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[German-Japanese Societies, 1888-1996]. Ed. Günther Haasch. Berlin: Edition Colloquium, 1996. xxx, 625 p. ill. 22 cm. p. 603-625 "Überblick über die deutsch-japanischen Gesellschaften nach Städten ihres Sitzes" [Survey of German-Japanese Societies by City]. ISBN 3-89166-192-4: DM 79.00Die deutsch-japanischen Gesellschaften von 1888-1996
This volume consists of two parts. The first, much longer, part is a historical account of German-Japanese associations, based (as much as possible) on documents in the German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv) in Koblenz. It begins with the first, Wa-Doku-Kai (1888-1912), followed by the Deutsch-Japanische Arbeitsgemeinschaft (founded 1928), which changed its name to Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft in 1929. The role of the latter during the Third Reich is given in particular detail because it served as an instrument for influencing public opinion. The author of this part, Annette Hack, is identified in the table of contents as the author of chapters 1-5 (i.e., the historical account), yet on the title page, she is only listed among the contributors to Chapter 6.
The second part, Chapter 6, consists of individual entries submitted by the numerous German- Japanese societies founded since the war. Many of them work together in the umbrella organization that originated in the Foreign Office, the Verband der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaften (Association of German-Japanese Societies). The activities described by the groups are not very impressive, with the exception of scholarly societies, such as the Deutsch-Japanischer Juristenverband (German-Japanese Association of Lawyers), which publishes a journal. There is an address list arranged alphabetically by place. [sh/gh]
[50 Years Max Planck Society for the Promotion of Science]. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 25 cm. ISBN 3-428-09068-3: DM 148.0050 Jahre Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
Part 1. Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1948-1998 [Chronology of the Max Planck Society for the Promotion of the Sciences, 1948-1998]. Eckart Henning and Marion Kazemi. 1998. xx, 588 p. ill.
Part 2. Wissenschaftliche Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften im Bild [Members of the Max Planck Society for the Promotion of the Sciences, in Pictures]. Comp. Eckart Henning and Dirk Ullmann. 1998. xii, 766 p. ill.
In late February German newspapers reported on the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Max Planck Society for the Promotion of Science, as large advertisements broadcast a slogan citing fifty years of outstanding research leading to 15 Nobel Prizes. Reference was also made to an Internet website at which information about the Max Planck Society can be found: http://www.mpg.de.
The Max Planck Society was founded on February 26, 1948, for the advancement of the sciences, and its foremost purpose has been the support of research institutions. The anniversary also prompted the publication of this two-volume retrospective. The extent of the work of the Institute is shown in figures which reflect the endowment of 80 institutes and research centers with a staff of 11,000, among them 2,750 scientists.
Volume 1 consists of a chronological handbook in which the important events in the life of the Max Planck Institute are summarized year by year. Texts of notable addresses as well as pictures of important figures and various research institutes are also included. A complete index is appended. Due to the strictly chronological nature of the volume, it is difficult to get a picture of the activities of the individual institutes.
Volume 2 forms a portrait collection of 691 (including 228 deceased) scientific members of the Max-Planck-Institute, arranged chronologically according to date of induction. A name index is included. Unfortunately only minimal facts about the members are offered, such as birth and death dates, research positions, and honors received by the Institute. [sh/tk]
[Directory of German Foundations]. Published for the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen e.V. Darmstadt: Hoppenstedt. 25 cm.Verzeichnis der deutschen Stiftungen
3d ed. (1997). xix, 1127, 105, 97 p. ISBN 3-8203-0321-9: DM 245.00
Since the previous, second edition of this work was reviewed in RREA 1:79, this review will highlight only the chief features plus comments on some new additions to the work. The basis of the index is a database created by the Bundesverband deutscher Stiftungen (Federal Association of German Foundations), which derives from questionnaires and information from the offices responsible for the regulation of the various foundations. Complete coverage was the goal; however religious institutions which are not active outside of the religious domain were excluded. As in the previous editions, the data in the internal database (on which the printed index is based) are more comprehensive than in the printed version, since 1,180 of the foundations did not consent to have their data published, and many were reluctant to release statements concerning their finances. Complete entries in the work list name, address (without e-mail addresses), year of creation, founders, structure of the foundations, members, statements of purpose, financial assets, and annual disbursements. Cross-references are provided for variant forms of the names of the foundations. A place and subject index is appended. The suggestion was made in the previous review to subdivide the 17 categories geographically, thereby making the subject index much more usable, and to number the individual entries rather than just the pages, to make both the indexes more efficient. Those suggestions are repeated here. As an addendum to this edition, a statistical overview provides interesting insights into the variety of German foundations.
This work is certainly the most comprehensive work of its type for Germany. Das Stiftungshandbuch, which is limited to grant-providing institutions, has not appeared since 1989, but will, according to schedule, be re-issued by the publisher by 2000. The Maecenata-Stiftungsführer (RREO 97-1/2-099; RREA 3:201) likewise covers a narrower field with emphasis on grant-providing foundations. [sh/tk]
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