AB -- Bibliographies and Catalogs

Internationale Bibliographie der Bibliographien 1959-1988 (IBB) = International Bibliography of Bibliographies 1959-1988. Ed. Hartmut Walravens for the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz. München: Saur. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-33734-5: DM 360.00/vol. [99-1/4-007]

Vol. 1,1. Allgemeine Bibliographie [General Bibliography]. 1998. x, 358 p. ISBN 3-598-33735-3

Vol. 2,2. Bildungswesen und Erziehung [Education and Pedagogy]; 2,3. Geographie, Kartographie, Geodäsie [Geography, Cartography, Geodesy]; 2,4. Geschichte [History]. 1999 [publ. 1998]. ix, 325 p. ISBN 3-598-33736-1

Vol. 3,5. Information, Bibliotheken, Museen [Information, Libraries, Museums]; 3,6. Kunst [Art]; 3,7. Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Tierhaltung [Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry]; 3,8. Mathematik [Mathematics]. 1999. x, 309 p. ISBN 3-598-33734-5

The publication of a projected twelve-volume International Bibliography of Bibliographies (IBB) in our times is quite an undertaking, especially since this work attempts to continue Theodore Besterman's monumental reference work A World Bibliography of Bibliographies. As one learns from its foreword, the IBB is a consolidated cumulation of the twenty-nine volumes of the Bibliographische Berichte/Bibliographical Bulletin (BB) (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1959-1988) which contain about 100,000 sets of data, to which another 10,000 that had not yet been published when BB was discontinued in 1987 were added. The use of BB is cumbersome due to its many volumes, insufficient indexing, and changes in the system of entries. The publication of a more systematic cumulation of the entries in BB and additional ones kept only in card files is therefore to be welcomed. Volume 1 of IBB covers general bibliographies, volumes 2 through 8 cumulate bibliographies under broad subjects, and volumes 9 through 12 are to contain detailed indexes.

From the start BB was arranged by subjects, which were further subdivided by subtopics. Beginning with volume 12 (1970) the arrangement changed to eighteen subject groups in alphabetical order. The arrangement remained the same from then on except for the last two volumes (1986-1987), which were divided into sixty-five subject groups. IBB uses the eighteen subject groups found in volumes 12 through 27 of BB. One positive aspect of IBB is that it lists all volumes of serial bibliographies under the parent title, thus consolidating and reducing the total number of entries (as compared to BB). However, these listings are not always complete.

The arrangement and presentation of entries leave much to be desired. The result is that the cumulation is not easy to use and not as useful as it could have been. There is a pervasive lack of further subdivision of subjects which makes it almost impossible to find desired titles. For example, in volume 2, section 4.5, 3,802 titles are listed alphabetically under the heading "Europa." Certain subsections could have been consolidated; other sections contain titles that should have been listed elsewhere. Especially section 1.10 (Bio-bibliographies) would have benefited from much more clean-up work.

In summary, IBB falls far short of providing a useful cumulation of BB. This bibliography is a disappointment and does not come close to the standards set by Besterman. [sh/ba]

Bibliographie Bernhard Bischoff und Verzeichnis aller von ihm herangezogenen Handschriften [Bernhard Bischoff: Bibliography and Catalog of the Manuscripts Consulted by Him]. Sigrid Krämer. Frankfurt am Main: Knecht, 1998. 235 p. 21 cm. (Fuldaer Hochschulschriften, 27) ISBN 3-7820-0760-3: DM 32.00 [99-1/4-008]

Handschriftenarchiv Bernhard Bischoff (Bibliothek der Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Hs. C1, C2) [Manuscript Archive of Bernhard Bischoff (Library of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Ms. C1, C2)]. Microfiche edition. Ed. Arno Mentzel-Reuters. München: Monumenta Germaniae Historica. (Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Hilfsmittel, 16) ISBN 3-88612-116-X: DM 198.00 [99-1/4-009]

