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[Cologne Working Papers on Library and Information Science]. Ed. Christine Bieletzki and Wolfgang G. Stock. Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, Fachbereich Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen. 30 cm. ISSN 1434-1107 (Print); ISSN 1434-1115 (Internet). (Fachhochschule . . ., Claudiusstr. 1, 50678 Köln, fax [049 221] 3318583)Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft
Vol. 2 (1997)-
In the period of its pre- and early history, the well-known Cologne Institute published the series Arbeiten aus dem Bibliothekar-Lehrinstitut des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen 1 (1953)-53 (1981), and as a successor series, Kölner Arbeiten zum Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen 1 (1981)-21 (1995). Although it appeared as if this series had ceased with volume 21, it is soon to be resumed under the title Kölner Arbeitspapiere zum Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen. Number 1, which will report on new course offerings, is scheduled to appear in the fall of 1998. In its coverage the new series will actually not form a continuation of the earlier one. The earlier series dealt more with publications of docents/lecturers, and partially with research papers, but the selection was very restrictive, which is reflected in the publication of only 21 titles over 15 years. The new series is evidently more generous, even though it is strictly refereed. Works by docents/lecturers, student term papers, and preprints are included. All of the titles are being made accessible on the Web at (go to http://www.fbi.fh-koeln.de), making it convenient for the rest of the world to keep up with the latest in German library and information science research. [sh/tk]
[Ecclesiastical Archives in Germany: A Survey of the Literature for Archivists, Historians, and Genalogists]. Uwe Czubatynski. Cutoff date: February 1996. Neustadt a. d. Aisch: Degener, 1996. 125 p. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Archive und Bibliotheken in der Evangelischen Kirche, 21). ISBN 3-7686-2069-7: DM 38.00Das kirchliche Archivwesen in Deutschland: eine Literaturübersicht für Archivare, Historiker und Genealogen
Presented by a known authority in the area of ecclesiastical archival studies, this bibliography's 867 entries are organized into four sections: (1) general descriptions, (2) Protestant archives, (3) Catholic archives, and (4) ecclesiastical archives outside Germany. The striking imbalance between Chapters 2 (with 501 entries) and 3 (with 178 entries) is not explained by the author, who is a member of the Protestant community. It almost seems as if he decided to examine the Catholic contributions later. The selection in the fourth section seems to be based on serendipity rather than method. The sections are subdivided by regional church or diocese, as appropriate, and the bibliography includes listings of ecclesiastical books and Protestant ministers, as well as indexes to persons, places and subjects. A second edition that gives adequate consideration to the Catholic archives would be very welcome. [sh/rm]
[Guide to the Archives of Paris for the 19th and 20th Centuries: Centralized Collections on Politics, Economy, and Society in Archives and Libraries]. Andreas Wilkens. Sigmaringen: Thorbecke, 1997. 207 p. 25 cm. (Instrumenta, 2) ISBN 3-7995-7266-X: DM 38.00Archivführer Paris 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: zentrale Bestände zu Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Archiven und Bibliotheken
This guide to Parisian archives and their collections supersedes the 1976 directory Pariser Archive, Bibliotheken und Dokumentationszentren zur Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, also overseen by the Deutsches Historisches Institut (German Historical Institute) in Paris. Though the title also includes libraries, the emphasis is clearly on the archives. Included are addresses, hours, and admission policies for the major archives; archives dealing with business and industry, political parties, trade unions, and employers' associations; government organizations, ministries, and central authorities; general libraries; libraries and archives of modern history; and special libraries and archives. Overviews of collections are given, with relevant literature cited, and an addendum reprints the current law governing use of archives and its 1979 implementation order; these may soon be replaced by new, less restrictive regulations. While this guide highlights collections of 19th and 20th century history, it will also be a time-saver to those interested in earlier French history who are planning research trips to Paris. [sh/rm]
[Archival Sources: Catalog of Guides and Published Inventory Lists (1861-1991)]. Ed. for the Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici by Maria Teresa Piano Mortari and Isotta Scandaliato Ciciani. Roma: Ministero per I Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici, 1995. 537 p. 25 cm. (Pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato: Sussidi, 8) ISBN 88-7125-101-6: price not listed. (Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Piazza Verdi 10, I-00198 Roma)Le fonti archivistiche: catalogo delle guide e degli inventari editi (1861-1991)
