 |
AP -- Archives, Libraries, Museums
International Bibliography of Bibliographies in Library and
Information Science and Related Fields. Henryk Sawoniak, with the
collaboration of Maria Witt. München: Saur. 25 cm. [99-1/4-058]
Vol. 2. 1979/90 (1999). Parts 1-3. liii, 1,208 p. ISBN 3-598-11145-2:
DM 798.00
The previous edition of this work carried parallel Polish and English titles
and covered the years 1945-1978. This new edition is substantially larger
and includes bibliographies from a very wide area of fields related to
library and information science. It includes separately published bibliographies
as well as major bibliographical components of other publications. All
European languages are covered; the coverage of eastern and southern Europe
is particularly strong. Individual entries are annotated, but the information
in the annotations varies; some reviews are listed. There are five different
indexes, but regrettably the name indexes do not include the names of reviewers.
This is a valuable piece of scholarship, and it provides information that
could not be found using electronic resources alone. [sh/ldl]
"Beutekunst": Bibliographie des internationalen Schrifttums
über das Schicksal des im Zweiten Weltkrieg von der Roten Armee in
Deutschland erbeuteten Kulturgutes (Museums-, Archiv- und Bibliotheksbestände);
1990-1999 = Trofejnoe iskusstvo = Looted Art [: Bibliography of
International Publications Concerning the Fate of Cultural Property Looted
by the Red Army in Germany during the Second World War (Museum, Archive
and Library Holdings), 1990-1999]. Ed. Peter Bruhn. 2d substantially expanded
and rev. ed. Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz,
Osteuropa-Abteilung, 1999. x, 247 p. 30 cm. (Veröffentlichungen der
Osteuropa-Abteilung, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz,
24) (Literaturnachweise zu aktuellen Russland-Themen, 1) ISBN 3-88053-078-5
(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Allgemeine
Verwaltung, Publikationen, D-10102 Berlin) [99-1/4-060]
This revised edition of a bibliography that first appeared in 1997 includes
over 1,600 new entries and testifies to the intense interest in this topic.
The compiler has also chosen to include excerpts, both in Russian and in
translation, from Russian documents pertaining to the subject, which makes
this bibliography even more useful. [wk/ldl]
Die Kreisarchive in Baden-Württemberg: Aufgaben und Bestände
[Administrative District Archives in Baden-Württemberg: Responsibilities
and Holdings]. Ed. Jörg Kreutz for the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kreisarchive
beim Landkreistag Baden-Württemberg. Ubstadt-Weiher: Verlag Regionalkultur,
1998. 112p. ill. 24cm. ISBN 3-929366-84-3: DM 24.00 [99-1/4-063]
Prior to January 1, 1973 there were sixty-three "Landkreise," or administrative
districts, in Baden-Wurttemberg; as a result of a "district reform" program,
their number was reduced to thirty-five. The archives of these new districts
are listed within this volume with the following information: name and
contact information, hours of operation, collections and associated community
archives or libraries, finding aids, size of collections, publications,
historical information, accompanying secondary literature, etc. An index
of the previous districts allows the user or researcher to trace the dispersal
of holdings among the various archives that exist today. The introduction
by Christoph J. Drüppel is particularly valuable. It describes the
role of the "Kreisarchiv" (district archive) in relation to the larger
"Staatsarchiv" (state archive) on the one hand and the "Kommunalarchiv"
(municipal archive) on the other. It would have been desirable for this
work to have included the municipal archives along with the district archives
in order to have a common guide for all the archives under the larger state
archive system. [sh/sd]
Bibliotheken in der Euregio Maas-Rhein : Adressen, Bestände,
Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen [Libraries in the Euregio
Maas-Rhine : Addresses, Collections, Hours of Operation and Services] =
Bibliotheken in de Euregio Maas-Rijn = Bibliothèques dans
l'Euregio Meuse-Rhin. Ed. Bernd Küppers. Jülich: Zentralbibliothek
des Forschungszentrums Jülich, 1998. xvii, 283 p. 24 cm. (Parallel
titel: Euregio 1998) ISBN 3-00-003106-5: DM 8.00 (Zentralbibliothek
..., D-52425 Jülich, fax [49 2461] 61-6103) [99-1/4-066]
Transborder associations of institutions are nothing new. The Euregio Maas-Rhein
Union, founded in 1976 in the area around the "lower," or northern, course
of the Rhine River, is an example of such an association, as is the much
more recently established European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities
(EU-COR). The library directory under review includes 221 publicly accessible
libraries of all types whose holdings comprise a minimum of 10,000 items.
