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1. 1994/95 (1994). - 455 p. - ISBN 3-8203-0309-X : DM 148.00
The long-awaited first edition of this work appeared inOctober, 1994, and exists as a continuation of the brieferdirectory Informationsvermittlungsstellen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. It reportson firms and organizations dealing with information science, information brokerage, and the dataprocessing of information across all fields in the Federal Republic of Germany. A chief weaknessof the work is the fact that the entries for different firms vary so drastically in sizeand in the information presented about them. A major criticism is the fact that no rational planseems to have existed for the selection of the various businesses and institutions. A groupingof the firms by type would definitely have increased the usefulness of the work. A CD-ROMedition to be issued twice a year for the exorbitant price of DM 798.00 is planned. Indexesare provided for the names of companies, types of products and services, and key persons. Thesparse and uneven coverage of this directory does not recommend it for purchase. [sh/tk]
Like Research guide to Libraries and Archives in the Low Countries, this bookrepresents a type of guide that aims toallow foreign researchers, especially from the USA, to preparefor visits to European libraries and archives. A revision ofWelsch's Libraries and Archives in Germany (1975), desirable inany case, was made absolutely necessary by the reunification ofGermany. It is written especially for scholars in the fields ofhistory, social sciences, and literature and emphasizescollections in those fields. Included for each institution arepractical details like hours, descriptions of the collections,and bibliographies of guides and publications. The bibliographiesmake the guide useful even for users in Germany. [sh/gh]
The inventory of archives emanating from the German workers'movement documents, without claiming to be exhaustive, materialsheld by 93 institutions from the former West Germany, includingWest Berlin. The choice of listed collections is somewhatunclear. The personal and corporate name indexes are excellent; atopical search, on the other hand, proves difficult. Thetypographical quality is surprisingly poor. Recommended forspecialists.
As a supplement, the Quellen zur Gewerkschaftsgeschichteprovides a guide to the holdings of two major, previouslyinaccessible East Berlin archives on the history of labor unionsup to 1933. The latter provides much less detail in thedescription and indexing than Paul's inventory. [kw/tk]
Although originally planned to cover archives only in theformer German Democratic Republic, this publication providesaccess to the holdings of institutional and personal archives inall of Germany that pertain to the German political emigrationduring the Nazi period. This includes 23 exile organizations(parties, unions, newspaper publishers, etc.) and 312 individualemigres. [sh/sl]
This inventory covers the personal papers of 425 emigrescholars held in German libraries and archives. The criterion forinclusion was a teaching or research position in a Germanuniversity or research institute prior to emigration during theNazi period. Given the dispersal of individual emigres' papersall over the world, an inventory that covers collectionsinternationally remains a major desideratum. [sh/sl]
This brief index provides access to the 97 collections ofpersonal and instititional archives held by the University ofEichstätt in Bavaria. Although useful, this information would bemore useful yet were it included in a long-overdue revision ofthe national listing of such collections, Nachlässe in den Bibliotheken derBundesrepublik Deutschland [sh/sl]
1. Abruzzo-Liguria. A cura di Giovanni Pesiri ... 1991. - XX, 280 p. - (... ; 112). - ISBN 88-7125-038-9 : Lit. 17,000
This publication must be reviewed in conjunction with theGuida generale degli archivi di Stato italiani described below(94-3/4-401). While the latter directory provides coverage ofcollections in state archives, the former, three-volume directory(and index volume) covers holdings in local, church, and privatearchives. Volume 1 of Archivi di famiglie e di persone includesentries for some 1,160 archives of families and individualsarranged by region of depository. The entries include suchinformation as breadth and time period of the collection,ownership conditions, and references to secondary literature.[sh/msc]
An index to general and literary archives in Austria exists atlast. The directory includes some 2,400 collections housed in 218libraries, societies, universities and museums. (A second,forthcoming volume will list collections in the Austrian NationalLibrary and Theater Museum. A third volume will cover collectionsin Austrian federal and state archives). The entries are similarto those in Denecke/Brandis' listing for Germany, Die Nachlässe in den Bibliothekender Bundesrepublik Deutschland but the useof fewer abbreviations improves the legibility. The excellentindexes--by location, occupation, name, and institution--greatlyaid the user of this reference work. [kuw/msc]
With few exceptions, this directory of collections in theVienna City and State Library is a subset of that included inRenner's national directory reviewed above (94-3/4-394). Theorganization of literary materials according to their locationwithin collections of a particular library is cumbersome, exceptfor those researchers consulting the directory in the libraryitself. The name, institution and periodical indexes are helpful.Unlike the national directory, references are included forrelevant secondary literature. [kuw/msc]
The Hall/Renner work lists 1,100 collections of literaryauthors (as well as journalists and literary critics) located inboth Austrian and foreign repositories (including public andprivate). Included are writers born in Austria who have at leastsome of their literary materials deposited (thus some livingauthors are represented). The organization and layout of thiswork are greatly improved over Renner's national directory(94-3/4-394) Despite its unfocused scope--it is an index toliterary collections as well as a bio-bibliographical dictionaryof authors--the Hall/Renner Handbuch is an extremely importantreference work that should be consulted whenever the birthplaceof a German writer is uncertain. [kuw/msc]
