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Bibliographie des deutschen Musikbibliothekswesens 1949-1999[Bibliography of German Music Librarianship 1949-1999]. Ed. Burchard Bulling. Berlin: Ehemaliges Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 2000. 177 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-87068-620-0: DM 8.00 [00-1/4-260]
This bibliography lists monographs, essays contained within collections, and articles
(scholarly and popular) pertaining to music librarianship in Germany between 1949 and
1999. It is organized into thematic sections; individual entries are arranged
alphabetically by author and by subject keyword, but there is no index for editors. The
bibliography seems to be quite comprehensive, although some articles from regional
publications appear to have been missed. [mr/ldl]
Ausgemerzt!: das "Lexikon der Juden in der Musik" und seine mörderischen Folgen [Eradicated!: The "Lexicon of Jews in Music" and Its Murderous Consequences]. Ed. Eva Weissweiler and Lilli Weissweiler. Köln: Dittrich, 1999. 444 p. 21 cm. Includes (p. 181-375) reprint of Lexikon der Juden in der Musik, Berlin, 1940. ISBN 3-920862-25-2: DM 58.00 [00-1/4-261]
Approximately one-half of this work consists of a reprint of the 1940 Lexikon der
Juden in der Musik, which sought to identify every possible Jewish element in the
world of German music, including foreign Jewish musicians, composers, performers, teachers
and music publishers. A closing section of the book identifies the death dates and
circumstances of 259 persons who were deported to concentration camps. The long
introductory essay provides extensive information concerning the government department in
Berlin that was charged with exercising "political control of the complete cultural
life" of the National Socialist state. It also gives information about the
department's director, Herbert Gerigk, and his involvement in the publication history of Musik
in Geschichte und Gegenwart. This work was begun during the war and, in its original
form, contained many entries written by scholars working under the direction of Gerigk. It
is hoped that the second volume of the Weissweilers's work, dealing with
"undeservedly forgotten" Jewish musicians who were forced to emigrate or who
disappeared, will appear soon. [sh/ldl]
Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts [Composers of the 20th Century]. Martin Demmler. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1999. 544 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-15-010447-5: DM 49.80 [00-1/4-262]
This biographical dictionary of 85 composers, born mainly in the late 19th and the
first half of the 20th century, is intended primarily for a popular, rather than a
scholarly audience. Individual entries include a photograph of the composer, a brief
sketch of the person's career, and a quotation that characterizes the biographee's
approach to music. There is no discography, and individual entries do not include
bibliographical information, although there is a general bibliography at the end, as well
as an appendix listing major works of the composers covered. Regrettably, this dictionary
contains no overall chronology of music in the 20th century and provides little
information on broad developments in music during this time. Still, the work can be
recommended to the general reader. [mr/ldl]
Niederösterreichische Komponisten: Komponisten aus Niederösterreich; Komponisten in Niederösterreich; die großen Meister in Niederösterreich; inklusive Ortsregister und Personenregister [Lower-Austrian Composers: Composers who lived in Lower Austria; Great Masters Associated with Lower Austria; Together with Indexes of Personal and Place Names]. Peter Erhart. Wien; München: Doblinger, 1998. 180 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-900695-41-5: ÖS 266.00, DM 38.00 [00-1/4-263]
This work consists of brief biographical descriptions of approximately 350 deceased
composers (including school music teachers and choir directors), arranged in chronological
order, who either were from what is today the province of Lower Austria or were associated
with that region. There are indexes of persons and places, as well as a chronological list
of appearances in the region of major composers, from Gluck and Mozart through Beethoven
to Krenek in the 20th century. [mr/ldl]
Großes Sängerlexikon [Comprehensive Dictionary of Singers]. K.J. Kutsch and Leo Riemens. 3d rev. ed. Bern; München: Saur. 25 cm. [00-1/4-264]
Vol. 6. Ergänzungen [Supplementary Volume]. 2000. viii, 679 p. ISBN 3-598-11418-4: DM 328.00
This third cumulative edition of a work that previously included numerous supplements
contains more than 1,100 new biographies of singers who lived between the 16th century and
the present. There are also addenda and corrigenda to approximately 5,000 previously
written articles. The work suffers somewhat from a lack of attention to recent
scholarship, and regrettably even the addenda do not always reflect current research. The
editors do not explain the criteria they used in selecting singers, nor do they provide
any useful secondary literature. More supplements will likely follow. A CD-ROM cumulation
of all the volumes now in print is planned by the Directmedia publishing company in
Berlin. [sh/ldl]
Musikwissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Hilfsmittel, Techniken, Aufgaben[Research in Music: Aids, Techniques, and Exercises]. Nicole Schwindt-Gross. 4th totally rev. and enl. ed. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1999. 251 p. 21 cm. (Bärenreiter Studienbücher Musik, 1). ISBN 3-7618-1052-0: DM 34.00 [00-1/4-265]
This revised edition of a handbook for the study of classical music offers useful
chapters (and exercises) on different aspects of research in music, and now includes
numerous references to sources that are available online. Most of the major reference
tools of the discipline are discussed, but regrettably the Dizionario enciclopedico
universale della musica e dei musicisti (see RREA 6:188 below) is omitted. [mr/ldl]
Kleines Wörterbuch der Musik [Concise Dictionary of Music]. Malte Korff. Stuttgart: Reclam, 2000. 249 p. ill. 15 cm. music. (Universal-Bibliothek, 9770). ISBN 3-15-009770-3: DM 12.00 [00-1/4-266]
This small dictionary contains brief articles dealing with concepts in music and music
history, as well as with musical instruments. It contains no biographical information and
no references to musical styles or periods in music history. There are numerous
illustrations but few bibliographical references. It is smaller than, but similar in scope
and content to several other German language dictionaries of music that are currently
available and would be preferable for academic libraries, such as Sachwörterbuch der
Musik (Stuttgart, 1984) or Meyers Taschenlexikon Musik (Mannheim, 1984), which
are the only such publications to include bibliographies. [mr/ldl]
Wörterbuch Musik [Music Dictionary]. Gerhard Dietel. Munich: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag; Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2000. 347 p. 19 cm. music (dtv, 32519). ISBN 3-423-32519-4 (dtv); ISBN 3-7618-1471-2 (Bärenreiter): DM 26.50 [00-1/4-267]
This dictionary of music contains approximately 6,000 articles dealing with numerous
aspects of classical music, but also "new music," jazz, rock, pop, and
non-European music, as well as technical aspects of music. It is a useful addition to
other one-volume dictionaries of music, but should be of interest more to laypersons than
for libraries. [mr/ldl]
Auskunftsmittel im Fachgebiet Musik: Terminologie, Typologie, Bibliographie [Sources of Information for Music: Terminology, Typology, Bibliography]. Markus Müller-Benedict. 2d rev. ed. Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1999. 142 p. 30 cm. (Lehrbriefe Musik, vol. 3 = Part 6) (Dbi-Materialien, 192). ISBN 3-87068-992-7: DM 28.00 [00-1/4-268]
This revised edition of a book that was previously a selective, annotated guide to
printed reference works (Nachschlagewerke im Fachgebiet Musik, 1988) reflects
recent scholarship as well as the growing trend toward information sources on CD-ROM;
there are few mentions of the Internet. Some important reference sources in the first
edition, including indexes to the compositions of J.S. Bach's sons and of Hindemith, have
been omitted; new indexes to the works of other composers have been added. The structure
of this work has been tightened, and two major new chapters, dealing with general issues
regarding reference service and problems pertaining to musical terminology and typology,
have been added. The publication offers solid information on German-language information
sources, but it suffers from some minor errors and an uneven evaluation of major music
encyclopedias from other countries. It would be improved by the addition of an index to
the authors of the articles and a title index to the reference sources that are discussed.
