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Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: die Philosophie der Antike [Outline of the History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy]. Founded by Friedrich Ueberweg. Fully rev. ed. Basel: Schwabe. [00-1/4-095]
Vol. 2,1. Sophistik, Sokrates, Sokratik, Mathematik, Medizin [Sophistry, Socrates, Socraticism, Mathematics, Medicine]. Klaus Döring et al. Ed. Hellmut Flashar. 1998. xiv, 540 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7965-1036-1: SFr. 130.00, DM 156.00
The ancient philosophy component of the new edition of Ueberweg's work continues with the present volume, which deals with Greek philosophy between the Presocratics (to be covered in the still-awaited volume 1) and Plato (to be covered in volume 2,2). Also planned for publication are volume 5, Die 'heidnische' Philosophie der Kaiserzeit [The 'Pagan' Philosophy of the Roman Empire], and volume 6, Die jüdische und christliche Philosophie der Kaiserzeit [Jewish and Christian Philosophy of the Roman Empire]. Previously published volumes were volume 3, Ältere Akademie, Aristoteles, Peripatos [Early Academy, Aristotle, Peripatetics] (1983), and volume 4, Die hellenistische Philosophie [Hellenistic Philosophy] (1994) (see IFB 98-1/2-071).
The present volume is divided into four long chapters of varying character. Chapter 1 discusses the basic concepts of Sophistry, individual Sophists, and anonymous Sophist writings. Chapter 2 deals with Socrates (whose ideas must be reconstructed from secondary sources, since he left no writings), written and illustrative sources, and the influence of Socratic ideas on philosophy, literature (e.g., Dürrenmatt), and opera (e.g., Telemann, Paisiello, Krenek). Chapter 3 provides detailed coverage of mathematicians such as Euclid and Archimedes. In comparison with Chapter 3's treatment of its subject, Chapter 4's coverage of writers about medicine is sketchy, e.g., the influence of the Hippocratic Oath is dealt with in a single paragraph. Each chapter includes a bibliography. The volume closes with a Greek glossary, the new edition's first subject index, covering philosophical concepts, schools, and movements, and a name index, which appears in all volumes and covers both philosophers and authors of secondary literature.
The bibliographies vary in currency because the chapters were not all prepared
simultaneously; it is therefore suggested that future volumes reveal the time frames
involved in their preparation. [sh/rm]
Vol. 1, Pts. 1-2. Allgemeine Themen, Iberische Halbinsel, Italien [General Themes, Iberian Peninsula, Italy]. 1998. lxiii, xxxviii, 1,141 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7965-1034-5: SFr. 220.00, DM 264.00
The new edition of Ueberweg's work has begun with the ancient philosophy component (see RREA 6:63 above), and will eventually include components dealing with philosophy of the Middle Ages (the contents of volumes 1-5 have been determined), Renaissance (neither editor nor volumes have been named), 18th century (three volumes are planned; contributors to the first two have been identified), 19th century, and 20th century (both are in the same situation as the Renaissance component). Already published in the component on 17th-century philosophy are volume 2, Frankreich und Niederlande [France and the Netherlands] (1993), and volume 3, England (1988). Volume 4, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation, Nord- und Osteuropa [Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, Northern and Eastern Europe] was to have been published in 2000.
The volume under review is published in two parts, which are divided into three sections: (1) general themes, (2) the Iberian Peninsula, and (3) Italy. Notable aspects of the first section are its handling of topics that go beyond philosophy to include literature and the history of knowledge, and its articles on the transmission of Chinese philosophy to Europe, philosophical historiography, and historical representations of philosophy (this article includes an annotated bibliography of 30 histories of philosophy, written in or translated into German, that appeared between 1742-1856). A highlight of the second section is its treatment of the Golden Age of Spanish literature and philosopher/author Baltasar Gracián, who occupies a central role in the history of literature. Machiavellianism and Tacitism are dealt with in both the second and third sections. The third section's third chapter, "The New Science," which includes articles on Galileo, his school, and the Italian academies, will interest historians as well as philosophers. The article entitled "Atomists, Natural Philosophers, Physicians, Encyclopedists" includes four Frenchmen and one Dane (Niels Stensen) among its nine subjects, demonstrating Italy's influence in areas beyond literature and art. The listing of literature about Stensen overlooks the most extensive bibliography in existence--the 1986 Bibliographia Nicolai Stenonis by Michael Jensen. Primary sources are given at the beginnings of individual contributions, while secondary sources are lumped together at the ends of larger sections. It might have been more practical to present both at the beginnings of contributions.
