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AK — Varia
Auf zum Olymp: Antike in Kinderbüchern aus sechs Jahrhunderten; eine Ausstellung des Winckelmann-Museums in Zusammenarbeitsarb mit der Kinderund Jugendbuchabteilung der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz; Ausstellung im Winckelmann-Museum Stendal 11.12.2005 bis 12.3.2006 [Off to Olympia: Antiquity in Children’s Books from Six Centuries. An Exhibit of the Winckelmann-Museum in Collaboration with the Juvenile Book Section of the State Library of Prussian Culture; Exhibit in the Winckelmann-Museum in Stendal Dec. 11, 2005 to March 12, 2006]. Ed. Max Kunze. Mainz; Ruhpolding: Rutzen, 2005. 212 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-938646-11-X: EUR 29 [06-1-010]
Resulting from the exhibit of materials from the outstanding collections of the Berliner Staatsbibliothek [Berlin State Library] and the Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung of the Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung [The Library for Research on the History of Education of the German Institute for International Educational Research], this catalog provides a panoramic view of the reception of antiquity, mythology, and classical history in juvenile literature from the 16th through the 19th centuries. Detailed and richly illustrated title entries are presented in the context of thematic essays on the history of education and literary history, making this both a useful reference for experts and an interesting read for amateurs. The color illustrations—book jackets, title pages, tables, maps, and illustrations— compensate for some unevenness in the bibliographic information. Other works of interest include an earlier exhibit catalog from the Staatsbibliothek, Geschichts-Bilder: historische Jugendbücher aus vier Jahrhunderten [Pictures of History: Four Centuries of Historical Children’s Books], edited by Carola Pohlmann and Rüdiger Steinlein (Berlin, 2000 — see IFB 00-1/4-040), and two dissertations, Götter, Helden, Menschen: Rezeption und Adaption antiker Mythologie in der deutschen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur [Gods, Heroes, Men: Reception and Adaptation of Classical Mythology in German Juvenile Literature] by Maria Rutenfranz (Frankfurt am Main, 2004) and Die schönsten Sagen des klassischen Altertums: zur Bedeutung und Funktion der Bearbeitungen antiker mythologischer Erzählungen in der Kinder-und Jugendliteratur des 19. Jahrhunderts [The Most Beautiful Sagas of Classical Antiquity: on the Meaning and Function of Treatments of Classical Mythological Narrative in 19th-Century Juvenile Literature] by Daniel Evers (St. Ingbert, 2001). [mmk/ab]
Vom kleinen Häwelmann zur Raupe Nimmersatt: die Bilderbücher des Oldenburger Stalling-Verlags 1920 bis 1982; Bibliografie [sic] und Katalog zur Ausstellung 3.11.2004-8.1.2005, Landesbibliothek Oldenburg [From Little Hobbin to The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Picture Books from the Stalling Press in Oldenburg 1920 to 1982; a Bibliography and Catalog of the Exhibit from November 3, 2004 to January 8, 2005 in the State Library in Oldenburg]. Michaela Klinkow and Andrea von Scheffer. Oldenburg: Isensee, 2004. (Schriften der Landesbibliothek Oldenburg, 39). ISBN 3-89995-147-6: EUR 8 [06-1-011]
The Landesbibliothek Oldenburg presents this exhibit catalog and bibliography of the picture book series from the Stalling Press, first called Nürnberger Bilderbücher, later Stallings Bilderbücher. Initially overshadowed by competitors from publishers Schaffstein, Scholz, and Hahn, the Stalling series received favorable attention from the National Socialist teachers union after 1941 and several national and international prizes after 1950. Else Wenz-Viëtor and Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) were among the most popular illustrators. Some classics of the series continue to be published by Lappan Verlag, founded by former Stallings employees (see http://www.lappan.de). The bibliography is based largely on the holdings of the Landesbibliothek, supplemented from several other sources, notably Ute Liebert’s Bibliographie der Bilderbücher des Verlages Gerhard Stalling: Nr. 1-Nr. 110, 1920-1945; für die Freunde und Sammler alter und neuer Kinderbücher [Bibliography of the Picture Books of the Gerhard Stalling Press, … for Lovers and Collectors of Old and New Children’s Books](Stuttgart, 1982). Enhanced by color illustrations of characteristic titles, the catalog provides a compact and convenient overview of the picture book series. The only detracting factors are some unevenness in the bibliographic descriptions and insufficient explanation of some gaps in the series. See also Gesamtverzeichnis der Verlagserscheinungen des Verlages Gerhard Stalling 1789-1939 [Complete Publications Catalog of the Gerhard Stalling Press 1789-1939]edited by Fritz Strahlmann(Oldenburg, 