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DG — Europe
Badische Biographien [Baden Biographies]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Ed. Fred Ludwig Sepaintner for the Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 25 cm. (Vols. 1-4 ed. Bernd Ottnad). [06-1-133]
Vol. 5. 2005. xx, 347 p. ISBN 3-17-018976-X: EUR 27
Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg [Biographical Sketches from Baden-Württemberg]. Gerhard Taddey and Joachim Fischer for the Kommission für Geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 23 cm.
Vol. 21. 2005. xvi, 557 p. ill. ISBN 3-17-018980-8: EUR 28.50 [06-1-134]
Since 1994 the Commission for Regional Studies has been publishing biographical reference works for the state of Baden-Württemberg, which was formed in 1952. They include Baden-württembergische Biographien (see RREA 7:288 and RREA 9:176 for reviews of volumes 2 and 3), a biographical dictionary, and Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg, a collection of extended biographical sketches.
Badische Biographien covers notables from the region of Baden who died between 1910 and 1951, while a similar publication for Baden-Württemberg will cover notables who have died since 1952. Future plans include retrospective coverage of Württemberg notables, from as far back as 900 C.E., in a new series of volumes. Volume 5 contains 155 articles from 64 contributors (but no contributor index); the editor’s preface provides welcome guidance to the time periods and occupations represented. (All subjects were born no earlier than 1829 and died no later than 1951.) A wide variety of careers are represented, led by scientists, politicians, and artists, but only seven women are included. For each subject, genealogical information, life chronology, and a biographical narrative are presented, as well as sources and citations of secondary literature.
Volume 21 of Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg (see RREA 9:177 for vol. 20) profiles 20 individuals (only two of whom are women), mostly from the 19th and 20th centuries and mostly little known outside the region. (Exceptions include Clara Schumann and Ernst Troeltsch). The essays average some thirty pages in length but are helpfully partitioned by subheadings; sources and references are plentiful for all but two of the articles. There is a cumulative index for volumes 1-21 that unfortunately does not include the authors of the essays. [sh/gw]
Lebensbilder aus dem Bistum Augsburg: vom Mittelalter bis in die neueste Zeit [Life Portraits from the Augsburg Diocese: From the Middle Ages to Recent Times]. Ed. Manfred Weitlauff. Augsburg: Verein für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte, 2005. xi, 680 p. ill. 24 cm. (Jahrbuch / Verein für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte, 39/2005). EUR 20 (Verein für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte, Fronhof 4, D-86152 Augsburg, Germany, e-mail: walter_ansbacher@gmx.de) [06-1-136]
The newest yearbook of the Verein für Augsburger Bistumsgeschichte [Association for Augsburg Diocese History] is a collection written by 24 authors of 41 short biographies of significant individuals within the Augsburg Diocese’s history. Organized chronologically, coverage begins with the Franciscan David of Augsburg through Bruno Harde (19081969), a leader in pastoral services to youth. More than one third of the individuals covered are from the 20th century, and except for two female members of an order only men are portrayed. These types of biographies lend themselves more to a full reading than to be used for ready reference. It would have been nevertheless useful to include the most important biographical facts at the top of each article. Bibliographical references are included at the end of each biography; however, the thoroughness of the references varies. Some biographies include a complete listing of both primary and secondary sources while others only secondary sources. [sh/bwv]
Kultur-Handbuch Berlin: Geschichte & Gegenwart von A-Z [Berlin Cultural Handbook: Then and Now, from A-Z]. Ed. Klaus Siebenhaar. 3d rev. ed. Berlin: Bostelmann and Siebenhaar, 2004. 576 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-936962-12-X: EUR 24.80 [06-1-138]
The federal capital, in contrast to other large German cities, has not been able to offer a “classical” city lexicon to date, and even this one—reviewed somewhat after its publication—doesn’t completely fill the need, since, as the title indicates, it only contains articles on Berlin culture. The three editions of the lexicon, following a first edition of 1988 and a second edition of 2001, offer ample proof that Berlin has a rich abundance of culture, a main reason for the capital city’s stream of tourists. Following the editor’s introduction to Berlin cultural history (pp. 9-34), come 800 mostly short articles. Those written about cultural institutions are produced in cooperation with the institutions themselves; this edition offers webpage addresses. Thirty-five collective articles combining cultural objects with institutions are included, covering such topics as Banks and Art, Hotels for Art Connoisseurs, or Cemeteries. Five main articles stand out by their full-page layouts in contrast to the usual twin columns; these cover the broad genres of Art and Architecture, Film, Literature, Music and Theatre. The articles themselves present no bibliographic references, but a short select bibliography is found in the appendix along with contact and address information, statistics, and a name index (p. 523-576). [sh/rdh]
Hamburgische Biografie: Personenlexikon [Hamburg Biography: Dictionary of Persons]. Ed. Franklin Kopitzsch and Dirk Brietzke. Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag. 27 cm. Vol. 3. 2006. 453 p. ill. ISBN 978-3-8353-0081-1, ISBN 3-8353-0081-4: EUR 32 [06-1-139]
The Hamburg biographical dictionary, which started in 2001, is being published relatively quickly (see RREA 8:253 and RREA 11:200 for reviews of vols. 1 and 2). The first two volumes were published by Verlag Christians, Hamburg; in 2004, Wallstein-Verlag acquired the title. Volume 1 is presently out of print, but Wallstein intends to republish it in 2007. Also in this third volume, figures of the 19th and 20th centuries predominate. There are 396 biographies by 97 authors. The articles are again wellorganized and include many portraits and bibliographies of essential titles. A cumulated index of all three volumes is at the end. One looks forward to the next volume of this exemplary city biographical dictionary. [sh/gh]
Hamburg-Lexikon [Hamburg Encyclopedia]. Ed. Franklin Kopitzsch and Daniel Tilgner. 3d, updated ed. Hamburg: Ellert & Richter, 2005. 672 p. ill. 27 cm. ISBN 3-8319-0179-1: EUR 29.95 [06-1-140]
If a city encyclopedia first published in 1998 is now coming out in its third edition after seven years, it is clearly successful. (The first edition was reviewed in RREA 6:297). The second and third editions have the same number of pages as the first; the third includes seven new articles in a brief supplement. The encyclopedia consists of short articles on subjects such as topography, population, buildings, and businesses. There are only 170 biographical articles, insufficient for a major city, but happily the Hamburgische Biographie (see RREA 12:224) has started coming out and closes this gap. The Hamburg Lexikon is still lacking a city map and bibliography, the inclusion of which was suggested in the earlier review. [sh/gh]
Stadtlexikon Darmstadt [City Lexicon of Darmstadt]. Ed. Roland Dotzert, Peter Engels, and Anke Leonhardt for the Historischer Verein für Hessen and the Magistrat der Wissenschaftsstadt Darmstadt. Stuttgart: Theiss, 2006. 1,078 p. ill. 25cm. ISBN 3-8062-1930-3: EUR 49.90 [06-1-141]
The 1,797 articles cover the usual entities found in city lexicons: neighborhoods, buildings, transportation, corporate bodies, periodicals, topics and persons. The signed articles are uniformly short (one half to three columns) with the exception of those for “key topics” such as music history. Most articles contain very meager if any bibliography, the inclusion of which in any given article is without recognizable consistency. Despite many crossreferences, an effective syndetic structure does not emerge from them. A separate index of important publications on the city would have been useful. The volume’s approximately 850 illustrations were well chosen, which is testimony to the professional competence of the contributing colleagues from the city’s archive. Despite the flaws noted, which can be corrected in a second edition, Stadtlexikon Darmstadt belongs on the reference shelf of city lexicons. It should be acquired by all larger research and public libraries. [sh/rlk]
Nordrhein-Westfalen: Land und Leute 1946-2006; ein biographisches Handbuch [North Rhine-Westphalia: Land and People, 1946-2006. A Biographical Handbook]. Bernd Haunfelder. Münster: Aschendorff, 2006. 502 p. 25 cm. ISBN3-402-066157: EUR 29.50 [06-1-142]
Bernd Haunfelder is a seasoned author of biographical reference works, such as Reichstagsabgeordnete der Deutschen Zentrumspartei 1871-1933 [Parliament Deputies of the German Center Party, 1871-1933] (Düsseldorf, 1999—see RREA 6:253) and Die liberalen Abgeordneten des Deutschen Reichstags 1871-191 [The Liberal Deputies of the German Parliament, 1871-1918] (Münster, 2004—see RREA 10:220). This 2006 handbook was published in association with the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung Nordrhein-Westfalen [State Center for Political Education ] to mark 60 years of North Rhine-Westphalian history. Unusually, the criterion for inclusion is impact: special attention is paid to individuals who have been particularly influential in North Rhine-Westphalia over the course of the past 60 years, with a bias toward lesser-known figures. The 640 biographies average one page in length. Alongside the customary biographical detail (dates, religious denomination, career etc.), information is provided on persecutions during the Nazi era, and academic and scientific honors awarded to individuals. Limited bibliographical information is present: there are no references to major sources such as the NDB [New German Biography], and there is a bias toward articles in newspapers and testimonies from relatives and contemporaries. Inexplicable is the absence of an overarching bibliography for the whole work. But overall, this is a useful dictionary for persons wishing easily to obtain competent information on past denizens of North Rhine-Westphalia. [sh/cjm]
Rheinische Lebensbilder [Rhineland Biographies]. Ed. Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde. Köln: Rheinland-Verlag. 23 cm. Vol. 18. 2000. 256 p. ill. ISBN 3-7927-1752-2: EUR 22.91 [06-1-144]
This in all probability final issue in the series of Rhineland biographical portraits contains ten biographies arranged chronologically by birth year. While three of the individuals belong to the Middle Ages and two to the 18th century, the rest lived at the end of the 19th or in the 20th century. The article structure varies by contributor, but all of them contain a thorough source and literature bibliography. Indexes of contributors or persons mentioned in the articles are lacking. This is partly compensated for by a cumulative index of the 269 persons mentioned in issues 1-17 (see IFB 99-B09-572). [sh/rlk]
Westfälische Lebensbilder [Westphalian Biographies]. Ed. Historische Kommission für Westfalen. Münster: Aschendorff. 24 cm.(Veröffentlichungen der Historischen Kommission für Westfalen, …) [06-1-145]
Vol. 17. 2005. 326 p. ill. (…, 17A) ISBN 3-402-06737-4: EUR 24
The previous volume in this series appeared in 2000. This new volume features ten biographies averaging 30 pages in length; each includes a portrait and an extensive bibliography. Indexes are provided to people, organizations, and geographical names. Unfortunately, there is no cumulative index. The focus in this volume is exclusively on figures from the 20th century, with particular emphasis being placed on representatives of the Third Reich: Ferdinand von Lüninck, Johannes Gronowski, Alfred Meyer, Karl Friedrich Kolbow, and Albert Hoffmann from the political sphere; Lorenz Jäger, Archbishop of Paderborn; the economist Albert Vögler; and, from the sphere of the arts, Heinrich Glasmeier, and publicist Walter Dirks (whose activity extended far past 1945). While almost all the subjects are lesser-known figures, a notable exception is the political scientist and legal scholar Carl Schmitt (1888-1985).