"Empfehlenswerthe Musikalien": Besprechungen musikalischer Neuerscheinungen außerhalb der Fachpresse (Deutschland, 1. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts); eine Bibliographie ["Musicalia Worth Recommending:" Reviews of Recent Music Publications, from Outside the Trade Press (Germany, First Half of the 19th Century): A Bibliography]. Axel Beer. Göttingen; London: Hainholz. 23 cm. (Hainholz Musikwissenschaft, ...). [00-1/4-271]
Part 1. Journal des Luxus und der Moden. Zeitung für die elegante Welt [Journal of Luxury and Style. Magazine for the Elegant World]. 2000. xvi, 353 p. (Hainholz Musikwissenschaft, 3). ISBN 3-932622-40-5: DM 135.00
In the course of creating indexes to individual older trade journals and topical bibliographies of journal articles (cf. the excellent Répertoire international de la presse musicale), another category of articles has come to light which also deserves treatment: knowledgeable reviews appearing in popular journals and magazines, that often had a greater influence than those in the trade press.
While researching his book Musik zwischen Komponist, Verlag und Publikum [Music between Composer, Publisher, and Public] (Tutzing, 2000), Axel Beer created a specialized index to music reviews that appeared in two important, widely-read magazines in the first half of the 19th century: Journal des Luxus und der Moden and Zeitung für die elegante Welt. The two journals are treated separately, and under each, the list is chronological. Each citation includes the issue and page number where the review appeared, plus the reviewer's name, followed by the information about the music itself: composer, title, place of publication and publisher, plate number; bibliographical references in modern encyclopedias, thematic indexes, catalogs (invariably RISM), and contemporary bibliographies. The more than 2,000 entries are complemented by three indexes for composers and editors, publishers, and reviewers.
Not included is other news from the music world, such as concert reviews. A second
volume, covering, among others, the journals Der Freimüthige and Morgenblatt
für gebildete Stände, is in preparation. [sh/hh]
Sachteil in neun Bänden mit einem Register [Subject Section in Nine Volumes with Index]. ISBN 3-7618-1101-2 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-41000-5 (Metzler): DM 398.00 per volume
Register [Index]. 1999. 732 p. + 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-7618-1129-4 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-41023-4 (Metzler)
Personenteil in zwölf Bänden [Personal Names Section in Twelve Volumes]. ISBN 3-7618-1110-1 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-41009-9 (Metzler): DM 398.00 per volume
Vol. 1. Aa-Bae. 1999. lxviii p. 1,620 columns. ill. ISBN 3-7618-1111-X (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-41010-2 (Metzler)
Vol. 2. Bag-Bi. 1999. xi p. 1,730 columns. ill. ISBN 3-7618-112-8 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-41011-0 (Metzler)
The nine-volume subject section of the second edition of this monumental music dictionary, universally known as MGG, has been appearing volume-by-volume since 1994, and is now complete. (For earlier volumes see RREA 1:413 and 2:207.) Volume 9, the Index, in both print and CD-ROM versions, contains two indexes: subjects and personal names. There are see-references from some common English terms to the German, which may facilitate use of the index for English-speaking users; on the other hand, a difficulty is presented in the personal names index, as the Slavic names are transliterated only in modern German orthography and are sometimes hard to recognize (e.g., Cajkovskij). As in the first edition of MGG, the index entries refer only to page and column, so that a good bit of searching is often still necessary to find the desired entry. Numbered lines or paragraphs might have been helpful.
The CD-ROM of the Index presents an efficient search option, as it will pick up a sequence of letters whether it is contained within a word or standing alone. This is helpful in regard to the many German composite nouns.
Following the completion of the subject section, the first two volumes of the personal names section are now available as well. An introductory text is lacking in the first volume; both sections were covered in the four-page preface to volume 1 of the subjects. Articles contain the musician's biography, a survey of the works, generally in the form of lists, an overall decription of the person's work, and bibliographical citations. Where appropriate, a discography completes the article. In the inevitable comparisons with the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians and the Italian counterpart, Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti (DEUMM) (see RREA 6:188 below), it was found that DEUMM has the most complete surveys of an artist's works. Both New Grove and DEUMM offer works lists in tabular form, which has proven to be easier to use.
The new edition covers more performing artists than the old MGG, especially in the areas of jazz and popular music, but nowhere near as comprehensively as a specialty dictionary would. The bottom line is that academic libraries would do well to offer their readers all three of the above-mentioned dictionaries, in addition to a selection of specialty resources covering jazz, popular music, etc.
The plan is to issue two volumes per year, capped with a combined index for both
subject and personal names sections. [mr/hh]
Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti[Universal Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians]. Ed. Alberto Basso. Torino: UTET. 31 cm. [00-1/4-273]
I titoli e i personaggi [Titles and Characters].1999. 3 vols. ISBN 88-02-05345-6: Lit. 510,000
This three-volume section on titles and characters completes the fine Italian music reference work, Dizionario enciclopedico universale della musica e dei musicisti or DEUMM. The previously published four-volume topical section Il lessico and eight-volume biographical section Le biografie were reviewed in RREA 2:209. The present volumes contain around 17,000 articles on individual titles and characters from classical--as opposed to popular--western music from antiquity to the present. Titles in Latin, Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, and Portuguese are listed in their original form; those in other languages are translated into Italian. Among the characters listed are mythological, biblical, historical, and literary figures (and beasts).