At the inception of this project in 1983, general director of Italian central archive administration Renato Grispo ordered Italy's 95 state archives and 20 superintendencies for archives to report the published finding aids of the Divisione Studi e Pubblicazioni dell'Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Archivistici (Division of Studies and Publications of the Central Office for Archival Materials). These finding aids will be presented as bibliographies in volumes devoted to abstracts, exhibition catalogs, and archival guides and inventories. The catalog of archival guides and inventories reviewed here is the first of these bibliographies, and covers all Italian archives, including the Archivio Segreto Vaticano (Secret Vatican Archive) and the Archivio Governativo (Government Archive) of the Republic of San Marino. Approximately 2,000 publications are listed for the period 1861-1991, and information is arranged by general, regional, local and thematic headings. The extensive index, occupying almost half of the entire volume, will be helpful to users searching by subject, but is sometimes excessively detailed. Contact information is current and will ease the work of historians. Two important guides published after the cutoff date (in 1994) and therefore not listed here are worth mentioning: Guida generale degli archivi di Stato italiani, vol. 4, and Guida degli archivi diocesani d'Italia, vol. 2. [jp/rm]
[Music in Libraries: Materials, Collections, Music Librarianship]. Kurt Dorfmüller and Markus Müller-Benedict. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1997. xxii, 302 p. ill. 25 cm. (Elemente des Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, 15) ISBN 3-88226-887-5: DM 68.00Musik in Bibliotheken: Materialien, Sammlungstypen, musikbibliothekarische Praxis
This first German-language overview of the various components of music librarianship is aimed primarily at working librarians entrusted with new responsibilities, and at users of music libraries, but experienced music librarians will find much of interest here as well. The content focuses on scores and audiovisual materials, as they demand more specialized knowledge than does the secondary literature. The reader will find information about their history, organization, and acquisition, as well as about important existing collections. She must, however, also be prepared to deal with such shortcomings as: (1) an index that has inconsistently formatted name entries and that refers to chapters (most very long) rather than pages; (2) a number of inaccuracies involving dates, editions, and publishers; and (3) no mention of the Internet as a resource of growing importance. These will need to be corrected in the next edition. [mr/gw]
[Handbook of Historical Book Collections in Germany]. Ed. Bernhard Fabian and Karen Kloth. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms-Weidmann. 30 cm.
Vol. 2. Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony]. Pt. 1. A-G. Ed. Paul Raabe and Alwin Müller-Jerina. 1998. 274 p. ISBN 3-487-09575-0: DM 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
Vol. 11. Bayern [Bavaria]: A-H. Ed. Eberhard Dünninger and Irmela Holtmeier. 1997. 367 p. ISBN 3-487-09585-8: DM 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
Vol. 12. Bayern: I-R. Ed. Eberhard Dünninger and Irmela Holtmeier. 1996. 280 p. ISBN 3-487-09586-6: 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
Vol. 13. Bayern: S-Z. Ed. Eberhard Dünninger and Irmela Holtmeier. 1997. 372 p. ISBN 3-487-09587-4: DM 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
Vol. 17. Sachsen [Saxony]: A-K. Ed. Friedhilde Krause, Waltraud Guth and Dietmar Debes. 1997. 325 p. ISBN 3-487-10498-9: DM 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
Vol 18. Sachsen: L-Z. Ed. Friedhilde Krause, Dietmar Debes and Waltraud Guth. 1997. 404 p. ISBN 3-487-10499-7: DM 248.00, DM 198.00 (subscription)
With the appearance of volume 11, the section of this "encyclopedia of historic library collections" devoted to Bavaria has been completed, but in an unexpected and disappointing fashion. The introductory article presenting an overview of collections in Bavaria, originally slated for volume 10 (on Munich) and then moved to volume 11, finally had to be abandoned. (Might it not have been reassigned?) Instead, the references to other works containing overviews of Bavarian library history, found at the end of volume 13, will have to serve. Such articles, however, are included in the first volumes for Saxony (vol. 17 and 18) and Lower Saxony (vol. 2). All volumes contain, as their main feature, descriptive articles about significant collections of older books in Germany, arranged by state and within each state (Bundesland) by city. Most are a few pages long, but a few are much longer: the main library at the University of Leipzig, at the extreme, commands 127 pages. The concluding volume for each state contains an index for the whole section.
