CC -- Sociology

Grundbegriffe der Soziologie [Basic Concepts of Sociology]. Ed. Bernhard Schäfers. 5th rev. and expanded ed. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 1998. xii, 464 p. 19 cm. (UTB für Wissenschaft: Uni-Taschenbücher, 1,416). ISBN 3-8100-2220-9 (Leske + Budrich), ISBN 3-8252-1416-8 (UTB): DM 26.80 [99-1/4-346] This work, which has become a modern classic over the years, has been released in new and revised versions every three years since 1986. Consistent from the very beginning, it has adhered to its purpose of providing an introduction to fundamental concepts, at the acceptable price of ignoring the host of others. Although this latest edition is slightly larger than earlier ones, the number of articles is more or less the same: older topics were dropped to make room for new ones. (As a consequence, libraries are well-advised to keep earlier editions accessible to users.) Both editors and contributors are well-known in the field. It is of benefit, too, that the contributors are not proponents of a particular school, meaning that a broad range of topics and approaches is represented.

The 150 articles are on average 2.5 pages in length. Each begins with a definition, followed by a history of the term, a thorough conceptualization, and references to the literature. This is a standard reference work, unique in the German language, functionally comparable only to the legendary Wörterbuch der Soziologie of Wilhelm Bernsdorf. [jpl/jg]

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