Appendixes include: (1) list of arias, choruses and other texts from stage works, oratorios and cantatas with Italian, French, German, and English texts, with information on the names of the characters in the work; the title of the musical work from which it derives; act, scene or section if applicable; and the composer; (2) index of names with references to the work(s) in which they appear and the composer(s); (3) index of composers, librettists, and other participating persons.
The previous two parts of the DEUMM are essential for libraries. This added
section is useful in the way it consolidates information that would otherwise have to be
looked up in a number of other sources. [mr/hh]
Verzeichnis der Musiknachlässe in Deutschland [Index of Personal Music Collections Held by Institutions in Germany]. Ed. Joachim Jaenecke for the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut and the Association Internationale des Bibliothèques, Archives et Centres de Documentation Musicaux (AIBM), Gruppe Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berlin: Ehemaliges Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut; Talpa-Verlag, 2000. 237 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-87068-619-7: DM 60.00 [00-1/4-274]
This project, instigated in 1996 by the AIBM, has resulted in an impressive listing of
1,418 collections in 96 institutions in 57 different cities (according to the preface).
The entries are arranged alphabetically by place name, then by institution with address
and library code, and under that alphabetically by last name of the collector. Each entry
includes the person's name, birth and death dates, citations to the collection in the most
popular music reference works, call number, size of the collection, a brief description of
it, and level of access. Although many of the collections are not yet organized and have
no finding aids, this volume, with its two indexes of collectors' names, and the names of
other persons mentioned in the descriptions, will serve scholars as a guide to discovering
sources they can mine for their research. [sh/hh]
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf: die Kammermusik für Streichinstrumente; quellenkundliche und stilistische Untersuchungen mit einem thematischen Verzeichnis [Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf: Chamber Music for Strings. Bibliographic and Stylistic Studies, with a Thematic Index]. Sang-Chun Yeon. Hildesheim [et al.]: Olms, 1999. 312 p. 21 cm. music. (Studien und Materialien zur Musikwissenschaft, 19). Also: Münster (Westfalen) Univ., Diss., 1997, titled: Dittersdorfs Kammermusik für Streichinstrumente [Dittersdorf's Chamber Music for Strings]. ISBN 3-487-11030-X: DM 78.00 [00-1/4-275]
Originally a dissertation, this book is a thorough scholarly examination of Carl
Ditters von Dittersdorf's chamber music for strings, of which there are 108 compositions.
Following the treatise is a 39-page appendix containing a thematic index to these works.
The structure of the assigned index numbers reflects the arrangement of the catalog
according to number of parts and genre: (1) roman numeral = number of parts; (2) main key
(letter, preceded by a colon); (3) running numbering of different works in the same genre
and key; (4) if appropriate, different versions, added as a lower-case letter; e.g.,
III:A3, III:A3a. Each index entry contains the customary elements: title, (works) catalog
number, incipits followed by citations, manuscripts, first printing, later printings,
commentary, literature, and holding libraries for the manuscripts and first editions
according to RISM. Explanatory notes and a list of the RISM library codes precede the
thematic index. [mr/hh]
Richard Genée: eine Bibliographie [Richard Genée: A Bibliography]. Beate Hiltner-Hennenberg. Frankfurt am Main [et al.]: Lang, 1998. 137 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-631-32030-2: DM 49.00 [00-1/4-276]
This volume is not so much a bibliography, as the title suggests, but a finding aid to
Richard Genée's autographs and so-called hand-copied music imprints and text books in the
Music and Theater Collection of the Österreichsiche Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National
Library) in Vienna, plus the music materials and recordings in the Deutsches Musikarchiv
(German Music Archive) at the Deutsche Bibliothek (German National Library) in Berlin.
This book contains neither a complete listing of Genée's musical texts and works (he was
both a librettist and a composer) nor a listing of the literature about Genée. The use of
initials and abbreviations in names is inconsistent, and there is no key to the
abbreviations used. Genée the librettist worked with, among others, Johann Strauss, Franz
von Suppé, and Carl Millöcker, and most closely with Friedrich von Flotow; not much can
be found about these collaborations in the book. The reader is advised to continue
consulting encyclopedias and dictionaries for bibliographical information on Richard
Genée. [fk/hh]
Orlando di Lasso und seine Zeit: 1532-1594; Repertoire-Untersuchungen zur Musik der Spätrenaissance [Orlando di Lasso and His Times: 1532-1594. Repertory Studies in the Music of the Late Renaissance]. Wolfgang Boetticher. Wilhelmshaven: Noetzel. 25 cm. Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, ...). DM 400.00 [00-1/4-277]
Vol. 1. Monographie [Monograph]. New ed. with a continuation bibliography for 1958-1998, Index of Contrafacta, Addenda, and Emendata. ISBN 0-7959-0720-9
Part A. Frühwerke; Das erste Münchener Jahrzehnt; Ausprägung des monumentalen Lasso-Stils [Early Works; The First Munich Decade; Development of the Monumental Lasso Style]. 1999. lxviii, 427 p. music. (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 27A)
Part B. Repräsentative Kunst; Spätwerke; Verfall des Lasso-Stils im Zeitalter der Frühmonodie; Quellennachweise; Register [Representative Art; Late Works; Decline of the Lasso Style in the Age of the Early Monody; Sources; Index]. 1999. p. 431-980, music (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 27B)
Vol. 2. Verzeichnis der Werke: mit einer Übersicht der nachgewiesenen handschriftlichen und gedruckten Quellen [Index of Works: With an Overview of Identified Manuscript and Print Sources]. 1998. 276 p. (Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte, 28). ISBN 3-7959-0721-7
Volume 1 of this work by Wolfgang Boetticher, a well-known authority on Orlando di Lasso, was originally published under the same title in 1958. Now reprinted, its extensive bibliography has been updated with citations from the years 1958-1998. Volume 2, the catalog of Orlando di Lasso's works, was begun in 1937 but not published until 1998. The two volumes complement each other, but careful perusal of all introductory chapters and prefaces is required to grasp the basic concept of the work as a whole.
The main body of volume 2 is preceded by a list of source literature, by title, and a list of editions, also by title, and consists for the main part of an index of titles and incipits. It lists older imprints, including first editions (in an unusual citation form, the year plus a Greek letter, analog to the source list in volume 1), manuscripts, literature, and editions; this represents an attempt to date the works as well. Where possible, references are made from the incipit to the collection of which the work is a part. A new addition is the index of contrafacta.