Reviews of earlier volumes in this large-scale undertaking can be found in RREO 1995 (RREA 1:103) and 1996 (RREA 2:48). Of the volumes published since 1993, volumes 1-13 cover the old (i.e. West) German federal states and volumes 14-15 (greater Berlin) and 16 (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) continue the series for the first of the new federal states. A related publication for Austria has just been completed (see RREO 98-1/2-059, below). [sh/gw]
Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland [Special Libraries in Germany]. Ed. Petra Hauke and Gisela Bartz. Bad Honnef: Bock und Herchen. 25 cm.
Vol. 3. Parlamente, Behörden, öffentliche Verwaltung: Verzeichnis der Bibliotheken der öffentlichen und kirchlichen Verwaltung, der Verwaltungsschulen und -hochschulen, der Einrichtungen des Fachinformationswesens der Bundeswehr sowie der bundes- und landeseigenen Forschungsanstalten [Parliaments, Agencies, Public Administration: Index to Libraries of Public and Ecclesiastical Administrations, Colleges of Administration, the Army, and Federal and State Research Centers]. In cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Parlaments- und Behördenbibliotheken. 1997. x, 235 p. ISBN 3-88347-191-7: DM 68.00
Legislative bodies and government agencies are the focus of this latest volume, which follows the format of the earlier two (on medical and art libraries; see RREO 1996 and RREA 2:56), presenting addresses as well as information on staff, hours, organizational memberships, collections, and catalogs for 1,250 libraries. As the information is obtained through questionnaires, its completeness and dependability will vary with each library. Entries are indexed by institution, personal name, automation system, association, and keyword. [sah/gw]
[Library of Judaism: the Hebraica and Judaica Collection of the City and University Library in Frankfurt am Main; Origins, History and Current Responsibilties]. Rachel Heuberger. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1996. 230 p. ill. 21 cm. (Frankfurter Bibliotheksschriften, 4) ISBN 3-465-02863-5 (paper): DM 38.00Bibliothek des Judentums: die Hebraica- und Judaica-Sammlung der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main; Entstehung, Geschichte und heutige Aufgaben
This work is actually not a reference book per se, but a history of the outstanding Hebraica and Judaica collection of the City and University Library (Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek) in Frankfurt am Main. The well-researched and richly illustrated volume was compiled by the current head of the department and contains the following chapters: (1) the origins of the collection (chiefly donations of Jewish citizens), (2) the work of Aaron Freimann (1871-1948), the top Hebraica bibliographer of his day, (3) the fate of the collection during the Nazi era, which it survived with the exception of the Hebraica literature that was not removed to remote storage on time, (4) the early post-war years under library director Hanns W. Eppelsheimer and the seemingly miraculous recovery of the Hebraica manuscripts that had been thought lost (they were found in a bunker), (5) rebuilding the collection, (6) the present situation, (7) the future. A selective bibliography lists unpublished sources, catalogs and secondary literature. [sh/hh]
. [Literature: Annual of the Icelandic National Library and University Library]. Reykjavík: Landsbókasafn Íslands-Háskólabókasafn. 25 cm. ISSN 1027-4448. (Landsbókasafn Íslands-Háskólabókasafn, Árngrímsgötu 3, IS-107 Reykjavík, fax [354 1] 563 5615)Ritmennt: ársrit Landsbókasafns Íslands-Háskólabókasafns
1st ed. (1996). 160 p. ill. isk. (Icelandic crowns) 3,200; £ 30.00
The National Library of Iceland has been united under one roof with the University Library in a new building since December 1, 1994 and has since been known as the Icelandic National Library and University Library (Landsbókasafn Islands-Háskólabókasafn). It publishes an annual called Ritmennt ("Literature," in the sense of "all things written"), which can be seen as the successor to the Árbók (Yearbook) of the Landsbókasafn Íslands, which appeared from 1944 to 1993. The format is larger and more colorful, but the content remains essentially the same: reports on the happenings at the National and University Library, special gifts of the past year, and articles about people, such as librarians or significant personalities of Icelandic culture. Fortunately, there are English-language abstracts of all articles at the end of the volume, though, for some strange reason, the titles are not translated. [sh/hh]
[Handbook of Historical Book Collections in Austria]. Ed. Helmut W. Lang. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms-Weidmann. 30 cm.
