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AC — Directories
Revues et magazines: guide des périodiques à l’intention des bibliothèques publiques [Journals and Magazines: A Guide to Periodicals for Public Libraries]. Éric Peltier. Paris: Éditions du Cercle de la Librairie. 24 cm. (Collection bibliothèques). [06-1-007]
Vol. 5. 2006. 467 p. ISBN 978-2-7654-0930-4;ISBN 2-7654-0930-7: EUR 45
Appearing since 1978 in several-year intervals and with changes in title, this publication nonetheless has remained true to its mission: a guide to the identification and selection of (French-language, with few exceptions) magazines and journals for public libraries. This edition lists 905 periodicals in print, with detailed annotations as to content, audience, and subject (using the Dewey Decimal Classification). Each major group has several sub-sections. The guide gives subscription information (addresses and prices) for each title, and indexes by title, corporate body, personal name, and ISSN.
This bibliography is of limited relevance for academic libraries, although it can be useful for libraries with strong collections of French-language resources who wish to offer non-scholarly periodicals in French as well. [sh/ga]
Historische Zeitungen der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt in Halle (Saale) [Historical Newspapers of the University and State Library of Saxony-Anhalt in Halle (Saale)]. Ed. Julia Sturm and Markus Lucke. Halle (Saale): Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2005. iv, 231 p. 21 cm. (Schriften zum Bibliotheks-und Büchereiwesen in Sachsen-Anhalt, 87). ISBN 3-86010-809-3: EUR 24.80 [06-1-008]
This much anticipated catalog of one of the largest collections of newspapers in Germany will be welcome to newspaper librarians and other professionals. More extensive than Eleanor Pape’s register of pre-1945 newspapers in Saxony-Anhalt (Zeitungen vor 1945 in Sachsen-Anhalt: ein Standortverzeichnis für die Bezirke Halle und Magdeburg. Halle, 1979.) Historische Zeitungen documents over 700 titles from the beginning of local and regional newspaper publishing to 1932 and from 1945 to 1965. The catalog unites the holdings from three collections—the Zeitungsboden, the Heide-Magazin, and the Ponickau-Bibliothek—and includes some Berlin and East Prussian publications as well as materials from Saxony. Although more information on the accessibility of the collections and indication of other resources that could fill some gaps in holdings would be welcome, these do not detract from the accomplishment of making this significant collection more available. [gh/ab]
Magdeburger Zeitungen: die Zeitungssammlung der Stadtbibliothek Magdeburg; ein Katalog; zum 1200-jährigen Bestehen der Stadt Magdeburg [Magdeburg Newspapers: the Newspaper Collection of the Magdeburg City Library: A Catalog; for the 1200-Year Anniversary of the City of Magdeburg]. Ed. Ilona Brditschke and Christiane Gerste for the Stadbibliothek Magdeburg. Magdeburg: Verlag Delta, 2004. 138 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-935831-22-6: EUR 20 [06-1-009]
Designed to appeal to a broad audience, this richly illustrated book documents the remarkable newspaper collection of the Magdeburg City Library. Two pages are dedicated to each of over 80 titles, providing an image of the front page of the initial issue and a reproduction of a significant article, followed by bibliographic data. The title is somewhat misleading on two scores: titles included are not limited to newspapers, but include newsletters, official publications and other periodicals; and the design caters more to a general audience, giving illustration priority over the bibliographic data that usually dominate a catalog. Although more information on additional collections that would supplement the city library’s holdings would be beneficial, this is an excellent work with very clear images and readable text. [gh/ab]
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