BH -- Music

European Music Directory. Ed. Bettina Bartz. München: Saur. 30 cm. Previous title: Stadler's Musik-Handbuch [99-1/4-294]

1999, Vols. 1-2. xii, 408, 450 p. ISBN 3-598-11347-1: DM 368.00

The genealogy of this specialty address book, which has now entered K.G. Saur's stable, is long and more complicated than its preface admits. It stands in the tradition of the Weltadressbuch der Musikinstrumentenindustrie und des Musikfachhandels, edited by Paul de Wit until his death in 1925. When the work was started up again, some 60 years later, his name was again invoked in the title Paul de Wit's Weltadressbuch (published by Stadler). "Welt [world]," in this instance, meant Europe. The most recent version of this work appeared under the title Stadler's Musik-Handbuch (1993). When Saur took over publication of the work, the fiction of world-wide comprehensiveness was dropped, as the new title European Music Directory makes clear. A new edition will appear every two years.

The name change brought with it changes in the scope and content of the work. The main categories treated vary greatly in degree of detail. Volume 1 offers information on (1) Musical Performances: Orchestras, Musical Theater, Choruses, Competitions, Festivals; (2) Agencies; (3) Radio and Television; (4) National Institutions; (5) Educational Institutions; and (6) Documentation and Research (including libraries and museums). Volume 2 continues with information on (7) The Music Industry (including instrument manufacturers); (8) Music Stores; (9) Recording Studios and Record Stores; and (10) Music Publishers. The organization of the material within these categories is alphabetical within country of origin. Since this is an "address book," the information given rarely goes beyond the mailing address of the person or company. In all, there is a total of 38,997 consecutively numbered entries. Three indexes provide access to this information, which was collected by survey. The reviewer cannot comment on its completeness. It seems, however, that addresses from the company's other directories were not utilized, as the European Music Directory devotes only five pages (with 390 entries) to music publishers in Germany, while the second edition of its Music Publishers' International ISMN Directory (1998) takes eighty-five pages to list some 5,500 music "publishers." [sh/jbr]

Musik-Almanach: Daten und Fakten zum Musikleben in Deutschland [Music Almanach: Dates and Facts about Musical Life in Germany]. Ed. Andreas Eckhardt for the Deutscher Musikrat. Kassel: Bärenreiter; Bosse. 21 cm. ISSN 0930-8954 [99-1/4-295]

1999/2000 (1999). 1,250 p. ISBN 3-7618-2481-5 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-7649-2481-0 (Bosse): DM 78.00, DM 128.00 (with CD-ROM)

Musik-Almanach: Daten und Fakten zum Musikleben in Deutschland. Ed. Andreas Eckhardt for the Deutscher Musikrat. Kassel: Bärenreiter; Bosse. ISSN 0930-8954 [99-1/4-296]

1999/2000 (1999). 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-7618-2482-3 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-7649-2482-9 (Bosse): DM 78.00, DM 128.00 (with book)

The fifth edition of the Musik-Almanach lists "primarily established institutions related to music: organizations, associations, educational institutions, and the like, but not all their activities and undertakings, as for example, concert series, courses, workshops, conferences, etc. Among performers, only professional groups are listed: orchestras, musical theaters, choruses, media-related ensembles, etc. in so far as they are linked with an institution" (p. xiv).

This edition retains the organizational principles of the prior edition (1995). Part A contains Contributions on Musical Life in Germany (reduced from thirteen to nine); Part B lists Organizations and Institutions of German Musical Life; and Part C is an appendix that enumerates: (1) Organization and Institutions of Musical Life in Europe; (2) Abbreviations; (3) Index of Tables and Graphics; (4) Subject Index; (5) Place Names; and (6) Personal Names. The work is current through October 31, 1998, although here and there it may reflect the status as of Jan. 31, 1999. Information contained was gathered from "professional journals, specialty publications, communications from associations, reference works and numerous other sources" (p. xv) as well from a survey, but is offered without guarantee of accuracy.

Three new features should be noted: (1) some 3,000 URLs and e-mail addresses (4,000 according to the CD-ROM cover); (2) a description of the German Music Information Center (Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum [MIZ], <http://www.miz.org), which opened in 1997 in Bonn as a music clearinghouse; and (3) the availability of a CD-ROM version, identical in content to the book. One can choose to load only the program or the program along with the database. An accompanying booklet explains how to use the CD-ROM version. Online help is accessed with the F1 key. Internet and e-mail addresses are highlighted in blue and are clickable.