In contrast to volume 2,1 of the ancient philosophy component, this volume lacks a
subject index. Its name index covers 17th-century philosophers, persons from earlier
centuries who influenced 17th-century philosophy, printers and publishers of the 17th
century, and authors of secondary literature, including academies, religious orders, and
universities. [sh/rm]
L'Europa libertina: (secc. XVI-XVIII): bibliografia generale[Libertine Europe: 16th-18th Centuries: General Bibliography]. Sergio Zoli. Fiesole: Nardini, 1997. 487 p. 25 cm. ISBN 88-404-2512-8: Lit. 65,000 [00-1/4-097]
Although this bibliography considers the 18th century and includes many titles dealing with general cultural history, it should be reviewed in connection with volume 1 of the 17th-century component of the new edition of Friedrich Ueberweg's Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie [Outline of the History of Philosophy] (see RREA 6:64 above), which describes at greater length than does Zoli the various libertine movements. The inspiration for Zoli's bibliography comes from his own publications on the same subject: Europa libertina tra controriforma e illuminismo [Libertine Europe from the Counter-Reformation to the Enlightenment] (Bologna, 1989) and Dall'Europa libertina all'Europa illuminista [From Libertine Europe to Enlightened Europe] (Florence, 1997). The bibliography proper follows a lengthy introduction to the topic at hand and is organized alphabetically by author in separate sections for primary and secondary sources. The usefulness of the subject index is limited because of the lack of column titles.
Two random comparisons of Zoli's bibliography and volume 1 of the 17th-century
component of Ueberweg's work are revealing. For Claude Guillermet Bérigard, Ueberweg
provides a complete primary bibliography and 18 secondary sources, whereas Zoli lists only
three secondary titles, all of which are included in Ueberweg. Zoli, on the other hand,
provides fuller coverage than does Ueberweg of the transmission of Chinese philosophy to
Europe. [sh/rm]
Philosophiae ianua bibliographica [Annual Bibliography of Philosophy]. Comp. Joachim Aul. Cuxhaven; Dartford: Junghans. 21 cm. (Bibliographien Philosophie, ...). (Traude Junghans, Flat 5, 21 Essex Road, Dartford, Kent, fax [44 1322] 401-755) [00-1/4-098]
Vol. A. 1999. 396 p. (Bibliographien Philosophie, 1). ISBN 3-932905-25-3: DM 78.00 (15 percent discount for direct subscription)
Vol. B. 2000. 216 p. (Bibliographien Philosophie, 2). ISBN 3-932905-30-X: DM 48.00 (15 percent discount for direct subscription)
This new bibliography in loose-leaf format, though produced by an experienced
philosophy publisher, surprisingly lacks a foreword in its first volume. Under headings
for individual philosophers and philosophical concepts, the articles are arranged
alphabetically by author. The authors' first names are abbreviated, and much
bibliographical information is missing (such as publisher and contents for some books).
The work is intended to comprise 15 volumes upon completion, at the rate of 2-3 per year,
with ongoing supplements that account for the loose-leaf format. A statement in a brochure
obtained separately from the publisher, in which the author describes himself as a
"collector, with a side interest in philosophy," explains the lack of
discrimination in the inclusion and organization of the articles. One would be best off
utilizing existing retrospective and current printed and electronic bibliographies. There
is certainly no need for this one. [sh/mm]
Bibliographia philosophica vetus: repertorium generale systematicum operum philosophicorum usque ad annum MDCCC typis impressorum [Bibliography of Ancient Philosophy: General Index to the Systematic Works of Philosophy Published up to 1800]. Wilhelm Risse. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms. 24 cm. (Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie, 45). ISBN 3-487-10536-5: DM 2,248.00 [00-1/4-099]
Vol. 1. Philosophia generalis [General Philosophy]. 1998. xii, 469 p. ISBN 3-487-10537-3: DM 198.00
Vol. 2. Logica [Logic]. 1998. viii, 491 p. ISBN 3-487-10538-1: DM 228.00
Vol. 3. Metaphysica [Metaphysics]. 1998. viii, 145 p. ISBN 3-487-10539-X: DM 98.00
Vol. 4. Ethica et politica [Ethics and Politics]. 1998. viii, 647 p. ISBN 3-487-10540-3: DM 298.00
Vol. 5. De anima [On the Spirit]. 1998. viii, 299 p. ISBN 3-487-10541-1: DM 178.00
Vol. 6. Philosophia naturalis [Natural Philosophy]. 1998. viii, 461 p. ISBN 3-487-10542-X: DM 198.00
Vol. 7. Doxoscopia [Doxoscopy]. 1998. xviii, 243 p. ISBN 3-487-10543-8: DM 168.00
Vol. 8. Theses academicae [Academic Theses]
Pt. 1. Index disputationum: Aagardus-Maes [Index to Arguments: Aagardus-Maes]. 1998. 506 p. ISBN 3-487-10544-6: DM 228.00
Pt. 2. Index disputationum: Maestlinus-Zyra, Opera anonyma [Index to Arguments: Maestlinus-Zyra, Anonymous Works]. 1998. p. 507-1,013. ISBN 3-487-10545-4: DM 228.00
Pt. 3. Index respondentium [Index of Responses]. 1998. 203 p. ISBN 3-487-10546-2: DM 228.00
Vol. 9. Syllabus auctorum [Index to Authors]. 1998. 353 p. ISBN 3-487-10547-0: DM 198.00
A rich short title bibliography, this work attempts to include all independently
published works of philosophy from the dawn of publishing to 1800 in all European
languages. An estimated 76,400 titles and 15,800 names are covered, roughly organized by
year and author in eight volumes of vastly different lengths. Entries include author,
title, place and year of publication, printer or publisher, and bibliographical format,
followed by library call numbers. Works actually examined are marked with an asterisk.
