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Deutsche Buchillustratoren im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts: Materialien für Bibliophile [German Book Illustrators in the First Third of the 20th Century: Materials for Bibliophiles]. Adolf Sennewald. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. 302 p. 25 cm. (Bibliographien: Buch, Bibliothek, Literatur, 2). ISBN 3-447-04228-1: DM 168.00 [00-1/4-077]
The first volume (Bibliographie Science-Fiction: Bucherstausgaben 1945-1995) of
a new series, Bibliographien: Buch, Bibliothek, Literatur [Bibliographies: Book,
Library, Literature], was reviewed in RREA 5:127. The present title is the second volume
of the series. The criticisms regarding the first title still stand; it appears as if the
publisher has begun a forum for book collectors without bothering much about standards of
content or form. The observation in the foreword that "...;for a long time the
illustrated German book of the 19th and early 20th centuries was considered scarcely
worthy of serious contemplation" suffices for the compiler as justification for the
chosen time period, from which he has selected 113 book illustrators. He states that
"the selection does not follow any strict system," and, indeed, it appears that
the indexing does not follow any strict system either. The articles offer very limited
biographical data, sometimes a few literary references (but more often none), and the
actual bibliographic descriptions of the illustrated works. The overall impression is
conflicting: if the publisher had demanded the remedy of obvious deficiencies, then
perhaps the bibliography would not have been published at all. As it is, even defective
bibliographies have a partial usefulness, but the verification work falls where it should
not--on the shoulders of the user. [sh/rdh]
Leihbibliothekskataloge aus Hessen-Kassel: Quellen zur populären Lesekultur und Bildungsgeschichte in Deutschland im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert [Lending-Library Catalogs from Hessen-Kassel: Sources for Popular Reading Culture and Cultural History in Germany in the 18th and 19th Centuries]. Thomas Sirges. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999. ix, 193 p. 23 cm. + 17 microfiches. (Studien und Texte zur Sozialgeschichte der Literatur, 72). ISBN 3-484-35072-5: DM 118.00 [00-1/4-078]
This catalog is another byproduct of the author's 1989 Marburg dissertation, which was published in 1994 as Die Bedeutung der Leihbibliothek für die Lesekultur in Hessen-Kassel 1753-1866 [The Significance of the Lending Library in the Reading Culture of Hessen-Kassel, 1753-1866] (Tübingen, 1994). Other related publications include Sirges's Lesen in Marburg 1759-1848: eine Studie zur Bedeutung von Lesegesellschaften und Leihbibliotheken [Reading in Marburg 1758-1848: A Study of the Significance of Reading Societies and Lending-Libraries] (Marburg, 1991), and his work in Alberto Marino's Die Deutsche Leihbibliothek: Geschichte einer literarischen Institution, 1756-1914 [The German Lending-Library: History of a Literary Institution 1756-1914] (Wiesbaden, 1990).
German lending libraries of the 19th century were exceedingly important institutions for the dissemination of popular literature, regardless of political boundaries. With this microfiche reproduction of the Hessen-Kassel lending library catalogs from 1778 to 1866, the compiler's efforts to document this phenomenon in Hessen-Kassel have found a provisional endpoint. The huge amount of editorial effort invested in this microfiche collection is evident in the indexes of authors, editors, publishers, illustrators, composers, pseudonyms, and printers that accompany it. Perusal of any of these leads to unexpected and interesting connections and discoveries.
Given the current state of digital reproduction techniques, the reproduction on
microfiche of a collection of catalogs seems obsolete. A CD-ROM version would have
provided interested scholars with a more usable resource and brought increased sales to
the publisher. [hm/baw]
L'édition française: depuis 1945 [French Publishing since 1945]. Ed. Pascal Fouché. Paris: Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie, 1998. 933 p. ill. 31 cm. ISBN 2-7654-0708-8: FF 990.00 [00-1/4-082]
In the four-volume Histoire de l'édition française [History of French Publishing] (Paris, 1989-1991), France has an excellent, modern, richly illustrated publishing history covering the Middle Ages through the period immediately following World War II. The volume reviewed here serves well as its continuation, although it is less a history than a panorama of many different aspects of French publishing.