The author of the Carl Schmitt biography is Dirk van Laak, who has already established his reputation as a Schmitt scholar with the Nachlass Carl Schmitt [Carl Schmitt’s Unpublished Works] (Siegburg, 1993) and Gespräche in der Sicherheit des Schweigens [Conversations in the Security of Silence] (Berlin, 1993). The contribution is implicitly divided into three sections corresponding to the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich and the Federal Republic. Although Schmitt is a famously controversial, complex and ambiguous figure, van Laak nevertheless succeeds in extracting one consistent principle from his life and works: Schmitt’s support of the idea of the state. The biography is complemented by a bibliography, which, although not exhaustive, includes all the major literature with the exception of some of the most recent primary and secondary sources (i.e. works published in 2003 and 2004). On the whole, Schmitt’s international influence does not receive adequate treatment here. [frh,sh/cjm]
Stadtlexikon Leipzig von A bis Z [City Lexicon Leipzig, from A to Z]. Horst Riedel. Leipzig: Pro Leipzig, 2005. 690 p. ill. maps. 31 cm. ISBN 3-936508-03-8: EUR 45 [06-1-147]
This lexicon distinguishes itself from the many on the market both by its unusual format—tall and narrow—and by being the work of a single author. Horst Riedel, a resident of Leipzig since 1971, has to his credit over 500 guided tours for school children and the Chronik der Stadt Leipzig (Wartberg-Verlag, 2001). The usual categories are covered, including neighborhoods, buildings, corporate bodies, newspapers and periodicals as well as topical entries (but not streets) and around 1,000 persons, including still living individuals. Especially appropriate for this city of books is a generous treatment of firms, institutions and persons related to the book world. Illustrations are plentiful and of good quality, and the information is quite current. Bibliographic references are lacking. While certainly of local interest, this title can understandably be recommended to a wider audience. [sh/rlk]
Stadtlexikon Radebeul: historisches Handbuch für die Lößnitz [City Lexicon Radebeul: Historical Handbook for the Lößnitz Area]. Ed. Frank Andert for the Große Kreisstadt Radebeul. 2d, slightly rev. ed. Radebeul: Stadtarchiv, 2006. 283 p. ill. maps. ISBN 3-938460-05-9: EUR 25 [06-1-148]
Conceived within the city archives and produced through the collaboration of 16 authors, including the director of the archives, this lexicon contains the usual categories of neighborhoods, buildings, institutions, firms and other corporate bodies, topical entries, newspapers and persons. Streets are treated in a separate, annotated street index. Articles lack bibliographic references, although there is a small selective bibliography in the appendix. Radebeul is well known as the residence of Karl May, and thus not surprisingly, many articles focus on people, sites or other entities associated with him. Additional sections are comprised of a chronology of Lößnitz localities and an index of persons. An end pocket contains a map of Radebeul in 1947 as well as a current one including a street index. This title is highly recommended. [sh/rlk]
Schlesische Biographie: Personenlexikon [Silesian Biography: Dictionary of Persons]. Ed. Michael Ferber. Nürnberg: Preußler, 2005. 713 p. 30 cm. ISBN 3-934679-17-X: EUR 32 [06-1-149]
This biographical work features “brief biographies of persons who were born, worked, lived, and died in Silesia, or who during their lives have rendered service to Silesia: a reference work not only for Silesians.” Through his self-professed passion for collecting, the author includes over 1,000 names with brief biographical information gathered from secondary sources (the bibliography is found on p. 704-712). These sources include, but are not limited to, popular writings such as numerous local calendars and similar publications by expellee groups. Polish publications are not included; Internet resources are only mentioned.
Biographic data include surname, forename, suffix/title, date of birth, place of birth, date of death, place of death, and description. Entries range in length from (frequently) one line to some 20 lines. Many entries have no descriptions. The supplements, which comprise approximately half the volume (p. 345-713), contain an omnium-gatherum of information, such as lists of rulers, politicians, football players, etc., essays such as Buildings of the Riesengebirge and Their Owners, Glassblowing Factories in the Riesengebirge, Silesian Firms and Other Manufacturers of Silesian Products, and Folk Costumes and Costume Regions, as well as many others. These are primarily of interest to those Germans expelled from Silesia, and it to this audience, as well as to a few academic libraries, that this book would appeal and thus be acquired. [sh/ga]
Biographisches Lexikon für Schleswig-Holstein und Lübeck [Biographical Dictionary for Schleswig-Holstein and Lübeck]. Ed. Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek in cooperation with the Verein für Lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Neumünster: Wachholtz. 24 cm. Vol. 1 (1970)-5 (1979) with the title: Schleswig-holsteinisches biographisches Lexikon [Schleswig-Holstein Biographical Lexicon]. [06-1-150]
Vol. 10. 1994. 423 p. ill. ISBN 3-529-02650-6: DM 60
Vol. 11. 2000. 418 p. ill. ISBN 3-529-02640-2: EUR 32
Vol. 12. 2006. 447 p. ill. ISBN 3-529-02560-7: EUR 32
This work represents one of the best examples of biographical collections for the German states. Volume 10 (1994) and volume 11 were published in cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte [Society for Schleswig-Holstein History]. The articles in volumes 11 and 12 average between three and three and onehalf pages, respectively, and offer a successful compromise between the oft-frustrating short biographies found in such works and long narrative life portraits. Each volume in the series has a cumulative index.