There are indexes to authors, anonymous works, commentators, Latin keywords, and call
numbers from 78 German and 350 other European and American libraries. Libraries that are
particularly interesting are marked with asterisks. Volume 9 consists chiefly of a
complete author index, with birth and death dates, places of birth and activity, and
profession, with references to volumes in which works are listed; in addition, the volume
includes both a Latin-German concordance to places and abbreviations of monks' orders.
Many authors appear only once; very few appear in seven or eight volumes. Whether or not
the old books will be used to research this cultural heritage, as the bibliographer hopes,
this work certainly offers a tool for such investigation. [sh/mm]
Philosophielexikon: Personen und Begriffe der abendländischen Philosophie von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart [Dictionary of Philosophy: Persons and Concepts of Western Philosophy from Antiquity to the Present]. Ed. Anton Hügli and Poul Lübcke. 3d rev. and enl. ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 2000. 703 p. ill. 19 cm. (Rowohlts Enzyklopädie, 55453). Original title: Politikens filosofi leksikon. Also previously available as Rowohlts Enzyklopädie, 453. ISBN 3-499-55453-4: DM 29.90 [00-1/4-104]
This is in fact the third reprint of the revised 1997 edition of the Philosophielexikon.
The first German-language edition of this dictionary appeared in 1991; the Danish original
in 1983. With a view of philosophy as an extension of the day-to-day process of
self-examination, the dictionary presents articles on persons and themes in European
philosophy with the intention of providing the interested layperson with access to current
philosophical discourse. This goal is generally met through understandable language, good
cross references, relatively current bibliographical references, and well-formed
overviews. [we/mm]
Enzyklopädie Philosophie [Encyclopedia of Philosophy]. Ed. Detlev Pätzold and Hans Jörg Sandkühler. Hamburg: Meiner, 1999. 2 vols. xiii, 1,902 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-7873-1452-0: DM 248.00 [00-1/4-105]
Metzler-Philosophie-Lexikon: Begriffe und Definitionen [Metzler's Dictionary of Philosophy: Concepts and Definitions]. Ed. Peter Prechtl and Franz-Peter Burkard. 2d rev. and updated ed. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1999. xviii, 685 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-476-01697-X: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-106]
The Enzyklopädie Philosophie contains 384 entries by an international team of 226 authors. Articles offer an explanation of how each term is used in philosophy, in other sciences, and in everyday speech, before delving into the history of the term. This approach provides insight into the problematic addressed by the term and outlines the current state of research related to the term. Extensive secondary literature and cross-references within each article make it possible to trace the broader context in which the term functions. Easy access to content is provided by keys to abbreviations, seals, and mathematical formulas, and indexes to subjects and individuals are likewise supplied. A list of authors and their articles delivers a quick overview of the contents of this well-structured encyclopedia.
Providing an orientation for students and lay readers, the new edition of Metzler-Philosophie-Lexikon
contains 200 new articles. Thirty-eight articles have been replaced, and the secondary
literature has been updated. The unique feature of this volume is the inclusion of
numerous terms from Indian and Chinese philosophy--material not found in comparable works.
Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe [Dictionary of Philosophical Concepts]. Founded by Friedrich Kirchner and Carl Michaelis. Cont'd. by Johannes Hoffmeister. Completely new ed. by Arnim Regenbogen and Uwe Meyer. Hamburg: Meiner, 1998. x, 895 p. 20 cm. (Philosophische Bibliothek, 500). ISBN 3-7873-1325-7: DM 68.00 [00-1/4-107]
The new edition of this dictionary includes over 4,000 articles covering words and
concepts central to philosophy and its history; articles about people are not included. In
addition, a series of bibliographies point to Bible passages and literature on the history
of concepts, and an index covers people, works, and subjects. The original edition of this
work was conceptualized as a key to terms that appeared in titles of the Philosophische
Bibliothek. Like its predecessors, from which some portions of articles have been
carried over, this edition emphasizes the etymology and history of specific terms, while
its content reflects the trend away from empirical psychology in favor of logic and
linguistic philosophy. Previous editions appeared in the following years (with the editors
noted): Wörterbuch der philosophischen Grundbegriffe, 1886, with expanded editions
1890 and 1897 (Kirchner); first revisions 1903 and 1907 (Michaelis); 6th (3d revised)
edition 1911 (Michaelis), abandoning most of Kirchner's original text; complete new
edition 1944, with new title (Hoffmeister). A second new edition by Hoffmeister appeared
in 1955 and was inexplicably reprinted in 1988. The dictionary's history illustrates a
changing dialogue with German philosophical thought at important points in time, such as
the turn of the century and immediately after World War II. However, this newest edition,
edited by Regenbogen and Meyer, fails to depart meaningfully from the dictionary's past.
It revives the list of ideas and concepts, with some of the language changed to remove
ideological barriers, but it is neither a successful modern reference work that can
compete with current Anglo-American handbooks, nor the critical revision that a
philosophical dictionary from the Meiner publishing house deserves. [jw/mm]
Dictionnaire des philosophes [Dictionary of Philosophers]. Paris: Encyclopædia Universalis; Albin Michel, 1998. 469 p. ill. 21 cm. ([Les dictionnaires] Encyclopædia universalis). ISBN 2-226-10093-8: FF 240.00 [00-1/4-109]
This encyclopedia of philosophy is part of a series with thematic excerpts from the
French Encyclopædia universalis. It encompasses around 530 articles by about 280
authors, mainly French, on philosophers of all periods and regions, most of whom are no
longer living. Coverage of Arabic philosophers is notable, and some articles about schools
of philosophy are included. The length and content of the articles vary wildly, and only
the medium and long articles include complete, organized bibliographies; these emphasize
French monographs. The comprehensive index contains entries for philosophers,
philosophical concepts, countries, periods, and schools. Although intended primarily for
private collections, this work is not inappropriate for research libraries, even those
that own the two-volume dictionary of the same name from Presses Universitaires. [sh/mm]
Philosophen des Mittelalters: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the Middle Ages: An Introduction]. Ed. Theo Kobusch. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 2000. 282 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-156-1: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-110]
Philosophen der Renaissance: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the Renaissance: An Introduction]. Ed. Paul Richard Blum. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 1999. vi, 243 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-134-0: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-111]
Philosophen des 17. Jahrhunderts: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the 17th Century: An Introduction]. Ed. Lothar Kreimendahl. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 1999. vi, 267 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-136-7: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-112]
Philosophen des 18. Jahrhunderts: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the 18th Century: An Introduction]. Ed. Lothar Kreimendahl. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 2000. vi, 252 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-157-X: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-113]
Philosophen des 19. Jahrhunderts: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the 19th Century: An Introduction]. Ed. Margot Fleischer and Jochem Hennigfeld. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 1998. vi, 261 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-092-1: DM 49.80 [00-1/4-114]
Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts: eine Einführung [Philosophers of the 20th Century: An Introduction]. Ed. Margot Fleischer. 4th ed. Darmstadt: Primus-Verlag, 1996. vi, 265 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-89678-502-8: DM 29.90 [00-1/4-115]
The series features introductions to a total of 84 philosophers, mostly written by
German academics (some articles, specifically in the Medieval and Renaissance volumes,
appear in translation). While not an encyclopedia per se, the volumes present a good
overview of the philosophy of each epoch. The articles include little biographical
information and no secondary literature. The most important works of the philosophers are
presented chronologically in a table at the end. The impetus for the series was the volume
on the 20th century, which has been reprinted three times since 1990. A two-volume set
covering the philosophers of antiquity has been announced for late 2000. [sh/hsb]
Die großen Philosophen des 20. Jahrhunderts: biographisches Lexikon [Important Philosophers of the 20th Century: A Biographical Encyclopedia]. Ed. Bernd Lutz. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1999. 471 p. ill. (dtv, 32517). ISBN 3-423-32517-8: DM 24.90 [00-1/4-117]
Philosophical encyclopedias are unique in that they not only present biographical and bibliographical information, but need to include a philosopher's way of thinking, questioning, and researching, which widens the scope considerably. Philosophie der Gegenwart is focused on German philosophers living, writing, and teaching today, with an emphasis on Europe and North America. This second, revised edition includes updated bibliographies and some new philosophers. Especially valuable, and unusual among encyclopedias, are the extensive secondary sources, which follow an introductory biography and a presentation of a philosopher's work. In the 20-page, 4-chapter introduction, the editors endeavor to establish connections among the 156 featured philosophers.