The work consists of two sections: the first includes 16 chapters on a variety of
publishing areas, such as belles lettres, social sciences, book clubs, paperbacks, art
books, children's books, comics, various types of nonfiction and reference publishing, and
electronic publishing. The second part chronicles changes in publishing (such as the move
from mechanized to digital printing), publishing and the state (including copyright,
pricing, and censorship), and economic aspects of publishing. Several chapters can stand
on their own as reference resources for anyone who purchases French books, and many
include excellent bibliographies. Notable as well are the richly colored illustrations.
Their colleagues in other countries with a major publishing industry can only envy the
French for this informative, painstaking publication. [sh/baw]
Referenzbibliografie Medien: Bibliografien, Handbücher und Fachzeitschriften zur Massenkommunikation [Reference Bibliography of the Media: Bibliographies, Handbooks, and Journals Relating to Mass Communication]. Thomas Schuster. Konstanz: UVK Medien, 2000. 300 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-89669-258-5: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-084]
The title sounds inviting and promises an index of materials relating to the topic "media"--but in what way? A glance into the book shows that this is not an annotated list of recommended works but rather a listing of titles without commentary. The author classifies his material under nine broad headings: Mass Media, Press, Radio, Television, Film, Telecommunication, Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing. Each of these chapters is further subdivided into three categories: Bibliographies; Encyclopedias, Handbooks, Lexica; Journals and Yearbooks. The numbered listing of 6,622 titles provides only a sketchy--sometimes incomplete--summary of bibliographic information for each item.
In his introduction, Schuster writes that he compiled this bibliography in the space of
half a year, relying primarily on Internet research in the catalogs of the Library of
Congress, the Deutsche Bibliothek (German National Library), and the library of the
Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen "Konrad Wolf" (Institute for Film and
Television "Konrad Wolf") in Potsdam. Herein lies one of the fundamental flaws
of his project--that it is based on catalog research, not on firsthand inspection of the
works indexed, which would certainly have provided the work with a sounder methodological
basis, but may have delayed its publication. The editor's stated aim is to index a mixture
of general and specialized literature in the field, being particularly selective in the
choice of reference works. In fact, his selection appears somewhat arbitrary. For example,
he includes local and regional periodicals from the USA and Canada, but inexplicably
leaves out significant European reference works and journals. Another, lesser, objection
is that the index completely excludes the wealth of resources now available on the
Internet. Nevertheless, Schuster has provided a valuable service with his ambitious
undertaking, by offering an overview of much, if not all, of the important American and
European literature relating to media and mass communications. [wub/akb]
Vol. 10. 98385-110925: Biographische Literatur: A-E; Herausgeber, Journalisten, Publizisten und Verleger (haupt- und nebenberufliche): Illustratoren, Karikaturisten, Pressephotographen; Druckereibesitzer, führende Fachleute der Zeitungstechnik, in Anzeigenwerbung, Lesezirkel und Vertrieb; Publizistik- und Zeitungswissenschaftler, Pressejuristen. [Biographical Literature: A-E: Editors, Journalists, Publicists and Publishers (Commercial and Private): Illustrators, Caricaturists, Press Photographers; Printing Press Owners, Leading Specialists in Journalistic Techniques, Advertising, Reading-Circles and Distribution; Scholars of Journalism and Newspaper Publishing, Press Lawyers]. 2000. xxi, 385 p. ISBN 3-598-23480-5: DM 360.00
Although originally announced as volumes 10 to 12, the biographical segment of Literatur
zur deutschsprachigen Presse will consist of four volumes. This work casts a wide net,
including, in addition to those named in the subtitle, persons of local interest, as well
as writers who were not primarily involved in journalism. Some of the entries are brief;
none include birth and death dates. Many are based on Kosch's lexicon, whose third edition
had unfortunately not been published in 1970, the cutoff date for this bibliography.