The criteria for inclusion are typical of the genre; deceased individuals who were born in Schleswig-Holstein or who were active there are included. In contrast to many similar works, where the emphasis is tilted toward politics, culture, and church, the attempt is made here to include leading figures from the world of commerce. The articles include extensive genealogical information, and at their conclusion offer sources, information on archival remains, bibliographies, and portraits. As with previous volumes in the series, there are a number of articles dealing with families, supplemented with articles on significant members. [sh/dsa]
Lübeck-Lexikon: Die Hansestadt von A bis Z [Lübeck Lexicon: The Hanseatic City from A to Z]. Ed. Antjekathrin Graßmann. Lübeck: Schmidt-Römhild, 2006. 409 p. ill. maps. 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-7950-7777-8, ISBN 3-7950-7777-X: EUR 29.80 [06-1-151]
The Lübeck Lexicon continues a long series of lexicons of German cities, among which those in north Germany are numerous. All have in common that they are aimed at a broad readership, and particularly, of course, at the citizens of the city described in each volume. They are dedicated to providing verified information on the past and present of the city to a lay public. References to further reading follow most of the articles. A useful appendix contains lists of the city’s administrators and freemen, population growth, a list of the Hanseatic cities, and regional maps. Because of the importance of this city, the Lübeck-Lexicon should have a place among reference resources of research and large public libraries outside Lübeck as well. [sh/mjc]
Unsere Republik auf einen Blick: das Nachschlagewerk über Österreich [Our Republic at a Glance: The Reference Book on Austria]. Heinrich Neisser, Gerhard Loibelsberger, and Helmut Stobl. Rev. and expanded ed. Wien: Ueberreuter, 2005. 237 p. ill. 22 cm. ISBN 3-8000-7086-3: EUR 14.95 [05-2-421]
Several commemorations in 2005—the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Austrian State Treaty in 1995, and Austria’s membership in the EU in 1995— prompted the new edition of this reference work on the Republic of Austria. Neisser—a representative and second President of the Austrian National Assembly as well as Chairman of the Austrian People’s Party and author of many relevant publications—and his collaborators have sketched a picture of contemporary Austria in nine chapters. They cover subjects including the history of the Austrian Republic from 1918 to the present day, its governmental structures, Austria and the EU, and Austria in numbers, dates, and facts. This edition contains an introduction by Federal President Heinz Fischer. As a current reference work on a neighboring country, this volume should be added to the collections of German libraries. [sh/tl]
Dictionnaire biographique du Territoire de Belfort [Biographical Dictionary of the Territory of Belfort]. Société Belfortaine d’Émulation. 2 vols. Belfort: Société Belfortaine d’Émulation, 2001. 660 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 2-903545-30- 8: EUR 99. (Société Belfortaine d’Émulation, BP 773, F-90020 Belfort CEDEX) [05-1-247]
This dictionary, as is standard for the genre, treats only deceased persons of all pursuits who were born in the region, had influence in or on the region, or came to the region and left behind significant traces of their activities. The estimated 850-900 articles provide birth and death dates and locations, religion, and genealogical notes, followed by a biography consisting primarily of a list of life stages. Articles are followed by a bibliography of major sources (none archival), many of which are press articles. Other features include a list of works for writers, occasional black-and-white portraits, and color reproductions of a single work by visual artists. Unique in this work are the numerous umbrella articles for the members of a single family. These articles have a header with a brief family sketch, a list of names treated, and then the individual articles, arranged chronologically. Where relevant, German-language secondary literature is included in bibliographies. This is a notable work and could serve as a model for other regions and departments. [sh/dsa]
Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert: Ein Lexikon [German History in the 20th Century: An Encyclopedia]. Ed. Axel Schildt. München: Beck, 2005. 439 p. 19 cm. (Beck’sche Reihe, 16180). ISBN 3-406-51137-6: EUR 14.90 [06-2-349]
This introductory encyclopedia provides an overview of politics, economics, society, and culture, demonstrating continuities and turning points. Contributions from renowned historians such as Wolfgang Benz, Christoph Kleßmann, Eberhard Kolb, Paul Nolte, and Hans-Ulrich Wehler, under the editorship of Axel Schildt, Director of the Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte in Hamburg [Research Center for Contemporary History], include some thirty longer articles on significant events and movements (World Wars, Allied occupation, mass culture, environment) and shorter entries on more specific topics (Bauhaus, Bild-Zeitung). Each article includes references reflecting the current status of research. More detailed encyclopedias are available, for example dictionaries of person, which this title specifically excludes. This historical dictionary is suitable for public and school libraries. [vk/ab]
Wer war wer in der DDR? Ein Lexikon ostdeutscher Biographien [Who was Who in the GDR? A Lexicon of East German Biographies]. Helmut Müller-Enbergs. 4th ed. 2 vols. Berlin: Links, 2006. 1,235 p. 21 cm. ISBN 978-3-86153-364-1; ISBN 3-86153-364-2: EUR 49.90 [06-2-350]
The fourth, further expanded edition of this Lexikon contains 3,213 biographical entries on East German public figures, compared with 1,515 in the first edition and 2,741 in the second (see RREA 7:317). It aims at broad representation of diverse strata of East German society, including artists, writers, architects, athletes, coaches, musicians, scholars, rectors of universities, dissidents, leaders of the 1953 uprising, factory directors and many other groups. The composition of the name entries follows the same pattern: the article heading with name/pen name, dates of birth and death, occupation, an extremely abbreviated biography and a bibliography of primary and secondary literature. The name entries carried over from the previous editions have been brought up to date. The plentiful appendices include a list of abbreviations and the indices for the personal subjects, compilers, cities, regions, and aliases. The usefulness of the Lexikon would have been further enhanced by a bibliography of these and other biographical dictionaries of the GDR that focus on specific societal groups. Many of these have been reviewed in recent years in RREA and IFB, including:
Die Generale und Admirale der NVA [The Generals and Admirals of the National People’s Army]—RREA 7:244;
Genosse General!: die Militärelite der DDR in biografischen Skizzen [Comrade General! The Military Elite of the GDR in Biographical Sketches]—IFB 04-1-311;
Biographisches Handbuch der 10. Volkskammer der DDR (1990) [Biographical Handbook of the 10th Parliament of the GDR (1990)]—RREA 7:236;
Opposition und Widerstand in der DDR: politische Lebensbilder [Opposition and Resistance in the German Democratic Republic: Political Portraits]—RREA 9:155;
Rocklexikon der DDR [GDR Rock Dictionary]—RREA 6:206;
Das grosse Lexikon der DDR-Stars: Schauspieler aus Film und Fernsehen; mit zahlreichen Porträtkarikaturen von Harald Kretzschmar [Comprehensive Encyclopedia of East German Stars: Actors from Film and Television, with Numerous Caricature Sketches by Harald Kretzschmar]—RREA 8:160;
Das große Lexikon der DDR-Sportler: die 1000 erfolgreichsten und populärsten Sportlerinnen und Sportler aus der DDR, ihre Erfolge und Biographien [The Encyclopedia of GDR Athletes: The 1,000 Most Successful and Popular Athletes of East Germany, Their Successes and Biographies]—RREA 7:189 (2d ed: IFB 04-1-257);
Das grosse Lexikon des DDR-Fussballs [Comprehensive Dictionary of East German Soccer]—IFB 04-1-261;
Enzyklopädie des DDR-Fußballs (2007) [Encyclopedia of East German Soccer]— forthcoming in IFB 07 and RREA 13.
As research on the GDR is far from complete, one can reasonably expect a further edition of Who was Who in the GDR to appear. [sh/as]
Orte des Gedenkens und Erinnerns in Baden-Württemberg [in Baden-Württemberg]. Ed. Konrad Pflug, Ulrike Raab-Nicolai, and Reinhold Weber, with an essay by Peter Steinbach. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2007. 422 p. ill. maps. 24 cm. (Schriften zur politischen Landeskunde Baden-Württembergs, 35). ISBN 978-3-17-019434-2; ISBN 3-17-019434-8: EUR 30 [06-2-351]
The volume opens with a general introduction to the topic of memorials by the editors as well as with the essay by Steinbach on memorials and political education in Baden-Württemberg. The temporal emphasis in the work lies on more recent political events, in particular the Third Reich, while the content emphasis is focused on the fate of Jews, with at least 33 of the 70 articles showing a connection to the topic.
The articles are arranged by current town names and were written by the curators of the various memorials or by those who were involved in their creation. Articles include source citations, as well as general information such as sponsor, address, opening hours, and offerings. Unfortunately, there is no index. [sh/dsa]
Der Brockhaus, Mannheim: 400 Jahre Quadratestadt—das Lexikon [Brockhaus Encyclopedia for Mannheim: 400 Years of History of the Square-Block City]. Ed. Guido Walz for the F. A. Brockhaus Editorial Department. Rev. ed. Mannheim; Leipzig: Brockhaus, 2006. 384 p. ill. maps. 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-7653-0181-0; ISBN 3-9653-0181-7: EUR 19.95 [06-2-352]
In contrast to other city encyclopedias, which are generally produced by individual authors, often in collaboration with the staff of the city archives, the Mannheim encyclopedia, now going into its second printing, is the work of the Brockhaus publishing company. Der Brockhaus, Mannheim addresses aspects of Mannheim’s 400-year history, such as Mannheim’s work and economy, parks and gardens, museums and galleries, theater, music, the Mannheim dialect, and others. Half-to full-page illustrated sections are devoted to the 27 city districts, rounded out by a multi-page section covering geographical location and a map of the city center with street directory. The 1,300 unsigned articles are short and cover the usual topics found in other city encyclopedias, such as buildings, traffic, and institutions, among others.
