1400-1620. Preliminary investigations have indicated that about 800 titles from this period are still in existence, with 70% of them held by four major German libraries: the State Library in Berlin, the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, the Bavarian State Library and the Munich University Library. For financial reasons, only these titles were included in the Repertorium, but it is questionable whether an index that neglects 240 items known to reside in other libraries can be considered thorough. A complete bibliographic description is provided for each text. Numerous detailed indexes cover, among others, authors, dedicatees, printers and publishers, themes, Bible citations, publication chronology, and illustrations. [kp/nb]
[Bibliography of Sources on 18th Century German-Language Rhetoric, Homiletics, and Epistolography]. Joachim Dyck and Jutta Sandstede. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. 3 vols. lxxii, 1478 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7728-1862-5: DM 1,530.00Quellenbibliographie zur Rhetorik, Homiletik und Epistolographie des 18. Jahrhunderts im deutschsprachigen Raum
The compilers of this bibliography wish to convey a dynamic concept of rhetoric, noting that, as a method of persuasion, school subject, and social practice, it affected literary and linguistic-social life from the fifth century B.C. to the time of German Romanticism. They have collected more than 4,000 separately-published titles from the 18th century. The lack of references to journal articles is unfortunate, although the compilers assert that "the historical picture to be won from monographs probably does not differ substantially from that obtainable from journals." The three volumes contain information on publications in the core areas of rhetoric, homiletics, and epistolography. Titles from fields such as poetry, aesthetics, and cultural history are covered if they contain relevant chapters on rhetoric. Also included are annotated editions of classical authors, course outlines, encyclopedic works, and texts on legal oratory, lecturing, eloquence in the pulpit, and Jesuit rhetoric. The bibliographic descriptions are mostly based on examination of the texts and provide information on other editions, reprints, and translations, as well as the holding library of the listed copy. In the third volume, selective indexes offer subject access in the three core areas. An index covering all three volumes provides a survey of all works by an author, as well as works to which the author is a contributor. Lacking are indexes for places of publication, publishers, and printers, which would have been helpful, in light of the ubiquity of rhetoric in the eighteenth century. [kp/nb]
[German Imprints of the Baroque, 1600-1720: Catalog of the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel]. Founded by Martin Bircher. Ed. Thomas Bürger. München [et al.]: Saur. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32099-X (complete): DM 14,400.00Deutsche Drucke des Barock 1600-1720: Katalog der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
[Index of Personal Names]. 1996. xi, 425 p. ISBN 3-598-32184-8: DM 398.00, DM 368.00 (subscription)Namenregister
[Title Index]. 1996. xi, 360 p. ISBN 3-598-32185-6: DM 398.00, DM 368.00 (subscription)Titelregister
[Index of Publishers, Printers and Places]. Ed. Thomas Bürger. 1996. xi, 333 p. ISBN 3-598-32186-4: DM 398.00, DM 368.00 (subscription)Register der Verleger, Drucker und Orte
[German Imprints of the Baroque, 1600-1720, Hungarian Imprints and Hungarica, 1480-1720, Polish Imprints and Polonica, 1501-1700: Catalog of the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel, microform]. Founded by Martin Bircher. Ed. Thomas Bürger. München [et al.]: Saur, 1996. 157 microfiches. ISBN 3-598-32187-2: DM 4,980.00; DM 450.00 (Polish imprints only); DM 298.00 (Hungarian imprints only). 4 printed index vols. free with purchase of the microfiche ed.Deutsche Drucke des Barock 1600-1720, ungarische Drucke und Hungarica 1480-1720, polnische Drucke und Polonica 1501-1700: Katalog der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
[Index of Names]. 1996. xi, 425 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32184-8: free with microfiche purchaseNamenregister
[Title Index]. 1996. xi, 360 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32185-6: free with microfiche purchaseTitelregister
[Index of Publishers, Printers and Places]. Ed. Thomas Bürger. 1996. xi, 333 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32186-4: free with microfiche purchase Erschließungsband zur Mikroficheausgabe [Index to the Microfiche Edition]Register der Verleger, Drucker und Orte
[Hungarian Imprints and Hungarica, 1480-1720, Polish Imprints and Polonica, 1501-1700]. 1997. 262 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32188-0: free with microfiche purchasePolnische Drucke 1501-1700, Ungarische Drucke und Hungarica 1480-1720
In 1996, the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel completed the 46-volume catalog of its German-language holdings of texts from the Baroque period with the publication of three index volumes, covering personal names, titles, and printers and publishers. As it has radically improved the bibliographic situation regarding seventeenth-century German texts, the library's accomplishment can not be praised enough. Conceived as a short-title catalog, it contains reproductions of title pages instead of exact bibliographic renderings of them. The entries include author, short title, place and year of publication, call number, format, and length. It is unlikely that the catalog will be published as an on-line database or on CD-ROM, as it will eventually be superseded by the Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts (VD17) (Index of German-language publications of the seventeenth century), currently in progress. However, a microfiche edition was published in 1996, making the catalog more affordable. This edition also includes the library's catalogs for Polish (RREO 94-3/4-351) and Hungarian (RREA 3:50) publications, and offers the printed index volumes at no additional cost. The catalog contains a total of 36,907 entries and represents a major step in providing bibliographic access to this richest and most inclusive collection of seventeenth-century German printed texts. It will be an indispensible tool until Wolfenbüttel's holdings are completely entered into the existing pool of electronic bibliographic data. [kp/nb]
