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Das Bernsteinzimmer in Zarskoje Selo bei Sankt Petersburg: Bibliographie mit über 3800 Literaturnachweisen aus den Jahren 1790 bis 2003; von der Schenkung des Bernsteinzimmers durch den König von Preußen an den Zar, über das ungeklärte Verschwinden des Bernsteinzimmers im Zweiten Weltkrieg, bis zur Vollendung der Rekonstruktion des Bernsteinzimmers im Jahre 2003 [The Amber Room in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg: Bibliography with over 3,800 Entries from the Years 1790 to 2003, from the Gift of the Amber Room by the King of Prussia to the Tsar through the Unexplained Disappearance of the Amber Room in the Second World War to Completion of the Reconstruction of the Amber Room in 2003] = Mezhdunarodnaia bibliografiia publikatsii o Iantarnoi Komnate = International Bibliography of Publications about the Amber Room. Peter Bruhn. 2d expanded ed. Berlin: Erkner: Bock & Kübler, 2004. 467 p. 23 cm. (Literaturhinweise zu aktuellen Russland-Themen, 5). ISBN 3-86155-109-8: EUR 24.80 [04-2-472]
This second edition is indeed greatly expanded; it has 3,815 entries in contrast to the 915 in the first edition, which was published under the title Internationale Bibliographie des Schrifttums über die Suche nach dem Bersteinzimmer = International Bibliography of Publications on the Search for the Amber Room (see RREA 5:156). For the years 1959-1998 the number of entries has doubled, and coverage has been extended back to 1790 and forward to 2003. The arrangement, as in the first edition, is chronological and then divided into monographs, journal articles, and newspaper articles. Most titles have annotations, brief to detailed, with German translations of Russian annotations and titles. In contrast to the first edition, which only had an index of authors and other persons, the second edition also has indexes of broad themes, places where the Amber Room was suspected to be (the most remote is certainly the Fiji Islands), periodicals and series, and foreign languages (with Russian as the longest section). Even if one can assume that the Amber Room was probably destroyed when the Soviets conquered Königsberg (where the Wehrmacht had stored its plunder), publications will continue to appear, as with other unsolved mysteries of history, and will make a continuation of this bibliography necessary. [sh/gh]
Lexikon der Philatelie [Lexicon of Philately]. Wolfram Grallert. Schwalmtal: Phil-Creativ, 2003. 447 p. ill. 21 cm. ISBN 3-932198-36-0 (pbk.): EUR 29.90; 3-932198-38-7 (hbk.): EUR 36.90 [04-1-209]
This is an expanded new edition of a book with the same title that first appeared in 1971 in Leipzig, written by Grallert and Waldemar Gruschke. It was later published in both the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in several editions, most recently in 1981, in the East with the title Transpress-Lexikon der Philatelie. This new edition has over 6,000 articles, 10 percent of them new. There are numerous small illustrations, many of them of poor quality, but separate color plates are good. Worldwide philately is covered here, although the German postal system is emphasized. Included are persons important in the field, such as philatelists, dealers, and producers of stamp catalogs. This lexicon belongs in all libraries, not just public ones, and can replace the earlier edition. Libraries should also own the Grosses Lexikon der Philatelie by Ullrich Häger (Gütersloh, 1978), which this work complements. [sh/mrh]
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