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Klassiker des politischen Denkens [Classics of Political Thought]. Ed. Hans Maier and Horst Denzer. München: Beck. 19 cm. (Beck'sche Reihe, ...) [01-2-412]
Vol. 1. Von Plato bis Thomas Hobbes [From Plato to Thomas Hobbes]. New rev. ed. based on the 6th bound edition. 2001. 255 p. (..., 1361). ISBN 3-406-42161-X: DM 24.90
Vol. 2. Von John Locke bis Max Weber [From John Locke to Max Weber]. New rev. ed. based on the 5th bound edition. 2001. 250 p. (..., 1362). ISBN 3-406-42162-8: DM 24.90
Itself a classic, the Klassiker des politischen Denkens is being offered in a reworked paperback edition. Based on the original bound editions, volumes 1 and 2 have undergone substantial revision--new authors for over half the entries and an updated bibliography. Articles, which average 15 pages in length, are preceded by a biographical timeline of the political thinker being discussed and followed by a concise bibliography.
Because it provides an excellent introduction to the history of political thought, Klassiker des politischen Denkens is often used as a textbook at universities, and is also appropriate for public libraries. [jpl/jb]
With 1,500 entries, this lexicon has a broad reach, defining all areas of political science. The authors have, however, limited themselves to the facts, omitting geographical terms, persons, corporate bodies, and NGOs; other international organizations are selectively included. It is a good lexicon, worth its price. [jpl/mrh]
Eric Voegelin
: International Bibliography, 1921-2000. Geoffrey L. Price. With assistance from Eberhard Freiherr von Lochner. München: Fink, 2000. 305 p. 24 cm. (Periagoge: Studien). ISBN 3-7705-3527-8: DM 118.00 [01-2-418]
Born in Cologne in 1901 as Erich Hermann Wilhelm Vögelin, Eric Voegelin studied in Vienna, the USA, and France. He taught at the University of Vienna until 1938, when he was dismissed by the Nazis. He emigrated to the USA to teach, but returned to Germany and held a professorship in Munich from 1958-1974, during which time he also established the Politologisches Institut [Institute for Political Studies]. From 1969 to 1974 he was again in the USA as a professor at Stanford University. He died in 1985 in Palo Alto, California. This comprehensive bibliography of primary and secondary works serves to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his birth.
Building on his earlier work on Voegelin, an essay entitled "Eric Voegelin: A Classified Bibliography" published in the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester (volume 76, p. 1-180), Price divides this bibliography into 21 chapters: 14 chapters for primary literature, including translations, and 7 for secondary materials. To provide access to the primary works subdivided by type, e.g., monographs, essays, reviews, lectures, etc., Price has included a chapter entitled "Union List" that reassembles all the titles in chronological order. The secondary materials are not so scattered, the most extensive chapter being the one devoted to reviews of Voegelin's works. The 2,920 entries are not numbered, and there are no indexes. [sh/jb]
Handbuch der Außenpolitik
: von Afghanistan bis Zypern [Handbook of Foreign Policy: From Afghanistan to Cyprus]. Ed. Jürgen Bellers, Thorsten Benner, and Ines M. Gerke. München: Oldenbourg, 2001. 1,072 p. 24 cm. (Lehr- und Handbücher der Politikwissenschaft). ISBN 3-486-24848-0: DM 198.00 [01-2-419]
With 122 articles on over 1,000 pages this is a very large work, and it would be too much to expect complete consistency and continuity among the various country entries. As it is, the quality of the articles is quite uneven and ranges from the in-depth and analytical to the very narrow. One of the editors and several of the contributors are experts in international studies, others are not.
The articles average about nine pages and usually contain a chronological outline, the main body of the text, and a select bibliography. The coverage focuses on developments since the beginning of the 20th century, and often includes aspects of domestic issues without which foreign policy often cannot be understood. What is often missing is a more analytical approach that would include such aspects as foreign trade policy, security policy and developmental aid. Only the better articles manage to include these aspects, and few encompass the whole range of polity, politics, and policy in their treatment of the different countries.