Richly illustrated and unlike other city encyclopedias that tend to focus on cultural history, Der Brockhaus, Mannheim is best suited for quick consultation and practical use by those interested in Mannheim in all its aspects. [sh/jb]
Kulturgeschichtliches Stadtlexikon Schwäbisch Hall [Cultural-Historical Encyclopedia of Schwäbisch Hall]. Alexandra Kaiser and Jens Wietschorke. Künzelsau: Swiridoff, 2006. 288 p. ill. 24 cm. ISBN 978-3-89929-79-0; ISBN 3-89929-079-8: EUR 15 [06-2-353]
Published for the 850th anniversary of Schwäbisch Hall, this city encyclopedia stands out among similar works. As the title indicates, the focus is on cultural history, while political, constitutional, and social history are deemphasized. The lexicon focuses on the 19th and 20th centuries, and treatment of the Third Reich and the history of the Jews are especially good. Articles are relatively long, with references to the bibliography, Internet resources, and to the newspaper clippings collection of the city archives. Future editions would be improved by inclusion of a city map and a thematic index. [sh/ab]
Handbuch der historischen Stätten. Bayern [Handbook of Historical Places. Bavaria]. Ed. Hans-Michael Körner and Alois Schmid. Stuttgart: Kröner. 18 cm. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, ...) [06-2-354]
- Altbayern und Schwaben [Old Bavaria and Swabia]. 2006. xx, 956 p. (..., 324). ISBN 978-3-520-32401-6; ISBN 3-520-32401-6: EUR 39
- Franken [Franconia]. 2006. xx, 651 p. (..., 325). ISBN 978-3-520-32501-3; ISBN 3-520-32501-2: EUR 29
In the fall of 2006 the volumes for Bavaria and for North Rhine-Westphalia (see RREA 12:250) appeared—the first completely revised and expanded editions of any of the Kröner-Verlag’s dictionaries of historical places—and are long past due. These two dictionaries were, respectively, volume 7 and volume 3 under the collective title Handbuch der historischen Stätten Deutschlands [Handbuch of Historical Places of Germany]. Volumes 1-7 (1958-1965) of this group covered the regions of the former West Germany, volumes 8-11 (1965-1975) the regions of the former East Germany. An exception is volume 12 (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), which appeared in 1996 (see RREA 3:236). To be sure, these other volumes appeared up through the early 1990s as revised editions, for example, volume 10 (Berlin and Brandenburg—see RRE0 95-3-473), but none has until now been completely revised or expanded.
This new undertaking assumes the title of Handbook of Historical Places, without “of Germany”—a title earlier reserved for volumes covering former German or Austrian territory (Bohemia and Moravia [1998] (see IFB 99-1/4-461, Silesia [2003] (see RREA 10:25), the German-speaking abroad (Switzerland and Liechtenstein [1996] (see RREA 4:160 and Siebenbürgen [2003] (see RREA 10:253). A volume on Denmark appeared in 1982. The revision for Bavaria (first published as a single volume in 1961) is based on the 1981 edition, which reflects the mergers from the 1980 administrative reform.
The entries were selected according to two criteria: maintaining a numerical balance among the regions, and selecting those places of exceptional historical significance. All told, the number of entries in this edition is smaller than in the 1981 edition; for example, under “A” there are now 55 entries, versus 63 in the 1981 edition. In addition to the articles on specific places are a few articles on super-regional phenomena such as the Limes, the northernmost extent of Roman fortifications. The previous edition mainly stopped at the end of the 19th century; this edition includes places of 20th-century significance, such as the Flossenbürg concentration camp—a “place of remembrance”— and places especially important to Jewish life.
One hundred sixty-eight individuals contributed over 1,000 articles averaging between one half to one and a half pages in length. Those of ultra-famous places (e.g., Munich) can be up to 28 pages long. The name entry lists the type of place it is, any former names, and the district and/or governmental name. The article provides a topographic description, information about the place’s official seal, a list and description of historical monuments, a brief history, an economic description, and short biographies of leading individuals. The bibliography has been updated since the previous edition, taking into account the blooming interest in local history over the past twenty-five years. There is also a four-page bibliography of sources on Bavarian history. Maps of the most important historical places are included. The glossary of constitutional, social, and economic-historic terms has been carried over from the 1981 edition; unfortunately Karl Bosl’s extensive introductory essay, “Die historisch-politische Entwicklung des Bayerischen Staates” [The historical and political development of the State of Bavaria], table of bishoprics, and the personal-name and place indexes have not.
This new edition is better reference work than its predecessor; the scholar will find it a handy source of brief, reliable scholarly information. The visitor to these places will also want to have along the corresponding Dehio regional handbook, for example, the 2006 revised edition of Bayern IV, München und Oberbayern [Munich and Upper Bavaria], which will include those places not found in these new Kröner Handbooks. [sh/ga]
Lexikon bayerischer Ortsnamen: Herkunft und Bedeutung; Oberbayern, Niederbayern, Oberpfalz [Dictionary of Bavarian Place Names: Origin and Meaning; Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria, Upper Palatinate]. Wolf-Armin Frhr. von Reitzenstein. München: Beck, 2006. 350 p. 25 cm. ISBN 978-3-406-55206-9; ISBN 3-406-55206-4: EUR 29.90 [06-2-355]
It is fortunate that the LbO has appeared at the same time as the Bavarian volumes of the Handbuch der historischen Stätten [Handbook of Historical Places] (see RREA 12:242). The Lexikon complements the Handbuch and provides more reliable information about the history of these place names, which the Handbuch gives often cursory and occasionally incorrect treatment.
Previous editions date from 1986 and 1991. The third edition will be complete in three parts: the first covers the three provinces given in the subtitle. Volumes for Franconia (Lexikon fränkischer Ortsnamen) and Swabia (Lexikon bayerisch-schwäbischer Ortsnamen) are planned to appear in the next few years.
Based on the reviewer’s sampling of eighteen entries in the alphabetic sequence Bera-Bern, one could infer that perhaps half of the articles are new to this edition and that many previous articles have been significantly revised following a thorough examination of the original source documents. Much information in the previous two editions was taken from copies of source documents, and these contained a number of textual changes prior to the recent spelling reform. The articles contain the place’s name, classification, county and regional name, and data on the chronology and location of source documents. A 21-page bibliography lists sources and other literature. There are also 15 pages of maps, although these list only the region and do not show the boundaries of the county. [sh/ga]
Bücher und Autoren zwischen Inn und Salzach: Biographien und Bibliographie zur Literatur einer kulturellen Region [Books and Authors between the Inn and Salzach: Biographies and Bibliography of the Literature of a Cultural Region]. Ed. Bernhard Josef Stalla and Gerhard Stalla. Nordhausen: Bautz, 2006. 565 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3-88309-367-X: EUR 100 [06-2-356]
Gerhard Stalla was Department of Manuscripts and Rare Prints librarian at the Bavarian State Library between 1966 and 1999, and his son Bernhard Josef has continued his extensive work and brought this project to publication. This bibliography lists some 2,300 authors of belles-lettres, non-fiction writers, and some composers, who were born in, lived in, or otherwise had a literary connection to the region between the Inn and Salzach rivers, from the Middle Ages to the present (living authors included).
Entries vary from brief articles with basic facts to relatively detailed articles with a vita and an index of works and secondary literature. Some famous names are included even if their contact with the region was cursory. These include Hugo von Hofmannsthal (stayed occasionally in Neubeurn), Hanns Johst (“The Bard of the SS” died in Ruhpolding—see IFB 04-1-145), Erich Kästner (set one of his works in the region) and Hans Leip (who owned a house in Breitbrunn in 1947). Many priests and monks (especially local researchers) are included, but region’s most famous son, Pope Benedict XVI, gets no entry or article.