The information given in the directory's indexes was compiled from questionnaires.
The guide is organized by four types of libraries: academic, technical
schools, special, and public. These groupings are then organized in alphabetical
order by location, without regard to national borders. A map helps provide
an overview, as does an index by region.
This directory will serve primarily the users of the regions included.
Others may be satisfied to consult the index via the Internet at <http://www.kfa-juelich.de.
Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland [Special Libraries
in Germany]. Ed. Petra Hauke. Bad Honnef: Bock und Herchen. 25 cm. [99-1/4-067]
Vol. 4. Geschichte, historische Hilfswissenschaften: Verzeichnis
der Bibliotheken in Stätten der Forschung und Lehre, in Archiven,
Museen und Gedenkstätten sowie in historischen Vereinen und Gesellschaften;
mit einem Anhang: Deutsche Bibliotheken im Ausland [History and Related
Subjects: Index of Libraries at Research and Educational Institutions,
in Archives, Museums and Memorial Places, and in Historical Associations
and Societies; with an Appendix: German Libraries in Other Countries].
Ed. Petra Hauke. 1999. xx, 258 p. ISBN 3-88347-203-4: DM 78.00
In continuation of earlier volumes, this most recent publication lists
1,073 continuously numbered libraries, organized alphabetically by location.
Regardless of their collection or staff size, all have a collection focus
on literature concerning history in all its facets. That many libraries
with historical collections are not included is understandable, because
this series, Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland, by its nature does
not cover university library collections, even when they contain more about
the topic than those libraries included in the directory. The data were
obtained by survey in 1998 (a copy of the questionnaire is included) and
supplemented by other sources (library directories and Internet sources
of all types); unfortunately, the unclear arrangement and faulty index
make this section unusable. The data included in the directory are relatively
detailed and mention everything noteworthy about the library and its publications.
The library's personnel are listed, and the director's name is provided.
The number of one-person libraries is considerable. The indexes refer to
the continuously numbered entries and include: library names (with location
in parenthesis); personnel names; one-person libraries with a full-time
administration; computer systems utilized; membership in consortia and
library organizations; and subject terms. This work, like other volumes
of Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland, will be useful primarily
for further contacts among libraries. Earlier volumes were Medizin
[Medicine] (Vol. 1, 1996) and Kunst, Kultur, Museen [Art, Culture,
Museums] (Vol. 2, 1996), both reviewed in RRE
2:56; and Parlamente, Behörden, öffentliche Verwaltung
[Parlaments, Agencies, Public Administration] (Vol. 3., 1997), reviewed
in RRE 4:66.
Handbuch der historischen Buchbestände in Deutschland
[Handbook of Historical Book Collections in Germany]. Ed. Bernhard Fabian
and Karen Kloth. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms Weidmann. 30cm. [99-1/4-070]
Vol. 2, part 2: Niedersachsen: H-Z [Lower Saxony: H-Z]. Ed. Paul
Raabe and Alwin Müller-Jerina. 1998. 358p. ISBN 3-487-09576-9: DM
248; DM 198 (subscription)
Vol. 19: Thüringen: A-G [Thuringia: A-G]. Ed. Friedhilde
Krause and Felicitas Marwinski. 1998. 315p. ISBN 3-487-10776-7: DM 248;
DM 198 (subscription)
Vol. 20: Thüringen: H-R [Thuringia: H-R]. Ed. Friedhilde
Krause and Felicitas Marwinski. 1999. 334p. ISBN 3-487-10777-5: DM 248;
DM 198 (subscription)
Vol. 21: Thüringen: S-Z [Thuringia: S-Z]. Ed. Friedhilde
Krause and Felicitas Marwinski. 1999. 298p. paper. ISBN 3-487-10778-3:
DM 248; DM 198 (subscription)
Reviews of earlier volumes of this large-scale undertaking can be found
in RREA 1:103,
2:48, and 4:57.
