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BE -- Fine Arts
Dehio-Handbuch. Niederösterreich: die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs; topographisches Denkmälerinventar [Dehio Handbook. Lower Austria: The Historic Monuments of Austria; Topographical Inventory]. Ed. Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung für Inventarisation und Denkmalforschung. Rev. ed. Horn; Wien: Berger. 18 cm. Vol. 1 pub. Verlag Schroll, Wien. [04-1-173]
Niederösterreich südlich der Donau [Lower Austria South of the Danube]. Ed. Peter Aichinger-Rosenberger. 2 vols. 2003. ci, 1,255, 1,639 p. ill. ISBN 3-85028-365-8: EUR 170 (set)
Dehio-Handbuch. Oberösterreich: die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs; topographisches Denkmälerinventar [Dehio Handbook. Upper Austria: The Historic Monuments of Austria, Topographical Inventory]. Ed. Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung für Inventarisation und Denkmalforschung. Rev. ed. Horn; Wien: Berger. 18 cm. [04-1-174]
Vol. 1. Mühlviertel [The Mühl Region]. Ed. Peter Adam. 2003. lxviii, 1,061 p. ill. ISBN 3-85028-362-3: EUR 74
Dehio-Handbuch. Wien: die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs; topographisches Denkmälerinventar [Dehio Handbook. Vienna: The Artistic Monuments of Austria; Topographical Inventory]. Ed. Bundesdenkmalamt. Abteilung für Inventarisation und Denkmalforschung. Rev. ed. Horn; Wien: Berger. 18 cm. Vol. 2-3 pub. Verlag Schroll, Wien. [04-1-175]
Vol. 1. Wien: I. Bezirk - Innere Stadt [Vienna: First District, Inner City]. Ed. Günther Buchinger, 2003. lv, 1,095 p. ill. maps. ISBN 3-85028-366-6: EUR 83
In contrast to Germany, where both historic preservation and inventorying are decentralized, the two activities are the work of one national agency in Austria, the present Bundesdenkmalamt [Federal Monuments Office]. One advantage of this is that the overall inventory is published in a single series, Österreichische Kunsttopographie [Topography of Austrian Art], with volumes numbered in sequence, whereas the German inventories have many series and title changes and are among the most complicated sets for libraries to deal with. From 1907 to the end of 1999, 55 volumes of Österreichische Kunsttopographie have been published.
The overall inventories are published slowly and are too detailed and bulky for easy use. From the very beginning of historic preservation, Georg Dehio suggested creating a handy, comprehensive handbook of artistic monuments that could be used at one’s desk or on a trip. The first handbook on Austria was published in two volumes from 1933 to 1935 as Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler, Abteilung 2., Österreich [Handbook of German Artistic Monuments, Section 2, Austria]. The revisions published after World War II, under the title Dehio-Handbuch, are organized by states. The new editions since 1976 show signs of growing as fast as the volumes for the German states. Examples are the inventories for Vienna and Lower Austria, which by now total three volumes each. The year 2003 was particularly productive for the inventories of Austrian monuments, with the publication of the volume for Vienna’s 1st District, the volume for Lower Austria south of the Danube, and the first volume for Upper Austria.
Lower Austria is the largest state and has the greatest density of monuments, and it was necessary to divide it into two parts (three volumes). The Danube forms the demarcation line; monuments north of the river are documented in Niederösterreich nördlich der Donau [Lower Austria North of the Danube] (1990). The inventories for monuments south of the Danube had to be divided into two thick volumes. Anyone taking a cultural trip along the Danube will have to take along three volumes with 4,500 pages in all—quite far from Dehio’s original conception of portable guidebooks. The volumes describe all fixed and movable objects of historical and cultural significance, not just those of artistic significance. New categories of monuments and new periods have also been included. The double volumes contain introductory essays, alphabetical list of places, indexes, and maps (which, however, do not indicate the cultural significance of places).
The first volume for Upper Austria treats the Mühl region, that is, Upper Austria north of the Danube. The other volumes will cover the city of Linz (volume 2) and the Inn, Traun, and Hausruck regions (volumes 3-4). The arrangement is not strictly by place, as in the volumes for Lower Austria, but rather groups small villages with their central towns, the typical structure in this area. All place names are listed in the index, with the central towns differentiated typographically. Another index lists types of structures, which would also be desirable in the volumes for Lower Austria. The maps lack reference grids, as is also the case for Lower Austria.