The bibliographic entries are often very brief, unnecessarily incomplete, and often not current. The place-name register lists places of birth and death and of publication. The personal-name index functions primarily as a table of contents, with occasional references to persons mentioned elsewhere. The usefulness of this work is questionable; the son has done no favor to his father, a competent and accomplished bibliographer who would never have published this dictionary in its present, inadequate form. [sh/ga]
Stadtatlas Regensburg [Regensburg City Atlas]. Ed. Anton Sedlmeier, Joachim Vossen, and Karl Maag (cartography). Regensburg: Pustet, 2006. 168 p. ill. maps. 28 cm. (Eine Veröffentlichung der Regensburger Kulturstiftung der REWAG). ISBN 978-3-7917-2024-1: EUR 49.90 [06-2-357]
If you think that modern city atlases for a broad interested public are only published by Cologne’s Emons publishing house, the Stadtatlas Regensburg released by the established local publisher Pustet will disabuse you of that notion. Its workmanship is closely related to that of Emon’s 2003 München-Atlas (see IFB 04-1-334), the 2004 Düsseldorf-Atlas (see IFB 04-2-568) and the 2005 Leipzig-Atlas (see RREA 11:191). Both the editors and cartographer are geographers with connections to the University of Regensburg, and Anton Sedlmeier and Karl Maag are currently employed by Regensburg’s Office of Urban Development. The 52 other contributors are, according to the index, experts in the 67 topics covered, each presented on a double page with text on the left and a map or graphic representation on the right. The themes are relatively evenly divided into nine chapters on topics ranging from spatial Regensburg to its status as “medieval wonder,” and its changing business and service sectors to educational, cultural and leisure opportunities. It is surprising that neither the University of Regensburg nor the house of Thurn and Taxis merit individual themes; though both play a vital role in the cultural and economic life of the city. References to literature, sources and images document by section the origin of the information upon which the work is based and recommend literature for further reading. A subject index, however, would have been a welcome addition. As with the other city atlases mentioned above, the Stadtatlas Regensburg is not directed to specialists but rather a broad audience, primarily the citizens of Regensburg itself, but repeat visitors will discover new and interesting information for their next trip to the city as well. [sh/tl]
Braunschweigisches biographisches Lexikon [Biographical Dictionary of Brunswick]. Ed. Horst-Rüdiger Jarck for Braunschweigische Landschaft e.V. Braunschweig: Appelhans; Hannover: Verlag Hahn. 25 cm. [06-2-358]
8. bis 18. Jahrhundert [8th to 18th Century]. 2006. 784 p. ill. ISBN 978-3-937664-46-0; ISBN 3-937664-46-7: EUR 32
This is the companion to the 1996 Braunschweigisches biographisches Lexikon: 19. und 20. Jahrhundert [Biographical Dictionary of Brunswick: 19th and 20th Century] (see IFB 99-B09-546). Overall the current volume is an excellent scholarly publication with 1,194 articles on carefully chosen subjects by 204 contributors. The introductory material outlines the complexities involved in the historical territorial changes in Brunswick, although it would have been more helpful if a map had been included. The concise entries range from one half to three columns, even for the most significant figures. The headings include name, dates of birth and death, geographic location, and trade or office; some entries are accompanied by black-and-white portraits of moderate quality. The subjects include people who were born in, lived, died, or otherwise had a significant impact on the area, for example Giordano Bruno. The coverage for women is adequate but not extensive. Those who were active in the second half of the 18th century and after are generally covered in the 1996 volume. The bibliographies include standard resources as well as specialized titles. The usefulness of the computer-generated indexes is limited. The personal name index does not distinguish between people with a full entry and those who are only mentioned in passing. The place name index lists so many people under the more important locations that it is unlikely that anyone would look them all up. A topical index and one listing women would have added to the value of the publication. Even with these reservations, overall this is one of the better recent regional biographical dictionaries. [sh/rg]
Die Kreisleiter der NSDAP im Gau Weser-Ems [Nazi Party Leaders in the Weser-Ems Administrative District]. Michael Rademacher. Marburg: Tectum-Verlag, 2005. 420 p. ill. 21 cm. ISBN 3-8288-8848-8: EUR 24.90 [06-2-359]
Wer war Wer im Gau Weser-Ems: die Amtsträger der NSDAP und ihrer Organisationen in Oldenburg, Bremen, Ostfriesland sowie der Region Osnabrück-Emsland [Who was Who in the Weser-Ems Administrative District: Officials of the Nazi Party and its Organization in Oldenburg, Bremen, East Friesland, as well as the Region of Osnabrück-Emsland]. Michael Rademacher. Rev. ed. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2005. 420 p. 22 cm. ISBN 3-8334-2909-7: EUR 25 [06-2-360]
These two volumes by the same author form a matched set. The first was a 2005 dissertation at the University of Osnabrück, while the second is a revised edition of preliminary 2000 research that can serve as a supplement to the dissertation. The areas in question lie within the current state of Lower Saxony and the city-state of Bremen. Of five hierarchical levels of regional Nazi leadership, the “Gauleiter” (main leader of the administrative district) ranked first, just ahead of the “Kreisleiter” (leaders of the individual “circles” within the district). These uniformed regional surrogates for the Führer have not seen much scholarly attention until now. Yet recent research has shown that Nazi power outside Berlin was not a monolithic bloc, but consisted rather of “authoritarian anarchy” with competing overlays of officialdom. Reconstructing regional Nazi party histories has been complicated by the fact that archival records were organized by personal names rather than geographically. The research behind these listings also led to newspaper access and address book sources. The listings, with approximately 6,800 names, include, besides select short biographies, an index to sources, abbreviations and geographical locations, as well as a bibliography. Rademacher, in the course of his laborious reconstruction work, came to the conclusion that the “Kreisleiter” were not at all part of the “brown elite,” but rather a heterogeneous mix of opportunists and (in many cases) under-qualified loyalists who left the bureaucratic labors to their underlings. This publication forms the basis for further comparisons, as do research efforts underway on Nazi regional power in other parts of the Third Reich. [frh/rdh]
100 hannoversche Köpfe [One Hundred Leaders from Hanover]. Ed. Tigo Zeyen and Anne Weber-Ploemacher. Hameln: Niemeyer, 2006. 208 p. ill. 29 cm. ISBN 978-3-8271-9251-6; ISBN 3-8271-9251-X: EUR 39 [06-2-361]
This book is related to the publication Hundert Düsseldorfer Köpfe [One Hundred Leaders from Düsseldorf] (see IFB 04-02-569), which was also co-edited by Zeyen. The current title covers Hanoverians from various fields, including business, politics, civil service, law, art, culture, science, sports, and media. All are well known locally, although only a few are nationally recognized. Only twelve of the 100 biographies are of women. The entries are largely based on interviews conducted by 23 journalists; all entries include portraits. This volume does not include a chronological list of birthdates, as the Düsseldorf volume did, but is otherwise of similar quality.
This is essentially a vanity publication of arbitrarily selected figures. It seems that the publications will continue though, since Weber-Ploemacher is working on future volumes in this series for other larger German cities. For more useful and inclusive biographical dictionaries, search the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek OPAC for pertinent terms or turn to a national biography such as Who is who in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Who is Who in the Federal Republic of Germany] (see IFB 99-B09-317) which boasts approximately 20,000 biographies of Germans from all walks of life. [sh/rg]
Handbuch der historischen Stätten. Nordrhein-Westfalen [Handbook of Historic Places. North Rhine-Westphalia]. Ed. Manfred Groten for the Landschaftsverbände Rheinland and Westfalen-Lippe. 3d rev. ed. Stuttgart: Kröner, 2006. xxiii, 1,256 p. maps. 18 cm. (Kröners Taschenausgabe, 273). ISBN 978-3-520-27303-1; ISBN 3-520-27303-9: EUR 49 [06-2-362]
Nordrhein-Westfalen follows the double-volume Bayern [Bavaria] (se RREA 12:242), which launched the long overdue newly revised edition of Handbuch der historischen Stätten in fall of 2006. In contrast to the Bayern volume, it includes population totals, a greater number of clear maps (including historical and administrative ones), and more extensive bibliographies for the larger cities. However, the entries for smaller places often cite only one monograph. More recent entries for the general bibliography on North Rhine-Westphalia are unfortunately only listed alphabetically here, rather than topically as in the earlier volume. It also includes a glossary of topical terms, a personal name index, and a place name index which improves on the Bayern volume by specifying typographically whether the listing is treated as a main entry or under a subheading.
Nordrhein-Westfalen is a revision of the second edition of the third volume of the Handbuch der historischen Stätten Deutschlands [Handbook of Historic Places in Germany], published in 1970. The larger type makes the newer version much easier to read. It uses scholarly but readily understandable language. The updated and userfriendly layout reflects Germany’s 1975 jurisdictional and territorial reforms, with clearly recognizable alphabetically arranged headings and subheadings that now include not only the original locations but also other incorporated places as well as cities that lost their independence from the late 19th century through 1975. The current volume includes approximately 1,400 articles with separate articles covering each of the cities and municipalities in the state of Northrhine-Westphalia, important buildings, and some topical issues. The entries in the new edition have been updated from the second edition to cover recent history and archaeological finds, as well as economic and social history. Older history is still treated here, but the coverage has been revised and streamlined. As with the Bayern volume, this edition lacks the long historical introduction of the second edition to save space, although Jewish history is handled in greater detail. It is hoped future volumes in the series will be published soon and that they will include the improvements made in the Bayern volume. [sh/rg]
Paderborn von A bis Z [Paderborn from A to Z]. Dina van Faassen and Manfred Köllner, Roland Linde. Paderborn: Bonifatius, 2006. 414 p. 19 cm. (Geschichte eingekreist: Westfalen, 1). ISBN 3-89710-332-X: EUR 19.90 [06-2-364]
This small-format, unillustrated city lexicon contains some 580 articles about historical and contemporary Paderborn, none with bibliographic references. It does not tout itself as being comparable to the large, “scholarly” city lexica, such as the 1999 Stadtlexikon Nürnberg [Encyclopedia of the City of Nuremberg] (see RREA 8:248). Instead it offers readable, correct information to a wide audience. An indispensable source of writings about Paderborn is the Paderborner Bibliographie (see RREA 8:259).