Compared to the 2,300 entries contained in the first edition(1967), and an additional 700 entries in a 1980 supplement, thisnew edition boasts almost 7,000 entries for manuscriptcollections held at 260 Swiss institutions. As in the firstedition, only collections of private persons or families areconsidered; corporate entities are excluded. Despite itsconsiderable scope, however, the Repertorium is not thecomprehensive resource its title seems to suggest. The compilersrelied on questionnaires mailed to 540 institutions, of which 260were returned; the numerous city archives were unfortunatelyignored. Thus various spot checks revealed regrettable omissions,some of which could have been avoided by consulting extantbibliographies. The lack of a subject or geographical index isalso to be regretted. [mvm/rs]
[Vol. 1]. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie und Geschichte des europäischen Archivwesens [On the Theory and History of European Archiving] / Adolf Brenneke. Compiled from lecture notes and Brenneke's personal papers and augmented by Wolfgang Leesch. Reprint of the original ed. Leipzig, Koehler & Amelang, 1953. - 1988. - XIX, 469 p. - ISBN 3-598-10785-4 : DM 198.00
Vol. 2. Internationale Archivbibliographie : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des deutschen und österreichischen Archivwesens [International Archive Bibliography : with special emphasis on Germany and Austria]. - 2nd, completely revised and augmented ed. / by Wolfgang Leesch. - 1993. - XXIV, 438 p. - ISBN 3-598-11076-6 : DM 248.00
Ever since its first publication in 1953, Brenneke's work hasbeen a standard in the education of archivists. The first volume,last reprinted in 1988, is due for a major update and revisionwhich Leesch promises in a notice in vol. 2. At this point,Leesch offers a major revision of vol. 2, the bibliographicsupplement to Brenneke's text. The focus of the work is on thearchival literature of the German-speaking countries which, inLeesch's opinion, has been insufficiently covered in recentinternational bibliographies. The number of entries isimpressive: some 5,000 titles, many of them annotated, arearranged in detailed subject groupings, although few of them aremore recent than 1990. An author index provides the only accesspoint for individual titles, a title index is unfortunatelylacking. Given the vast amount of bibliographic informationpresented in this volume, one almost wishes for a more conciseselection of relevant titles, such as it was achieved fordirectories and guides in the International Bibliography of Directories and Guides to ArchivalRepositories [sh/rs]
Vol. 4 [S - Z]. - 1994. - XV, 1411 p. - ISBN 88-7125-080-X - no price listed
1979/85 (1992). - XXV, 542 p. - (... ; 6). - ISBN 88-7125-055-9 : Lit. 44,000
With the completion of vol. 4 this guide to Italian statearchives, begun in 1981, is now complete with the exception ofthe general index. The guide contains addresses, holdingsinformation, brief historical sketches, and pertinent findingaids for each local archive. The bibliography lists publicationson the central state archive in Rome for the period 1979-1985,continuing the coverage of an earlier bibliography (Bibliografia dell'Archivio Centrale delloStato, 1986). An essential tool for research in 20th century Italian history. [sh/rs]
This voluminous catalog describes the library of a 17th-century Bavarian physician whichmade its way into the EichstättUniversity Library without any significant losses, a fact thatmakes this collection and its catalog a particularly valuableone. Its three sections list 21 manuscripts, 8 incunabula, and732 post-1501 imprints are listed. Detailed notes on bindings,marginalia, condition, and history of ownership are included.[sh/rs]
This guide to the personal papers of Frommann, an 18th centuryDirector of the Ducal Consistory in Stuttgart, is exemplary inits scholarship, readability, and attention to detail. Thecatalog describes virtually every item of text, and the indexincludes names of all correspondents and others associated withthe papers, with biographical data and citations to relevantliterature. A special section presents the author'sreconstruction of several disassembled albums from thecollection. An invaluable resource for researchers concerned withsouthwestern Germany in the 18th century or with privatelibraries in the Age of Enlightenment. [rt/gw]
1994. - 1-3. - ISBN 88-7107-044-5 : Lit. 100,000
These directories of libraries in the Italian regions ofAbruzzo and Piedmont are the second and third in a new seriescompiled by Italy's Central Office for Public Libraries andCultural Institutions, in cooperation with the relevant regionalagencies. The inaugural title, dealing with Umbria, was reviewedin detail (IFB 94-2-232), and as the series is essentiallyuniform in design, and what was said there can be applied to thepresent volumes as well. [sh/gw]
Lists 3,311 museums of all kinds, including zoos, botanicalgardens, and aquariums. Excavation sites are excluded, as theywill be covered in a separate directory. Entries are brief: theyinclude the name, address and type of museum; whether the museumis publicly or privately owned; hours (only about half are openon a regular basis); and sources for further information. Lackingdescriptions of the collections, this guide is less useful thansimilar ones for libraries and archives in Italy, but, as apreliminary work, it offers indispensable information. [sh/nb]
A poorly organized descriptive listing of 225"smaller," i.e. less well-known museums in Italy,subdivided by region. The entries range from a few lines to threepages, and more often than not, are missing the address of themuseum. The complete lack of indexes makes this handbookfrustrating to use. Not recommended for purchase by libraries.[sh/hh]
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