As the most comprehensive source of its kind, the Musik-Almanach remains an indispensable reference tool for information on musical activities in Germany. [mr/jbr]

Musikstudium in Deutschland: Musik, Musikerziehung, Musikwissenschaft [Studying Music in Germany: Music, Music Education, Musicology]. Ed. Richard Jakoby and Egon Kraus for the Deutscher Musikrat. Mainz [et al.]: Schott. 21 cm. (Studienbuch Musik) [99-1/4-297]

13. 1999/2000 (1999). 103 p. ISBN 3-7957-8717-3: DM 22.80

Studying Music in Germany: Music, Music Education, Musicology; Study Guide. Ed. Richard Jakoby and Egon Kraus for the German Music Council. Mainz [et al.]: Schott. 21 cm. [99-1/4-298]

1998/99 (1998). 71 p. ISBN 3-7957-0360-3: DM 22.80

Musikhochschulführer: Studienmöglichkeiten an Musikhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Guide to Music Schools: Opportunities for Study at Music Schools in the Federal Republic of Germany]. 2d ed. Mainz: Schott, 1993. 262 p. ill. 21 cm. ISBN 3-7957-0281-X (out of print) [99-1/4-299]

Musik studieren: die Musikhochschulen in Deutschland; Studienmöglichkeiten, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen, Termine [Studying Music: Music Schools in Germany; Study Opportunities, Conditions for Admission, Deadlines]. Ed. Friedrich W. Hellman for the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. Bonn: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. (Informationen für Ausländer) (DAAD, Kennedyallee 50, D-53175 Bonn) [99-1/4-300]

5. 1996/97 (1996). 175 p. ISBN 3-87192-650-7: free to libraries

Musikstudium in Deutschland, first published in 1960, is in German and directed to both German and foreign students. The German Music Council also publishes an English-language equivalent intended for foreign students. Providing information about music, music education, and musicology, both directories cover music schools, teacher training schools, and universities. Two introductory chapters deal with the three types of institutions and describe the corresponding admissions requirements, programs of study, and degrees/professional training. The main part begins with a general overview of the schools covered and then lists the schools alphabetically by city with address and teaching staff. Among the appendices is a list of addresses of music organizations and institutions.

The Musikhochschulführer, issued under the auspices of the National Association of Music School Directors, presents twenty-one music schools in Germany. The first edition, published in 1990, did not include the music schools in what had been the German Democratic Republic. After an introductory section devoted to the history of music education, the development of music schools in Germany, etc., the main section gives detailed descriptions of each of the schools (history, physical facility, programs and courses, prizes and competitions, etc.). An appendix lists the instructors (omitting, however, those at the music school in the reviewer's home city of Stuttgart).

Musik studieren, published by Germany's academic exchange organization, the DAAD, is directed towards prospective students from abroad, both beginning students and those who wish to continue their studies in Germany. Organized alphabetically by twenty-nine cities and towns, it covers exams, admissions, costs, etc., and lists the faculty members and their subjects. Unlike the Musikhochschulführer, it includes the music schools of the cities of Bremen and Rostock. [mr/sl]

Taschenbuch für deutsche Sänger [Pocketbook for German Singers]. Ed. Eduard Kral, with information provided directly by the individual singing societies. Wien: Hoffmann & Ludwig. 21 cm. Reprint ed. by Friedhelm Brusniak and Dietmar Klenke. Schillingsfürst: Music-&-Methodik-Verlag [99-1/4-301]

Vol. 1 (1864). 12, xl, 376 p. Reprint, 1996. ISBN 3-929501-01-5: DM 48.00

Originally published in 1864, this reprint is devoted to German and Austrian men's choral groups, a phenomenon with its roots in nineteenth-century German nationalism. Although it is described as volume 1, a second volume was never published, presumably because of a competing title, Germania, which began publication in the same year. There are, in any case, omissions, e.g., the Weingärtner Liederkranz in Tübingen. Following an historical overview, the main section is in three parts: (1) individual choruses, with some very brief and other very detailed entries (founding date, number of members, fees, dates of rehearsal, performances, personnel, etc.); (2) federations of choruses, with relevant information; (3) the Allgemeiner Deutscher Sängerbund (Federation of Choral Federations), with organizational details. Appendices include a geographic and chronological overview of the choruses, and a listing of contemporary serials devoted to singing. The original edition had no table of abbreviations, and the editors of the reprint, alas, have not seen fit to add one to this edition.