A sampling of the articles reveals that the majority deal with historical and contemporary persons no longer living. Other categories of articles include topics, buildings and monuments, institutions, streets and rivers, neighborhoods and places, and print publications. Article length varies from a few sentences to twelve columns. The work concludes with indexes of churches, schools, and sports clubs; a glossary of art-history terms, and a selective bibliography. A thematic index and map would have been welcome. Still, the lexicon should have appeal to research libraries across Germany. [sh/rlk]
Christen an der Ruhr [Christians in the Ruhr District]. Münster: Aschendorff. 25 cm. Vols. 1-2 published by Pomp-Verlag, Bottrop, Essen. [06-2-365]
Vol. 1. Ed. Alfred Pothmann and Reimund Haas. 1998. 327 p. ill. ISBN 3-89355-179-4: EUR 19
Vol. 2. Ed. Alfred Pothmann and Reimund Haas. 2002. 262 p. ill. ISBN 3-89355-231-6: EUR 19
Vol. 3. Ed. Reimund Haas and Jürgen Bärsch. 2006. 280 p. ill. ISBN 3-402-00217-5: EUR 19.80
A switch of publishers for the biographical series “Christians in the Ruhr District” from Pomp-Verlag to Aschendorff gives occasion for us to review all three volumes for the first time. The biographies in each volume are arranged in chronological order, beginning with important figures of early medieval Christianity in Germany, the missionary bishop Liutger (746-809) and the bishop of Hildesheim Altfrid (800-874). The latter had founded religious societies in Essen and elsewhere for unmarried and widowed ladies. At the beginning of volume three are the life stories of the humanist Johannes Cincinnatus von Lippstadt (ca. 1485-1555) and then of Christoph Scheibler (1589-1653), a non-Catholic; the institute behind the publication—despite being financed by the (Catholic) Ruhr Bishopric in Essen—found it natural “at the end of the ecumenically influenced 20th century” to include “representative believers from the two great Christian denominations.” Other indicators of progress are in evidence as well, such as the stronger note in recent theological research of female contributions to the history of Christianity (11 of the 47 biographies to date are of women). Historical emphasis lies in the 19th and 20th century, which can be easily explained by the fact that the Ruhr district only began to be more heavily populated in the 19th century. In addition to bishops, abbots and priests, laypersons are represented widely, such as those that stood up to the Nazi terror and became, in some cases, victims of it. Following a heading and portrait, each article gives a thoroughly outlined biography and an index to print and other sources and to secondary literature. Name and place indexes close out the volumes, but in view of the desired continuation of the series a cumulative index would be desirable as well. The series is recommended for larger or research libraries, particularly since the origins and life histories in many cases are not restricted to the Ruhr District. [sh/rdh]
Schlesische Kirche in Lebensbildern [The Silesian Church in Biographies]. Ed. Michael Hirschfeld, Johannes Gröger, and Werner Marschall. Münster: Aschendorff. 25 cm. [06-2-368]
Vol. 7. 2006. 422 p. ill. ISBN 3-402-02491-8: EUR 34.80
This series, under varying titles, stretches back to the 19th century; the current title begins with volume 6 (1992), which was reviewed in IFB 99-B09-607. The 75 biographies written by 52 contributors are brief and grouped into several different categories. Each person’s biography includes a bibliography of literary works and secondary materials.
All subjects save two flourished in the 20th century (born since ca. 1875). Diocesan and ordained priests predominate; laypersons are poorly represented, and only three women are included. A large number of Silesian expellees are covered, including Herbert Czaja, the president of the League of German Expellees (1970-1994). The volume ends with a name and place index and an index of persons in the previous six volumes—306 individuals in all. [sh/ga]
Historischer Atlas Schleswig-Holstein: vom Mittelalter bis 1867 [Historical Atlas Schleswig-Holstein: From the Middle Ages to 1867]. Ed. Jürgen H. Ibs for the Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte. Neumünster: Wachholtz, 2004. 174 p. ill. maps. 34 cm. (Sonderveröffentlichung der Gesellschaft für Schleswig-Holsteinische Geschichte). ISBN 3-529-02447-3: EUR 35 [06-2-369]
The publication of the present volume concludes this historical atlas of Schleswig-Holstein. It was preceded by the volumes Historischer Atlas Schleswig-Holstein seit 1945 [… since 1945] (1999—see RREA 7:336) and Historischer Atlas Schleswig-Holstein 1867-1945 (2001). The first two volumes have also been issued as a CD-ROM: Interaktiver historischer Atlas Schleswig-Holstein 1867-2000 = Interaktivt historisk atlas Slesvig-Holsten 1867-2000 = Interactive Historical Atlas of Schleswig-Holstein 1867-2000 (2002—see RREA 10:250).
The complete three-volume set, commissioned by the Society for the History of Schleswig-Holstein, contains around 340 historical maps, which were created in cooperation with historians and geographers from Germany and Denmark. This volume has 75 thematic maps and 20 reproductions, most of them in color. An impressive array of statistical information, spanning around a thousand years, is organized into tables. Along with the newspapers, yearbooks, and works on statistics and cartography relevant to the region, the extensive bibliography contains lists of sources used in compiling each chapter, most of them in German, Latin or Danish. Some Englishlanguage sources are also listed. Historical cartography is a challenging field, because so much depends on the availability of sufficient and reliable data, which were scarce in the medieval period. The atlas does a fine job presenting the history of the province from its settlement in the 9th century to 1867, with a short segment dedicated to the history of North Friesland.
The Introduction describes the challenges of such a massive undertaking, which include inconsistent dates and shifting administrative boundaries. Time constraints forced the authors not to conduct archival research but to use already published data compilations. Many details are difficult to find due to the lack of an index. The atlas is at its most exhaustive when presenting information about the economics and administration of the province. By contrast, cultural life is treated much more sparingly, although there are maps of such topics as schools, universities, language and dialectal divisions and printing presses. An attached CD-ROM gives the reader the opportunity to create custom maps according to personal research interests. [wh/as]
Schleswig-Holstein-Lexikon [Encyclopedia of Schleswig-Holstein]. Ed. Klaus-Joachim Lorenzen-Schmidt and Ortwin Pelc. 2d expanded and rev. ed. Neumünster: Wachholtz, 2006. 646 p. ill. maps. 25 cm. Cover title: Das neue Schleswig-Holstein-Lexikon. ISBN 978-3-529-02441-2; ISBN 3-529-02441-4: EUR 49.80 [06-2-370]
While this work has grown by 310 entries to include nearly 1,600 in total, the second edition is not, as the cover title would suggest, a new lexicon for Schleswig-Holstein, rather it is a revised edition (see RREA 7:337 for the 1st edition and RREA 8:264 for an inferior work with the same title). Inconsistencies in the conception and scope of the lexicon are many. The editors note, for example, that the existence of the Biographisches Lexikon für Schleswig-Holstein und Lübeck (Neumünster, 1982- ) makes it unnecessary for them to offer an abbreviated biographical lexicon. On the one hand this is not necessary to point out since the BLSH is much larger in scope, but on the other hand it ignores the advantage of the work at hand, which includes short biographies for contemporary individuals not found in the larger work.
Many shortcomings of the first edition remain in this newer edition. The see-references remain internally inconsistent and in many instances obvious see references are lacking. The majority of articles lack bibliographic references, including longer articles where this would be expected. Even articles where individuals treated in the BLSH are discussed lack citations to this authoritative source. Where references are listed, most stem from before 1999.