Bernd Lutz's biographical encyclopedia has a different audience: anyone interested in
philosophy. The current volume covers a selection of 125 philosophers, excerpted from Metzler
Philosophen Lexikon (Weimar, 2d ed., 1995) by the same editor. The latter is viewed as
a standard work. The illustrated articles start with an overview, followed by biographical
data and the most important secondary literature. Unfortunately, no attempt has been made
to cross-reference the various articles, so that the lay reader cannot learn about
important overarching philosophical movements. Very useful is the selected and partially
annotated bibliography listing introductory literature, histories, handbooks, and
encyclopedias of philosophy. [we/hsb]
Hauptwerke der Philosophie: Mittelalter: Interpretationen [Major Works of Philosophy: Middle Ages: Interpretations]. Ed. Kurt Flasch. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1998. 499 p. 15 cm. (Universal-Bibliothek, 8741). ISBN 3-15-008741-4: DM 22.00 [00-1/4-119]
With the Großes Werklexikon der Philosophie, the author, a professor of philosophy in Italy, aims to provide the reader of specific philosophical texts a relatively short overview of their content and significance. The intent is to encourage the study of the original texts and to ease the way to their understanding. This approach is perhaps better for shorter pieces than for longer ones, such as Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft, and works best as a post-reading exercise. It is notable that the author includes summaries of Eastern, Semitic, and Slavic works as well as Western titles. The dictionary compares favorably to the Lexikon der philosophischen Werke (Stuttgart, 1988), especially in its organizational structure.
Hauptwerke der Philosophie: Mittelalter: Interpretationen is also a
wide-reaching description of texts, in this case, interpretations of philosophical works
from the Middle Ages. The intention is to introduce the major works of Medieval thought
through their various interpretations, which stem from the Latin, Jewish, and Arab worlds.
This is an interesting approach and introduces the reader to both lesser-known and
standard interpretations. Only 20 works are featured in this volume, and it would have
presented a more comprehensive view of medieval intellectual history if the editors had
included an introduction or summary of other important writings from the Middle Ages.
The "Poetics" of Aristotle and the "Tractatus Coislinianus": A Bibliography from about 900 till 1996. Comp. Omert J. Schrier. Leiden: Brill, 1998. 350 p. 25 cm. (Mnemosyne: Supplementum, 184). ISBN 90-04-11132-8: Hfl. 217.50, Hfl. 191.00 (subscription to the series) [00-1/4-120]
A comprehensive bibliography of Aristotle's poetics has been needed for some time; the
last appeared over 70 years ago (Cooper and Gudeman, A Bibliography of the Poetics of
Aristotle, 1928). Omert Schrier has selected material from the 15th century to 1996
and has also included a bibliography of the Tractatus Coislinianus, an anonymous
work that includes an excerpt of the second, lost Poetics. The bibliography aims to
be comprehensive, but the author has failed to include some important treatments, such as
that of the Tractatus found in Die attische Mittlere Komödie (Berlin,
1990). Readers interested in reception, as well a more historical perspective, should
consult A Bibliography of the Poetics of Aristotle. Despite these few shortcomings,
this reference work should be included in all libraries with literary collections.
Hegel Bibliography: Background Material on the International Reception of Hegel within the Context of the History of Philosophy = Hegel-Bibliographie. Comp. Kurt Steinhauer. München: Saur. 24 cm. [00-1/4-122]
Pt. 2. 1976-1991. With the assistance of Hans-Dieter Schlüter. Keyword index by Anton Sergl. 1998. Vol. 1-2. xviii, 1,128 p. ISBN 3-598-10787-0: DM 498.00
Before Kurt Steinhauer published the first part of his multivolume bibliography of
Hegel in 1980 (Hegel Bibliography), there was no comprehensive author bibliography
of this philosopher, whose influence is worldwide. Part 2, a supplement published in two
volumes, covers primary and secondary literature published since 1976 and also includes
pre-1976 titles omitted in the 1980 work. Entries for works in lesser-known languages are
sometimes given along with a German translation, although this is often lacking. The
subject index is very difficult to use and not really helpful. As often is the case with
such large, comprehensive bibliographies, the reader can become overwhelmed and might
desire a more selective research tool with easier access. [sh/ldb]
Bibliographie zu Hegels "Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse": Primär- und Sekundärliteratur 1817-1994 [Bibliography on Hegel's Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Outline): Primary and Secondary Literature, 1817-1944]. Ed. Karen Gloy and Rainer Lambrecht. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1995. 123 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3-7728-1631-2: DM 68.00 [00-1/4-123]
Gloy and Lambrecht's work was published only two years after the three-volume bibliography on Hegel's Wissenschaft der Logik (1993) by Erwin Hasselberg and Frank Radtke, and so one wonders how much overlap there is between the two titles. Although the organization of Gloy and Lambrecht's work makes a detailed comparison difficult, a cursory comparison suggests that their bibliography does indeed include unique titles, perhaps because they have concentrated exclusively on the Enzyklopädie, which, as a study outline, has not received as much critical attention as Hegel's major works.