In a handbook published in a reputable series the complete lack of indexing is quite regrettable. Yet because of its unique coverage, and in spite of its various shortcomings, libraries will probably want to add it to their collections. [jpl/rs]
[Bibliography of National Socialism]. Michael Ruck. Rev. and exp. ed. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2000. xxvi, 1,610 p. 28 cm + 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 3-534-14989-0: DM 420.00 (single user license); ISBN 3-534-15182-8: DM 620.00 (multiple user license) [01-2-420]
The first edition of this bibliography (1995) was reviewed in RREA 2:258. The initial assessment also holds true for the second edition: this is a well organized bibliography and without peer for study and teaching. It has been considerably enlarged (37,023 vs. the original 20,261 entries) and is now accompanied by a CD-ROM. It now covers the research literature from 1945 to 2000.
The indexing of the paper volumes is excellent and the CD-ROM opens new search possibilities. The software is user-friendly and allows keyword searching and sophisticated Boolean combinations. Various display and save options add to its usefulness. The price is high but libraries should purchase this research tool. It is unique in its coverage. Moreover, the bibliography is generous in scope thus also makes accessible literature on post-war right-wing movements in Germany. [jpl/rs]
Zehn Jahre deutsche Einheit: die Bibliographie [Ten Years of German Unity: The Bibliography]. Hendrik Berth and Elmar Brähler. Berlin: VWF, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 2000. 275 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-89700-250-7: DM 78.00 [01-1-127]
This bibliography, which includes entries for 5,900 monographs, covers the process of German reunification and the period of transition after 1989, as well as the literature about the German Democratic Republic published from 1990-2000 (although nothing in the title would indicate the latter). One even wonders whether it is particularly logical to throw these topics together. An introduction and user's guide preface the volume, and there is an extensive name, keyword, and author index. Interestingly enough, this work was the outcome of a project at the Institut für Pädagogishe Psychologie und Entwicklungspsychologie [Institute for Pedagogical and Developmental Psychology] at the technical university in Dresden, a department usually oriented more toward the natural sciences. Citations to related periodical literature can be found on the web at <http://www.wiedervereinigung.de/>. Because it covers the monographic literature on the topic of German reunification with great thoroughness, this title is an important acquisition for libraries. [jpl/vh]
Die Bundeskanzler
[The German Chancellors]. Ed. Hans Klein. 4th exp. ed. Berlin: Edition q, 2000. 485 p. ill. 23 cm. ISBN 3-86124-521-3: DM 58.00 [01-1-128]
This fourth edition has been expanded to include a biographical essay on the current chancellor Gerhard Schröder. This is in addition to the six previous chancellors, starting with Adenauer. The essays, averaging 60 pages each, are written by "insiders," who knew the chancellors well, and can thus provide real life experiences and details. The essays, whose formats vary, emphasize the term in office and include a portrait and a number of photographs. A 12-page name index is included. This book is not meant as a primary source of biographical information on the chancellors, but would be useful to provide a unique perspective and complement more scholarly treatments. [jpl/hsb]
Kanzler und Minister 1949-1998
: biografisches Lexikon der deutschen Bundesregierungen [Chancellors and Ministers 1949-1998: Biographical Dictionary of the Federal Governments of Germany]. Ed. Udo Kempf and Hans-Georg Merz. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001. 839 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-531-13407-8: DM 98.00 [01-2-430]
Whereas a number of reference works have been devoted to German chancellors, this biographical dictionary by Kempf and Merz is the first to include extensive coverage of cabinet ministers and office holders of the Federal Republic of Germany for the past fifty years. The 157 articles by 69 contributors average 4 pages in length, but may extend up to 15 pages for more prominent politicians such as Adenauer and Brandt. Each entry begins with the individual's name, list of offices held, as well as places and dates of birth and death (where appropriate). In addition, a summary timeline focusing on the politician's education and political career, but omitting personal information, precedes the actual biography. The biography then supplies more in-depth information concentrating largely on the politician's time in office and supplying background details only when these contribute to an understanding of the years in Bonn. The entries conclude with a short selective bibliography of secondary literature. There are a number of additional sections, e.g., one of portraits, a listing of cabinets by campaign periods, an alphabetical listing of ministries and their ministers, etc. An appendix also lists the ministers of the last administration of the German Democratic Republic.