The index of incipits is followed by a listing of known manuscripts, sorted by holding
institution, and a listing of the known imprints, which constitute a concordance of the
imprints listed in the works catalog to RISM and to Howard Mayer Brown's Instrumental
Music Printed Before 1600: A Bibliography (Cambridge, Mass., 1965). [mr/hh]
Max Reger: CDiskographie und Verzeichnis lieferbarer Noten[Max Reger: CDiscography and Catalog of Scores in Print]. Ed. Stephanie Twiehaus.Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1999. 203 p. 21 cm. (Veröffentlichungen des Max-Reger-Institutes, Elsa-Reger-Stiftung Karlsruhe, 15). ISBN 3-7651-0366-7: DM 47.00 [00-1/4-278]
This publication consists of two parts. Part 1 is a fairly complete discography of
Reger CDs that are or were available on the German market, and part 2 lists in-print
scores of Reger's works, as well as out-of-print editions. A bibliography of theoretical
writings and available posters and postcards can be found in the appendix. Both parts also
contain references, though very spotty, to reviews of the CDs or scores listed (most of
the reviews are archived in the Max Reger Institute). The volume concludes with personal
name, label, and publisher indexes. [mr/ba]
Johann Strauß: kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis [Johann Strauss: Annotated Catalog of Works]. Franz Mailer. Wien: Pichler, 1999. 376 p. ill. 25 cm. music. (Pichler-Sachbuch). ISBN 3-85431-195-8: ÖS 398.00, DM 55.00 [00-1/4-279]
Known for his other publications on the Strauss family, Franz Mailer, music historian
and president of the Johann Strauss Association in Vienna, also put together this
annotated bibliography of the works of Johann Strauss. Different from other thematic
catalogs, the works here are listed alphabetically, and the annotations explain their
historical background (covering, for example, political, societal, and private factors).
The list of works appears to be complete, and an appendix notes works with opus numbers by
number, and works without opus numbers by other categories. This catalog is not thematic,
and some details usually included in similar catalogs are omitted here. Nevertheless, this
bibliography belongs in any library with music holdings. [mr/ba]
Richard Strauss: Autographen, Porträts, Bühnenbilder. Ausstellung zum 50. Todestag [Richard Strauss: Autographs, Portraits, Stage Sets. Exhibition on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of His Death]. Hartmut Schaefer, for the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, in cooperation with the Richard-Strauss-Archiv, Garmisch. München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 1999. 335 p. ill. 28 cm. (Ausstellungskataloge Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 70). ISBN 3-9802700-4-1: DM 68.00. (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Zentralabteilung, D-80328 München, fax [89 286] 38 22 93) [00-1/4-280]
This catalog accompanied the Richard Strauss exhibition organized by the Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) in 1999 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary
of Strauss's death. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek was predestined to mount this
exhibition, as it has extensive and unique Richard Strauss holdings, including autographs.
The pieces in the exhibition came for the most part from its own collections, but also
from the Richard Strauss Archive in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the theater-related holdings
at the University of Cologne, and the German Theater Museum in Munich. The volume features
numerous color and black-and-white reproductions of autographs, scores, paintings,
portraits, and photos of stage scenes and programs. The first part of this publication
consists of five essays, and the second part comprises the extensive catalog. The volume
also includes a list of the Munich concerts directed by Richard Strauss. The appendix
contains a Strauss discography, a list of Strauss opera premieres, and a bibliography
including a listing of the various editions of his letters. This catalog belongs in every
music library. [mr/ba]
Richard-Strauss-Werkverzeichnis [Richard Strauss: Catalog of Works]. Franz Trenner. 2d rev. ed. Vienna: Richard Strauss Verlag, 1999. ix, 359 p. 24 cm. music. ISBN 3-901974-00-8: ÖS 934.00, DM 128.00. (Distributed by Schott-Musik-International, Postfach 3640, D-55026 Mainz) [00-1/4-281]
Franz Trenner's most recent catalog of Strauss works draws on information found in
Erich H. Mueller von Asow's thematic Strauss catalog, Richard Strauss: thematisches
Verzeichnis (Wien, 1959-1974), completed after the death of the author in 1964 by
Trenner and Alfons Ott. Trenner then continued his work on Strauss by publishing additions
to Müller von Asow's work in Richard Strauss: Werkverzeichnis (Wien, 1985).
Because Mueller von Asow's work was no longer in print, Trenner's catalog of Strauss works
was revised and updated a year after the author's death (München, 1993). The second
edition of this work, under discussion here, was revised by the author's son, Florian
Trenner. The arrangement of Strauss works in Trenner's catalog is different from that in
Mueller von Asow's. Trenner arranges all compositions chronologically; he does not
separate numbered works from unnumbered ones. He also does not include the writings of
Richard Strauss. Compared to the first, the second revised edition includes updated and
more complete information on each work listed, reflecting the most recent research on
Strauss. Trenner's catalog includes the customary information in the descriptions of
Strauss's works; however, Mueller von Asow's work remains the most detailed in that
respect. The indexes in Trenner's work include: a chronological register by type of work,
an alphabetical index of first lines, an index of work titles, an index of writers and
translators, composers, and publishers of the originals. The personal name index is a new
addition, but it is not very complete. Some publishers are listed; others, who should have
been listed, are not. The catalog also includes an indispensable concordance that relates
entry numbers in Mueller von Asow's work to those in Trenner's. Libraries need to own both
Mueller von Asow's and Trenner's catalogs, the former for its detail and the latter for
its updated information. The two works complement each other. [mr/ba]
Das musikalische Werk Franz Xaver Süßmayrs: thematisches Werkverzeichnis mit ausführlichen Quellenangaben und Skizzen der Wasserzeichen[The Musical Works of Franz Xaver Süßmayr: Thematic Catalog with Extensive References to Sources and Sketches of Watermarks]. Erich Duda. Kassel [et al.]: Bärenreiter, 2000. 461 p. ill. 24 cm. music. (Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, 12). (Also a dissertation, Wien: Univ., 1998) ISBN 3-7618-1485-2: DM 120.00 [00-1/4-282]
This published dissertation meets its two objectives of compiling a complete list of
Süßmayr's compositions and of verifying the dates of the works or manuscripts. The first
part of the book contains a systematic thematic catalog, including a chronology of the
works and an indication of how certain the dates of creation are. The second part
discusses in detail how the works were dated. The catalog uses a three-digit numbering
system designating series, work group, and number of the individual work within the work
group. The catalog includes a bibliography, and title, first line, name, and place
indexes. [mr/ba]