Containing between 700 and 800 works, Gloy and Lambrecht's bibliography aims for a comprehensive listing of works devoted in whole or in part to Hegel's Enzyklopädie from the time of its publication in 1817 up to 1994. Titles indexed are in German, English, French, and Italian. Materials in Asian and African languages, on the other hand, are expressly excluded, as are titles in Finnish, Hungarian, and Rumanian.
A number of deficiencies impair the usefulness of this bibliography. Although it is
short enough to be skimmed, the lack of annotations and the incompleteness of
bibliographic data for monographs are nonetheless glaring shortcomings. And there are no
indexes to facilitate the search for specific subject and author information. All in all,
these faults diminish the value of this work as a reference tool. [rb+sh/jb]
Der handschriftliche Nachlass Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels und die Hegel-Bestände der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz [The Manuscript Archive of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and the Hegel Collection at the State Library of the Prussian Cultural Foundation in Berlin]. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1995. 29 cm. (Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung; Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz: Series 2, Nachlässe, 4). ISBN 3-447-03633-8: DM 398.00 [00-1/4-124]
Part 1. Katalog [Catalog]. Ed. Eva Ziesche. 1995. 345 p.
Part 2. Die Papiere und Wasserzeichen der Hegel-Manuskripte: analytische Untersuchungen [Papers and Watermarks of the Hegel Manuscripts: Analytical Investigations]. Ed. Eva Ziesche and Dierk Schnitger. 1995. 100 p. ill.
Hegel researchers know that the State Library in Berlin (SBB) has the largest
collection of Hegel manuscripts in the world. This new catalog is the first complete
printed inventory of the collection. The catalog is distinguished by its fastidiousness
and attention to detail, and its comprehensiveness as a work of Hegel research in and of
itself. Part 1 is a catalog of the manuscripts and other documents in the SBB, and Part 2,
which won the Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in 1996, is an analysis of the
paper used by Hegel. The author, Eva Ziesche, has developed an intimate relationship with
this Hegel collection and its history through decades-long employment in the manuscript
department of the SBB. In Part 2 she works together with a paper expert, Dierk Schnitger,
to analyze the paper, writing utensils, and scripts used by Hegel. The only quibble one
might have with this excellent catalog is that is not in an electronic format, since
expectations and demands for full-text keyword searching are making print catalogs less
and less attractive to users. [rb/ldb]
Primärbibliographie der Schriften Karl Jaspers' [Primary Bibliography of the Writings of Karl Jaspers]. Ed. Christian Rabanus on behalf of the Karl-Jaspers-Stiftung, based on the bibliography by Gisela Gefken and Karl Kunert. Rev. ed. Tübingen: Francke, 2000. 399 p. 23 cm. (Basler Studien zur Philosophie, 11). ISBN 3-7720-2080-1: DM 120.00 [00-1/4-126]
This bibliography of the German philosopher Karl Jaspers draws from an earlier
publication, Karl Jaspers: eine Bibliographie (Oldenburg, 1978). The new work is a
chronological bibliography of editions of Jaspers's works, beginning with his 1909
dissertation and continuing through 1996. It includes translations and essays published in
larger works. Strangely enough, the title index is arranged by the first word of the
title, regardless of whether that might be a punctuation mark or a definite or indefinite
article. Still desirable for the Jaspers scholar would be a bibliography of secondary
literature. [sh/ldb]
1945-1990. 1999. xviii, 976 p. ISBN 3-465-02987-9: DM 248.00
Since 1968 the journal Kant-Studien has published an annual bibliography of
works by and about Kant, first edited by Rudolf Malter, founder of the Kant Research
Institute at the University of Mainz. Malter had planned and actually begun a large,
retrospective, international Kant bibliography for the years 1749-1990, but passed away in
1994 before the project was complete. The newly published Kant Bibliography
covering the years 1945-1990 represents a continuation of his efforts. A second volume for
the years 1896-1944 is planned. The Kant Bibliography attempts to be nothing less
than a complete record of primary and secondary Kant literature in all languages, with
entries based upon in-hand examination or title verification through reliable sources. Of
course, any attempt at a comprehensive bibliography for an internationally studied author
such as Kant will fall short of its goal; however, with nearly 12,000 titles, this
bibliography is a substantive and useful tool for Kant researchers and will become even
more crucial when the second volume appears. [sh/ldb]
Weimarer Nietzsche-Bibliographie (WNB) [Weimar Nietzsche Bibliography]. Comp. Susanne Jung for the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler. 24 cm. (Personalbibliographien zur neueren deutschen Literatur, 4). ISBN 3-476-01651-X (set) [00-1/4-128]
Vol. 1. Primärliteratur 1867-1998 [Primary Literature 1867-1998]. 2000. xvi, 517 p. ISBN 3-476-01646-3: DM 268.00
WNB is based on the combined holdings of the Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv and the
Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek in Weimar, which comprise an outstanding manuscript
collection, printed material by and about Nietzsche, as well as Nietzsche's own private
library. The entire set will cover publications from 1867 (the year in which Nietzsche's
first publication appeared) to 1998. The remaining four volumes are scheduled for 2001.