The volumes for Vienna are divided into concentric rings that correspond to the profile of the city. The volume for the historic city center follows the volumes for the second and outer ring (Wien: II. bis IX. und XX. Bezirk [Vienna: 2d through 9th Districts and the 20th],1993; see RREO 95-3-409) and the former suburbs (Wien: X. bis XIX. und XXI. bis XXIII. Bezirk [Vienna: 10th through 19th Districts and the 21st to the 23d], 1996). Following an introduction to the history and buildings of Vienna, the inventory of monuments is organized into seven chapters by types of structures: religious buildings, grand-scale public buildings, buildings in unified blocks, monuments, green spaces, bridges and transport structures, and technical buildings. The first three chapters are the longest by far.
It is worth mentioning that the Bundesdenkmal has switched from its longtime Viennese publisher, Anton Scholl, which issued Österreichische Kunsttopographie, vols. 1-53, and the Austrian Dehio from 1933 to 1993, to Berger in Horn (with an office in Vienna). They also sell the Dehio volumes from Scholl that are still in print. [sh/gh]
Lexikon der Tiersymbole: Tiere als Sinnbilder in der Malerei des 14.-17. Jahrhunderts [Lexicon of Animal Symbols: Animals as Allegories in 14th-17th-Century Painting]. Sigrid and Lothar Dittrich. Petersberg: Imhof, 2004. 672 p. ill. 31 cm. (Studien zur internationalen Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, 22). ISBN 3-937251-18-9: EUR 135 [04-1-184]
This lexicon impresses not only by its weight and girth, but also by the reputation of its authors. Lothar Dittrich, former director of the Hanover Zoo, has published extensively on, among other things, the cultural history of zoos, keeping animals in captivity, and art history. Leaving the mythical beasts of the Middle Ages aside, this work concentrates on the symbolism of real animals as they appear in paintings of the 14th to 17th centuries. The main part of the volume (p. 17-585) is dedicated to an alphabetical “Catalog of Allegorical Animals” with 120 articles of varying length but parallel structure: (1) zoology, (2) symbolism, and (3) examples of paintings, subdivided according to the various possible allegories listed in the prior section. The bibliography (p. 587-613) is similarly substantial and divided into reference works, literature, and picture sources. Two indexes complete the work: (1) painters and the allegorical animals they portrayed and (2) animals and their allegories. It is hard to understand why there is no index of allegories and their attributed animals, that is to say, the reverse of the second index. Uses for such a tome will be limited by its size (visualize carrying it around to museums), and it will probably find its way mainly into art libraries. [sh/hh]
Künstlerlexikon der Antike [Encyclopedia of Artists of the Ancient World]. Ed. Rainer Vollkommer and Doris Vollkommer-Glöcker. München: Saur, 2001-2004. 25 cm. ISBN 3-598-11412-5: EUR 438 (set); Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft membership price: EUR 298 (set) [04-2-466]
Vol. 2. L-Z; Addendum A-K, 2004. 560 p. ISBN 3-598-11414-1: EUR 219
The two volumes of this work (for volume 1, see RREA 7:141) together include over 3,800 artists (1,800 in volume 1) who were influential in the Mediterranean region between 2,650 B.C. and 750 A.D. Approximately 900 are from ancient Egypt, 1,500 from ancient Greek territories, and 1,200 from the Roman and Byzantine Empires. The foreword proudly states that few of these artists are found in any other encyclopedias, including the Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon [Encyclopedia of Artists]. In fact, the Künstlerlexikon der Antike forms an essential supplement to the AKL, and it is to be hoped that the artists indexed in these volumes will also be included in the AKL digital version. [sh/jmw]
Kürschners Handbuch der bildenden Künstler: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz [Kürschner’s Handbook of Visual Artists: Germany, Austria, Switzerland]. Ed. Andreas Klimt and Sandra Trepák. München: Saur. 21 cm. [04-2-467]
Vol. 1. 2 pts. 2005. 1,187 p. ISBN 3-598-24734-6: EUR 368
This latest in Saur’s series of “re-born” Kürschners is a partial successor to Kürschners Graphiker-Handbuch but perhaps more closely related to Dresslers Kunsthandbuch of the early 20th century. Primarily by means of self-provided information, 5,145 artists from the categories of painting, graphic arts, sculpture, media arts, architecture, photography, and handicraft are represented by the customary short biographical entries (including internet addresses). The appendix contains several indexes: artists with their affiliated galleries; over 2,800 galleries; over 1,000 museums and public collections with address information and represented artists; over 550 associations and societies; 100 periodicals; and 330 schools of art. Yet to be added are a necrology and festival calendar. This is a welcome addition to the Kürschners palette. [sh/rlk]
Künstlerlexikon Hessen-Kassel 1777-2000: mit den Malerkolonien Willingshausen und Kleinsassen [Dictionary of Artists of Hesse-Kassel, 1777-2000: Including the Artists’ Colonies of Willingshausen and Kleinsassen]. Paul Schmaling. Kassel: Jenior, 2001. 802 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-934377-96-3: EUR 148 [04-2-468]