This reference resource on the political elite of the Bonn years of the Federal Republic of Germany belongs in all public and research libraries. [sh/jb]
The first edition of this work appeared in 1998 and received a positive review (see RREA 4:139). This edition is just as impressive in both concept and execution. New articles have been added on topics such as "social change," "trends in societal development," "secularization," and "the military." In addition, statistical data, illustrations, and bibliographies have been updated and augmented throughout. The Handwörterbuch is becoming a standard reference tool, and the purchase of the second edition is worthwhile, even for those who already own the first. [jpl/vh]
Lexikon Opposition und Widerstand in der SED-Diktatur
[Dictionary of Opposition and Resistance under the SED Dictatorship]. Ed. Hans-Joachim Veen. Berlin; München: Propyläen-Verlag, 2000. 455 p. ill. ISBN 3-549-07125-6: DM 98.00 [01-1-130]
Under the sponsorship of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung [Konrad Adenauer Foundation], this dictionary on the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) [Socialist Unity Party of Germany] continues the reappraisal of German Democratic Republic socialism begun with the Lexikon des DDR-Sozialismus (see RREA 2:239). The 96 contributors are either academics or were themselves involved in the GDR opposition, a mixture which promises competent and substantial articles.
An introduction and summary essays are followed by 377 articles on people, places, institutions, and topics, often with accompanying bibliographies. There are indexes to places, subjects, and names. The political overtones noticeable in Lexikon des DDR-Sozialismus are absent in the present work. Because this dictionary is based on the 18-volume collection of documents produced by the Enquete-Kommission of the German Bundestag (Materialien der Enquete-Kommission "Überwindung der Folgen der SED-Diktatur im Prozeß der Deutschen Einheit," Baden-Baden, 1995), it can serve as a resource when using that collection of documents. This work is an indispensable acquisition for both public and research libraries. [jpl/vh]
Deutschland-Chronik 1945-2000 [Chronicle of Germany, 1945-2000]. Hans Georg Lehmann. 2d rev. and exp. ed. Bonn: Bouvier, 2000. 644 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-416-02957-7: DM 37.00 [01-2-421]
Deutschland-Chronik 1945 bis 2000 [Chronicle of Germany, 1945-2000]. Hans Georg Lehmann. Rev. and updated ed. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2000. 644 p. ill. 21 cm. (Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 366). ISBN 3-89331-394-X: Free for libraries. (Bundeszentrale ..., Berliner Freiheit 7, D-53111 Bonn, fax [49 1888] 5150) [01-2-422]
There are many, frequently updated chronicles of German history on the market. This work first appeared in 1981, published by Beck, and was taken over by Bouvier in 1995. The 2000 edition has been brought up-to-date, and is distinguished by its arrangement: the text is first divided by time periods, then by themes, with the emphasis on politics, the economy, society and culture. There are relatively few illustrations and tables, and the information from the period before 1990 has not been revised. Altogether, this work is a useful educational resource and belongs in every academic and public library. [jpl/mrh]
Die Studentenproteste der 60er Jahre
: Archivführer, Chronik, Bibliographie [The Student Protests of the Sixties: Guide to Archives, Timeline, Bibliography]. Ed. Thomas P. Becker and Ute Schröder. Köln [et al.]: Böhlau, 2000. 381 p. 24 cm. Bibliography p. 302-347. ISBN 3-412-07700-3: DM 78.00 [01-2-423]
Die Studentenproteste der 60er Jahre is an excellent handbook for those doing research on the social movements, organizations, and parties of this time period. As the subtitles suggests, it consists of a 76-page section on relevant state, municipal, and university archives, a timeline, and a selective bibliography of pertinent literature. The archive listings provide contact information, descriptions of holdings, and conditions for use. There are indexes to institutions, organizations, universities, individuals, and places, as well as a list of abbreviations.
