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V. 1. Aachen - Köln : (No. 1 - 1327). -
XVII, 781 p.
V. 2. Köln - Zanten : (No. 1328 - 2557). - XI p., p.
Index vol. - XI p., p. 1347 - 1625
This inventory of medieval manuscripts extant in the Rhineland area of Nordrhein-Westfalen fills a gap and, despite some limitations, will be of great use to librarians and scholars. It contains records for 2561 manuscripts from the seventh century through ca. 1550 that are now to be found in state, church, city and private collections in the areas of Cologne and Düsseldorf. The inventory provides the following information: class-mark, author, title, genre, provenance of the text, pagination, format, artistic decoration, provenance of the ms., date, content, incipit (of the ms., not the text!), final line (of the manuscripts, not the text!), scribe, marginalia, relation to other manuscripts, previous ownership, facsimiles, text editions based on the manuscript, secondary literature. Indexes to author, title, provenance, owners, and scribes are included. This important work is comparable to the inventories for Paris (Delisle), Vienna (Tabulae) or Munich (Schmeller, Halm, et al.). [bm/ab]
1991. Suppl. 1962 - 1990; indices de títulos y editoriales; indices acumulativos de materias, autores y onomástico 1962 - 1991; bibliografías de revistas especializadas / colaboración: Rita Arze Ramírez. - 1992. - 717 p. - ISBN 84-8370-195-2 : DM 360.00
This volume of the Bio-bibliografia boliviana represents not only one of the few remaining privately produced national bibliographies, but the cumulative index for the last thirty years of the series. The section for the current year contains a list, arranged alphabetically by author, of 673 monographs published in 1991 and a supplementary list of 193 monographs published from 1962 to 1990. Author entries include brief annotations of birth date and place, profession and activities. Title and publisher indexes are included. The cumulative indexes for 1962-1991 are arranged by Spanish subject and genre keywords, by author, and by personal subject and indicate year and entry number, including entries in the annual supplements. The introduction provides a report on the publication year 1991 and a statistical survey of Bolivian publishing in the last thirty years. Bio-bibliografia Boliviana includes only monographs. A companion piece covering serials is the Bibliografia de revistas bolivianas (IFB 95-1-009). [sh/ab]
This catalog of the collection of underground or alternative publications of the Forschungsstelle für unabhängige Literatur und gesellschaftliche Bewegungen Osteuropas ("Research Center for Independent Literature and Social Movements of Eastern Europe") of the University of Bremen is presented in seven sections: 1) artists' books, portfolios, typescripts; 2) independently produced graphic periodicals; 3) posters; 4) exhibition materials; 5) "Mail art"; 6) handbills; 7) materials from churches, publications of the people's movements and independently produced political literature to 1989, this last section presented as an annotated bibliography with a detailed subject index. The introduction provides a survey of cultural developments in the GDR during this decade and an account of the development of this collection. Although a valuable resource, the catalog has some weaknesses: the index of personal names is inconsistent; criteria for inclusion in the collection is unclear; coverage is somewhat uneven; and references to relevant literature are lacking. See also: Zellinnendruck / ed. by Egmont Hesse and Christoph Tannert (Leipzig, 1990); non kon form : Künstlerbücher, Text-Grafik-Mappen und autonome Zeitschriften der DDR 1979-1989 aus der Sammlung der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden (Kiel, 1992); Zwischen den Seiten : Kuuml;nstlerbücher und Buchobjeckte. (Cottbus, 1992); the supplement "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte" in the following issues of Das Parlament: 1991 B41/42; 1992, B20; 1994, B10; "DDR Mail Art 1979 - 1990" in: Entwerter/Oder No. 46, 1992; Mail-Art-Szene DDR : 1975-1990 (Berlin, 1994.) [jb/ab]
This volume, commissioned by the Buch und Schriftmuseum der Deutschen Bücherei Leipzig ("Book and Writing Museum of the German Library in Leipzig"), is the first comprehensive bibliography of artists' books and graphic-literary periodicals published independently in the GDR. It contains descriptions and black and white reproductions of 304 books, ten presses and editions and 26 periodicals. Entries are numbered and presented according to bibliographic standards, giving edition, volume, supplements, class-mark, format, decoration, printing and binding technique, and method of reproduction. Contributors to individual issues are recorded and indexed. Especially useful is the indication of works originally intended to appear as a series. Indexing is thorough. Only a chronology is lacking. [jb/ab]
No. 0 (1993) ; 37 (1994),1 - . - Lit. 180,000 (Subscription 1994), Lit. 230.000 (overseas), Lit. 200,000 (printed ed.), Lit. 250,000 (diskette)
This new series of the Italian national bibliography, distinguished from the old by its bright red cover and new format, is the result of the pilot project Edificare, an attempt to produce a more complete and current bibliography through greater coordination among Italian publishers and national libraries and improved working methods. Layout and entry format have not changed and are in accordance with international and Italian bibliographic standards. Title entries are numbered by year and indexed by author or editor, contributors, keywords, and by publisher. Beginning with the 37th edition only titles published in the current and immediately preceding year will be included in the main volume. Titles submitted more than 18 months after publication will be recorded in a supplement.
Although issues since 1994 have appeared regularly and relatively punctually, there are rumors of disagreements between publishers and the project administration, and subseries on dissertations, periodicals and children's books have not appeared as scheduled. The first CD-ROM edition was released at the end of 1994, but did not contain titles from 1958 on, as promised. These will appear in the 2nd release, scheduled for March 1995. Gaps in the years prior to 1994 have been filled, except for the main volume for 1985. [sh/ab]
1 (1994), 1 - . - Lit. 60,000 (Subscription 1994)
Due to the delays that plague the Italian national bibliography, many rely upon the excellent bibliographic service of the exporter Casalini Libri. I libri is a bimonthly bibliography, offered since 1994 and intended primarily for Italian libraries. It is arranged according to the 11th short edition of the DDC, with title entries according to Italian cataloging rules and ISBD. Entries include DDC and LC classification, ISBN, price, entry number, and Casalini Libri database number. Indexing, included in every issue, is by author/editor, nonfiction titles, series, with an annual index in the last issue of the year. With 1995 a publishers index will be added. The first year included 8031 new titles, almost entirely 1994 publications. The 1995 edition will include titles from both the current and immediately preceding year and is projected to contain 12,000 titles, exceeding the 11,800 of the BNI. [sh/ab]
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