CE -- Anthropology

Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde [Dictionary of Ethnology]. Ed. Wolfgang Müller. Completely rev. and expanded ed. based on orig. ed. by Walter Hirschberg. Berlin: Reimer, 1999. 427 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-496-02650-2: DM 78.00 [99-1/4/-350] This is the successor to the lexicon of the same title first published over three decades ago by Walter Hirschberg (Kröner, 1965), most recently (1988) made available in a thoroughly revised edition, under Hirschberg's direction, by Reimer in Berlin. Over one hundred ethnologists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland participated in this project, producing a work with 1,250 articles selected so as to emphasize the core topics of the discipline, i.e., excluding terms from neighboring disciplines such as anthropology and the behavioral sciences. Ethnic groups are also largely excluded, except for those (mainly in the New World) that played a role in the development of the discipline. Articles vary in length from two sentences to a page and a half, whereby term definition and history are emphasized. Cross-references are included in the texts, and most articles conclude with a short (but current and international) list of references.

This well-rounded publication provides good access to theories, methods, and objects of ethnology, as well as to well-known ethnologists and to the historical development of the field. [jpl/jg]

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