. Reykjavík: Landsbókasafn Íslands. 30 cm. ISSN 0254-1378 (Landsbókasafn Íslands-Háskólabókasafn, Arngrimsgotu 3, IS-107 Reykjavik, fax 00354 525 5615, e-mail: lbs@bok.hi.is)Íslensk bókaskrá=The Icelandic National Bibliography
1984/88 (1994). ix, 419 p. ISBN 9979-800-12-7: ikr. (Icelandic crowns) 3,000; £39.00
The most recent cumulative volume of the Icelandic National Bibliography covers the period 1984-1988. Two earlier volumes with the slightly variant spelling Íslenzk bókaskrá covered 1974-1978 (published 1985) and 1979-1983 (published 1992). Regrettably, in spite of automation, there is a six-year difference between the date of publication and the date of coverage. This bibliography follows an established pattern of arrangement: an initial section arranged by the author's first name (in accordance with Icelandic practice), a short-title index and a subject index that uses only Icelandic subject terms. [sh/ldl]
[Petri-Schwabe, 1488-1988: A Basel Printer With a Rich Tradition As Seen Through His Early Publications]. Frank Hieronymus. Basel: Schwabe, 1997. 2 vols. 2,043 p. ill. 31 cm. ISBN 3-7965-1000-0: Sfr. 250.00, DM 290.001488 Petri-Schwabe 1988: eine traditionsreiche Basler Offizin im Spiegel ihrer frühen Drucke
This two-volume work is primarily an exhibition catalog of works printed by the Basel printer Johannes Petri and his successors, the present-day one being the Schwabe company. The emphasis is more on Petri and his immediate successors than on modern times. The 647 items listed here represent only a small portion of the total output of this company and only about one-half of the output of Petri himself. The individual items chosen for inclusion are described in great detail (possibly too much detail). Individual entries for each item include not only detailed bibliographical information, but also format, printer's number, information about persons to whom the books were dedicated, the ownership history of a book, as well as brief summaries of Latin prefaces and other prefatory material. There are also informative comments on each book's historical significance, which is perhaps the greatest strength of this publication. The catalog does not follow a strict chronological format, in order to group works according to individual authors, together with translations of these works. There are also numerous reproductions of title pages and illustrations, nine different indexes (all of them selective indexes), and a brief bibliography of secondary literature. [kp/ldl]
[Publications and Imprints of Lausanne: 1801-1890]. Ed. J.-F. Wullyamoz. 2d ed. Lausanne: Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, 1998. 2 vols. (Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, CH-1015 Lausanne-Dorigny)Editions et impressions lausannoises: 1801-1890
Unlike a previously reviewed bibliography of the 19th-century publications from the Swiss canton Ticino (RREA 3:25), which was both comprehensive and meticulously cataloged according to book in hand, this expanded version (listing 5,321 titles) of a 1995 publication is simply a portion of a database that lists the items published in Lausanne between 1801 and 1890. The database covers the libraries of French-speaking Switzerland and has been augmented by the holdings of the Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire. Serial publications are not included, the coverage of works that are identified only by title is incomplete and no explanation is given for the cut-off date of 1890, nor for the fact that some of the items listed were published before 1801. Only the database numbers are provided, not the call numbers of the libraries that hold these items. There are a variety of indexes, but some of them are mechanically produced and are less useful than those that accompany the above-mentioned bibliography of publications from Ticino. Unfortunately, the book as a whole has the appearance of a product of desktop publishing. [sh/ldl]
[Enlightenment in Zurich: The Publisher and Bookseller Orell, Gessner, Füssli & Co. in the Second Half of the 18th Century; With a Bibliography of the Publisher's Output from 1761-1798]. Thomas Bürger. Frankfurt am Main: Buchhändler-Vereinigung, 1997. Special issue of Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 48 (1997). ISBN 3-7657-2033-X: DM 198.00Aufklärung in Zürich: die Verlagsbuchhandlung Orell, Gessner, Füssli & Comp. in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts; mit einer Bibliographie der Verlagswerke 1761-1798
This study does not intend to cover the entire history of this venerable publishing house, which, although it was founded in 1761, had ties and mergers with other publishers dating back to 1519. Rather, it focuses on the period of Enlightenment and the publishing output of one particular publisher in an effort to demonstrate both general traits and inherent contradictions within the Enlightenment. It shows the great diversity of publishing in terms of form and content, and presents a view of the richness of literature which includes both the good and the bad, the truly ground-breaking and the ephemeral. Most of the 667 titles listed in the bibliography were identified in the collections of the Zurich Central Library and the Herzog August Library in Wolfenbüttel.
The bibliographic description of the works cited is solid, and contains the original price of the book based on an examination of publisher's and book fair catalogs. One real asset to the bibliography are references to original reviews. The internal organization of the bibliography is generally alphabetical within the overarching chronological hierarchy, although this scheme results in some quirkiness, which carries over into the index. These small points notwithstanding, this is a thorough and well-researched work that documents the under-researched topic of publishing history in the period of the Enlightenment. [rf/sd]
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