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1994 |
1(1993). - 29 p. (... ; 24). - (... ; 1993, Sonderausg.) - free
The organization of this catalog of 962 German regional magazines is not immediately apparent, but seems to follow loose geographical principles. A complete entry contains title, publishing body, editorial staff, address, and publication dates. Various elements are lacking in many entries, as is information concerning frequency of publication. A revised and expanded edition is expected in the near future. [sh/ldb]
9 (1994). [Ed. by Manfred Pankratz]. - 453 p. - ISBN 3-926271-02-7 : DM 15.00
This directory of German language newspapers in microfilm is in its 9th revised edition. It differs from earlier editions in that master and duplicate copies are now interfiled under the title of the newspaper. Many of the newspapers on microfilm are available for purchase or loan through the Mikrofilmarchiv. Entries are arranged alphabetically by place of publication, but unfortunately there is no access to the listing via subject and chronological indexes. [hjg/ldb]
This catalog has 1,061 entries for periodicals in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania from the 17th century to the present. Entries are arranged by title and provide publication information and holdings data for the source institutions. As is the case with the two earlier periodical catalogs produced by Gittig (Berliner Zeitungen und Wochenblätter in Berliner Bibliotheken and Brandenburgische Zeitungen und Wochenblätter), this volume lacks holdings information for libraries and archives in western Germany and does not list titles available in microform. [gh/ldb]
This exemplary work is a guide to 727 periodicals published in Upper Silesia until 1945. Entries are arranged according to the regional affiliations of the periodicals (Prussian, Polish, Czech), and within this regional structure periodicals are ordered by place and time of publication. The author has included a title index, extensive bibliography, and multilingual place name concordance. [gh/ldb]
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Last update: October, 31 2005 [BG]
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