Wagner-Briefe-Verzeichnis: WBV. Chronologisches Verzeichnis der Briefe von Richard Wagner [Catalog of Wagner Letters: A Chronological List of the Letters of Richard Wagner]. Comp. Werner Breig, Martin Dürrer, and Andreas Mielke. Wiesbaden [et al.]: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1998. 845 p. 28 cm. ISBN 3-7651-0330-6: DM 258.00 [00-1/4-283]
This catalog of Wagner letters (WBV) is closely connected to Wagner's Sämtliche
Briefe [Collected Letters], compiled by the Richard Wagner Stiftung in Bayreuth and
published first by VEB Deutscher Verlag für Musik in Leipzig and now by Breitkopf &
Härtel. The first volume of Sämtliche Briefe was published in 1967, and the set
is not yet complete. The original editors of the Sämtliche Briefe neglected to
undertake a thorough inventory of the existing letters, with the result that about 300
letters are missing in the first eight volumes of that set. The WBV attempts to present a
complete catalog of Wagner's letters on which to base the remaining volumes of the Sämtliche
Briefe. The main part of the WBV lists 9,030 letters written by Richard Wagner, and an
appendix registers another 496 Wagner-related documents. Included in the catalog are all
letters written in Wagner's own hand, or at least signed by him, and currently in
existence either in the original or in a copy. Also listed are letters that have been
destroyed, if their texts have been preserved in some form. Letters that are only referred
to in secondary sources are not included. The catalog lists first (in chronological order)
those letters that can be dated exactly, followed by those that can be ascribed to a
certain period in Wagner's life, and finally those that cannot be dated. Entries are
numbered consecutively and note the name and location of the addressee, as well as the
location of the sender and the date (if available). The WBV does not contain a keyword
index to the contents of the letters. Instead, it includes comments on the form of the
letters, the whereabouts of the originals, the copies, and the dating process. The WBV
includes indexes of the addressees and the beginning texts of the letters. [sh/ba]
Harenberg-Chormusikführer: vom Kammerchor bis zum Oratorium[Harenberg Guide to Choral Music: From Chamber Choirs to Oratorios]. Ed. Hans Gebhard, introduction by John Eliot Gardiner. Dortmund: Harenberg, 1999. 1,024 p. ill. 25 cm. + 12 CDs. ISBN 3-611-00817-6 (book): DM 98.00; ISBN 3-611-00818-4 (CDs): DM 149.00 [00-1/4-284]
This reliable guide introduces 675 compositions for choirs. Two hundred fifty composers
are represented, and the volume contains 800 photos of composers and choirs, manuscript
scores, and documents, and 213 musical examples on 12 CDs (with a running time of about 15
hours). The main part of the book arranges the composers alphabetically. Each entry
contains a short biography, a portrait, and a few bibliographical references. Choral works
are listed in tables for composers who have created an extensive number of works.
Descriptions of the choral compositions include detailed information on each work, as well
as on its origin and its significance. This guide includes several appendixes and indexes.
Oratorienführer [Guide to Oratorios]. Ed. Silke Leopold and Ullrich Scheideler. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler; Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2000. xiii, 839 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-476-00977-7 (Metzler); ISBN 3-7618-2012-7 (Bärenreiter): DM 78.00 [00-1/4-285]
The title of this book is somewhat misleading, as the guide is not restricted to
oratorios or sacred choral music. It includes secular choral music as well, and lists
about 450 works by more than 200 composers, including Berlioz, Brahms, Schönberg,
Sibelius, and Vaughan Williams. The selection of works seems somewhat arbitrary, although,
according to the introduction, all are or have at some point in time been considered
oratorios. The main part of the guide presents the composers alphabetically and provides
short biographies and lists of works, as well as references to some secondary literature.
Descriptions of the works are arranged in chronological order and include the customary
details. The appendixes include a list of Latin titles with German translations, name and
work indexes, a systematic list of works discussed in the volume, and an author index.
Reclams Chormusik- und Oratorienführer [Reclam's Guide to Choral Music and Oratorios]. Ed. Werner Oehlmann and Alexander Wagner. 7th compl. rev. ed. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1999. 627 p. 16 cm. music. ISBN 3-15-010450-5: DM 49.80 [00-1/4-286]
This guide has been published by Reclam for many years. A second editor (Alexander Wagner) was added to compile this completely revised edition. The introduction features a brief history of choral music. The main section presents the choral works in chronological order by type. This section is followed by a glossary of terms and an index of composers and works. The previous structure of the guide has been retained, and whole passages of text found in earlier editions have been transferred to the new edition. Nonetheless, the text has been significantly revised, and many composers appear here for the first time. The new seventh edition will therefore become the standard edition.
Although there is quite a bit of overlap in content between the three guides to choral
music discussed above, each one contains a significant number of unique works, making the
acquisition of all three a must for music libraries. [mr/ba]
Konkordanz zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch: mit Verzeichnis der Strophenanfänge, Kanons, mehrstimmigen Sätze und Wochenlieder [Concordance to the Protestant Hymnal: With an Index of Verse Incipits, Canons, Movements for Several Voices, and Hymns for the Weeks of the Liturgical Year]. Comp. Ernst Lippold and Günter Vogelsang for the Protestant Church in Germany. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995. 572 p. 25 cm. (Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch, 1). ISBN 3-525-50316-4: DM 120.00, DM 98.00 (for subscribers to the Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch) [00-1/4-287]
Konkordanz zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch: mit Verzeichnis der Strophenanfänge, Kanons, mehrstimmigen Sätze und Wochenlieder[Concordance to the Protestant Hymnal: With an Index of Verse Incipits, Canons, Movements for Several Voices, and Hymns for the Weeks of the Liturgical Year]. Comp. Ernst Lippold and Günter Vogelsang for the Protestant Church in Germany. Special ed. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1998. 572 p. 24 cm. ISBN 3-525-50317-2: DM 78.00 [00-1/4-288]
Komponisten und Liederdichter des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs[Composers and Hymn Authors of the Protestant Hymnal]. Ed. Wolfgang Herbst. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999. 346 p. 25 cm. (Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch, 2). ISBN 3-525-50318-0: DM 108.00, DM 98.00 (for subscribers to the Handbuch zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch) [00-1/4-289]
In contrast to its predecessor Wort- und Sachkonkordanz [Word and Subject Concordance] (Göttingen, 1970), this new concordance provides access to almost all words in the Protestant hymnal, and not merely to the "significant" word in a line. Cross-references between related words allow the user to explore semantic fields and connections. The indexes to verse incipits, canons, and movements for several voices, and the alphabetical list of weekly hymns that supplements the liturgical calendar in the hymnal are useful additions. This volume is now also available in paperback in a "special edition" that is not part of the handbook series.