1939); Der Schaffstein-Verlag: Verlagsgeschichte und Bibliographie der Publikationen 1894-1973 [Schaffstein Press: History and Bibliography of Publications, 1894-1973]by Roland Stark(Frankfurt am Main, 2003)reviewed in IFB 04-1-058; 175 Jahre Jos. Scholz-Mainz Verlag [175 Years of the Joseph Scholz-Mainz Press] by Christa von der Marwitz (Mainz, 1968); Spiel mit!: Papierspiele aus dem Verlag Jos. Scholz Mainz [Play with Me! Paper Games from the Joseph Scholz Press, Mainz], edited by Cornelia Schneider (Mainz, 2006 — see IFB 06-2-169); Kinder-und Jugendliteratur 1933-1945: ein Handbuch [Juvenile Literature 1933-1945: A Handbook] by Norbert Hopster, Petra Josting, and Joachim Neuhaus(Stuttgart and Weimar, 2001—see RREA 8:13);and “Der geistige Niederschlag der nationalen Wiedergeburt: der Verleger Heinrich Stalling auf dem Weg ins Dritte Reich” [The Intellectual Deposit of the National Resurrection: the Publisher Heinrich Stalling on the Way to the Third Reich] by Viktor Otto, in Oldenburger Stachel 3 (1999 — see http://stachel.ffis.de/99.03/3STALLIN.html). [mmk/ab]
Gulliver in Dresden: Kinder- und Jugendbücher Dresdner Verlage von 1524 bis 1978 [Gulliver in Dresden: Books for Children and Young People Published in Dresden between 1524 and 1978]. Renate Knorr. Ed. Klaus Spermann. Berlin: Galerie Spermann, 2005. 288, xcvi p. ill. 28 cm. ISBN 3-00-016994-6: 64.50 EUR (Galerie Klaus Spermann, Ringstr. 96, D-12203 Berlin, e-mail: kontakt@galerie-Spermann.de) [06-2-168]
This bibliography of children’s literature and juvenile literature published in Dresden is partly a brief history of the Dresden publishing industry, partly a biographical reference work containing brief biographies of the authors, but primarily a bibliography of individual books and serial publications issued during this period. Regrettably the information pertaining to this topic that is found in the 4-volume Handbuch zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur [Handbook of Children’s and Young People’s Literature] (Stuttgart, 1982—see RREA 4:30) is largely omitted in this work. This bibliography is enhanced by 96 color plates but it occasionally suffers from incomplete or inconsistent bibliographic information and from weaknesses in organization. [mmk/ldl]
Traducciones españolas de literatura alemana [Spanish Translations of German literature]. Ed. Jose Antonio Calañas, Berta Raposo. Grupo Oswald. València: Universitat de València, Facultat de Filologia, Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya. CD-ROM. (Universitat ..., Avgda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32, E-46010 València, e-mail: Berta.Raposo@uv.es) [06-2-170]
1972/2006. 2006. 1 CD-ROM. ISBN 84-96033-41-4: Price not given
The comprehensiveness of this bibliography of translations of German belles lettres into the four official languages of Spain (Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque) is limited in several ways. It covers only independently published translations that have been assigned an ISBN, and then only translations of authors listed in the Metzler-Autoren-Lexikon (2d ed., Stuttgart: Metzler, 1994—see RREO 94-3/4-435). Within these guidelines, the work strives for comprehensiveness for the period of 1972 to February of 2006, at least with respect to works appearing in the OPAC of the Spanish national library, and the Spanish ISBN database. The entries give only basic bibliographic information, including title in both the original language and the translation, and very brief annotations which indicate illustrators, authors of prefatory material and such. Entries may be retrieved via a comprehensive list (Listados) of all 5226 entries presented in a table which can be sorted by author, translator, original or translated title, publisher or year. There is also a search page (Busquedas) where the user can fill in arguments for all the above-mentioned criteria except for year of publication. The ability to combine searches, say for author and translator, is regrettably absent. Printing is only possible from the comprehensive list.
A brief comparison with the extensive Spanish translations held in the Hoelderlin-Archiv at the Wuerttembergische Landesbibliothek yielded one title that was not listed in the bibliography. However, it is clear that the Hoelderlin-Archiv boasts a larger number of titles for the given period than the bibliography (many, of course, having been published in conjunction with the original German text, not independently). A complete comparison of the bibliography with the Archiv’s holdings was hampered by the brevity of the bibliographic information in the entries in the bibliography and the limited search capabilities of the disc.
Due to its rather narrow scope, modest presentation of details, and limited search capabilities, this is an only marginally useful reference work. [sh/kst]
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