
Zeitungen und Zeitschriften aus Braunschweig [Newspapers and Periodicals from Braunschweig] : einschließlich Helmstedt (bis 1810) und Wolfenbüttel (bis 1918) / Britta Berg. - Hannover ; Braunschweig : Reichold, 1995. - 271 p. ; 24 cm. - (Braunschweiger Werkstücke ; 93 : Reihe A, Veröffentlichungen aus dem Stadtarchiv und der Stadtbibliothek ; 40). - ISBN 3-930459-08-6 : DM 36.00

This is a bibliography of newspapers and periodicals published in Braunschweig, Helmstedt, and Wolfenbüttel. 398 titles are listed, arranged under four categories. Within these categories, titles are arranged in chronological order. Regional holdings are indicated (10 libraries, archives, museums), as well as holdings in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Other holding libraries are only listed if no regional holdings exist. Although the author's work deserves to be applauded, the bibliography would have been more useful had holdings outside the region been taken into account and microfilm collections included. [gh/ba]

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