The second volume of the handbook, Komponisten und Liederdichter, which deals
with composers and hymn authors, is no longer arranged chronologically by epoch but
alphabetically by composer. Based on the 1993 hymnal, it covers 460 authors, composers,
and translators, thus almost doubling the number of authors contained in the hymnal of
1950. In addition to the brief biographies, there is a handful of articles dealing with
major collections of hymns, and with themes such as Protestant brotherhoods. This handbook
belongs in research libraries as well as in music and theological libraries. [mr/rs]
Die Messe in der Musik: Komponisten, Werke, Literatur: ein Lexikon [The High Mass in Music: Composers, Works, Literature. A Dictionary]. Peter und Verena Schellert. Singen: Bodensee-Musikversand. 25 cm. ISBN 3-9803649-2-5: DM 198.00. (Bodensee-Musikversand, Fabrikstr. 16a, D-78224 Singen, fax [49-7731] 91703-1) [00-1/4-290]
Vol. 1. Komponisten A-K [Composers A-K]. 1999. 548 p.
Vol. 2. Komponisten L-Z [Composers L-Z]. 1999. p. 557-1,112
Vol. 3. Literaturübersicht und Messentitel [Literature Review and Mass Titles]. 1999. 255 p.
This useful and informative dictionary provides entries for some 10,000 composers of
masses (volumes 1 and 2), with brief biographical information, a listing of their masses
(including locations of the manuscripts), and select bibliographies. Because only about 50
percent of these composers are to be found in the major musical dictionaries, a vast array
of the musical literature was consulted in the compilation of the dictionary. Volume 3
begins with an overview of anonymous masses, followed by a survey of the general
literature. The remainder, and major part, of this volume contains a systematic
arrangement of the masses by their titles in eight large subject groups. The extensive
information offered by this excellent reference work makes it essential for music and
theological libraries. [mr/rs]
More than 10 years after German reunification, "GDR" has become a historical term. The dictionary under review declares: "The evolution of GDR rock music has come to an end." A fascinating 14-page introduction outlines the history of rock music in East Germany. One wishes even more space had been dedicated to this topic, and to the situation of popular music under a repressive regime. Rock music is defined rather loosely (as it was in the GDR) and includes, among others, folk and pop. The Western reader gains the impression that in spite of (or because of?) the isolationist tendencies of the state, a healthy rock music scene developed in the GDR, and that it was in fact to some degree accommodated by the regime. Persecution and harassment by the authorities notwithstanding, there existed free areas (e.g., in the churches). Few East German rock bands survived the reunification.
The dictionary contains entries for about 500 bands and artists (including songwriters
and composers, as well as musicians who were not allowed to record), and about 100
definitions of technical terms. The Western reader would be well advised to browse freely
rather than merely look up specific terms. A list of top hits from 1975-1990 and a subject
index conclude the dictionary. Numerous black and white illustrations add to the value of
this tool. [beh/rs]
Das Klavier-Lexikon: Namen und Fabrikate aus dem Klavier-, Orgel-und Harmoniumbau sowie Handel und Service von 1788-2000 [The Piano Encyclopedia: Names and Models Associated with the Production of Pianos, Organs and Harmoniums, Together with Their Distribution and Service, from 1788-2000]. Jens-Uwe Witter. 2d ed. Schillingsfürst: Musik-&-Methodik-Verlag Kircheis, 2000. 967 p. 21 cm. ISBN 3-929501-04-X: DM 148.00 [00-1/4-294]
The second edition of this encyclopedia covers not only Europe but, for the first time,
also the United States and Canada. It provides detailed information about individuals and
companies that have made pianos and all preceding forms of this instrument since 1788.
There is a geographic index, an index for the type of service or activity within the piano
industry, and an index of patents and registered designs. Companies that still exist today
are identified with an asterisk. [mr/ldl]
Lexikon deutscher Klavierbauer [Lexicon of German Piano Makers]. Hubert Henkel. Frankfurt am Main: Bochinsky, 2000. 736 p. 25 cm. (Fachbuchreihe Das Musikinstrument, 73). ISBN 3-923639-37-6: DM 164.00 [00-1/4-297]
This lexicon provides information about all documented German piano makers from
approximately 1850-1960, arranged alphabetically by the name of the piano maker or
manufacturer. The work complements Das Klavier-Lexikon (see RREA 6:207 above), in
that it provides more background information about piano makers or manufacturers,
including the history of the firm and its owner(s), significant developments in piano
construction, and data concerning the numbers of pianos that were manufactured during this
time period. An appendix includes a bibliography. [mr/ldl]
After the success of its Orgelführer Deutschland (1998), the publisher brought
out this guide to pipe organs in Europe, which provides brief information about 82
instruments in Scandinavia and western and eastern Europe. The criteria for selecting
specific organs are unclear. Each entry contains a brief description of the instrument,
together with an overview of its ranks of stops. The book lacks an explanation of the
underlying principles in organ construction, but it has attractive illustrations and could
appeal to an interested afficionado. [sh/ldl]
Hit-Bilanz: deutsche Chart-Singles [Hit Parade: German Chart-Singles]. Günter Ehnert. 2d ed. Hamburg: Taurus-Press, 1999. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-922542-60-3: DM 149.00 (Taurus-Press, Duvenstedter Triftweg 70, D-22397 Hamburg, fax [49 40] 607 29 50) [00-1/4-299]
This update of a 1996 CD-ROM listing popular hits in Germany from the years 1956-1995
adds the years 1996-1998, as well as 326 song titles from 1930-1955. The total of 15,697
singles by 4,338 artists is searchable by singer, song title, label, date, songwriter
(new), and producer (new). For the first time, "clickable" brief biographies of
recording artists are included. [beh/rs]
At a time when digital media seem to rule, this lexicon is dedicated to the medium of
the vinyl phonograph record, once declared dead, but proving to be surprisingly resistant.
As the subtitle states, it aims to address "the truths and myths" of the medium.