While the editors suggest that this work is useful for both lay and scholarly users, it can only be recommended for the former. Even lay readers, however, should expect a more reliable and capably edited lexicon. [sh/dsa]
Kieler Lebensläufe aus sechs Jahrhunderten [Kiel Biographical Portraits from Six Centuries]. Ed. Hans-F. Rothert. Neumünster: Wachholtz, 2006. 416 p. ill. 24 cm. (Sonderveröffentlichungen der Gesellschaft für Kieler Stadtgeschichte, 55). ISBN 3-529-02749-9: EUR 35 [06-2-371]
Patterned after the Lübecker Lebensläufe aus neun Jahrhunderten (Neumünster, 1993), the Kieler Lebensläufe is an extraction of 146 biographical entries of individuals born in Kiel or active there, from the 12-volume Biographisches Lexikon für Schleswig-Holstein und Lübeck (BLSH) (Neumünster, 1970-2006—see RREA 12:233). Not all of the Kiel-related entries from the BLSH were adopted; a list of over 200 names informs the reader of those not included, and a statement by the editor indicates that a second volume of Kieler Lebensläufe may follow which would include them. Given the fact that there are only minor differences between the entries here and those of the BLSH, there is little necessity beyond the Kiel environs to acquire this title. [sh/rlk]
Lebenswege in Thüringen: Thüringer biographisches Lexikon. [Life-Journeys in Thuringia: Thuringian Biographical Lexicon]. Ed. Felicitas Marwinski. Weimar: Verein für Thüringische Geschichte. 21 cm. (Zeitschrift des Vereins für Thüringische Geschichte. Beiheft, …). [06-2-372]
Vol. 3. 2006. 413 p. ill. (…, 36). ISBN 3-7896-0673-1: EUR 12
The lengthy wait for the publication of the third volume (vol. 1 appeared in 2000—see RREA 7:338; vol. 2 in 2002) is compensated for by longer biographical essays in vol. 3. Similar to the first two volumes, vol. 3 includes 100 signed biographical articles on prominent indigenous Thuringians or those who moved there, within the time frame of the 16th-20th centuries. Sixty percent of the entries are for individuals from the 20th century. Especially noteworthy are the ample, chronologically arranged, current bibliographical references to the secondary literature. A wide array of indexes provides access by persons; occupations, activities and interests; places of birth, professional life and death; and topics. [sh/rlk]
Dictionnaire toponymique des communes suisses: DTS = Lexikon der schweizerischen Gemeindenamen = Dizionario toponomastico dei comuni svizzeri [Toponymic Dictionary of Swiss Communes]. Ed. Florence Cattin for the Centre de Dialectologie, Université de Neuchâtel. Frauenfeld: Huber; Lausanne: Payot, 2005. 1,102 p. ill. 30 cm. ISBN 3-7193-1308-5 (Huber); ISBN 2-601-03336-3 (Payot): SFr. 148, EUR 99.50 [06-2-374]
Solothurnische Ortsnamen: die Namen des Kantons, der Bezirke und der Gemeinden [Place Names of the Canton of Solothurn: The Names in the Canton, the Districts, and the Communities]. Ed. Rolf Max Kully. Solothurn: Drucksachenverwaltung/Lehrmittelverlag Kanton Solothurn, 2003. xxvii, 762 p. ill. 25 cm. (Solothurnisches Namenbuch, 1). ISBN 3-905470-17-9: SFr. 96 [06-2-375]
Although there are numerous lexicons documenting the names of the cities, towns and villages of individual Swiss cantons, until now there has been no up-to-date volume for the entire country. This volume includes 2,866 entries—one for every officially designated communal entity in Switzerland. The articles are in French, German or Italian, depending on the language of the community in question. (Entries for the Romansch-speaking towns and villages of eastern Switzerland are in German.) Each entry includes selected historical references, a discussion and, if known, an analysis or explanation of the name. The work also contains an informative introduction, two indexes (lexical/etymological and name), and an extensive bibliography (through 2003). Recommended for collections on Switzerland that do not already have other more specialized cantonal dictionaries. [sh/sl]
Solothurnische Ortsnamen is included here because it illustrates the depth of more focused toponymic dictionaries in contrast to one with a broader coverage. This lexicon is devoted to the names of communities in the canton of Solothurn in north-central Switzerland. Where the DTS devotes one column and ten historic references to the town name of Grenchen, Solothurner Ortsnamen devotes seven pages and 49 references to the same entry. The volume concludes with a comprehensive bibliography and an index of places.
A related work of interest is the Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz [Historical Encyclopedia of Switzerland] (see RREA 9:193). [sh/sl]
Luxemburger Lexikon: das Großherzogtum von A-Z [Luxemburg Lexicon: The Grand Duchy from A-Z ]. Ed. Georges Hausemer. Luxemburg: Binsfeld, 2006. 478 p. ill. maps. 26 cm. ISBN 2-87954-156-5: EUR 49.90 [06-2-377]
The blurb and introduction promise “Everything about Luxemburg!—10,000 key words, 2,500 photos or illustrations, 34 special articles, and numerous charts and tables.” A test-sample of this claim comes up with only some 3,300 articles, but if one were to count every cross-reference (such as for variations on geographic names), the number of key words might reach the total stated. The articles cover chiefly geographic locales, corporate bodies, and persons (including René Arend, the inventor of Chicken McNuggets). There are 29 special thematic articles, not 34 as claimed.
The articles are slight, ranging in size from a few lines to a half-column, with the exception of “Luxembourg, Grand-duché.” Articles containing bibliographical references are in the minority and contain at most one or two citations. Photos are almost without exception tiny, the exception being that of Désirée Nosbusch, probably because of her beauty. Still, despite disappointing expectations for a national encyclopedia, the Luxemburger Lexikon should find a home in all larger libraries, if only because there are not many other reference works on this smallest EU country. [sh/rlk]
Frankreich-Lexikon: Schlüsselbegriffe zu Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, Politik, Geschichte, Presse-und Bildungswesen [Lexicon for France: Major Topics in Economics, Society, Politics, History, the Press, and Education]. Bernhard Schmidt. 2d rev. and expanded ed. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 2006. 1,253 p. ill. map. 21 cm. (Grundlagen der Romanistik, 13). ISBN 3-503-07991-2: EUR 49.80 [06-2-378]
The related Italien-Lexikon was published in 1996 (see RREO 96-1-118) with a second edition appearing two years later (see IFB 98-3/4-328). The quick issuance of the Student Edition of the Frankreich-Lexikon, one year after the original (see RREA 11:193) was unexpected. The expanded information is limited to a narrow appendix with updated chronology from Jan. 2005-March 2006, some updated statistics, corrections and a bibliography of new entries almost completely from 2005-2006. Beyond this, the student edition is obviously an unchanged reprint. This lexicon, best suited to accompany study and aid in instructional preparation, is now within reach of private individuals. Libraries that already own the original edition can bypass this one, since the minimal new information does not justify the cost of acquisition of this inadequately bound item. [sh/rlk]
Panorama des revues à la Libération: août 1944-octobre 1946 [Panorama of Reviews of the Liberation: August 1944-October 1946]. Caroline Hoctan. Saint-Germain-la-Blanche-Herbe: IMEC éditeur, 2006. 703 p. ill. 23 cm. (Collections Inventaires—Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine). ISBN 978-2-908295-81-8; ISBN 2-908295-81-4: EUR 29 [06-2-378a]
An RREA Original Review by Sue Waterman (Johns Hopkins University)
Access to periodical literature is one of the trickiest parts of research, especially access to literature older than 20 years, and most especially to literature in ephemeral periodicals published during a tumultuous period of history. Online indexes often do not cover older materials, and even databases such as Periodicals Index Online do not cover the more obscure titles. In an online age, we still have need of print indexes, bibliographies, and inventories.
Periodical literature, however, is one of the richest veins to exploit in research, since many historical and literary events, movements, and controversies were first explored within their flimsy pages. They are literally primary sources that can enrich any research project.
This work attempts to inventory over 150 reviews that were published in France immediately after the liberation of Paris up until the founding of the Fourth Republic, a short but intensely active period both intellectually and historically. It is also a pivotal period in French history, during which time the country broke with the past and underwent a political, social, economic, and cultural reorientation.
The author has chosen reviews that can be loosely described as “literary,” and she explains her choices (and her definition of littéraire) in the long introduction, which orients the reader methodologically and historically. A chronology follows, which situates individual reviews in the context of events in the press in general and within wider historical events. Finally, preceding the inventory itself, a “Modèle de fiche signalétique” [Dossier model] details the structure and content of each entry.
The individual entries for the reviews are alphabetically arranged by title; they include:
The last section of each entry is the “Mentions éditoriales,” or the real heart of the content. It includes the déclaration d’intention [declaration of intent], taken from the review itself and/or its manifesto, that articulates the founders’ motives in undertaking the publication of a new review and their goals in doing so. Finally, the “Sommaires de la période” list the tables of contents of each issue with the authors and titles of every article. Thus, each entry gives a detailed description of what the review looked like (including a small black-and-white illustration of its cover), who was involved with its publication, and its content.
There is, however, only one index, essentially a name index. Each name listed is associated with one or more titles of the reviews, with no indication of the individual’s exact role: editor, author of an article, member of the editorial board, or illustrator. While this index is helpful, to locate articles by a particular writer or reviews associated with a particular writer, one has to scan the entire entry to find exactly how and where the name appears.
