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This is the thoroughly revised (but also drastically shortened) second edition of a three-volume work published under the same title in 1974. 400 of the 600 articles of the first edition have been dropped, chiefly in the areas of Islamic history, language, literature, and the modern Arabic world, leaving only religion, law, philosophy, art, and science well covered. But for students of these areas, the lexicon offers a solid introduction to its topics, reinforced by select bibliographies accompanying individual articles. [ww/jg]
This encyclopedia attempts "to dismantle the misunderstanding and mistrust between western-Christian and Islamic world." Two hundred sixty articles, which are topically further subdivided, afford comprehensive information about Islam. Every article has references appended for further information. Included in volume 3 are all Koran texts cited in the encyclopedia, a short timetable of Islamic history, bibliographical references, an extensive keyword index, as well as subject and name indexes. While each of the rather small dictionaries (Lexikon der Islamischen Welt, Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, and Islam-Lexikon) emphasizes a different aspect of Islamic religion and culture and, hence, complement each other, the Islamic Desk Reference (Brill, 1994) and The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Brill, 1948- ) are much more comprehensive reference sources. EI should be the first choice for experts and serious readers. [ww/mj]
This is a reprint of the dictionary, first published in 1927, which was intended as a non-scholarly reference source for the "educated public." About 10,000 entries, written by 250 authors, provide comprehensive knowledge about Jews and Judaism, with emphasis on Bible studies and related fields. It covers basic concepts and definitions of Jewish belief, the history of numerous Jewish communities, as well as the lives and works of prominent Jews. For today's researchers and readers who are interested in the German-Jewish relationship before 1933, this dictionary is an indispensable reference source. [are/mj]
In 1935, early under Nazi rule, the Jewish publisher Philo-Verlag published this dictionary to "strengthen self-confidence of Jews." Accordingly, articles give special attention to detailed coverage of individual Jews' contribution to the social, scientific and cultural life in Germany. Despite Nazi censorship, the dictionary managed to address itself to the current situation of Jews in Nazi Germany, covering, for example, anti-Semitic legislation. [are/mj]
Unlike all the dictionaries discussed above, which were published before 1945 and were intended for Jewish readers, reference books on Jews and Judaism published in Germany after 1945 serve primarily to meet the information needs of a non-Jewish audience. Based on Philo- Lexikon, the editors of this dictionary reworked and enriched it by adding detailed articles about Israel, American Jews and their organizations, and the Shoah. [are/mj]
In Germany, "Jewish studies" as an independent discipline is very much theology-oriented. The editors of this dictionary emphasize this focus by stating that their purpose is to provide concise information about the Jewish religion. In a concise form and in language which can be easily understood by non-scholars, the dictionary explains basic ideas and definitions of the Jewish religion and provides brief biographies of important philosophers and thinkers. [are/mj]
Neues Lexikon des Judentums [New Dictionary of Judaism] / ed. by Julius H. Schoeps and the Salomon-Ludwig-Steinheim-Institut. - Gütersloh ; München : Bertelsmann-Lexikon-Verlag, 1992. - 496 p. ; 28 cm. - ISBN 3-570-09877-X : DM 128.00
This dictionary contains about 3,000 articles written by more than 100 experts from different academic disciplines. Thirty-one extensive articles put special emphasis on topics such as emancipation, assimilation, anti-Semitism, the history of German-Jewish relations and German-Israeli relations. For the first time, this dictionary gives extensive coverage to German Jews after 1945 (including Jews in East Germany) and the social and political life in Israel. A comprehensive bibliography is included. In attempting to encompass a broad range of topics in this dictionary, the editors fail to afford balanced coverage of relevant topics and to provide appropriate cross references. [are/mj]
This French revision (significantly expanded and reworked) of the Encyclopedia of Judaism (Jerusalem, 1989) focuses on the various aspects of the "practical, daily life of Jews, their rituals and their thoughts." Nevertheless, emphasis is still on Jewish theology, its most important thinkers and authors from ancient to modern times, and on the relationship between Christianity and Judaism. Added to the French version are a detailed chronological time table of Jewish history (333 pages), numerous indexes, copious graphics, and a Jewish calendar for 1942-2022, making this encyclopedia a versatile reference source. [are/mj]
vol. 1. A - Benc. -
1992. - XXXIV, 488 p. - ISBN 3-598-22681-0 : DM 228.00
vol. 2. Bend - Bins. - 1993. - XLIII, 474 p. - ISBN
3-598-22682-9 : DM 228.00
vol. 3. Birk - Braun. - 1995. - XLVI, 457 p. - ISBN 3-598-22683-7 : DM 228.00
This encyclopedia of international Jewish authors writing in German is based on the collections of the Archiv Bibliographia Judaica in Frankfurt. Tentatively conceived as a 14-volume work, the first three volumes treat 282 persons. The time period in question is the mid-18th century to just prior to the Holocaust. The term "writer" is interpreted inconsistently. Individual entries are thorough, if difficult to peruse. The editors would be wise to review their requirements for inclusion in subsequent volumes. [sh/mpo]
This slender volume describes the studies of Jewish physicians earning the doctorate prior to 1800 from German-speaking areas and northern Holland. Only since the 18th century have German-area universities allowed Jews to study medicine; until then, Jews could generally be trained as doctors in Italy, especially Padova, or Holland. The 412 entries are ordered chronologically and contain information on the student's place of birth, dissertation title, disputation date, college, etc. Other components of this work include an instructive introduction, a list of Jewish students who studied during the period at the University of Duisburg (where the author now resides), and indices. [sh/mpo]
This work includes brief information regarding some 4,000 German Jews of recent history. The foreward does not completely address the editor's policies of inclusion or rejection of certain individuals. An extensive index treats occupations; "religion/theology" in particular yields a large number. A typical name entry lists the person's title, dates of birth and death, occupation, education, career, path of emigration, and bibliography. An important, handy reference guide. [sh/mpo]
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