This second volume on collections in Lower Saxony describes the remaining
forty-two libraries and contains an index for the entire region. Of particular
interest is the Herzog August Bibliothek (HAB) in Wolfenbüttel. Detailed
information is given on its special collections, including those pertaining
to the twentieth century, but even more space is devoted to catalogs and
finding aids than to the actual descriptions of its holdings.
As was the case with Lower Saxony, the planned coverage for Thuringia
and Saxony-Anhalt grew in scope, and now fills volumes 19-21 for Thuringia
alone. Volume 22 will focus on Saxony-Anhalt, and volumes 23-26 will contain
the index to the entire set (according to the October 1999 publisher's
brochure). The introductory essay on Thuringia by Felicitas Marwinski outlines
the library scene there. The state is home to some 156, mostly small, libraries,
historically due in part to its large number of minor princedoms. University
libraries are few, but the number of libraries connected with museums,
archives, and churches is surprisingly high. The libraries of Erfurt, Gotha,
and Jena are represented by longer articles, as are the Herzogin Anna Amalia
Library in Weimar and the Historical Library in Rudolstadt. The variety
and richness of historical collections in Thuringia is remarkable. Unfortunately,
the future of some institutions may be at risk due to financial exigencies.
Handbuch deutscher historischer Buchbestände in Europa:
eine Übersicht über Sammlungen in ausgewählten Bibliotheken
[Handbook of German Historical Book Collections in Europe: A Survey of
Collections in Selected Libraries]. Ed. Bernhard Fabian. Hildesheim [et
al.]: Olms Weidmann. 30 cm. [99-1/4-071]
Vol. 3: Tschechische Republik. Böhmen [Czech Republic. Bohemia].
Ed. Vincenc Streit, Vlasta Faltysová and Pavel Pohlei. Mähren
[Moravia]. Ed. Jaroslav Vobr. 1998. 328 p. ISBN 3-487-10356-7: DM 298.00,
DM 248.00 (subscription)
Vol. 6. Polen [Poland]. Ed. Marzena Zacharska. Bulgarien
[Bulgaria]. Ed. Todorka Nikolova. 1999. 327 p. ISBN 3-487-10359-1: DM 298.00,
DM 248.00 (subscription)
Vol. 7,1. Dänemark [Denmark]. Ed. Jakob H. Gronbaek. Schweden
[Sweden]. Ed. Wolfgang Undorf. 1998. 328 p. ISBN 3-487-10360-5: DM 298.00,
DM 248.00 (subscription)
Vol. 7,2. Finnland [Finland]. Ed. Cornelius Hasselblatt. Estland
[Estonia]. Ed. Simoné Okaj Braun. Lettland [Latvia]. Ed.
Karen Kloth. Litauen [Lithuania]. Ed. Simoné Okaj-Braun 1998.
336 p. ISBN 3-487-10361-3: DM 298.00, DM 248.00 (subscription)
The publication of this series began in 1997 with volume 2, on Prague,
and was followed the next year with volume 5, on Hungary (both reviewed
in RREA 4:59).
Subsequent volumes continue to appear out of numerical sequence as soon
as they are complete. Volume 3 on Bohemia and Moravia, with thirty-seven
and twenty-nine entries respectively, covers a wide range of libraries,
including those of government agencies, museums and archives, as well as
those of churches and monasteries, but only one university library (in
Brünn). Most of the generally brief entries are from mid-1998; when
possible, older ones have been brought up to date. Each section begins
with an introductory essay that speaks well for the quality of the series.
