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Earlier editions of ITA have received very favorable reviews (see RREO 94-1-024). This title is considered an indispensable directory. The new edition contains about 73,000 entries, roughly 10% more than the previous one. Entries cover abbreviations of periodical titles and of institutions and associations. [sh/ba]
This volume contains a collection of articles which will appear in English translation in the Serials Librarian. The articles, which are of varying quality and currency, deal with periodicals in German libraries and cover topics such as acquisition, selection criteria, special acquisition arrangements, periodical holdings in a number of specific libraries, and use of periodicals. The most useful and informative are three articles describing efforts to create German union catalogs of periodicals and a periodicals database. The volume concludes with a selected bibliography on periodicals in German libraries since 1945. Although this collection of articles is interesting, it is questionable whether it will provide readers of the Serials Librarian with a well-rounded portrayal of the issues surrounding periodicals collecting and collections in German libraries. [sh/ba]
Volume 5 (1995), with which the voluminous section on the history of the local press in Germany began, was reviewed in the last issue (RREO 95-2-210), and volume 6 appeared when the current issue was in press. For these reasons it must suffice here to say that the initial difficulties in publishing this series now seem to have been overcome, and one can count on the speedy appearance of further volumes. In view of the massive number of titles to be dealt with, the bibliographer deserves the utmost respect. [sh/nb]
This small volume does not make a very professional impression. It is not a "bibliography of journals", but a local serials catalog that lists about 1800 (1706 with holding locations) journals, newspapers, and other serials owned by the four institutions named in the subtitle. It is included here only because it contains titles unique to the Vogtland area of Saxony (in eastern Germany) that might not appear anywhere else. [sh/nb]
After the celebration in 1983 of the 250th birthday of Friedrich Nicolai, with two major exhibits (in Wolfenbüttel and Berlin) and the publications that accompanied them, scholarly interest in the controversial Berlin publisher, historian and literary critic has once again ebbed considerably. Not much progress has been made on the critical edition of Nicolai's complete works (Frankfurt: Lang) or on an edition of about 18,600 letters to Nicolai. Thus it is all the more welcome that the initial volume in this new series deals with Nicolai's major publishing activity, the review journal Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek that appeared in 256 volumes over four decades (1765-1806). Ute Schneider investigates the function and status of the journal as an "information medium for the scholarly community in the late Enlightenment," focusing on the subjects of the reviews and the information provided by the journal. Using well-chosen examples, she shows the forms and strategies used by reviewers to enlighten their scholarly readers about current research, developmental failures, or new concepts in their disciplines. Making reference to as yet unpublished correspondence between Nicolai and the reviewers, Schneider succeeds in illuminating the factors that affected communication among author, reviewer, publisher and reader.
Thomas Lick's study, on the other hand, is lightweight. The historical investigation promised in the subtitle is not in evidence. Lick presents a collection of documents concerning the Centralblatt's editorial and publishing history, as well as a biography of the editor, all arranged chronologically. There is no commentary, and of the total text at most ten percent originates from the pen of the author, whose style of writing leaves much to be desired. It is recommended that the publication not be read as a book, but be used as a source for nuggets of scholarly information. [hm/nb]
Trade fair newspapers were published in Germany since 1583, and constituted the first European printed news publications to appear at regular intervals, in conjunction with the trade fairs in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig and sometimes also the Peter- and-Paul fair in Naumburg. They offered summaries of political events both within and outside the country, and were soon imitated by numerous other titles, printed both in German and Latin. This inventory, aiming for clarity, lists titles chronologically: the uniform title is followed by information about the author, printer, publisher and place of publication, collation markings, and references to illustrations, sources, and relevant literature. Detailed title, place, and name indexes, as well as thirty-four illustrations of title pages, enhance the usability of the indexes. [kkw/nb]
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