Printed volume. 1997. 219 p. 22 cm

MGH Bibliothek, Hs. C1: Handschriftenarchiv Bischoff [MGH Library, Ms. C1: Manuscript Archive Bischoff]. [1997]. 76 Microfiches

MGH Bibliothek, Hs. C2: Handschriftenarchiv Lehmann [MGH Library, Ms. C2: Manuscript Archive Lehmann] [1997]. 12 Microfiches

Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der Wisigotischen) [Catalog of Ninth-Century Continental Manuscripts, with the Exception of the Visigothic]. Bernhard Bischoff. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für die Herausgabe der Mittelalterlichen Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz; Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) [99-1/4-010]

Part 1. Aachen-Lambach. 1998. xxviii, 495 p. ISBN 3-447-03196-4: DM 298.00

Bernhard Bischoff (1906-1991) was one of the foremost paleographers of the twentieth century. These three complementary works form a capstone to his work.

Sigrid Krämer's bibliography provides not only a list of Bischoff's works but, more importantly, serves as an index to all of the manuscripts cited in Bischoff's writings, including information about provenance and location of the original as well as an exact citation to Bischoff's discussion of the manuscript. (Manuscripts covered by the other two publications reviewed here are not included in this bibliography.)

The Handschriftenarchiv Bernard Bischoff, presented in the prestigious Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Hilfsmittel series, brings to the scholarly researcher a significant portion of Bischoff's legacy in a microfiche edition. This work consists of approximately 15,000 annotations concerning manuscripts in libraries from around Europe, collected by Bischoff in many bibliographical journeys beginning in the 1930s, and here ordered for publication into country/region, place, and library. An accompanying volume provides further indexing. The descriptions range from excerpts of manuscript inventories and printed catalogs to extensive notices and transcriptions from the manuscripts themselves. However, since Bischoff's own observations are not easily distinguishable from those published elsewhere, the value of this microfiche publication seems questionable. It was, perhaps, more a wish to honor a distinguished scholar than scholarly necessity that caused the editor to decide to bring out materials never intended for publication.

Until now, Bischoff's 1979 Paleographie, which has been translated into English, French, and Italian, has served as his crowning achievement, but in the future scholars will mention his Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts in the same breath. His original intent was to cover all manuscripts produced in the ninth century in Carolingian minuscule and in the Beneventana scripts from France, Germany, and Italy, as well as those from the Anglo-Saxon and Irish traditions. At Bischoff's death this undertaking remained incomplete; in fact, it is probably not capable of completion. By 1991, he estimated some 7,000 items would need to be included. Because of the volume of material, Bischoff concentrated on dating and localizing these manuscripts as precisely as possible, using paleographic analysis to identify the products of specific scriptoria or regions. His aim was to create a paleographic catalog, and not, as the title chosen by the editors suggests, a broadly descriptive scholarly catalog.

The first volume of work was prepared for publication by Birgit Ebersperger of the Bavarian Academy of Science, based on page proofs edited by Bischoff before he died; some portions remain more thorough and complete than others. Although Bischoff's work on this volume was the most advanced, it remains unfinished and lacks needed illustrations and photographs. Nonetheless, this work will provide for the foreseeable future the standard of canonical authority for manuscripts of the eighth and ninth centuries, an important period in the development of European culture. [bm/baw]

Die illuminierten Handschriften des 13. Jahrhunderts deutscher Herkunft in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [German Illuminated Manuscripts of the Thirteenth Century in the Bavarian State Library]. Elisabeth Klemm. Wiesbaden: Reichert. 32 cm. (Katalog der illuminierten Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek in München, 4) ISBN 3-89500-060-4: DM 328.00 [99-1/4-011]

Textband [Texts]. 1998. 317 p.

Tafelband [Illustrations]. 1998. 236 p.

Elisabeth Klemm, the author of this, her third catalog, has in the past twenty years made significant contributions, both theoretical and practical, to the development of artistic-historical special catalogs in Germany. In this catalog, the author describes all of the thirteenth-century illuminated manuscripts and fragments of German origin that are preserved in the Bavarian State Library. A descriptive catalog of thirteenth-century French and Italian manuscripts from this collection is planned for later publication.