Still, this is truly a gold mine of information that has not been documented elsewhere.
Von Almanach bis Zeitung: ein Handbuch der Medien in Deutschland 1700-1800 [From Almanach to Newspaper: A Handbook of Media in Germany, 1700-1800]. Ed. Ernst Fischer. München: Beck, 1999. 448 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-406-45476-3: DM 148.00 [00-1/4-091]
It is not often that a scholarly collection appears under a misleading title, but this book does. It is not really a handbook, and only a relatively small sector of the media--periodicals--is represented. The 25 contributions differ widely in scope and analysis. There are no links among the essays, no cross-references, and no title index. The level of typographic accuracy is high, and the cover is attractive, but the binding is of questionable quality. There is an extensive bibliography of recent research.
All of the contributors are specialists in their fields, who draw upon their previous
work. Collectively, however, their heterogeneous articles do not support the editor's
assertion that a media revolution took place in the 18th century. [hm/mrh]
"Zum Nutzen und Bequemlichkeit der Einwohner": Geschichte der Pforzheimer Zeitungen ["For the Use and Convenience of the Inhabitants:" History of Newspapers in Pforzheim]. Olaf Schulze. Ed. Christian Groh. Ubstadt-Weiher: Verlag Regionalkultur, 1999. 214 p. ill. 24 cm. (Materialien zur Stadtgeschichte, 13). ISBN 3-89735-122-6: DM 28.80 [00-1/4-094]
This work, intended for a general audience, is based on a series of articles that appeared in the Pforzheimer Kurier in 1994-95. For the book version they were expanded and augmented with bibliographical references and an index of names. Numerous illustrations add to the depiction of local history. The list of publications, with 46 titles, is chronological by year of publication; other literature is given in footnotes.
The source for the narrative is the newspapers themselves; sometimes archival material and regional and superregional secondary literature were consulted. Newspaper texts are quoted in detail. Dealing with the history of newspapers is particularly interesting, the author emphasizes, because the press is often the only source for the history of a place when other local documents have been lost. The history of newspapers in Pforzheim begins in 1794, with the first issue of the Wöchentliche Nachrichten von und für Pforzheim, and continues for 10 chapters until June 22, 1999, when the 150,000th visitor clicked on the Internet pages of the Pforzheimer Zeitung. The detailed presentation ends earlier, in the mid-1950s, with the consolidation of local newspapers after the turbulence of World War II. Schulze proceeds chronologically; an imbalance in the space devoted to various time periods is not unjustified when one remembers the shifting importance of the region. The author uses the source material with expertise and sensitivity, not simple when dealing with newspapers. Anecdotal material gets its due.
For the librarian, an appended overview of the holdings of Pforzheim newspapers in archives and libraries will be of particular interest. This list of 67 titles, which also includes short-lived publications and titles of which no copies appear to have survived, seems to be very nearly complete. The holdings of the Pforzheim city archives and the state libraries in Karlsruhe are noted, occasionally further holdings, all nearly identical with data in Gert Hagelweide's Deutsche Zeitungsbestände in Bibliotheken und Archiven [German Newspapers in Libraries and Archives] (Düsseldorf, 1974). No holdings are listed beyond the immediate geographical region. Outside of the regional depository copies one would expect to find only scattered holdings of original newspapers, but it would have been helpful to find microfilm holdings mentioned. For newspapers one should also consider collections outside the public sphere, such as publishers' archives. Good examples for the processing and determination of local newspaper holdings are offered by Peter Stein in Die nordostniedersächsische Tagespresse: von den Anfängen bis 1945, ein Handbuch (dealing with northeastern Lower Saxony) and by Werner Ströbele in Hiesiges: Anfänge der Lokalpublizistik (dealing with Tübingen). [wh/gh]
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