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Die Fackel numbers among the most important literary periodicals of the century, a fact recognized all-too late by libraries, many of which have only few original volumes, and fewer still complete runs. Happily, however, the journal has been reprinted three times, most recently in 1977 by Verlag Zweitausendeins. Die Fackel was edited by Karl Kraus between 1899 and 1936, and from 1911 onwards he was the sole contributor to the journal which, all told, consists of 37 volumes with a total of almost 21,000 pages. In 1977 a name index appeared (Personenregister zur Fackel von Karl Kraus, 1977.) In addition to its voluminous size, many of the articles are extremely short and unsigned; even in cases where they are signed, authorship is not certain since Kraus substantially reworked much of the submitted material. Ogg cites roughly 10,400 individuals and connects them with some 46,500 entries. Whenever possible he notes their occupation and provides their dates. This information is not duplicated in Hink's bibliography and index. Vol. 1 consists of a chronological title index with page by page contents guide, annotations, and references to other articles as well as to scholarly editions of Kraus' works, lectures, and archival material. Vol. 2 consists of six parts: texts written by Kraus, those by other known and unknown authors (in three parts), Fackel excerpts cited by Kraus in his lectures, the lectures themselves, radio broadcasts, and a chronology of the Fackel containing all issues, issue numbers, years, and volumes, complete with dates of publication and differing cover information, when evident. Hink's Bibliographie und Register is, without a doubt, an indispensable reference tool and aid to plumbing the rich resources of Die Fackel. [sh/sd]
This volume is another contribution in the ongoing series of analytic bibliographies of German literary journals; volumes 1 (1975) - 11 (1987) and 13 (1989) were published by the Aufbau-Verlag, and volumes 12 (1992) and the current volume 14 by Saur. The focus of the series up to now has been on "socialist and proletarian-humanistic journals of the Twentieth Century," although it is clear that the structural framework of the indexes lends itself to other types of journals as well, see entry 94-3/4-368 for Karl Kraus's Die Fackel, above. The journal Ost und West was published by Alfred Kantorowicz between the years 1947-1949, upon his return to Germany from exile in the United States. It was intended to convey news to the Germans, for so long cut off from contemporary cultural and political developments abroad, and in retrospect attempted to "build a bridge" between the literary camps of east and west. This series of analytic bibliographies is not structured in the usual "A-Z" way; rather, based on a concept by Gerhard Seidel, they present in a detailed way the "natural" development of the journal in question and end with a series of indices. This bibliography of Ost und West begins with a detailed contents list of each issue and volume, complete with page references, author's name (if known), and title. Contents notes are provided in brackets. The second part consists of indices of Kantorowicz' editorial colleagues, index of authors (divided into known authors, anonymous authors, abbreviated and corporate entries), a key- word subject index (including authors, works, anonymous works and journals), place names and headings. [sh/sd]
20 (1993), 1- . DM 498.00
A number of changes occur with the Zeitungsindex (ZI) beginning with vol. 20: it now appears monthly instead of quarterly, it is now published by the editor (rather than Saur), and appears with a new layout. It contains four categories: general articles sorted by key word, film productions by title, literature by author, and theatrical productions by author or composer. Some changes in the newspapers covered by the ZI have also occurred: Vorwärts has been dropped since 17 (1990); but the following titles have been added beginning with the corresponding volumes and dates: Focus (18, 1991), Handelsblatt (4, 1977), taz (17, 1990), Die Woche (18, 1991). The Deutsche Volkszeitung has undergone a title change and is covered under the new name Freitag. The major drawback of this periodical is that is does not appear as quickly as it should, and thus its usefulness in researching contemporary affairs quickly diminishes. [sh/sd]
1974/90 (1994). - 421 p. - ISBN 3-924276-12-9 : DM 59.80
This volume is a cumulation of almost 22,000 obituaries culled from the Zeitungsindex (ZI, see above) from 1974-1990. It is arranged by personal name of the deceased and contains a code which, when looked up, provides the death date. References to newspapers covered by the ZI are given. The one advantage to this cumulation is that the researcher need not know the specific year of death for the person involved; if one did, one could consult the ZI directly. The use of date codes, however, is cumbersome, and the volume should possibly have included birth dates of individuals as well. [sh/sd]
1 (1994), 1 - . - DM 96.00 (1994 subscription)
1 (1994), 1 - . - DM 84.00 (1994 subscription)
Willi Gorzny, editor of the Zeitungsindex [Newspaper Index] has begun two new periodical indexes. Magazin-Index populär indexes the following titles: Brigitte, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Emma, Madame, Marie Claire, Vogue, Männer Vogue, Playboy, Sports, Konkret, Tempo, Wiener, Art, Trödler, Weltkunst, Geo, Illustrierte Wissenschaft, and P.M. Magazin-Index Wirtschaft indexes the following: Capital, DM, Forbes, Impulse, Manager-Magazin, Top-Business, and Wirtschaftswoche. Access is by key word, with annual author, subject and geographic indexes planned. It is hoped that these indexes will be issued in a more timely fashion than the Zeitungsindex has been. [sh/mrh]
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