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25 (1994/95). 1235 p. - ISBN 3-87643-011-9 : DM 190.00
Orginally published as a directory for delivery and transporation services in 1926 under the title Lambertis deutsches Ortsbuch f¨r den Post- und Eisenbahnverkehr, this gazeteer is even now the official authority for place names in subject headings and corporate bodies for German catalogers. It offers a great deal of information about German localities, but the large number of listings (125,000) is inflated by entries for container terminals, refineries, and other "addresses" that aren't "places" in the usual sense. Heavy reliance on abbreviations can make use difficult for the novice. This is the first edition to integrate East and West Germany into one volume; the next edition (appearing late in 1995 or early in 1996) will include changes brought on by recent legal changes in local governmental structures in the former German Democratic Republic. [wc/sl]
Part 1. Deutsche Reiseberichte / ed. by Christian Halm. - 1994. - 527 p. (... ; 5). - ISBN 3-631-47130-0 : DM 128.00
This most useful bibliography lists 154 German travel accounts written between 1341 and 1531, largely pilgrimiges to the Holy Land and to Santiago de Compostela. Although this is only a small portion of the total number of journeys taken at the time, the index of places visited takes up 104 columns. Further volumes are planned for accounts from other countries (Holland, France, England, etc.). A wealth of information is given for each account about the journey and its bibliographic history. Unfortunately, the details of the presentation do not match the quality of the material itself (printing errors, problems with the index, etc.), requiring extra attention on the reader's part. [kwl/sl]
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