This is a regional biographical dictionary that covers more than 2,900 artists who became well known in northern Hesse between 1777 and 2000. Graphic artists, ceramic artists, and photographers are included, in addition to painters, sculptors, and architects. The author worked in collaboration with the City Museum in Kassel. While it notes that the beginning date for the dictionary’s coverage, 1777, coincides with the founding of the art academy in Kassel, the introductory material does not offer a clear definition of the territory covered. “Northern Hesse” is probably better than the historic name “Hesse-Kassel,” which consisted of completely different areas during the periods covered. The selection criteria are unclear—Hesse origins, living in the region (even temporarily), or perhaps merely depicting scenes of northern Hesse in an artist’s work. Instructions for use, and information on the sources and on the structure of the biographies, are also missing. The biographies range from a few lines to more than a page. The articles are not balanced and probably reflect varying availability of secondary literature. The copious cited literature and exhibit catalogs are listed in a comprehensive bibliography. [sh/gh]
Architektur 1900-1929 in Deutschland: Reprint 1999 der vier blauen Bücher… [Architecture in Germany, 1900-1929: 1999 Reprint of the Four Blue Books…]. Walter Müller-Wulckow; ed. Hans-Curt Köster. Königstein im Taunus: Langewiesche, 1999. 696 p. ill. 27 cm. (Die blauen Bücher). ISBN 3-7845-8041-6: EUR 49.80; ISBN 3-7845-8043-2 (with Vol. 2 = Kontexte; see below): EUR 69 [04-1-191]
Kontexte: Walter Müller-Wulckow und die deutsche Architektur von 1900-1930 [Contexts: Walter Müller-Wulckow and German Architecture from 1900 to 1930]. Ed. Gerd Kuhn. Königstein im Taunus: Langewiesche, 1999. 126 p. ill. 27 cm. (Die blauen Bücher). ISBN 3-7845-8042-4: EUR 24.80; ISBN 3-7845-8043-2 (with Vol. 1 = Architektur 1900-1929 in Deutschland; see above): EUR 69 [04-1-192]
In 1916 the bookseller Karl Robert Langewiesche (1874-1931) and the art historian and director of the Oldenburg Museum Walter Müller-Wulckow (1886-1964) began a collaboration that would produce four volumes in Langewiesche’s Blue Book Series, presenting a comprehensive overview of German architecture. Several editions of Bauten der Arbeit und des Verkehrs [Labor and Transport Buildings], Wohnbauten und Siedlungen [Residences and Housing Developments], Bauten der Gemeinschaft [Community Buildings], and Die deutsche Wohnung [The German Apartment] appeared between 1925 and 1932. Each volume consists of four to eight pages of introduction and a selection of full-page photos collected via appeal to architects and associations, each identified by site and architect. The four volumes were first reprinted in 1975 and then fundamentally reworked between 1989 and 1999, resulting in these two volumes. The first volume contains reprints and documents. The essay on the photo-editorial work of the publisher is particularly interesting, and the reviews, which are taken from a variety of publications, provide documentation of evaluation of contemporary architecture by various groups. The bio-bibliographic directory of architects is excellent. In the second volume, eight authors present archival material and background information: Rosemarie Wesp and Timm Stark on photographic editing and architectural photography in the Blue Books; sociologist Walter Prigge on industrial and office buildings; architecture historian Olaf Bartels on residences and housing developments; historian Gerhard Schuck on community buildings; historian Martha Caspars on residential architecture of the time; an interview with architect Julius Posener; and finally a comparison by Jürgen Reusch of Müller-Wulckow’s volumes with the competing Die Baukunst der neuesten Zeit [Architecture of the Most Recent Era] by G. A. Platz. This is a valuable source for specialists and fundamental to any architecture collection. [aw/ab]
Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Festungsbaues von den Anfängen bis 1914: Festungsbau(kunst), Angriff und Verteidigung von Festungen, Belagerungs- und Festungskrieg, Küstenbefestigung, Feldbefestigung, Minier(kunst), Geschichte des Ingenieur-Korps; mit Anhang: militärische Enzyklopädien, -Lexika und -Wörterbücher; chronologisches Kurztitelverzeichnis, Sachregister [Bibliography on the History of Fortification Construction from the Earliest Times to 1914: The Art of Fortification Construction, Attack and Defense of Fortifications, Siege and Entrenchment War, Coastal Fortification, Field Fortification, Trenches and Tunnels, History of the Engineer Corps, with Appendix: Military Encyclopedias, Lexica, and Dictionaries; Chronological Short Title Index, Subject Index]. Klaus Jordan. Marburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Festungsforschung e.V., 2003. 432 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 3-87707-604-1: EUR 54 (Ph.-C.-W.-Schmidt-Verlag, Postfach 1660, D-91406 Neustadt/Aisch, e-mail: vds@verlagsdruckerei-schmidt.de) [04-1-200]
This bibliography covers only monographs in German, French, Dutch, Italian, Swedish, Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Russian titles are listed in German translation. Works published after 1914 are not included. The main part of the work contains 4,462 items, arranged alphabetically by author or main title. Of these, 242 are military dictionaries and encyclopedias listed in an appendix. A separate section lists brief titles in chronological order. Holdings information for 42 German and 2 Austrian libraries and the Istituto Storico e di Cultura dell’Arma in Rome is included.
