AO -- Organizations

Handbuch der Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz [Handbook of Universities and Technical Schools in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland]. München: Saur. 24 cm. Previous title until 6/1993: Handbuch der Universitäten und Fachhochschulen Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz. ISSN 1430-4634 [99-1/4-055]

9th ed. (1999). xxvi, 767 p. ISBN 3-598-11388-9: DM 368.00

The basic structure of this handbook has not changed substantially (alphabetic arrangement first by country, then by town or city, then by university), but it is now appearing annually, instead of every other year. There are some inconsistencies in the manner in which institutes within universities are listed. University and departmental libraries are not included, because they are listed in a separate publication from the same publisher, and regrettably computer centers are also omitted. There is a useful index for personal names and a subject index. [sh/ldl]
  Sociétés savantes: annuaire [Learned Societies: Annual]. CTHS. [Paris]: [Editions du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques]. 30 cm. [99-1/4-056]

1996. 328, [32] p. ISBN 2-7355-0353-3: FF 150.00

This list of approximately 600 French scientific societies is an expanded version of a 1975 publication. Each entry provides the name, address, key persons, year of founding, number of members, purpose and publications of a society, but the entries are quite inconsistent: occasionally an ISSN or ISBN refers to more than one publication, or a listed number is neither an ISSN or an ISBN. Furthermore the societies themselves are not listed in any discernible pattern. In spite of these weaknesses this publication provides information that cannot be found elsewhere. [sh/ldl]
  Documenti Italia: annuario degli enti di studio, cultura, ricerca scientifica e tecnologica [Documents Italy: Annual of Scholarly, Cultural, and Scientific and Technological Research Organizations]. Istituto Nazionale dell'Informazione (INI). Roma: Editoriale Italiana. 25 cm. Previous title: Doc Italia. (Editoriale Italiana, Via Vigliena 10, I-00192 Roma, fax [39 06] 321 1359) [99-1/4-057]

7th ed. 1998/99. 1165 p. Lit. 200,000

This excellent directory of Italian scientific and cultural organizations has no peer in other countries. Six years have elapsed since the previous edition was published, although earlier it came out about every two years. It is not entirely clear if the publishers intended to change the title from DOC Italia, but the content remains essentially the same. The entry for each organization lists its official name, date of founding, goals, key personnel, areas of activity and publications. As in the past, there is a corporate name index and a keyword index. [sh/ldl]

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