More glaringly, there is no subject access, even at the level of a name; an article about Henri Michaux is not indexed under his name. If a researcher wants to find surrealism in the context of post-war France, there is no way to do it with this inventory. Nor can one research a literary movement, the role of the Resistance, poetry of the period, individual authors, music, or any other subject. This lack of subject access greatly limits the overall usefulness of this reference work.
The publisher of this book, the Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine(IMEC), is a relatively new archive(1988)headquartered outside of Paris, dedicated to the various domains of the history of the modern book—publishers, periodicals, printers, booksellers, artists, and writers. Its holdings include the archives of individuals, businesses, and institutions. Its publishing program aims to spotlight its collections and make them accessible.
The series that includes this book, Inventaires [Inventories], is a noble effort to make accessible collections that are obscure and difficult to find. However, a more rigorous indexing program would greatly enhance the series. If researchers cannot rely solely on the online environment and must also rely on printed sources such as the book under review here, they would be better served by printed sources that come closer to providing the rich searching capabilities of the online environment. Discovery tools for obscure but crucial primary sources need more in the way of subject access. However, this book remains useful for literary scholars of the period and for those who would explore the publishing history of France immediately following World War II.
Panorama des revues littéraires sous l’Occupation: juillet 1940-août 1944 [Panorama of Literary Reviews Published under the Occupation: July 1940-August 1944]. Olivier Cariguel. Paris: IMEC éditeur, 2007. 603 p. 24 cm. (Collections Inventaires—Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine). ISBN 2-908295-84-9; ISBN 978-2-908295-84-9: EUR 29 [06-2-378b]
An RREA Original Review by Sue Waterman (Johns Hopkins University)
Chronologically preceding the above title, but published a year afterwards, this volume covers the literary journals of the Occupation. An inventory of ephemeral publications printed during a very unstable and dangerous period of French history, it is a valuable tool for studying la littérature à l’état naissant [literature at its birth], since small literary reviews were often the first place where works that later became famous appeared.
This inventory includes 85 titles, of which 70 were published in France, in both the Zone nord occupé [northern occupied France] and the Zone sud libre [southern unoccupied France]. Also included are reviews published in North Africa, Martinique, the US, and South America. Interestingly, there are also periodicals printed by French prisoners in Germany, some of them clandestinely, and even reviews that never appeared, remaining unrealized projects for various reasons.
The structure of this volume is basically the same as the previous one: a substantial and informative introduction, followed by a detailed inventory of the periodicals, and finally a name index. The first part of the introduction details the literary landscape of the period, several public archives that contain relevant sources, and the conditions of publishing under the Occupation (including legal issues, paper supply, finances, and censorship). The second part of the introduction describes the methodology and structure of the inventory. Oddly enough, it does not mention its “sequel” described above, Panorama des revues à la Libération. Instead, the author takes as his model Bibliographie des revues et journaux littéraires des XIXe et XXe siècles [Bibliography of 19th- and 20th-Century Literary Reviews and Journals] (Paris, 1977), an important study of French periodicals of those centuries.
The individual entries lack the cover illustration of the previous volume but include much the same information:
A good bibliography at the back of the volume lists archives, collections (private and public), books, and articles on the French press of the period; individual reviews; publishing and publishers; institutions during the Occupation; and literature. This addition is welcome. However, the indexing suffers from the same problems as the previous title; it includes names only, connected to titles of reviews, and does not indicate the roles that the individual listed played in the publication process. Without a subject index, the usefulness of this inventory is again greatly reduced. Still, any opening up of this murky and controversial period of French history is important, so one hopes that this project can be built upon and improved.
Siciliane: dizionario biografico [Sicilian Women: Biographical Dictionary]. Ed. Marinella Fiume. Siracusa: E. Romeo, 2006. 1,037 p. ill. 25 cm. ISBN 978-88-7428-057-5: EUR 70 [06-2-378c]
An RREA Original Review by Thomas M. Izbicki (Rutgers University)
This collection of biographical articles covers women who were born in Sicily or resided there between antiquity and the later 20th century. The coverage includes eight women who were patron saints of Sicily or its communities, and 325 others beginning with the 12th century. The book begins with a note from the editor, a preface, and an introduction. The main list is divided into categories: saints, medieval women (the 12th through the 15th century), women of the 16th through the 18th century, and women of more recent times (19th and 20th century). It concludes with a photographic album depicting some of the women, a list of authors with the titles of their articles, and brief biographical notices about these authors.
The selection is, inevitably, based on older sources, reflecting older historiography. Thus, many women are members of elite groups or connected with causes like the Risorgimento. The dictionary provides no bibliography for individual articles, nor is there a composite list of sources at the end, which diminishes the value of the project. Nonetheless, this volume provides information about Sicilian women who have been ignored by English-language compendia. Note that it includes some Muslim and Jewish women of the island.
Las bibliografías regionales y locales españolas: (evolución histórica y situación actual) [Spanish Regional and Local Bibliographies: Historical Evolution and Current Situation]. Juan Delgado Casado. Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, 2003. 370 p. 25 cm. ISBN 84-7895-178-4: EUR 35 [06-2-379]
The bibliography for each geographical entity is organized under the following rubrics: (1) bibliographies of bibliographies, (2) comprehensive lists, (3) bibliographies on printing and publishing, (4) bio-bibliographies, (5) special bibliographies, (6) bibliographies of works in particular languages and dialects (e.g., Catalan, Galician, Basque), (7) bibliographies on the press.
The majority of titles included are listed under rubrics three through six; of these, by far the largest number is listed under the third rubric; this accords with both the large number of available Spanish bibliographies on this subject and the author’s own bibliographic specialization (he has published Repertorios bibliográficos de impresos del siglo XVI [Bibliographies of Printing in the 16th Ventury] (see RREO 95-2-170) and Diccionario de impresores españoles: (siglos XV-XVII) [Dictionary of Spanish Printers: 15th-17th Centuries] (see RREA 5:65). A relatively large number of titles also appears under the fourth rubric since there are a large number of local and regional biobibliographies and biographical Lexicons.
Introductions to individual chapters and sections discuss the current status of bibliography, identify and comment on important titles, and note any shortcomings. The author supplies annotations for many of the titles. The index lists names only; a subject index and, above all, a geographical index (especially for smaller entities) would have been useful.
For a similar bibliography for Germany, see Die Bibliographien zur deutschen Landesgeschichte und Landeskunde [Biblographies of German Regional History and Regional Studies] (see RREA 3:227). [sh/rc]
Südosteuropa-Wahrnehmungen: Reiseberichte, Studien und biographische Skizzen vom 16. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert [Perceptions of Southeast Europe: Travel Reports, Studies, and Biographical Sketches from the 16th to the 20th Century]. Wolfgang Geier. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006. xviii, 255 p. 24 cm. (Studien der Forschungsstelle Ostmitteleuropa an der Universität Dortmund, 39). ISBN 978-3-447-05345-7; ISBN 3-447-05345-3: EUR 68 [06-2-380]
Shortly after completing his monograph, Russische Kulturgeschichte in diplomatischen Reiseberichten aus vier Jahrhunderten [Russian Cultural History Described in Diplomatic Dispatches over Four Centuries] (Wiesbaden, 2004), the author turned his attention to the contentious region of Southeast Europe. Unlike the earlier work, this book is organized around groups of sources and not around key figures and events. Chapter 2 contains reports from 16th-and 17th-century envoys and scholars, who passed through the region on their way to the Sublime Porte. In Chapter 3 are found writings by the 18th-century scholars and religious leaders from the Slavic world, while chapter 4 has travel reports and scientific papers from early 19th century. Texts presented in chapter 5 extend the narrative into the first half of the 20th century.
The book begins with Introductory Remarks, which are followed by Introduction: Perceptions, the main focus of which is Russia, and Chapter 1, which turns its attention to Southeast Europe. This multifaceted approach to the subject is partly justified by the wealth of material presented in the book, but clarity suffers as a result. Not only are there many excessively complex sentences, but poor proofreading has resulted in grammatical mistakes and even glaring transliteration errors. At the end of the work are found a timeline of important events from 1281 to 1939, a list of Hapsburg and Ottoman monarchs with the dates of their rule, and an annotated index of personal names, which contains information about the narrators and researchers.
No maps, neither general nor detailed, are included, although they would have been of great assistance to readers. Both well-known and obscure authors are represented in the volume, but in view of the richness of available sources, the editorial selections cannot help being subjective. The sources take up about a quarter of the text, which allows them to speak in their own voices. Reading sources in early modern German will occasionally present interpretation problems. In general, this book is a veritable cornucopia of extensive, in-depth information about this fragmented and often poorly understood region. [ks/as]
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