The compilers have produced an exceptional personal bibliography based on outstanding
resources: the materials, the planning, the qualifications of the team, and the
established bibliographic tradition of the Weimar Library, which makes the word
"Weimar" in the title a hallmark of quality. This first volume contains all
Nietzsche's printed works, as well as his musical works; editions in Braille; sound
recordings; data files; reviews of the primary literature; and a bibliography of
translations of his works in 42 languages. Title, personal name, and subject indexes are
provided. An online version is possible in the future, but conditions for its production
remain to be decided, and the print edition is an appropriate format for a personal
bibliography. On the other hand, a continuation beyond 1998 with online access would be
desirable. [sh/mjc]
Vol. 1. Ausbreitung und Wirkung des Nietzscheschen Werkes im deutschen Sprachraum bis zum Todesjahr: ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis der Jahre 1867-1900 [Dissemination and Influence of Nietzsche's Work in the German-Speaking Area until His Death: A Bibliography of the Years 1867-1900]. 2d rev. and enl. ed. 1998. xlviii, 737 p. ISBN 3-11-016074-9: DM 360.00
Vol. 2. Ausbreitung und Wirkung des Nietzscheschen Werkes im deutschen Sprachraum vom Todesjahr bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges: ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis der Jahre 1901-1918 [Dissemination and Influence of Nietzsche's Work in the German-Speaking Area from His Death to the End of the First World War: A Bibliography of the Years 1901-1918]. 2d rev. and enl. ed. 1998. xl, 861 p. ISBN 3-11-016075-7: DM 398.00
Vol. 3. Ausbreitung und Wirkung des Nietzscheschen Werkes im deutschen Sprachraum bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges: ein Schrifttumsverzeichnis der Jahre 1919-1945 [Dissemination and Influence of Nietzsche's Work in the German-Speaking Area to the End of the Second World War: A Bibliography of the Years 1919-1945]. 1998. liii, 931 p. ISBN 3-11-015613-X: DM 428.00
By virtue of its scope alone, this bibliography can be called monumental--it is the
result of the compiler's decades-long documentation of the reception of Nietzsche's work
in the German-speaking areas from 1890 to 1945. Nietzsche was undoubtedly one of the most
influential thinkers of this era, and the quantity of documents concerning him is
intimidating. The bibliographer has amassed almost 5,700 items in these three volumes,
which exclude no type of material. Newspaper articles, poetry and prose, diaries,
correspondence, and autobiographies allow the compiler to create an intimate picture of
the heterogeneous acceptance of Nietzsche's thought in Germany. Although completeness must
remain a fantasy for bibliographers, this compiler comes close to attaining it. He goes
far beyond a bibliographic description of the texts by including very extensive
annotations and abstracts that create cross-references between the items. One might almost
call him "the author," for in bringing together factual fragments, he attempts
to write a history of the impact of Nietzsche in Germany. Historians will find it a
resource for reinterpreting history. Unfortunately the index (only of names) in each
volume is limited to the most necessary entries, and the instructions for their use are
insufficient; there is no comprehensive index to the set. Lastly, it should be mentioned
that although Krummel's work also includes primary literature, William H. Schaberg's The
Nietzsche Canon (1995) represents the new standard for a personal bibliography.
Despite criticisms, this is for the foreseeable future an indispensable instrument for
research on Nietzsche and the cultural history of the first half of the 20th century.
Since the publication of the first volume in 1974 it has taken a firm place in the
collections of all larger research libraries, and its significance has been emphasized by
the appearance of the third volume and the revision of the first two. [fsr/mjc]
Bibliography on Plato's "Laws." Trevor J. Saunders. Rev. and completed with an additional bibliography on the Epinomis. Ed. Luc Brisson. Sankt Augustin: Academia-Verlag, 2000. 141 p. 24 cm. (International Plato studies, 12). ISBN 3-89665-172-2: DM 48.00 [00-1/4-131]
The third edition of this bibliography, originally compiled by the English scholar J.
