AO-94-3/4 - Organizations


DOC Italia : annuario degli enti di studio, cultura, ricerca e infromazione [Annual of Scholarly, Cultural, Research and Information Institutions] / Istituto Nazionale dell'Informazione, INI. - Roma : Editoriale Italiana. - 25 cm. - ISSN 0391-5018. - (Via Vigliena 10, 00192 Roma, Italy)

Ed. 6. 1992/93 (1992). - 1631 p. - Lit. 200,000

This is definitely one of the most reliable directories of learned institutions for Italy which has been issued since 1977. Over these years it has grown to include over 7,372 entries. Information provided for specific institutions is exhaustive: official name and acronym, street address, general information, date of founding, purpose, staff and directors, internal organization, and publications. Information provided for state universities is briefer, since a separate directory exists for them. Libraries, archives, and museums are not covered, since they have their own directories (of varying quality). Useful indexes are provided. [sh/tk]

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