The Taschenbuch für deutsche Sänger is useful as a historical reference (particularly given the resurgence of interest in choral societies) but also for librarians to use in establishing corporate bodies. [mr/sl]

Medioevo musicale: bollettino bibliografico della musica medievale = Music in the Middle Ages. Ed. Clement Terni. Tavarnuzze (Firenze): SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo. 25 cm. (SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Via di Colleramole 11, I-50029 Tavarnuzze, fax [39 055] 237 34 54) [99-1/4-303]

1. 1991/95 (1998). xxxiv, 446 p. ISBN 88-87027-23-4: Lit 190,000

The publisher SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, under the aegis of the Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL), has become very active in the field of medieval cultural and literary history, publishing monographs, series, and journals. The monumental annual Medioevo latino (see RREA 5:144), now in its twentieth year and with over 10,000 entries per issue, is at the core of its publishing program with its comprehensive coverage of the Latin Middle Ages. In this effort SISMEL has enjoyed the active support of the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini and its Sezione Musica Matilde Fiorini Aragone, which has helped coordinate the publication of the first volume of the bibliography of medieval musicology under review.

Coverage is from early Christianity to 1500, with the first volume indexing publications dating from 1991 to 1995 (as well as publications from the 1980s, if they were reviewed in the first five years of the 1990s). Henceforth each annual volume will address itself to current publications. The first volume indexes monographs, collections, and about 100 journals, totaling 1,642 titles, as well as a discography of 313 recordings of medieval compositions. Because it extends to the vernacular languages, the coverage by Medioevo musicale is much more extensive than the section on music in Medioevo latino. Many of the entries are annotated, in the manner of the RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (whose section on the Middle Ages complements the listings of this new annual).

As one of the seven liberal arts, music--with its focus on harmony, proportion, and numerology, its role in liturgy, and its connections to secular and vernacular poetry--is a subject of great importance to the study of the Middle Ages. The bibliography is organized into five sections: (1) listing by composers, poets, music theorists, locations (such as libraries, convents, towns, universities, etc.); (2) study of liturgy; (3) textual and philological studies, music of non-liturgical texts, instrumental music, theater, ethnomusicology (e.g., music of the Jews), relationship between music and language, music theory, iconography, performance practice, musical instruments, relationship of music to the other fields of endeavor; (4) reference works; (5) collections; and (6) discography. There are six indexes.

Coverage would benefit by involving contributors from outside Italy (at present there is only one). One looks forward to the next volume of this user-friendly work. [ch/sl]

Répertoire international des sources musicales: RISM = International Inventory of Musical Sources = Internationales Quellenlexikon der Musik. München [et al.]: Saur [99-1/4-304]

Series A.-2. Manuscrits musicaux après 1600: Catalogue thématique = Music Manuscripts after 1600 = Musikhandschriften nach 1600. Earlier ed. on microfiche.

4 (1998). 1 CD-ROM + handbook in binder. ISBN 3-598-40390-9: DM 1,680.00, DM 1,280.00 (when subscribing to a series of 3)

This bibliography of music manuscripts was first published in microfiche in 1984. A second microfiche edition appeared in 1985, after which it was made available on CD-ROM in 1996 (and reviewed in RREA 2:213). Since then it has been published in annual editions and has grown from an initial 160,000 works by some 8,000 composers to 280,000 entries by 15,000 composers in the present edition. The number of holding libraries/collections has expanded from 400+ to over 500. Among the features added to the current version are an index by call number, a separate database listing names (including variants) and dates of composers, a key to identifying the holding libraries, and a bibliography of cited literature. The handbook is in German, English, and French, to which Italian and Spanish are added in the online menus. [mr/sl]
  Metzler-Sachlexikon Musik [Metzler Subject Dictionary of Music]: [based on the Grosses Lexikon der Musik (1978-82/1987), ed. Günter Massenkeil, a re-working of Marc Honegger's Dictionnaire de la musique (1976)]. Ed. Ralf Noltensmeier. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1998. xvi, 1,173 p. ill., musical examples. 25 cm. ISBN 3-476-01544-0: DM 98.00 [99-1/4-307] In many ways reminiscent of the Riemann Sachlexikon Musik (1996), itself a reprint of the subject volumes of the Riemann-Musiklexikon (see RREA 2:211), this new work (here abbreviated MSM) derives from the subject portion of Das Neue Lexikion der Musik (NLM) (see RREA 2:210), which is based, in turn, on the Honegger-Massenkeil Das große Lexikon der Musik/Dictionnaire de la musique. The articles on countries have been dropped from the subject side of the NLM, unfortunately, as have articles on works written for the stage. Some new articles have been added, others revised and updated. The preface claims an expanded coverage of popular music (not really substantiated by an examination of the book) and of non-European percussion instruments--thanks, no doubt, to the addition of the composer and percussionist Siegfried Fink to the team of writers. Nonetheless, researchers will still need to rely on more specialized dictionaries. The MSM has eliminated the personal and corporate entries of the NLM, the latter inconsistently, however.

