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1 (1993). - 489 p. - ISBN 84-7483-955-6 : Ptas. 2400
The first volume of this irregularly appearing collective work contains the contributions to the first two working sessions (1989 and 1990) of the Spanish Association for Bibliography. Twenty-two texts under the rubric "Studies", 6 announcements, and 12 reviews focus on the theme of the older Spanish book, and in particular on specific collections in Spanish libraries. Publications of members of the Society are listed. A more complete bibliography in each issue would be desirable, especially since this promises to become a seminal publication. [sh/nb]
An aid for the cataloging of older Spanish and Portuguese imprints, this publication gives complete bibliographic information for over 900 titles, arranged alphabetically by author or title. Included also are sixteenth-century Spanish and Portuguese imprints from the new world. There are no annotations other than a uniform title designation, determined by rules explained in the volume's introduction. Especially helpful is a subject index based on the contents of the works. The usefulness of this volume is not limited to the sixteenth century, for a number of bibliographies and catalogs are included that range beyond this time period. [sh/nb]
The description of local collections of incunabula in Germany is based on the schemata of Kurt Ohly and Vera Sack, developed in their volume, Inkunabelkatalog der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Frankfurt a.M., published in 1967. Düsseldorf belongs to the category of medium-sized German collections, and the present catalog, the first to describe these rare volumes, contains references to 998 titles (including 162 copies and 18 fragments) and is structured according to the following scheme: 1) editions and copies, 2) author, title, text, 3) printing history and description, 4) condition and presentation, 5) decoration, 6) provenance, 7) binding. The volume is of special interest to historians of the Rheinland region; detailed provenance notes are provided, and the detailed index lists both printers and places of publication.
The Freiberger Inkunabelkatalog contains the usual sort of index; the level of attention paid to the bindings is noteworthy, and illustrations show the peculiarities of specific volumes. The overall quality of the illustrations is not up to par, and the volume appears at first sight to be hastily prepared. This work calls for greater editorial rigor. [rni/sd]
This volume follows previous ones on Great Britain, Ireland, and Switzerland, and additional titles in the series detailing German-language works printed in German-speaking countries held by non-German libraries are forthcoming. Appropriate German-language titles printed in the Slavic countries, especially Poland, are not included. Just one copy is described and only one owning location given. It is unfortunate that the volume is so limited in scope. [sh/sd]
Coverage: 1930-1933. - ISBN 3-598-32860-5 (5-vol. set) : DM 6570.00. Matières [Subjects]. - 1995. 1-5. -ISBN 3-598-32872-9 : DM 2190.00
With the publication of the "Matières" volume, the index for the years 1930/33 is complete. In combination with the volume for 1926/29, a long-standing gap in the series of French national bibliographic cumulative indexes has been filled. The key word index contains short title information which is expanded in full in the main section. The index proper allows for in- depth searching of hierarchically-organized headings; for example "Allemagne" contains the subdivisions Agriculture, Armée, Art, Droit, Economie, Politique, Religion, Social. Researchers would have welcomed this research tool much more positively twenty years ago. Given current retrospective conversion activity (the Bibliothèque Nationale de France already has some eight million titles in their database) and possibilities of Internet access, the set could have been conceived as a more reasonably-priced CD-ROM edition. [sh/ed]
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