In addition to copious information on technology and production, the volume contains more
than 100 sketches of labels ranging from A&M Records to Zapple Records. Fairly obvious
terms, and also complex technical ones, are explained in a fashion suitable for the
layperson. The trend of digitizing old analog recordings is lamented as leading to a loss
of authenticity. Missing are references to the Internet as an information resource, as
well as to record archives, such as the Deutsches Musikarchiv, the Pop-Archiv in Bremen,
or the Jazzinstitut in Darmstadt. [beh/rs]
Special Report: New Information Sources on Johann Sebastian Bach
Theologische Bachforschung heute: Dokumentation und Bibliographie der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Theologische Bachforschung 1976-1996; mit 15 Textbeiträgen [Theological Research in Bach Studies Today: Documentation and Bibliography of the International Working Group for Theological Research in Bach Studies]. Ed. Renate Steiger. Glienicke/Berlin [et al.]: Galda und Wilch, 1998. xxxi, 469 p. 23 cm. ISBN 3-931397-15-7: DM 110.00 [00-1/4-449]
This volume has been published as a retrospective of the International Working Group
for Theological Research in Bach Studies, founded in 1976. The Working Group studies the
close relationship of religious and liturgical concerns to Bach's compositions. The first
part of this book (p. 1-350) is devoted to the activities of the Working Group
(documentation pertaining to its conferences, activities of some of its members, as well
as some previously published essays and lectures, such as "Bach and Luther" and
"Bach in the Church Service"). The second part (p. 351-445) is a bibliography on
the subject of theological Bach research, listing publications of the Working Group and/or
its members, including (comprehensively) books, essays, dictionary articles, liner notes,
and (selectively) shorter writings, reviews, program notes, and conference reports.
Bach-Handbuch [Bach Handbook]. Ed. Konrad Küster. Kassel: Bärenreiter; Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1999. x, 997 p. ill. 25 cm. music. ISBN 3-7618-2000-3 (Bärenreiter); ISBN 3-476-01717-6 (Metzler): DM 158.00 [00-1/4-450]
Looking at first glance like a monograph rather than a reference work, this handbook
attempts, in fact, to be both a book to be read and a guide to be consulted. It consists
of a sequence of texts, while reference to individual pieces by Bach can be found using
the index or the numerous tables that survey Bach's oeuvre. The handbook is organized into
chapters: Bach's politics, Bach reception, performance practice of Bach's music since
1750, and Bach and theology; followed by genres and instrumentation of Bach's works. Works
consulted are listed at the end of each chapter. Appendixes include a chronology, an
alphabetical list of sacred cantatas, an alphabetical list of chorale arrangements for
organ, a listing of Bach's works by Bach Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV) number, an index
of names, and index of authors with short biographies. [mr/sl]
Meilensteine der Bach-Interpretation 1750-2000: eine Werkgeschichte im Wandel [Milestones of Bach Interpretation, 1750-2000: A Developing History of Compositions]. Martin Elste. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler; Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2000. xx, 460 p. ill. 24 cm. + 1 CD. ISBN 3-476-01714-1 (Metzler); ISBN 3-6718-1419-4 (Bärenreiter): DM 78.00 [00-1/4-452]
Although the first section (p. 1-148) of this work is devoted to the history of Bach
interpretation generally, the largest part (p. 149-427) deals with the history of
performance practice on "exemplary recordings," presented in Bach
Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV) order. The accompanying CD is intended to document
historically representative performance practices. An extensive bibliography lists
relevant monographs and essays. There are indexes by BWV numbers and personal names.
Although not primarily a reference work, this volume can be used as a thoroughly annotated
discography. It conveys an extraordinary amount of information about performance practice,
especially as it pertains to the works of Bach. [mr/sl]
Bach-Handbuch [Bach Handbook]. Laaber: Laaber-Verlag. 26 cm. ISBN 3-89007-450-2 (set): DM 172.00 (per volume, except for the Lexikon, DM 148.00) [00-1/4-453]
Vol. 6. Das Bach-Lexikon. Ed. Michael Heinemann. 2000. 623 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-89007-456-1: DM 198.00
J. S. Bach. Ed. Malcolm Boyd. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. xxv, 626 p. ill. 24 cm. maps. music. (Oxford Composer Companions). ISBN 0-19-866208-4: £45.00 [00-1/4-454]
The Bach-Lexikon is the first of the projected six volumes of the Bach-Handbuch to be published, although it is numbered as the last. It includes 453 signed articles by 58 authors, with very brief bibliographical references, and covers life and work, contexts, and impact on Bach. There are useful tabular overviews covering autographs, facsimiles, and cantatas. Also included are a listing of contributors, an alphabetical (instead of topical) listing of articles, bibliographic abbreviations, a listing of Bach's works by Bach Werke-Verzeichnis number, and a chronology of Bach's life.
Unlike contributors to the German publication, who are from German-speaking countries and little-known, the authors contributing to the Oxford Composer Companions series include such prominent names as Alberto Basso, Daniel R. Melamed, Michael Musgrave, Michael Talbot, and Henri Vanhulst. It is much more extensive, with 781 signed articles (containing the briefest of bibliographical references). Every cantata and every motet gets its own article, whereas in the Lexikon they are subsumed within more general articles. Articles are also devoted to performers (e.g., Glenn Gould) and musicologists (e.g., Philipp Spitta, Christoph Wolff). The articles in the English-language work are usually (but not always) more extensive than those in the Lexikon. Appendixes include a listing of works (with much useful detail); text incipits of arias, ensembles and choruses in vocal works; a chronology of Bach's life; and a glossary of musical terms.
Libraries would do well to acquire both volumes, which can be used to complement one
another. The German volume is more suited to lay readers, the Oxford volume to scholars.
Bachstätten: ein Reiseführer zu Johann Sebastian Bach[A Bach Gazeteer: A Travel Guide to Johann Sebastian Bach]. Martin Petzoldt. Frankfurt am Main; Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 2000. 348 p. ill. 19 cm. (Insel-Taschenbuch, 2520). ISBN 3-458-34220-6: DM 22.90 [00-1/4-455]
This updated and revised edition of Bachstätten aufsuchen (1992) lists locations of significance to the study of Bach's life and music in alphabetical order within four sections: (1) Pertaining to Bach; (2) Buildings, memorials, images, monuments; (3) Literature; (4) Itineraries, information resources, addresses, opening hours. An appendix provides information on where organs are located--by city, then by church. There is also an entirely inadequate bibliography of only six titles, an index to the works of Bach mentioned in the guide, as well as a name index and a place index. The book concludes with a chronology of Bach's life.