Volume 6 contains information on twenty-seven libraries in seventeen
Polish cities. Of particular interest are the University Library in Warsaw,
the Danzig Library of the Polish Academy of Science, the Jagiellonian Library
in Cracow, the University Library in Posen, and the University Library
in Wroclaw. The articles on the holdings of four libraries in two Bulgarian
cities are disappointing in terms of German historical collections.
Volume 7,1 covers Denmark and Sweden, but unfortunately does not include
Norway. Volume 7,2 contains just one entry for Finland, on the University
Library of Helsinki, but includes numerous collections in Estonia, Latvia,
and Lithuania.
Each volume, like those already published, contains an introductory
essay on library history in the country covered. Selective geographical
bibliographies are usually found at the end of a volume, which is not especially
practical for the user. Indexes vary in format. While volumes 7,1-2 each
have a single index, volume 6 contains separate indexes for Poland and
The description of German historical holdings in Europe is inseparable
from the histories of libraries in the European countries. This series
serves to further the overall knowledge of national and institutional library
history in Europe (and in countries whose languages are not generally well-known),
and occasional deficiencies in coverage can be accepted. [sh/sd]
Aslib Directory of Information Sources in the United Kingdom.
Association for Information Management; Information Management International.
London: Aslib, The Association for Information Management. 30 cm. [99-1/4-077]
10th ed. (1998). xi, 1,505 p. ISBN 0-85142-409-0: £ 295.00,
£ 236.00 00 (member's price); ISBN 0-85142-418-X (with CD-ROM):
£ 360.00, £ 288.00 00 (member price)
This directory, which appears every two years, was last reviewed in 1992
for its seventh edition (1992), when it was called the "most useful directory
for libraries in Great Britain." This assessment pertains as well to the
tenth edition, with its 11,574 entries. This figure does not reflect an
identical number of institutions (among which are also companies and small
organizations with very specialized, but less comprehensive collections),
since larger institutions, such as the British Library, are represented
with multiple entries for various departments, allowing for a much improved
overview. Information concerning the institutions is comprehensive and,
thanks to limited use of abbreviations, easily readable. Included are:
name, address, acronym, type or institutional affiliation, usage rules
and hours of operation, collection strengths, special collections, publications
(sometimes in detail), and Internet addresses. The names of administrators
and sizes of collections are not included; since personnel names change,
it is understandable to omit this information, but the inclusion of collection
sizes would be most welcome.
The particular value of this directory lies in its enumeration of collections,
ranging from broad descriptions such as "EC official publications since
1973" or "conference proceedings (over 370,000)" in the British Library
Document Supply Centre to very specialized characterizations such as "Jacobite
movement" (referring to the holdings of the 1745 Association), and in the
access provided by an excellent subject index. The detailed analysis of
collections provided by this directory is without rival; a comparison with
the directory Spezialbibliotheken in Deutschland (see RREA
5:50) suffices to illustrate the differences.
Even though the directory has long been compiled using a database, it
is now also being offered for the first time on a CD-ROM, which was not
available for this review. According to the preface of the print edition,
the content of both formats is identical, but the CD-ROM version features
additional search options. For the high price of an additional £65
and the limited need for additional searching features, the case for buying
the CD-ROM is not compelling. As it is, only a limited number of libraries
can afford to purchase each volume of this excellent directory which, together
with the Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United
Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (London: Library Association, 1997;
reviewed in IFB
98-1/2-057), covers the large and small treasures in the libraries
and other institutions of Great Britain in exemplary fashion. [sh/msc]
Catalogo delle biblioteche d'Italia. Alto Adige = Südtirol
[Directory of Italian Libraries. Alto Adige = Southern Tyrol]. Published
for the Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per
i Beni Librari, le Istituzioni Culturali e l'Editoria, Istituto Centrale
per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni
Bibliografiche. Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano-Alto Adige, Scuola e Cultura
Italiana, Tedesca e Ladina. Roma: ICCU; Milano: Editrice Bibliografica.