The manuscripts described here came to the collections of the Bavarian State Library largely as a result of the secularization movement of the early nineteenth century. For the most part, though not exclusively, they stem from Bavaria and eastern Swabia. Materials included form a spectrum ranging from the oldest surviving German paper codex to one of the most famous manuscripts of the Middle Ages, the Carmina Burana, whose origin the author convincingly places in Carinthia. In addition to exhaustive descriptions of the manuscripts which, taken together, provide an excellent overview of German book production in the thirteenth century, the text volume contains indexes of catalog numbers, previous owners, personal names, places, and subjects, along with indexes of decorative elements and iconography. The 292 manuscripts and fragments analyzed by the author are documented with over 700 illustrations in a separate volume, which greatly facilitates use.

This work is the masterful result of extensive research involving questions of paleography, provenance, language, and art-historical significance. It opens new avenues for scholarly inquiry into the illuminated book in Germany. [bm/baw]

Die Ratsbibliothek Hof: Katalog der Inkunabeln, Frühdrucke und Handschriften mit einer Darstellung der Bibliotheksgeschichte [The Council Library in Hof: Catalog of Incunabula, Early Printing, and Manuscripts; with a History of the Library]. Karsten Kühnel. Hof: Verlag des Nordoberfränkischen Vereins für Natur-, Geschichts- und Landeskunde, 1998. 95 p. 30 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Stadtarchivs Hof, 3) ISBN 3-928626-31-0: DM 10.00. (Stadtarchiv Hof, Postfach 1665, D-95015 Hof/Saale, fax [49 9281] 815-613) [99-1/4-012] This annotated catalog presents eighty-five manuscripts, mainly from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, sixteen incunabula, and around 200 printed books from 1501-1550, mostly in theology and law. These works are a selection from the 5,000 titles in 2,200 volumes of the Hof Council Library, preserved today in the Hof City Archives (Stadtarchiv Hof). The volume updates a seventy-year-old catalog of the library's manuscripts, and makes accessible what had previously been only an internal catalog of printed pieces (that surprisingly often were produced abroad, in places such as Paris, Basel, Strasbourg, and Leiden, and not by printers in Hof). In addition, records for the sixteenth-century titles have been added to the online catalog of the Association of Bavarian Libraries (Bibliotheksverbund Bayern), and the incunabula can be accessed at the website of the city of Hof: <http://www.hof.baynet.de/~stadt_hof/2271_arv.htm. The volume provides information on marginalia, owners' marks, sales prices, dedications, etc., constituting a helpful resource for local historians. Supplementing the catalog is information about related source materials in the Stadtarchiv Hof, as well as information about its nonarchival collections, making this a useful guide to the collections of this repository. [kp/baw]
  Bibliotheca Palatina: Druckschriften [The Print Collections of the Palatine Library]. München: Saur, 1989-1995 [99-1/4-013]

Mikrofiche-Ausgabe [Microfiche Edition]. Ed. Leonard Boyle and Elmar Mittler. 1989-1995. 21,103 silver-halide fiches. ISBN 3-598-32880-X: DM 58,000.00

Katalog und Register zur Mikrofiche-Ausgabe [Catalog and Index to the Microfiche Edition]. Ed. Elmar Mittler. 30 cm. ISBN 3-598-32886-9 (Catalog and Index set): DM 1,980.00; DM 1,200.00 (for purchasers of the microfiche edition)

Vol. 1. Bibliographie: A-K [Bibliography: A-K]. 1999. xxvi, 508 p. ISBN 3-598-32887-7

Vol. 2. Bibliographie: L-Z [Bibliography: L-Z]. 1999. xii p., p. 511-1,041. ISBN 3-598-32888-5