T. Saunders (1976 and 1979), has been revised and completed using the contents of his
literary estate. Covering the period from 1920 to 1999, it includes editions,
translations, commentaries, and secondary literature, organized into subject categories.
Items are not annotated, and there are regrettably no articles from reference works, which
can at times be more important than mention in a book or journal article. A section
entitled "Discussion of Individual Passages" contains an extremely abbreviated
list of discussions of selected passages of the "Laws"--but without any
cross-references to the items listed in the secondary literature by subject. The editor
has added citations from his own bibliographic work and a short bibliography of the Epinomis,
an appendix to the "Laws." There is no index. [sh/mjc]
Bibliographie zur Wittgenstein-Literatur [Bibliography of Literature on Wittgenstein]. Peter Philipp. Ed. Frank Kannetzky and Richard Raatzsch. Rev. and enl. ed. Bergen: Wittgensteinarkivet, 1996. 540 p. 22 cm. (Skriftserie fra Wittgensteinarkivet ved Universitetet i Bergen, 13). ISBN 82-91071-16-0: NOK 350.00 (Wittgensteinarkivet ved Universitetet i Bergen, Allegaten 27, N-5007 Bergen, fax [47 55] 589 470, <http://www.hit.uib.no/wab/>) [00-1/4-132]
This general Wittgenstein bibliography was revised after the death of the original
compiler, and expanded by the addition of works published from 1993 to 1995. It is also
available online at <http://www.hit.uib.no/wab>. There is no lack of personal
bibliographies for the philosopher Wittgenstein, and this work by no means replaces all of
them. (Two of the more comprehensive are V.A. and S.G. Shaker, Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Critical Assessments, vol. 5, 1986, and Guido Frongia and Brain McGuinness, Wittgenstein:
A Bibliographical Guide, 1990.) It presents the secondary literature to 1995 and a few
titles from 1996 in sufficient bibliographic detail. The only index is organized
chronologically under authors' names, making it difficult to target specific items
quickly. The reader would therefore want to consult this bibliography primarily for newer
titles that have appeared since the middle of the 1980s. [sh/mjc]
Internationales Freimaurerlexikon [International Dictionary of Free Masonry]. Eugen Lennhoff et al. Rev. and enl. ed. (current to February 2000) of the 1932 ed. München: Herbig, 2000. 951 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7766-2161-3: DM 198.00 [00-1/4-133]
Deutsches Freimaurer-Lexikon [Dictionary of German Freemasonry]. Reinhold Dosch. Bonn: Die Bauhütte, 1999. 352 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-930139-15-4: DM 56.00 [00-1/4-134]
The first edition of the Internationales Freimaurerlexikon (IFL) was issued in 1932, and has been reprinted many times since. The appearance of this new updated edition may have been precipitated by the recent publication of a similar dictionary, the Deutsches Freimaurer-Lexikon. The original editors were freemasons themselves and the volume served at the time to enlighten both masons and non-masons, as does the new edition, which has preserved--and updated where possible--all articles from the first edition and added an unspecified number of new ones. The unfortunate side-effect is that some men, deservedly forgotten, who were covered purely because they held high office in one country or other at the time, are still included. In general, the greatest number of entries are biographical; these include persons of importance to the history of freemasonry (Ignaz Born) and famous people who were masons and/or who created works of art dealing with freemasonry (Mozart), and also some well-known opponents of freemasonry (Ludendorff). The length of these entries varies from a few lines to three columns. The entries on countries or cities with a freemason tradition are a great deal longer, up to 18 columns. A third category of entries covers terminology and institutions associated with freemasonry. The entries lack bibliographical citations, deplorable for a serious reference work. A further helpful addition would have been a topical overview. Useful appendixes are: (1) mason's vocabulary in six languages; (2) chronology (from the 1932 edition, but continued to 1999); (3) bibliography of first editions (taken from the 1932 edition, complete with errors), enhanced by "updated bibliographical notes," which still cannot substitute for a carefully selected and annotated bibliography of the main works on freemasonry, which would have been completely appropriate to this dictionary, lacking as it does citations within the entries.
As its title says, the Deutsches Freimaurer-Lexikon (DFL) is limited to Germany. The author is a freemason and there is an emphasis on the practical knowledge needed for the functioning of a lodge, resulting in much deeper coverage in this area than the IFL offers. This dictionary contains around 500 entries (also without bibliographic citations). An alphabetical list of terms at the end consolidates all the entries and adds see-references from terms not used. While the IFL contains an entry titled "Bibliography, Masonic" offering a description of the bibliographies and catalogs on freemasonry, the DLF entry "Bibliography" contains a list of recommended titles. There is a German-English-French glossary at the end.
These dictionaries complement one another and are recommended for all large public and academic libraries. [sh/hh]
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