24 cm. ISBN 88-7107-030-5 (complete set) [99-1/4-079]
1998. x, 190 p. ISBN 88-7107-086-0: Lit. 25,000
Catalogo delle biblioteche d'Italia. Trentino [Directory
of Italian Libraries. Trentino]. Published for the Ministero per i Beni
Culturali e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Librari, le Istituzioni
Culturali e l'Editoria, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche
Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche. Provincia Autonoma di Trento,
Servizio Attività Culturali, Ufficio per il Sistema Bibliotecario
Trentino. Roma: ICCU; Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 24 cm. ISBN 88-7107-030-5
(complete set) [99-1/4-080]
1998. xii, 157 p. ISBN 88-7107-085-2: Lit. 25,000
Catalogo delle biblioteche d'Italia. Veneto [Directory
of Italian Libraries. Veneto]. Published for the Ministero per i Beni Culturali
e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Librari, le Istituzioni Culturali
e l'Editoria, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche
Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche. Regione Veneto, Direzione
Regionale Cultura, Informazione e Flussi Migratori, Servizio per i Beni
Librari e Archivistici. Roma: ICCU; Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 24
cm. ISBN 88-7107-030-5 (complete set) [99-1/4-081]
1998. 3 vols. x, 756 p. ISBN 88-7107-084-4: Lit. 110,000
Catalogo delle biblioteche d'Italia. Liguria [Directory
of Italian Libraries. Liguria]. Published for the Ministero per i Beni
Culturali e Ambientali, Ufficio Centrale per i Beni Librari, le Istituzioni
Culturali e l'Editoria, Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche
Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche. Regione Liguria, Dipartimento
Cultura, Turismo e Sport, Servizio Programmi e Strutture Culturali. Roma:
ICCU; Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. 24 cm. ISBN 88 7107-030-5 (complete
set) [99-1/4-082]
1999. x, 340 p. ISBN 88-7107-094-1: Lit. 50,000
This large-scale census of all Italian libraries in twenty regions (with
the exception of school and parish libraries) published its first volume
in 1993, in 1998 volumes for three more regions, and by mid-1999, two more.
The project is making such good progress that the remaining four regions
should be completed by the end of 2000. The volumes for Alto Adige, Trentino
and Veneto cover libraries in the areas of northern and northwestern Italy
that represent a wide range of library sizes and collection strengths.
The number of libraries listed for each volume varies greatly: 218, 151
and 1,032 respectively. There are qualitative differences as well: Alto
Adige and Trentino have the least number of entries, but they also contain
fewer important historic collections when compared to the significant libraries
in the university towns of Verona, Padua and Venice.
The volume for the region of Liguria contains 373 libraries, of which
227 are located in the province of Genoa. Public libraries comprise 144
compared to the ninety-two university libraries listed. Due to its rare
collections and special strengths (Dante, Columbus), the research collection
of the Genoa city library, the Biblioteca Civica Berio, is of special note;
the library's catalog is available over the Internet at <http://www.comune.genova.it/biblio/griglia2.htm.
For additional information, as well as a full description of the many appendices,
references and indexes, consult earlier reviews in RREA
1:96-97, RREA
2:38-40, and RREA
4:52-54. [sh/msc]
I fondi speciali delle biblioteche lombarde: censimento descrittivo
[Special Collections in Lombard Libraries: Descriptive Census]. Published
for the Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Cultura, Servizio Biblioteche
e Sistemi Culturali Integrati. Ed. Istituto Lombardo per la Storia della
Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica.
24 cm. (Corporate name in vol. 1: Regione Lombardia, Settore Cultura e
Informazione, Servizio Biblioteche e Beni Librari e Documentari) [99-1/4-083]
Vol. 2. Province di Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Lecco, Lodi,
Mantova, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese [Provinces of Bergamo, Brescia, Como,
Cremona, Lecco, Lodi, Mantua, Pavia, Sondrio, Varese]. 1998. xlv, 888 p.