The introduction to MSM claims 2,500 articles, which, if true, means that 900 more articles have been dropped from the 10,000-article NLM than can be accounted for by the categories listed above. Some articles are signed, and some are not, sometimes above the bibliographic citations (a welcome addition to the MSM, even though only monographs are included), sometimes below, leaving readers to guess whether the references were added by the editors or whether the disparity simply represents inconsistent editing. (In the former case, does this mean that the citations were added by the editors?) Although the MSM has on the whole been well done, libraries that already own Riemann and specialized dictionaries on instruments and popular music will not benefit from the acquisition of this new title. [mr/sl]

Anton Bruckner: ein Handbuch [Anton Bruckner: A Handbook]. Ed. Uwe Harten for the Anton-Bruckner Institut Linz. Salzburg; Wien: Residenz-Verlag, 1996. 544 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7017-1030-9: ÖS 598.00; DM 82.00 [99-1/4-311] Published in 1996 on the occasion of the centenary of Bruckner's death, this "handbook" is, in fact, a lexicon: an alphabetical listing of entries on the composer's life, work, and context (teachers, friends, students, colleagues, performers, critics, etc.) written by seventy-nine authors. With regard to Bruckner's compositions, it is more current than Renate Grasberger's 1977 catalog (Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner). Bibliographic references are intended to document quotations and stimulate further interest; they are not meant to be complete. For a more extensive bibliography, readers are referred to Grasberger's Bruckner-Bibliographie, published in 1985. [mr/sl]
  Traugott Maximilian Eberwein (1775-1831): Hofkapelldirektor und Komponist in Rudolstadt; mit einem systematischen Werkverzeichnis und Quellenkatalog; (MEV) [Traugott Maximilian Eberwein (1775-1831): Court Music Director and Composer in Rudolstadt; with a Classified Catalog of Compositions and Sources]. Peter Larsen. Göttingen [et al.]: Hainholz-Verlag, 1999. 326, [192] p. 23 cm. (Hainholz Musikwissenschaft, 2). Written as a dissertation, Technische Universität, Berlin, 1998. ISBN 3-932622-28-6: DM 89.00 [99-1/4-313] This doctoral dissertation on the Weimar-born composer Traugott Maximilian Eberwein consists of a brief biography and a comprehensive catalog of his compositions and related source material. To obtain his material, Larsen mined some 400 bibliographic sources (bibliographies, catalogs, etc.) and the collections of about a hundred libraries, archives, and research centers. The catalog is organized according to genre (church music, theater music, secular vocal music, and instrumental music), then by subgroups, then chronologically. The annotations are detailed and extensive. There is a name index and a section of almost two hundred pages that reproduces the first page of the compositions, both documenting the sources and serving as a collection of incipits. [mr/sl]
  Bibliotheca Offenbachiana: Jacques Offenbach (1819-1880): eine systematisch-chronologische Bibliographie [Bibliotheca Offenbachiana: A Systematic Chronological Bibliography]. Ed. Thomas Schipperges, Christoph Dohr, and Kerstin Rüllke. Köln-Rheinkassel: Dohr, 1998. 296 p. 25 cm. (Beiträge zur Offenbach-Forschung, 1) ISBN 3-925366-48-2: DM 98.00 [99-1/4-314] The works included in this bibliography were selected from both standard and specialized European and North American bibliographies, which are not listed. Among the bibliographic problems are the omission of significant works and new editions; the inclusion of works that were actually never published; weak coverage, particularly of opera reviews, show programs, radio shows, and recording liner notes; and minimal and idiosyncratic citations, lacking such key elements as publisher and scope. Indexing problems include the lack of a title index, which makes browsing anonymous works impossible; duplicated entries, some with conflicting dates; idiosyncratic alphabetization; and reference to chapters rather than page numbers. The main sections of the book (life and work; instrumental and vocal music; dramatic works; Hoffmann's stories; and adaptations) are arranged thematically according to some kind of decimal system, with an underlying chronological organization; individual entries are not numbered, however, which hinders searching. The section on dramatic works is based on a catalog by Antonio de Almeida, announced in the New Grove in 1980 but never published, and available in machine-readable format only at the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne; this useful list of works includes title, number of acts, librettist, place and date of premiere, and foreign titles, where applicable. The same information, together with Almeida's number and genre, is given in an index to dramatic works. The list of works by Almeida number is based on Almeida's 1988 list of 733 original and photocopied manuscripts in the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne; it is divided by genre, including fragments of dramatic works. There is also a personal name index and an index to abbreviated titles. Despite serious organizational and content problems, which call for substantial revision to subsequent editions, this flawed bibliography is nonetheless indispensable to libraries as the only one of its kind, and it provides an adequate overview of Offenbach's oeuvre. [mr/mm]