Die Studentenproteste der 60er Jahre represents a carefully prepared reference work at an affordable price. [jpl/jb]
Handwörterbuch des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Concise Dictionary of the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Ed. Uwe Andersen and Wichard Woyke. 4th rev. ed. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2000. xix, 763 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-8100-2761-8: DM 78.00 [01-2-424]
Handwörterbuch des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Concise Dictionary of the Political System of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Ed. Uwe Andersen and Wichard Woyke. 4th rev. and updated ed. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2000. xix, 763 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-89331-389-3: free of charge (Bundeszentrale ..., Berliner Freiheit 7, D-53111 Bonn, fax [49 228] 515-113) [01-2-425]
The positive assessment of the previous edition of this work (see RREA 5:202) remains unchanged three years later: the fourth edition has not only been completely updated, it also contains an additional article on the subject of "Nation." In addition to being available as a trade publication, the work may be obtained free of charge from the Federal Center for Political Education. [jpl/nb]
Das Deutsche Parlament (Erfurter Unionsparlament) von 1850: ein Handbuch; Mitglieder, Amtsträger, Lebensdaten, Fraktionen [The German Parliament (Erfurt Union Parliament) of 1850: A Handbook; Members, Officers, Birth and Death Dates, Parties]. Jochen Lengemann. München; Jena: Urban & Fischer, 2000. 447 p. ill. 25 cm. (Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Thüringen: Große Reihe, 6). ISBN 3-437-31128-X: DM 128.00 [01-2-426]
The Deutsches Parlament in Erfurt met from March 20 to April 29, 1850. An outline of the history and meaning of the German Parliament in Erfurt is followed here by an overview of its membership, officers, activities and transactions. The major part of the text is devoted to full biographies of the 223 sitting members of both houses of parliament. Extensive indexes and a bibliography complete the work. [sh/mrh]
[Biographical Dictionary of the Congresses of National Deputies 1918/19]. Ed. Sabine Roß. Düsseldorf: Droste, 2000. 295 p. ill. 25 cm. (Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien, 11). ISBN 3-7700-5231-5: DM 98.00 [01-2-427]
This is the revised and augmented biographical part of a 1997 thesis. It is similar in character to other titles in this respected series.
A lengthy introduction deals with the historical context of the November 1918 German revolution as well as with sources and methodological approaches used in preparing this work. The main part lists 3,730 brief biographies of deputies who attended the two congresses that resulted from the revolution. Depending on the available sources, the entries vary from a few lines to about half a page. An analytical index allows the breakdown of these representatives by categories such as political faction, function, party affiliation, political office before and after 1918/19, electoral district, etc. Thanks to this dictionary, future research on this understudied aspect of German history will be based on a solid foundation. [sh/rs]
The Volkskammer of the German Democratic Republic published an official biographical handbook from the second to the ninth term (first under the title Handbuch der Volkskammer der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 2-3, 1957-1959, then under the title Die Volkskammer der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 4-9, 1964-1987). The last parliament, elected in the free election of March, 1990, was unable to publish an official handbook but had to make do with a short biographical dictionary issued by a commercial publisher, Die Volkskammer der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1990, which contains nothing but small portraits, brief biographical data, and a table of the election results.