Vol. 3. Register: Signaturen, Mikrofiches, Erscheinungsjahre [Indexes: Call-Numbers, Microfiches, Publication Years]. 1999. xii, 476 p. ISBN 3-598-32889-3

Vol. 4. Register: Personen, Verleger bzw. Drucker, Verlags- bzw. Druckorte [Indexes: Persons, Publishers and Printers, Places of Publication or Printing]. 1999. xii p., p. 479-905. ISBN 3-598-32882-6

The Palatine Library, brought from Heidelberg to Rome in 1623 as part of the spoils of the Thirty Years' War, has sometimes been called the "Mother of all Libraries." A treasure of the Vatican, it remains today one of the greatest of European collections.

The microfiche edition of the original materials, along with the catalog and indexes, is the result of work begun in 1989 to provide, along with careful microreproduction, complete descriptive bibliographical information for all the Palatine volumes with the exception of some which have found their way into other collections, which have been lost, or which for some reason could not be filmed. Included are incunabula as well as printed works of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Entries in the catalog volumes (volumes 1-2) include author, title, place of publication, printer/publisher, year of printing, number of leaves/pages, and original catalog number, along with additional information and microfiche number. Volumes 3-4 comprise an index of catalog numbers, index to the microfiche, a chronological index, index of all personal names included in the entries, an index of printers/publishers with their works, and an index of places of publication. Included are more than 12,000 catalog entries, the majority from the sixteenth century. The complete work, including covers and markings, for all existing copies and editions, has been filmed--an important feature for a collection of this kind. Unfortunately, no information is provided with regard to provenances.

With this project, a great collection has been recovered and made available for scholarship. [kp/baw]

My Gracious Silence: Women in the Mirror of 16th Century Printing in Western Europe. Axel Erdmann. Luzern: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1999. xxv, 319 p. ill. 27 cm. SFr. 115.00. (Gilhofer ..., Trüllhofstr. 20A, CH-6004 Luzern, fax [41 41] 240 50 01) [99-1/4-015] This book, whose title derives from Shakespeare's Coriolanus, intends with "my gracious silence" to illustrate both the reality and the literary representation of women from biblical times through the Reformation era. It consists of two quantitatively equal sections. The first documents a collection of sixteenth-century publications that offer insight into the role of women during that time. Based on holdings in Yale's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the inventory describes publications directed specifically to women, such as advice books, beauty manuals, and devotional books, under such categories as adultery, beauty, fashion, feminism, and work. Included are small reproductions of title pages, short excerpts from the originals, and descriptions of the contents, authors, and significance of the works. A chapter entitled "Triumph over Silence" focuses on works written or created by women writers, artists, artisans, or publishers.

The second, bibliographical, section of the work includes an alphabetical list of "Books On and For Women," and four short-title lists: "Women Writers," "Books with Music by Women," "Books Illustrated by Women," and "Women in the Book Business." Concluding this section is an unannotated checklist of secondary literature covering some 1,200 entries.

This is a useful bibliographical guide for those with an interest in gender studies. [kp/baw]

Kenya Books in Print. Nairobi: Kenya Publishers Association. 21 cm. (African Books Collective Ltd., The Jam Factory, 27 Park End Street, Oxford OX1 1HU, England) [99-1/4-016]

1997. xvi, 364 p. ISBN 9966-9956-0-9: &pound;21.50.

OMIMEE's Book of Books from Tanzania: A Bibliography of Books Published and Available in Tanzania. Köln: OMIMEE Intercultural Publishers. 30 cm. (OMIMEE Intercultural Publishers, Postfach 501706, D-50977 Köln, fax [49 221] 396369) [99-1/4-017]

Vol. 1. 1998/99. Comp. Jörg Berchem. 1999. 87 p. ISBN 3-921008-25-5: DM 42.00.

