CE-94-2 - Anthropology


Bevölkerungsgruppen und Minoritäten : Handbuch der ethnischen, sprachlichen und religiösen Bevölkerungsgruppen der Welt [Ethnic Groups and Minorities : Handbook of Ethnic, Linguistic, and Religious Populations of the World] / Frauke Kraas-Schneider. - Stuttgart : Steiner, 1989. - 339 p. ; 23 cm. - ISBN 3-515-05431-6 : DM 38.00


Nationalitäten, Minderheiten und ethnische Konflikte in Europa: Ursprünge, Entwicklungen, Krisenherde ; ein Handbuch [Nationalities, Minorities, and Ethnic Conflicts in Europe : Origins, Developments, Crisis Spots ; a Handbook] / Martina Boden. - München: Olzog, 1993. - 349 p. - (Geschichte und Staat ; 296). - ISBN 3-7892-8640-0 : DM 16.80

The 183 countries included in the first handbook above represent a wide array of ethnic (1,230 groups), linguistic (419 languages and dialects), and religious (136) groups. Organized by country, these sub-populations can be identified through introductory indexes. However, uniform names were not adopted and some groups are indexed more than once (e.g. Ketschua and Quechua); there are no cross-references. Definitions, research methods, and statistical sources (current up to 1989) are provided. Several thematic world maps appended to the guide depict the results of this inquiry.

The second handbook above aims to focus on acute and latent ethnic conflicts in the independent states of the European continent. Here, too, the basic alphabetical arrangement of entries by country forces the reader to rely on a combined name and subject index to identify ethnic groups. Each entry includes statistical data about the country's ethnic composition, followed by a historical outline--unfortunately restricted to a listing of events. Only then does the reader arrive at a section on "Minorities," which describes the status quo and legal position of key ethnic groups, regrettably excluding from consideration the category of "foreign populations," such as Gastarbeiter and political refugees. "Conflicts" are described only at the end of each chapter. In short, this handbook doesn't provide the overview which one expects from a reference work. [wc/mlb]

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Last update: October, 31 2005 [BG]
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