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Taschenbuch des öffentlichen Lebens: Deutschland [Pocket Book of Public Life: Germany]. Ed. Albert Oeckl. Bonn: Festland-Verlag. 15 cm. (through Vol. 47), 18 cm. (from Vol. 48 on). ISSN 0082-1829 [01-1-133]
Vol. 50. 2000/01. 2000. xvii, 1,698 p. ISBN 3-87224-044-7: DM 165.90 + postage, DM 315.00 (with CD-ROM)
Taschenbuch des öffentlichen Lebens: Deutschland [Pocket Book of Public Life: Germany]. Ed. Albert Oeckl. Bonn: Festland-Verlag. [01-1-134]
2000/01. 2001. CD-ROM. ISBN 3-87224-045-5: DM 225.90, DM 315.00 (with book)
The latest version of this directory contains the names of over 12,000 institutions and associations and 19,000 personal names in public life in Germany (see RREA 5:210 for a review of an earlier edition). The printed volume lists institutions, abbreviations, personal names, and pertinent facts. The CD-ROM also allows searching by elements of the addresses. Unfortunately, the Boolean operator "OR" is available only within individual search fields and not between the major criteria, and the CD-ROM itself cannot be networked (this should be corrected with the next edition). [sh/mjc]
Although career biographies for West German and some Austrian generals and admirals before and after 1945 are available, there has been nothing similar for officers of the NVA [National People's Army] of the German Democratic Republic because of the extreme military secrecy maintained there. In addition to interviews with people involved in that area, the present work is based primarily on archival research. It contains 377 short biographies of the military elite from 1952 to 1989. The handbook is made more useful by a short historical introduction that explains nomenclature and uniforms, a section of illustrations, facsimiles of documents, and an index of personal names. [sh/mjc]
Handbuch zur preußischen Militärgeschichte: 1701-1786 [Handbook of Prussian Military History: 1701-1786]. Martin Guddat. Hamburg [et al.]: Mittler, 2001. 297 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 3-8132-0732-3: EUR 39.90 [01-2-436]
The period covered by this work begins with 1701, the year in which the electoral princes of Brandenburg were raised to the status of kings, and ends with the year in which Friedrich II died. The author, a high official in the German army ministry, does not give an explanation for this choice. About 700 mostly brief articles cover persons, geographical locations (towns and battlefields), and terms and concepts from such areas as military technology, the structure of the Prussian military, equipment, logistics, and tactics. They are accompanied by numerous illustrations. The lack of bibliographical references in the articles is not redeemed by the brief bibliography at the end of the volume, which lists only German-language monographs. [sh/nb]
Die österreichischen Admirale [The Austrian Admirals]. Antonio Schmidt-Brentano. Osnabrück: Biblio-Verlag. 25 cm. ISBN 3-7648-2466-2 [01-1-136]
Vol. 2. 1896-1914. 2000. vii, 565 p. ill. ISBN 3-7648-2519-7: DM 160.00
The first volume appeared in 1997 (see IFB 99-B09-662) and featured 91 biographies of admirals who were appointed 1808 to 1895. This second volume now covers the 101 admirals appointed 1896 to 1914, including some generals who served the Navy only temporarily. The information is largely based on information from the War Archives in Vienna. Most entries include a portrait. All have basic biographical information on family and career, awards, writings (which are rare), and other sources. The index in volume 1 contains 260 names, which suggests that we can expect a third volume to cover World War I. [sh/hsb]
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