  Rock in Deutschland: Lexikon deutscher Rockgruppen und Interpreten [Rock in Germany: Dictionary of German Rock Groups and Performers]. Norderstedt: Taurus-Press, 1998. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-922542-65-4: DM 49.00. (Taurus-Press, Bargweg 45a, D-22851 Norderstedt, fax [49 40] 5295-0652) [99-1/4-326] This historical dictionary of German rock music to 1984 is based on all three editions (1975, 1979, and 1984) of the book with the same title by Günter Ehnert and Detlef Künstler. It includes their original prefaces, which allows for interesting comparisons. Altogether 2,000 musicians and 1,500 LPs are covered, with 250 biographies and over 100 photos and album covers. Well-organized, comprehensive articles cover band origination and makeup (including instrument and date of birth for each member), album production, concerts and tours, and numerous little-known facts. In addition to both indexed and full-text searching, detailed lists can be generated by musician name or album title (1964-1984) or by birth date (including date, year, name of the musician, and band). The simple, user-friendly Windows interface (3.1, Workgroups, and 95/98) features the same exemplary installation as the publisher's hit parade CDs. The addition of high-quality photos makes this reasonably priced CD-ROM even more valuable. [beh/mm]
  Orgelführer Deutschland [Guide to Pipe Organs in Germany]. Karl-Heinz Göttert and Eckhard Isenberg. Kassel [et al.]: Bärenreiter, 1998. 265 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7618-1347-3: DM 48.00 [99-1/4-329] This organ directory is significant in indicating the style of music appropriate for each instrument, based on the period and region where it was built. Each of the eighty-eight organs, from seventy-two cathedrals, churches, and concert halls, was seen, heard, or even played by the authors (a Germanist and a cantor). The instruments were selected to represent organs of all regions and styles, the most important organ builders, and churches with public musical performances. A map with page numbers for the corresponding instruments is at the front of the book. The introduction is very useful, and each article includes information about the keyboard, the stops, the builder and year built, and the restorer and year restored, as well as photographs, some full-page, albeit some of mediocre quality. Unfortunately, bibliographic citations are lacking. There is a list of organ arrangements, an index of names, and an index of places (including places and organs included in, but not the topic of, articles). Ideal as a topical travel guide, and a very informative book for organ lovers and libraries. [mr/mm]
  Repertorium Orgelmusik: Komponisten, Werke, Editionen 1150-1998; 41 Länder; eine Auswahl = Bio-bibliographical Index of Organ Music = Catalogue bio-bibliographique de musique d'orgue. Klaus Beckmann. 2d newly rev. and expanded ed. Mainz [et al.]: Schott, 1999. 995 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7957-0358-1: DM 98.00 [99-1/4-330] This international directory of organ music covers all periods, with over 8,700 composers from forty-one countries and including many anonymous works. The directory has grown from 652 to 995 pages since its first edition, an increase which is not due solely to the five additional years of coverage. An introduction in German, English, and French is followed by a key to abbreviations, including numbers and symbols; library codes; and general abbreviations, publishers (including addresses), editions, etc. The directory itself is arranged by country; within each country, a chronological list of composers by year of birth is followed by an alphabetical list of composers whose birth dates are unknown. Entries include name, including variant forms, and most important dates and works (solo works for one or more players, followed by ensemble works, works with two or more organs, and vocal music with organ parts). Of multiple editions, usually the most recent and/or comprehensive is listed. The editor, name of series if applicable, publisher, and edition are given for printed works. Only composers and anonymous works, whose under-representation is unavoidable, are indexed. The listing by "national identity," while going some way toward compensating for the lack of a complete history of organ music, is somewhat inconsistent and problematic. Nonetheless, and in spite of the possibly exaggerated claims about the extent of the work and the author's publishing credentials, this is a very comprehensive directory of organ works that can also serve as a biographical reference. It belongs in every library with a music collection. [mr/mm]
  Schweizer Musik auf Schallplatte. Classic = Musique suisse sur disque. Classic = Musica svizzera su disco. Classic [Swiss Music on Records. Classical]. SUISA; SUISA-Stiftung für Musik; Schweizerische Landesphonothek. Lugano: Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera. Loose-leaf binder edition. 32 cm. (Schweizerische Landesphonothek, Via Foce 1, CH-6906 Lugano, fax [41 91] 972 61 69) [99-1/4-332]

