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1989/93 (1994). - 1 CD-ROM + User manual (50 p.). - ISBN 3-89186-013-7 : DM 17,500.00 (1st time subscribers), DM 1,800.00 (for subscribers of printed version); from 1994: DM 4,900.00 for 2 issues ; DM 6,700.00 for both the print and CD-ROM versions; no surcharge for multiple users.
IBZ is the premier periodical indexing service with an international and interdisciplinary focus. It indexes articles from thousands of journals across all disciplines with a controlled vocabulary of some 200,000 German-language subject headings. The first edition of the CD- ROM contains the complete contents of the print version of the IBZ from 1989-1993. It indexes about 665,500 articles from 6,037 journals. Further editions of the CD will include, depending on the extent of data, up to five year compilations. The publisher is promising yearly additions of some 130,000 new citations, and a backfile CD is planned covering 1984-1988. The IBZ CD-ROM greatly enhances access compared to the linearly arranged print version through its eight searchable fields and truncation, keyword and boolean search capabilities. A disadvantage of the IBZ in general is that its breadth of coverage detracts from its ability to cover any discipline comprehensively. The publisher has decided that it will reduce its coverage of the biological sciences and focus its efforts on the periodical literature in the humanities and social sciences. [bh/ajs]
Thomas Starnes has produced a reference work which proposes to provide access to the contents of Der Teutsche Merkur. This periodical, the most important in German in the 18th century, was founded by Wieland, who oversaw its publication for many years. Starnes's book begins by reproducing the table of contents of each of the individual issues. Unfortunately, the tables of contents did not include all of the contributions in each issue so the value of this section is uncertain. Starnes then separately indexes the prose articles, poems, advertisements, texts which appeared on the covers, the accompanying sheet music, and copper plates. The entries in each alphabetically arranged index are numbered and some contain notes about the contents and the author's name or, when unsigned, suggestions about who the author might have been. These are followed by an annotated author and artist index. Unannotated name, geographical and topical indexes round out the work. The fact that this book lacks a chronological listing of all of the entries makes it difficult to use independent of the periodical itself. The attribution of authorship of many of the articles remains uncertain because Starnes did not refer to some of the available sources which do identify these authors. In some cases, the attributions are simply incorrect. The tool does not meet with the high standard set by Gerhard Seidel in his Analytische Bibliographien deutschsprachiger literarischer Zeitschriften (1975- ). [ssc/ajs]
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