The subject index contains only 10 broad subject categories, each with hundreds of listings. It appears that the author did not take full advantage of the available online catalogs. A quick sample search revealed that in several cases more complete bibliographical information was available, and that additional holding libraries could have been added. While this publication is a useful tool for the history of architecture and for military historians, one should consult online catalogs to verify the bibliographic facts and holdings information. [aw/rs]
Bauhistorisches Lexikon: Baustoffe, Bauweisen, Architekturdetails [Lexicon of Construction History: Building Materials, Construction Methods, and Architectural Details]. Mila Schrader and Julia Voigt. Suderburg-Hösseringen: Edition Anderweit, 2003. 335 p. 25 cm. ISBN 3-931824-29-2: EUR 49.90 [04-1-204]
Edition Anderweit, established in 1996, has published 23 titles, with an emphasis on guides to the recycling of construction materials. The current volume is very appropriate for the publisher’s specialty—a recycling of information taken from concepts included in earlier titles. In all, some 3,800 terms are included, as well as 700 illustrations and drawings. The emphasis is on skilled construction from the 18th through the 20th century; excluded are terms relating to tools, machines, techniques employed by skilled craftsmen, and early industrial techniques. As the dictionary is also available as a cd-rom, the book is presumably a printout of the database. Further editing would have eliminated unnecessary duplication in entries for related terms. In addition, there are cases where research was insufficient (e.g., the definitions of concrete and reinforced concrete are incorrect). The selected bibliography includes 65 titles, but is neither sufficiently extensive nor very carefully edited. The lexicon is fine for private individuals not too concerned with scholarly rigor, but it has only limited usefulness for serious researchers. [aw/vh]
Comic Art of Europe: An International Bibliography. John A. Lent. Westport, Conn; London: Praeger, 2003. xx, 1,089 p. 24 cm. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Popular Culture, 10). ISBN 0-275-98219-X (set): $114.95, £66 [04-2-469]
The first edition of this publication (1994), along with two sister volumes, Comic Books and Comic Strips in the United States (1994, new ed. 2005) and Comic Art in Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin America (1996, new ed. 2004) were reviewed in IFB 97-1/2-236 and 238. These works were positively received not only because they encompassed a wide range of titles, but mostly because of their extensive bibliographies. These attributes apply as well to the current volume, which is not really a new edition but rather a continuation of the previous publication, listing titles published since the first edition as well as those that were earlier overlooked or only more recently accessible. These 26,172 entries are very impressive and include not only comics but also “animation, caricature, comic books, comic strips, gag, illustrative, magazine, and political cartoons” (p. xiii). Smaller publications, including trade journals such as the Dutch magazine Stripschrift, as well as magazines and papers from Eastern Europe and Turkey are also included. The selection of these smaller publications is somewhat arbitrary, and as a result relevance suffers.
Of the 12 chapters, the first two list general titles, and the last, supplementary entries. Chapters 3-11 deal with the European countries, in alphabetical order. France, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy have their own chapters. Each begins with a list of resources and then is structured thematically, including coverage of political cartoons, cartoonists and their work, characters, titles, and historical aspects. For Germany, 18 caricaturists are mentioned, but the majority of titles are by Wilhelm Busch and George Grosz, while classic personages like Paul Flora, Kurt Halbritter, Ernst Kahl, and the duo Greser & Lenz are missing. Similarly, only arbitrary attention is paid to the French caricaturist Sempé.
The quite unsatisfactory content and arrangement of the index takes it a step backward from the 1994 edition. Basically a subject index, it contains subject headings, authors, persons, and periodical titles, differentiated by typographic layout. One can understand the dropping of the author index, because of the impressively large number of titles covered. However, it is important to note that the index is in no way complete.
Overall, this bibliography is indeed a rich source, but it is neither complete nor the “best of the best.” [sh/jmw]
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