1995-1998. 14 installments in 1 binder. Ceased publication at that point. ISBN 88-900116-0-2

Schweizer Musik auf Schallplatte. Folk = Musique suisse sur disque. Folk = Musica svizzera su disco. Folk [Swiss Music on Records. Folk Music]. SUISA; SUISA-Stiftung für Musik; Schweizerische Landesphonothek. Lugano: Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera. Loose-leaf binder edition. 32 cm. (Schweizerische Landesphonothek, Via Foce 1, CH-6906 Lugano, fax [41 91] 972 61 69) [99-1/4-333]

1996. 2 installments in 2 binders. Ceased publication at that point. ISBN 88-900116-4-5

Schweizer Musik auf Schallplatte. Jazz = Musique suisse sur disque. Jazz = Musica svizzera su disco. Jazz [Swiss Music on Records. Jazz]. SUISA; SUISA-Stiftung für Musik; Schweizerische Landesphonothek. Lugano: Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera. Loose-leaf binder edition. 32 cm. (Schweizerische Landesphonothek, Via Foce 1, CH-6906 Lugano, fax [41 91] 972 61 69) [99-1/4-334]

1995-1998. 15 installments in 1 binder. Ceased publication at that point. ISBN 88-900116-2-9

Schweizer Musik auf Schallplatte. Rock & pop = Musique suisse sur disque. Rock & pop = Musica svizzera su disco. Rock & pop [Swiss Music on Records. Rock & Pop]. SUISA; SUISA-Stiftung für Musik; Schweizerische Landesphonothek. Lugano: Fonoteca Nazionale Svizzera. Loose-leaf binder edition. 32 cm. (Schweizerische Landesphonothek, Via Foce 1, CH-6906 Lugano, fax [41 91] 972 61 69) [99-1/4-335]

1995-1998. 11 installments in 1 binder. Ceased publication at that point. ISBN 88-900116-3-7

The catalog of the Swiss National Sound Archives first appeared in 1995 as four unwieldy, loose-leaf binders with little content. A second edition appeared in January 1998; a final supplement, "New Editions"--confusing since the second edition had already replaced the first--appeared in December and only added information to existing articles. Publication then stopped due to the high cost of production, with the promise of a web catalog to be made available within a few months. Unrevised printouts of the Internet catalog will be available on request. The complete loose-leaf edition consists of fourteen Classic, fifteen Jazz, eleven Rock and Pop, and two Folk lists. [mr/mm]
  Hit Records: British Chart Singles. Günter Ehnert. Norderstedt: Taurus-Press. (Taurus-Press, Bargweg 45a, D-22851 Norderstedt, fax [49 40] 5295-0652) [99-1/4-338]

1950/97 (1998). 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-922542-63-8: DM 149.00

This database, by the author of two other CD-ROMs covering German and U.S. chart singles, lists 19,229 singles by 5,180 artists and 4,400 songwriters that made the British charts between January 1, 1950 and December 31, 1997. The sources are the British music publishers' bestseller lists (1950- ), the charts of the magazine New Musical Express (1952- ), and the Top 75 lists of the magazine Music Week (1987- ). Full-text searching (with full, partial, or combined terms) complements searches by artist, song title, label, date, and songwriter; it is also possible to browse "Analyses and Overviews," "Number One Hits" (by year), "Hits of the Year," "Top 10 of the Year," "Hits Before 1950," "Longtime Sellers," and "Awards/Distinctions." Results can be saved or printed. Help and a bibliography are included. Like its predecessors, it is easy, efficient, and a pleasure to search and browse. [beh/mm]

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