(Fonti e strumenti: Regione Lombardia, Direzione Generale Cultura, Servizio
Biblioteche e Sistemi Culturali Integrati, 28) ISBN 88-7075-505-3: Lit
Lombardy is not only one of the most library-rich regions of Italy, but
also one whose holdings in both public and private collections are among
the most accessible, bibliographically speaking. This is the second volume
describing special collections in the Lombard region. Volume 1 of this
"census" (Milano e provincia, 1995, reviewed in RREO at <http://www.rre.casalini.com/1996/AP-96-23.html)
dealt with collections in the city and province of Milan; volume 2 deals
with 1,317 collections in other cities of the region. The bibliography
is very comprehensive and includes collections of both books and non-book
materials, provided that the collection is uniquely named, housed, or listed
in a catalog, or at some point in the past took on the character of a special
collection (either private or public). Signed articles cover the history
of each collection, its size and contents, and finding aids, if they exist.
There are two indexes, for the names of the collections and for persons
named in the text, but unfortunately they are insufficient--the riches
of this volume would manifest themselves most clearly in a comprehensive
subject index. [sh/ldl]
Gesamtcatalog Museum: Museen, Kunsthallen, Archive, Bibliotheken,
Vereine, Verbände, Kulturbehörden, Partner [Union catalog:
Museums, Art Museums, Archives, Libraries, Associations, Organizations,
Cultural Boards, and Partners]. Hans J. Heinrich. Berlin: IMD Cultur. 21
cm. Previous title: Artmemo. (IMD Cultur, Matternstr. 5, D-10249
Berlin, fax [49 30] 4265204) [99-1/4-084]
1996/98 (1998). 880 p. DM 89.00, DM 69.00 (subscription)
Kunstadressbuch: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz = Art
Directory [: Germany, Austria, Switzerland]. München [et al.]:
Saur. 24 cm. (Until 1992/93 published by Art-Adress-Verlag, Frankfurt am
Main) [99-1/4-085]
12th ed. 1999/2000 (1999). 625 p. ISBN 3-598-23080-X: DM 128.00
The Gesamtcatalog Museum, with its fashionable graphics, continues
the edition of the directory that appeared under the title Artmemo
from 1990 to 1994/95 (1994), the third edition of which was reviewed in
IFB 94-1-045. The nerve-wracking and not error-free transition to a new
database program (which is detailed in the preface) caused a break in the
rhythm of this annual publication, to the disadvantage of the timeliness
of its information. The edition under review contains data for about 11,500
institutions, which are recorded in six sections (the first five are arranged
according to place and then by name in alphabetical order): (1) Museums,
Exhibits; (2) Archives, Libraries; (3) Directorates, Administrations; (4)
Cultural Agencies, Funding Authorities; (5) Organizations, Associations;
(6) Museum Partners (e.g., companies). Access is provided by means of two
indexes: (1) an index of subject terms in eleven sections, which are subdivided
by museum and archive; the eleventh section is headed "General Libraries/Archives,"
followed by the subheading "Archives," in which mainly libraries are included
(that is, up through the letter U, after which the rest of the alphabet
is missing); (2) an index of institutions (which in the running title is
erroneously called "Subject Index"). The data, collected by survey, are
offered in varying levels of detail and length. E-mail and Internet addresses
are missing. One hopes these will be added in the next edition. The layout
is not user-friendly, due to its excessive use of abbreviations and icons
that need to be deciphered by frequent consultation of the list of abbreviations
(which, thankfully, was printed on a fold-out sheet). While it is true
that many museums have different hours of operation during the winter and
summer months, the decision to present this information in a chart that
includes all institutions--even those without different hours--takes up
unnecessary space.
