CC -- Sociology and Social Sciences

Grundbegriffe der Soziologie [Basic Concepts of Sociology]. Ed. Bernhard Schäfers. 8th rev. ed. Obladen: Leske + Budrich, 2003. xii, 464 p. 19 cm. (UTB für Wissenschaft, 1416, Soziologie). ISBN 3-8252-1416-8: EUR 13.90 [04-2-520]

This work, now in its eighth edition, has not changed appreciably since the sixth edition appeared in 2000.The names of the contributors and the number of articles are the same, and thus the comments about the book’s organization, focus, and possible uses made with regard to that edition (see RREA 5:186) still apply. The bibliographies have been brought up to date, but for some unfathomable reason, the section title “Bibliographien und bibliographische Datenbanken” [Bibliographies and Bibliographic Databases] has been replaced with “Fachspezifische Informationen im Internet” [Subject-Specific Information on the Internet]. One hopes this is a mistake that will be corrected in the next edition, since the thin collection of links provided can in no way replace a list of reference works. In general, this subject dictionary remains an essential part of sociological training. [jpl/rb]

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Last update: July 15, 2007 [TB]
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