The appearance of both works is welcome, given the spotty coverage of national bibliography and book selection tools in Africa (though that has improved markedly in the last quarter-century, thanks in large part to various IFLA initiatives); African Books in Print, for example, has not been updated since 1993. In its first edition, the Kenyan register lists some 3,000 books in print as of May 1997, from thirty-eight publishers. It offers separate alphabetical sequences by author and by title, citations remarkably full for a publication of this type, an index of textbooks subdivided into three target groups, a keyword index, and a directory of publishers. The German-produced bibliography for Tanzania contains 1,587 entries, with shorter citations (publication date and number of pages are missing, in contrast to the Kenyan work), arranged by keyword and author. [sh/gw]
  Verzeichnis der lieferbaren Broschüren (VdlB) [Index to Pamphlets in Print]. Ed. Axel Diederich and Eef Vermeij for ID-Archiv at IISG, Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG. 30 cm. (Stichting Beheer IISG, Cruquiusweg 31, NL-1019 AT Amsterdam, fax [31 20] 665 41 81) [99-1/4-018]

1994/97 (1998). 302 p. (Arbeitspapier, ID-Archiv at IISG, 2) ISBN 90-6861-147-X: DM 30.00, DM 35.00 (with diskettes)

Verzeichnis der Alternativ-Medien (VaM) [Index to Alternative Media]. Ed. Axel Diederich and Eef Vermeij for ID-Archiv at IISG, Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG. 30 cm. (Stichting Beheer IISG, Cruquiusweg 31, NL-1019 AT Amsterdam, fax [31 20] 665 41 81) [99-1/4-019]

1997. 29, 190 p. + 2 diskettes. (Arbeitspapier, ID-Archiv im IISG, 1) ISBN 90-6861-146-1: DM 30.00, DM 35.00 (with diskettes)

Verzeichnis der lieferbaren Broschüren, Verzeichnis der Alternativ-Medien & Graue Literatur im IISG [Index to Pamphlets in Print, Index to Alternative Media, and Gray Literature in IISG]. Ed. Axel Diederich and Eef Vermeij for ID-Archiv im IISG, Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG. (Edition ID-Archiv). (Stichting Beheer IISG, Cruquiusweg 31, NL-1019 AT Amsterdam, fax [31 20] 665 41 81) [99-1/4-020]

1997/98. 1 CD-ROM. DM 30.00.

The fourth edition of the VdlB adds newer publications to its coverage, which encompasses some 4,000 titles. Previous listings, however, have not all been updated, and the availability of many of the publications is not guaranteed. But since the stated focus of this index is on hard-to-obtain publications, its bibliographical function probably outweighs its role as an acquisitions tool. As with the earlier editions, the coverage here is of gray literature produced by individuals or organizations espousing a leftist, countercultural, or feminist perspective. The listing of the (relatively complete) bibliographic citations follows no recognizable order. Information about electronic editions includes access information and conditions.

The VaM, which began life in a 1976/77 issue of Informations-Dienst zur Verbreitung unterbliebener Nachrichten [Information Service for the Publication of Suppressed News] and went through several title changes as a separate publication, provides directory information and--where possible--publication history for the periodicals it covers. The latest edition (also available in several electronic versions) covers over 2,000 titles that appeared between 1993 and 1997. (Earlier editions are slated for inclusion in an Internet database.) Criteria for coverage have remained relatively constant over time; in general, "bourgeois," commercial, institutional, and political party publications are excluded. Numerous exceptions to these exclusions can be found, however, especially with regard to periodicals from socialist and "green" party organizations. Publications from several countries are included (and are grouped by country), but the coverage emphasis is on the German alternative press. Entries include bibliographic, circulation, and acquisitions information; the CD-ROM and Internet versions add information about advertising, electronic contact, and issuing bodies, as well as subject descriptors.

The CD-ROM carrying the latest editions of VdlB and VaM also covers gray literature held in the archives of the Internationales Institut für Sozialgeschichte [International Institute for Social History]. Keyword/Boolean searching is possible, but not field-based access (help screen claims to the contrary). The same access, however, with more up-to-date coverage, is available at no cost on the Internet at <http://www.iisg.nl/~id. [sah/gw]

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