Since the size of the volume has increased substantially, monuments
are no longer included. These will now be listed in a separate directory,
Gesamtcatalog Denkmal: Schlösser, Burgen, Klöster, Monumente
... [Directory to Historical Monuments: Palaces, Castles, Monasteries,
Monuments...] scheduled for publication in late 1999. The publisher is
also planning a directory in a subject area new for the company: Gesamtcatalog
Theater: Schauspiel, Musik, Tanz, Kleinkunst, Film ... [Theater Directory:
Drama, Music, Dance, Cabaret, Film...].
Volume 10 (1996/97) of the Kunstadressbuch was reviewed in RREA
3:171. It competes with the Gesamtcatalog Museum only in its
first part ("Museums and Galleries," here, also, listed by location, then
alphabetically by name) with largely the same selection. A comparison of
the two directories shows how difficult it is to determine an official
name. That both directories include institutions lacking in the other,
is to be expected. In addition, the Kunstadressbuch (as an excerpt
from the Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch) includes institutions
in Austria and Switzerland (not just the German-speaking part), as well
as eleven sections on other institutions and companies, (e.g., art and
antique dealers, conservators, and some artists). It remains the primary
directory for art and antique dealers and collectors. Libraries that do
not own the Internationales Kunst-Adressbuch must have the Kunstadressbuch
because of its wide coverage. Other advantages over the Gesamtcatalog
Museum include more current information and e-mail and Internet addresses
for many institutions. [sh/msc]
Le nouveau guide des musées de France [New Guide
to the Museums of France]. Pierre Cabanne. Paris: Larousse, 1997. 997 p.
25 cm. Previous title: Guide des musées de France. ISBN 2-03-511401-2:
FF 195.00 [99-1/4-087]
Guide des musées de France [Guide to Museums of
France]. Aude Grouard de Tocqueville. Paris: France Loisirs, 1998. 640
p. ill. 28 cm. Licensed ed. from Minerva, Genève, 1997. ISBN 2-7441-1325-5:
FF 228.00 [99-1/4-088]
Originally published by Bordas, but now under the imprint of Larousse,
Pierre Cabanne's sixth edition of Le nouveau guide des musées
de France has a publication history extending back to 1984. Updated
editions of museum directories are particularly critical for France, due
to the current decentralization of the French museum scene, which was previously
concentrated in Paris. Since the 1980s and the efforts of legendary Cultural
Minister Jack Lang, enormous changes have been made, evident in the construction
of new museums and the modernization of others. This edition of the guide
includes over 2,000 museums, arranged into twenty-four regions (in alphabetical
order, with the overseas provinces and territories at the end). Each of
the regional sections begins with an overview of the museum landscape and
a map, followed by an alphabetical listing of "Départements," subdivided
by cities. Entries are marked by star symbols according to their importance
(with five of greatest significance). However, unlike the Michelin guides,
there is no index of the four or five star rankings, requiring the reader
to thumb through the volume to locate those museums that are "worth the
trip" or "merit a detour." The entry for each museum includes its address
and hours, the type of museum (indicated by an icon), as well as any special
services. Descriptions vary in length, but on the whole are detailed, and
include a description of the museum and a listing of significant collections
or pieces. Excellent access to the information is provided by means of
a variety of indexes, including location, name of the museum, names of
mentioned artists or other famous persons, and collections.
The Guide des musées de France by Aude Grouard de Tocqueville
is a quite different directory; the author presents a selection of museums
with illustrations of their buildings and selected works of art. Here,
as well, the organization follows an alphabetical listing of larger geographic
areas, beginning with Paris and ending with overseas territories, accompanied
by overview maps. The selection is purely personal, and one wonders why
a museum such as the more curious than authentic Musée Pétrarque
in Fontaine de Vaucluse rates a detailed description, while in the same
location the interesting Musée d'Histoire 1939-1945, that deals
with the daily life of occupied France, is not listed. The large number
of museums covered (3,000) is attained by including many institutions at
the end of each chapter with only brief entries. Unfortunately, the single
index, listing locations and museums, is not adequate. For this reason,
as well as for its more current listings, the first directory reviewed
here is more highly recommended than the latter. [sh/msc]
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