Vol. 4. Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg. Ed. Wilma Buchinger and Konstanze Mittendorfer. 1997. 376 p. ISBN 3-487-09908-1: DM 198.00, DM 148.00 (series)
This guide to Austria's historical library collections, which is being produced in collaboration with the Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland (see RREO 98-1/2-054, above), is now complete in four volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 (the Vienna volumes) appeared in 1994 and 1995 (see the in-depth review in RREO 1995/RREA 1:104); volume 3, the first half of the federal states, covering B (Burgenland) through S (Salzburg) came out in 1996 (see RREO 1996/RREA 2:49). This, the fourth volume, covers the states of Steiermark (97 p.), Tirol (70 p.), and Vorarlberg (33 p.). Monastic libraries are found in all three of these states; the first two states also have university and institute libraries listed in the volume. A bibliography and a combined index for all four volumes concludes the volume. [sh/hh]
[Handbook of German Historical Book Collections in Europe: A Survey of Collections in Selected Libraries]. Ed. Bernhard Fabian. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms-Weidmann. 30 cm.
Vol. 2. Tschechische Republik: Schloßbibliotheken unter der Verwaltung des Nationalmuseums in Prag [Czech Republic: Palace Libraries Under the Administration of the National Museum in Prague]. Ed. Petr Masek. ISBN 3-487-10355-9: DM 298.00, DM 248.00 (set), DM 178.00 (series subscription)
This volume represents another contribution to the series of handbooks covering historic book collections published by Olms-Weidemann; the last volume of the Austrian set was discussed above (RREO 98-1/2-059). The series Handbuch deutscher historischer Buchbestände in Europa [Handbook of German Historical Book Collections in Europe] represents an "attempt . . . to systematically show the distribution of historical materials from the German-speaking region in libraries of the non-German-speaking European countries." Of special importance are the countries of central, eastern, and northern Europe, where for centuries German was the lingua franca. This led to the importation of books from Germany as well as to the publication of German-language books in those countries.
The handbook begins with three volumes covering the Czech Republic, the first of which will cover the Prague libraries; the second, the palace libraries; and the third, the other libraries of Bohemia and Moravia. These library collections are historically more interesting than, for example, those of the British Library with regard to German materials, since the collections grew "naturally" through the centuries, rather than being acquired--as collections--after the fact. It is quite likely, therefore, that many rare publications will be found here.
Volume 2, the first to appear, describes the relevant collections of 177 of the 341 palace libraries under the auspices of the Prague National Museum. These libraries contain an astonishing wealth of books back to the 16th century--a combined total of around 1,672,000 volumes.
The libraries are listed alphabetically under the Czech name of their original location, even though many of the collections have been moved elsewhere (intact!) since the libraries were nationalized in 1945 and 1948. The articles have the same internal organization as in the German and Austrian handbooks: (1) history of the collection, (2) description, (3) catalogs, (4) library history, (5) publications describing the collections. The wealth of information under point 5 underscores the care that has been given these treasures, particularly since they have been administered by the Prague National Museum. This includes union catalogs for special categories of materials (e.g., incunabula) and an online union catalog of palace libraries, now up to 60,000 volumes.
A couple of features worth mentioning are the detailed site maps of the libraries and the alphabetical list of the historical German place names (which also appear in brackets following each use of the Czech names in the text). The volume includes personal name and subject indexes. The latter shows the same inconsistencies noted by the reviewers of the German handbooks; the best solution would be to devise a thesaurus of index terms for the whole handbook series and adhere to it across the board. [sh/hh]
[Museums of Italy]. Ed. Elisabetta Sampietro. Milano: Giorgio Mondadori, 1997. 323 p. ill. 28 cm. (Bell'Italia-grandi guide, 3) Expanded and updated ed. of Tutti i musei d'Italia. Rozzano: Ed. Domus, 1984. ISBN 88-374-1557-5: Lit. 18,000Musei d'Italia
This directory of Italian museums is the third in a series of special issues of Bell'Italia, the richly illustrated magazine read by Italy's visitors and citizens alike. It lists 2,700 museums, 1,200 more than its predecessor, Tutti i musei d'Italia (Rozzano: Domus, 1984), including state, municipal, church, and private museums. It is organized by region, north to south, then by city. The listings for each museum include name, type of museum, services offered (both coded with a system of symbols), address, phone number, brief description, selected highlights, hours of operation and entrance fee. The latter two categories go out of date very quickly (not only in Italy), as was demonstrated when the reviewer tested the guide against the museum flyer distributed by the Florence tourist office in February of 1998. Because of the unavoidable inaccuracies, this directory should be used in travel planning rather than on site, and it needs to be supplemented with other guides (of which there are many fine ones on Italy) for information about the collections themselves. An updated edition has been announced. [sh/hh]
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