The parliamentary handbook described here was first announced in 1997 and finally appeared in 2000. It attempts to create a "regular" handbook on the basis of material deposited in the German Federal Archives, Potsdam, after October 3, 1990. As is common in newer parliamentary handbooks, it has a long introduction giving basic sources and tables. The main part contains short biographies of the 409 deputies with the following information, if available: (1) entry heading with name, occupation, address, and photo (the last three as of 1990), date and place of birth, date of death if applicable, parents' occupation, religion, marital status and number of children (also as of 1990); (2) education; (3) career progress; (4) voluntary and non-professional activities; (5) party careers; (6) political and state functions in the GDR; (7) data on membership in the Volkskammer; (8) offices held after 1990 (65 percent of the deputies had a continued political career in the Bundestag, the European Parliament, or state parliaments); (9) elections lost since 1990; and (10) sources. There are no indexes. [sh/gh]
Österreichs Präsidenten: von Karl Renner bis Thomas Klestil [Austria's Presidents: From Karl Renner to Thomas Klestil]. Christian Dickinger. Wien: Ueberreuter, 2000. 239 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-8000-3789-0: ÖS 291.00, DM 39.80 [01-2-431]
Österreichs Kanzler: von Leopold Figl bis Wolfgang Schüssel [Austria's Chancellors: From Leopold Figl to Wolfgang Schüssel]. Peter Pelinka. Wien: Ueberreuter, 2000. 271 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-8000-3758-0: ÖS 291.00, DM 39.80 [01-2-432]
Österreichs Kardinäle
: von Anton Gruscha bis Christoph Schönborn [Austria's Cardinals: From Anton Gruscha to Christoph Schönborn]. Hellmut Butterweck. Wien: Ueberreuter, 2000. 223 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-8000-3764-5: ÖS 291.00, DM 39.80 [01-2-433]
The biographies of Austria's presidents, chancellors, and cardinals in this trio of titles were written by journalists and non-fiction writers, which accounts for the accessible style of the writing. Averaging 25 pages in length, the biographies concentrate on the background, career, and political influence of the individuals in question, all within the context of the historical events and political developments of the day. This approach serves to create a multifaceted portrait of Austria's political culture.
The volume on presidents is perhaps less important, given the representative function that Austrian presidents play, but occasionally even Austria's presidents can attract world attention, as was the case with Kurt Waldheim. The volume on chancellors focuses on their political careers and includes information about their political activities, e.g., cabinet posts, after leaving the office of chancellor. There is even information on the coalition between the Christian Democrats and Jörg Haider's Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs [Austrian Freedom Party]. At first the inclusion of cardinals in this group may seem odd, but it is justified by the central role that the Roman Catholic Church plays in Austrian politics.
These three volumes form an impressive set. Given their popular writing style, they are most appropriate for public libraries. [jpl/jb]
Repubblica Italiana 1948-1998: 50 anni di parlamento, governi, istituzioni = La navicella [The Republic of Italy 1948-1998: 50 Years of Parliament, Governments, Institutions = The Navicella]. INI, Istituto Nazionale dell'Informazione. Roma: Editoriale Italiana, 2000. 1,006 p. 20 cm. Lit. 150,000 [01-1-131]
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Italian Republic (1998) Editoriale Italiana has issued a reference work on the Italian parliament and its members. Its source is the unofficial parliamentary handbook I deputati e senatori del ... parlamento repubblicano, cited as La Navicella (see IFB 99-B09-784). The main biography lists senators and representatives with short biographical data. Additional sections considerably increase the value of this title as a reference work on the history of Italian parliamentarianism since World War II. These include: members of the assemblies that drafted and promulgated the Constitution; the text of the Constitution; lists of other government officials such as presidents, ministers, and justices; and a chronological overview of the legislative acts of the various administrations. The index integrates all personal names as well as acronyms for institutions and political parties. [sh/mjc]
Juristen: ein biographisches Lexikon; von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert [Lawyers: A Biographical Dictionary, from Antiquity to the 20th Century]. Ed. Michael Stolleis. München: Beck, 2001. 719 p. 19 cm. ISBN 3-406-45957-9: DM 34.90 [01-1-132]
The review of the original, 1995 edition (IFB 99-B09-139) mentioned the selection criteria: lawmakers and high-ranking officials, legal theorists and philosophers, legally versed clerics, judges and lawyers but no rulers or politicians connected with a single book or law. The scope is international and the dates range from the first millenium BCE to the 20th century. The new edition includes about 15 new articles and 28 pages; other changes are mostly limited to corrections. The additions are welcome ones, even if they further exemplify the relative uneven coverage. Normally such a work would simply be republished as a paperback. [sh/mm]
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