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Natio Germanica Bononiae ["Natio Germanica," the Fraternity of German Students in Bologna]. Bologna: CLUEB. 27 cm. [00-1/4-304]
1. La matricola: 1573-1602, 1707-1727 [Matriculated Students:]. Ed. M. Luisa Accorsi. 1999. 239 p. ISBN 88-491-1255-6: Lit. 40,000
Lists of university students are useful for studying the history of a university, of education, of learning, and of social matters. This title fills a gap in the genre, listing students from Germanic Europe who attended the University of Bologna from 1573 to 1602, and 1707 to 1727. It builds on Acta nationis Germanicae Universitatis Bononiensis, published in 1887 and reprinted in 1988, which concentrates on the medieval period.
In the late 16th century, the many German students at the University of Bologna were second in foreign student population only to those from Spain. Included in this designation were students from the extensive dominions of the Holy Roman Empire, including Switzerland, the Spanish Netherlands, and countries of the Habsburg monarchy, such as Bohemia. Also included are honorary students from the nobility. Not all students who attended the university are covered by this list of matriculations, as some did not register, in order to avoid having to pay the matriculation fee.
Based on the Libro degli immatricolati from the historical archive of the
university, this edition includes 2,774 entries. As far as possible, study visits by
German students to other Italian universities, especially Siena, Perugia, and Padua, are
documented. Two indexes, for persons and for place names, facilitate the use of this work.
Die Professoren und Dozenten der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen 1743-1960 [Professors and Lecturers at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen, 1743-1960]. Ed. Renate Wittern. Erlangen: Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. 25 cm. (Erlanger Forschungen: Sonderreihe, ). (Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen-Nürnberg, D-91051 Erlangen, fax [49 9131] 85 9309) [00-1/4-306]
Part 2. Medizinische Fakultät [Medical Faculty]. Comp. Astrid Ley. 1999. xv, 244 p. (Erlanger Forschungen: Sonderreihe, 9). ISBN 3-930357-30-5: DM 48.00
The first volume of this work appeared in 1993, and was devoted to the theological and legal faculties of the University of Erlangen. This volume, about the medical faculty, is similar to the earlier one. Included are 290 professors active since the university's founding in 1743, who spent at least one semester there before 1960. A few are still alive.
The brief biographies are arranged alphabetically. No attempt is made to include all of
a faculty member's publications, but bibliographies of an individual's works are noted.
The sources used are from the Erlangen university archive, the Bavarian state archives,
and the city archive of Nürnberg. The information is presented carefully and
systematically, like a database in paper form. It is a useful tool for the history of
medicine and for local history. [be/mrh]
Die Juden der Frankfurter Universität [Jewish Scholars at the University of Frankfurt]. Ed. Renate Heuer and Siegbert Wolf. Frankfurt: Campus-Verlag, 1997. 504 p. ill. 22 cm. (Campus judaica, 6). ISBN 3-593-35502-7: DM 78.00 [00-1/4-307]
After the Humboldt University in Berlin, the University of Frankfurt am Main, founded in 1912, had until 1933 the second-largest number of Jewish teaching faculty. This book presents information about 150 Jewish professors active at the university between 1914 and 1933. In addition, it lists Jews active in other ways in the university: its founders, researchers in its institutes, assistants, those with Jewish wives, and also eight scholars who were not Jews, but who came under political pressure in the 1930s. The articles, some of which have black-and-white photographs, are patterned after those in the Lexikon deutsch-jüdischer Autoren (see RREA 6:42 above). There is relatively little overlap between the two works, however, as the Lexikon concentrates on major figures in literature and culture.
The usefulness of this work is compromised by its lack of a table of contents and a
cumulative name index, so that in using it, one finds one's way among the various
alphabetical sections only by chance. [sh/mrh]
Vorlesungsverzeichnisse der Universität Königsberg (1720-1804) [Courses Held at the University of Königsberg (1720-1804)]. Ed. Michael Oberhausen and Riccardo Pozzo. 2 vols. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1999. lxviii, 787 p. 30 cm. (Forschungen und Materialien zur Universitätsgeschichte, Section 1: Quellen zur Universitätsgeschichte,1). ISBN 3-7728-1494-8: DM 548.00 [00-1/4-308]
Announcements of university courses are not widely collected by libraries--they are published frequently, take a lot of space, and go out of date quickly. Many of those collected by German universities were destroyed in World War II. In the case of the Albertus University in Königsberg, the rich holdings of its library ended up in Polish, Lithuanian, and Russian libraries. With the opening of the former east bloc, these holdings could be examined, resulting in the publication of this collection.
The history of the Königsberg university is, of course, of particular interest to Kant specialists. Course lists from Kant's period have already been researched, and this volume builds on that scholarship. A thorough introduction explains the significance of the course lists for the history of the Königsberg university, followed by reproductions of the original lists. Early on, they were only a few pages long, but in later years they included more information, such as offerings by language instructors and masters of fencing and dance. An index includes books of the Bible treated in the courses, teachers (with their birth and death dates), and all authors and works used in instruction. This allows us to reconstruct instruction of the period: what was (or was not) taught where and when, which ideas were presented where first, and where later or not at all.
These lists of courses, together with other university publications such as dissertations and speeches, are important sources for the early history of university education. It is to be hoped that other such publications will appear in this series. [mk/mrh]
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