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Few structural changes have been made to the 2nd edition (1989) of this well-established encyclopedic lexicon, first published in 1971. The twenty articles have been revised, expanded and brought up-to-date; most importantly the bibliography has been completed, in that, as a rule, all bibliographical references from the articles are included in the bibliography, which was not the case in the previous editions; and the bibliographic aids, documentation, statistics and specialized journals sections of the bibliography have been revised, resulting in the editors' nearing their stated goal of providing an introduction to the literature. Regretfully, articles dealing with issues at the German state level that were excluded from the 1989 edition after being included in the original 1971 edition are still missing. Because of the lexicon's focus on Germany and heavy emphasis on issues of method and structure in mass communication, this lexicon is strongly recommended for those interested in an academic introduction to the subject. Finally, it can be noted that the more reader-friendly layout of the newly edited Fischer lexicons also benefits this volume. [wub/rm]
This title, the numerous editions of which secure it a traditional place in the field of German guides to academic research, belongs to the school that rather dryly describes the methods and techniques of intellectual research. Its chapters are: 1. On the technique of academic research; 2. Overview and general outline; 3. Quotation and emphasis; 4. Notes; 5. Bibliography; 6. Abbreviations; 7. Writing technique and editing; 8. The electronic transcript as product. Few organizational changes have been made to the 14th edition. While many passages of text have been reworded, partly through the addition of examples, real revision is present where the application of data processing has become relevant since the 13th edition, especially Chapters 7 and 8, in which new technical possibilities are competently described, with commentary on both the advantages and pitfalls of PCs. The remaining chapters familiarize the reader with the usual conventions of composition and are livened up with numerous examples, drawn primarily from the liberal arts. Other changes include the style of captions used for chapter and section titles and the use of consecutive decimal numbering for the text's organization. The appendix offers the popular feature of a short lesson in writing and style. The book's two abbreviation tables should be combined in the next edition and the author needs to adhere consistently to the ground rules laid out in the book itself. Despite these few criticisms, this book is recommended to a wide audience. [gm/rm]
Vol. 5. 44706 - 58007 : Deutschsprachige Länder, Pt. 1, Deutschland: lokale Pressegeschichte, Druck-, Verlags- und Vertriebsorte ; Aachen - Eutin. - 1995. - XIX, 386 p. - ISBN 3-598-21292-5 : DM 320.00
Vol. 5 continues the theme of the national literature of the German press begun in vol. 4 (reviewed in RREO 94-1-049). Place names are now listed in only one alphabet, thanks to Germany's reunification, and the entry for Berlin is sensibly divided into three parts -- Berlin (to 1945), Berlin-DDR (1945-1970) and Berlin-West (1945-1970) -- for a total of 4127 titles. Independently treated sections of cities are referred to from the city's name. The content of each article consists of four sections: 1. Printing, press, publishing and marketing; 2. Individual companies, listed alphabetically; 3. Special issues of publications; 4. Individual newspapers and magazines, listed alphabetically by title. The selection criteria, which are described in detail in the introduction, produce useful results, particularly in view of the overwhelming abundance of material from which to choose. The bibliographer provides detailed citations of difficult-to-trace titles. Because the bibliographer has reconstructed much of the material, investigating it in more bibliographic detail than has ever been done before, this bibliography represents an indispensable addition to Germany's regional and national bibliography. [sh/rm]
Vol. 1. Presse [Press]. - 1st ed. - 1994. - 569 p. - ISBN 3-88295-202-4 : DM 48.0
For a long time a introduction and survey of mass media in Germany on a scholarly level has been lacking. This first volume by Pürer and Raabe makes up for this deficiency, although we must wait for the second volume for coverage of electronic media.
The book is structured as a series of separate chapters that are interrelated but not internally referenced to each other. Only by using the indexes are the related articles linked together. Chapters cover the German press during different historic periods and governments. Of particular interest is the chapter about the former German Democratic Republic. Here for the first time sources are studied from a West German perspective, and provide a systematic description of the function and structure of the GDR press.
The volume concludes with a list of references and sources and provides detailed subject and name indexes. This new book is recommended, although a revised and expanded second edition is desirable. [wu/msc]
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