AD -- Indexes

Journal des Luxus und der Moden: 1786–1827: analytische Bibliographie mit sämtlichen 517 schwarzweissen und 976 farbigen Abbildungen der Originalzeitschrift [Journal of Luxury and Fashion: 1786–1827: Analytical Bibliography with the Complete 517 Black-&-White and 976 Color Illustrations from the Original Journal]. Doris Kuhles for the Stiftung Weimarer Klassik, Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek. 3 vols. München: Saur. xvi, 714, xii, 715– 1,491, xii, 388 p. 25 cm. (Bibliographien und Kataloge der Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek). ISBN 3-598-11594-6: EUR 640 [03-1-012]

Work on this ambitious Weimar Index Project began in 1995. The amount of time that it took for well-known author Doris Kuhles to complete her opus magnum shows that good results require time.

The journal reconstructed here numbers among the most valuable journals in the Weimar Library. It is only partially a fashion journal by today’s understanding; rather, its varied contents constitute a cultural reflection of the time. The spectrum of topics covered includes fashion, luxury, art, theater, music, literature, furniture, garden art, handicrafts, travel, history, politics, and economic and social issues from all spheres of domestic and social life.

Kuhles’ work begins with her introduction Methodische Konzeption und Benutzungshinweise [Methodical Conception and User Guide]. The textual part of the index offers access to the journal’s complete contents, including title pages and illustrations, with original orthography and punctuation (excluding obvious errors). Also included are titles that are unclear in the author’s opinion, annotations, and supplements to the journal. Each entry receives an identification number composed of volume number, issue number, and a running number for contributions within an issue. Alphabetic symbols denote the principal journal and its supplements, the Intelligenzblatt [Intelligentia Newsletter] and the Literarisches Beiblatt [Literary Insert]. Additionally, all 12,136 entries are numbered consecutively. The three indexes include: author and other contributors and mentioned persons, with life dates and descriptions of the persons’ professions or spheres of activity; subject; titles of works, including literary works with indication of genre and author.

Not least among the journal’s special and attractive aspects are the 1,493 copper plate etchings, many of them in color. Apparently there are no examples of the journal in public libraries that reproduce the complete etchings. Unfortunately, the quality of the black-and-white reproductions is not good.

This analytical index can without doubt lay claim to being a model for the reconstruction of older journals. It is therefore good to learn that the Herzogin-Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek will be editing the reconstruction of the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung [General Literature Journal] according to the model established here. One assumes that the “good spirit” of Doris Kuhles will inspire the forthcoming project, even if she retires in the meantime. With the analytical index to the Journal des Luxus und der Moden, Kuhles crowns her rich bibliographical life’s work. [sh/rm]

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