AQ-94-3/4 - Book Trade and Publishing


Storia dell'editoria d'Europa [History of Publishing in Europe] / ed. Luisa Bonolis ... - Firenze : Shakespeare and Company. - 25 cm. - Lit. 1,000,000 (vols. 1-6); vol. 7 priced separately. - (Shakespeare and Company, Borgo Sarchiani 85, I-50026 San Casciano Val di Pesa)

Vol. 1 (1994). - 670 p.

This seven-volume work is not a systematic history of European publishing, rather a seemingly ad hoc collection of articles, many of which are recycled from previous publications. This haphazardly constructed and costly set is not recommended for purchase. [sh/ldb]


Wolfenbütteler Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Buchwesens im deutschen Sprachgebiet 1840-1980 [Wolfenbüttel Bibliography of the History of the Book in the German Language Area, 1840-1980] (WBB) / ed. Erdmann Weyrauch and Cornelia Fricke. Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. - München : Saur, 1990- . 30 cm. - ISBN 3-598-30323-8 : DM 1480.00 (Complete)

Vol. 4: Verlagswesen, Buchhandel [Publishers and the Book Trade] : [Entries] 46669-63887). - 1994. - XXIII, 549 p. - ISBN 3-598-30327-0 : DM 316.00

Financial, personal, and technical difficulties all contributed to the delay of the much-anticipated vol. 4 from the ducal library of Wolfenbüttel. A fifth volume is in the works, and additional supplementary and index volumes are planned. This volume continues the running numbering scheme and contains 17,218 entries. There has been debate, indeed much published criticism, centering on both the selection criteria for titles chosen as well as organization and bibliographic completeness of entries in the previous volumes. Those criticisms continue to apply. Despite the large number of titles covered in the set, it can be recommended only with reservations. [sh/sd]


Wörterbuch Druck + Papier [Dictionary of Printing and Paper] / Wolfgang Walenski. - Frankfurt am Main : Klostermann, 1994. - 357 p. ; 18 cm. - ISBN 3-465-02619-5 : DM 58.00

Walenski's dictionary of printing and paper is parallel--and understood as a supplement--to Helmut Hiller's Wörterbuch des Buches (Dictionary of the Book), now in its 5th Klostermann edition. The advantages of this title over similar dictionaries are its concise expositions of current printing technologies and of industrial paper production. Traditional printing techniques and manual papermaking are not ignored, but most weight is put on the newer techniques, whether they be means of scanning images, of classifying papers, or of measuring color density. A few perceived errors--potential entries left unentered or cross-references left unreferenced--do not detract from the value for print and paper practitioners and others interested in the trade. [rn/rdh]

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