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AL -- General Encyclopedias
Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie Jahrbuch. [Brockhaus Encyclopedia: Yearbook]. Leipzig; Mannheim: Brockhaus. 25 cm. [05-1-013]
2004. 2005. 400 p. ill. maps. ISBN 3-7653-1914-7: EUR 56
2004. 2005. 352 p. ill. maps. insert (vii p.). ISBN 3-7653-0097-7: EUR 24.95
Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie Jahrbuch [Brockhaus Encyclopedia: Yearbook]. Leipzig; Mannheim: Brockhaus. 25 cm [05-1-015] Register [Index] 1993/99, Chronik 1900/99 [1993-1999, Chronology 1900-1999]. 2000. 320 p. ill. maps. ISBN 3-7653-1919-8: EUR 56
The yearbooks discussed here are intended to complement and update the 2004 edition of Die Zeit, das Lexikon in 20 Bänden (see RREA 10:17), a joint publishing venture of the weekly newspaper, Die Zeit, and the Brockhaus Publishing Company.
The Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie: Jahrbuch has been published since 1994 as a companion to the Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie, retitled Brockhaus, die Enzyklopädie in 1996. The yearbook, however, has retained its original name and its basic structure: (1) an introductory essay; (2) the main encyclopedia section; (3) necrology; (4) chronology; and (5) pictures of the year’s events in chronological order, this volume ending with photographs of the December 26 tsunami in Southeast Asia. The encyclopedia section contains some 700 articles, including one on each of the 193 countries in the world. Overview articles on a variety of timely topics pertinent to the year’s newsmakers and events and 16 longer essays by Die Zeit editorial team members round out this largest section of the encyclopedia. An index of persons is provided for parts 1, 2, and 4, but not for parts 3 and 5.
Die Zeit, das große Jahrbuch is a slightly scaled-back version of the Brockhaus-Enzyklopädie: Jahrbuch. The two works are essentially identical; the condensed version even includes the 16 essays, supposedly exclusive to the primary title. The compact version has reduced the chronology to four pages and completely omitted the section containing pictures of the year’s events. An index to persons is included.
The Register to the volumes covering the years 1993 to 1999 is intended to facilitate searching across the seven individual yearbooks. [sh/jb]
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Last update: March 2009 [BG]
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