Although conceived as primarily a travel guide, this book is also recommended as a
reference work for libraries. [mr/sl]
Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis [Index to Bach's Works]. Abbreviated ed. (BWV 2a) of the 2d ed. Wolfgang Schmieder. Ed. Alfred Dürr and Yoshitake Kobayashi. Wiesbaden [et al.]: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1998. xxvii, 490 p. 27 cm. music. ISBN 3-7651-0249-0: DM 98.00 [00-1/4-456]
This volume aims to provide both laypeople and professional musicians with a
streamlined version of the exhaustive work known as Schmieder (after its editor),
or BWV, shorthand for its full title, Thematisch-systematische Verzeichnis der
musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach [Thematic-Systematic Index to the
Musical Works of JSB]. It is about half as long as the original on which it is based (the
second edition of the BWV) and is presented as a compromise between a bare-bones listing
of musical titles on the one hand and a comprehensive reference work on the other. The
preface is given in both English and German (as it is in Schmieder). Incipits have
been shortened, as have the annotations; all works of doubtful authorship are now listed
in one section; there are fewer indexes, although there is a new (and useful) one: an
index to Bach's church melodies. The deviation from the numbering system of the BWV's
second edition is confusing. Nonetheless, this is a useful and affordable edition for
students. Libraries will want it, in addition to both the first (1950) and the second
(1990) edition of the BWV, for its bibliographic listings. [mr/sl]
Reclams Musikführer Johann Sebastian Bach [Reclam's Guide to the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach]. Arnold Werner-Jensen. Special ed., unrev. reprint of the 1993 ed.. Stuttgart: Reclam. 19 cm. ISBN 3-15-010462-9: DM 49.80 [00-1/4-457]
Vol. 1. Instrumentalmusik [Instrumental Music]. 1999. 339 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-15-010386-X
Vol. 2. Vokalmusik [Vocal Music]. 1999. 343 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-15-010387-8
This guide to Bach's works appeared first in 1993, and again in a special edition
(though it was not designated as such) on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of his
death in 1999. It is organized by instrumentation and genre. Volume 1 includes a short
piece outlining Bach interpretation today, and volume 2 the texts of the B-Minor Mass and
the Magnificat. Each volume also contains a selective, generally unannotated discography,
a selective bibliography of standard titles, and a complete listing of Bach's works by Bach
Werke-Verzeichnis number (including "ephemeral," i.e., unperformed, works).
Volume 2 contains an alphabetical index of titles and first lines as well. This solidly
researched guide belongs in every library. [mr/sl]
Johann Sebastian Bach, Die Kantaten [Johann Sebastian Bach: The Cantatas]. Alfred Dürr. 7th ed. Kassel [et al.]: Bärenreiter, 1999. 1,037 p. 19 cm. music. (Bärenreiter Werkeinführungen). ISBN 3-7618-1476-3: DM 48.00 [00-1/4-458]
Die Welt der Bach-Kantaten [The World of Bach Cantatas]. Ed. Christoph Wolff, in cooperation with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir. Transl. Stephanie Wollny. Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler; Kassel: Bärenreiter. 25 cm. Original title: De wereld van de Bach cantates. ISBN 3-476-01410-X (Metzler); ISBN 3-7618-1278-7 (Bärenreiter) [00-1/4-459]
Vol. 1. Johann Sebastian Bachs Kirchenkantaten: Von Arnstadt bis in die Köthener Zeit [Johann Sebastian Bach's Sacred Cantatas: From Arnstadt to the Köthen Years]. 1996. 238 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-476-01425-8 (Metzler); ISBN 3-7618-1275-2 (Bärenreiter): DM 78.00
Vol. 2. Johann Sebastian Bachs weltliche Kantaten [Johann Sebastian Bach's Secular Cantatas]. 1997. 240 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-476-01426-6 (Metzler); ISBN 3-7618-1276-0 (Bärenreiter): DM 78.00
Vol. 3. Johann Sebastian Bachs Leipziger Kirchenkantaten [Johann Sebastian Bach's Leipzig Church Cantatas]. 1999. 264 p. ill. music. ISBN 3-476-01427-4 (Metzler); ISBN 3-7618-1277-9 (Bärenreiter): DM 78.00
The seventh edition of Johann Sebastian Bach, Die Kantaten, a guide to the cantatas of Bach, is an unrevised reprint of the sixth edition (1995), which was published by the present publisher (Bärenreiter) together with the Munich publisher dtv with the more sensible title Die Kantaten von Johann Sebastian Bach. It is intended for "the interested music lover" as a guide to performances in concert, over the radio, or on records. It begins with informative introductory chapters that deal with Bach's cantatas generally. These chapters are followed by sections on the sacred cantatas, then the secular cantatas, which are described largely in terms of their text, intentionally neglecting other, special aspects such as symbolism, contemporary liturgical applications, etc. Appendixes include a bibliography, a personal name index, a subject index/glossary, a title index, and a Bach Werke-Verzeichnis index.
Unfortunately, the 1995 edition (and thus the one from 1999) used the plates of the 1985 edition, very much limiting the amount of new information that could be added.
Die Welt der Bach-Kantaten has its origins in the performances of the complete
cantatas by the conductor Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir. As
the title indicates, it is not a guide to Bach's cantatas as such, but rather to their
historical, biographical, literary, theological, analytical, and aesthetic contexts.
Essays by different authors devoted to these topics make up the contents of the three
volumes. They are scholarly, although not intended primarily for musicologists. Each
volume includes a selective bibliography and a three-part index (two for the cantatas, and
one for personal names). [mr/sl]
Johann Sebastian Bach, Orgelchoräle zweifelhafter Echtheit: thematischer Katalog [Johann Sebastian Bach, Organ Chorales of Uncertain Authenticity]. Comp. Reinmar Emans for the Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen. Göttingen: Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut, 1997. 87 p. 24 cm. music. No charge. (Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut, Dahlmannstr. 14, D-37073 Göttingen, fax [49 511] 46015) [00-1/4-461]
This booklet is not an "official" listing of works. Rather, it was published
in conjunction with the publication of the organ chorales of uncertain authenticity within
Series IV of the Neue Bach-(Gesamt)-Ausgabe (NBA) (1954- ). It is intended
to provide additional information concerning the authenticity of the works in question,
especially the manuscripts and printed editions that had not yet been dealt with. It is
organized alphabetically by title and includes 198 entries. Each entry contains
information concerning title, Bach Werke-Verzeichnis number, names of possible
composers, incipits, and, when known, holding institutions. [mr/sl]
Bachs Passionen: ein musikalischer Werkführer [Bach's Passions: A Musical Guide]. Gottfried Scholz. München: Beck, 2000. 124 p. 18 cm. music. (Beck'sche Reihe, 2205: C.-H.-Beck-Wissen). ISBN 3-406-43305-7: DM 14.80 [00-1/4-462]
Intended for the layperson, this guide treats the development of the passion genre. It provides a detailed discussion of the text and music of Bach's two great surviving instances of it (Matthew and John); sections on Bach's later re-workings of his passions; the history of their performance practice; the history of their reception; the passions of the other two evangelists (the lost St. Mark's Passion and the Luke's Passion of dubious authorship); and the relation of Bach's cantatas to his passions. The volume closes with a bibliography, a glossary, and a listing of references to the musical examples. [mr/sl]
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