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Vol. 1: Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart. - 3rd
ed. - 1993 - 302 p. - (... ; 1). - ISBN 3-88251-200-8 :
DM 12.00
Vol. 2: Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe. - 3rd ed. - 1993 -
310 p. - (... ; 2). - ISBN 3-88251-201-6 : DM 12.00
Vol. 3: Regierungsbezirk Freiburg. - 3rd ed. - 1994 - 651
p. - (... ; 3). - ISBN 3-88251-205-9 : Price not given
Vol. 4: Regierungsbezirk Tübingen. To appear.
As the number of official nature reserves has risen, so has the number of citations to be found in the 3rd edition of the Bibliographie der Naturschutzgebiete von Baden-Württemberg (8,498 titles in vol. 3 alone). The 3rd edition is divided into four volumes corresponding to the 4 major regions of Baden-Württemberg; a fifth volume containing updates will supplement them. The bibliography is a companion to the Verzeichnis der Naturschutz- und Landschaftsschutzgebiete des Landes Baden-Württemberg and utilizes the numbering system to be found in the Verzeichnis. The special value of this bibliography is the inclusion of unpublished and gray literature, and in this way it serves as a useful supplement to the Landesbibliographie von Baden-Württemberg. [wc/ldb]
In contrast to earlier titles in the Orientierungshilfen series, this title deserves a positive review. It not only enumerates traditional print tools in ecology and conservation, but also includes chapters on institutions, programs of study, and data banks in the field. The unannotated bibliographic entries focus on German language materials. This work contains information that could be useful for students, practitioners, and researchers, as well as the general public. [sh/ldb]
Vol. 1. A - M. - 1993. - 241 p. (... ;
3419). - ISBN 3-423-03419-X (dtv) - ISBN 3-14-106059-2
(Westermann) : DM 14.90
Vol. 2. N - Z. - 1993. - 233 p. (... ; 3420). - ISBN
3-423-03420-3 (dtv) - ISBN 3-14-106060-6 (Westermann) :
DM 14.90
In its selection of terms and in their definitions the Diercke- Wörterbuch exhibits a biological and geographical approach to the field of environmental studies. Due to the specialized subject vocabulary used in the 7,300 articles and in its lack of explanatory graphics, this dictionary is best suited for researchers and students with a background in ecology and the environment. The Westermann-Lexikon is an expanded one volume version of the Diercke; the inclusion of graphics and photographs makes the Westermann easier to use and more suitable for a wider audience. [wc/ldb]
Already in its fifth revised edition since 1987, this popular volume is more than a dictionary, as the first 74 pages are dedicated to four chapters called 1. Man and environment; 2. Technical civilization and environment; 3. Economy and environment; 4. Politics and environment. The actual dictionary or alphabetical section is followed by a bibliography of German- language books and articles on ecology. [sh/hh]
With its 9,000 articles by 64 contributors, the Springer dictionary is a technically oriented reference work describing the effect of industrial, technological and chemical procedures on the environment, complete with diagrams and formulas. Geared chiefly toward environmental administration and management, it also includes brief explanations of government regulations relevant to the environment. Some of the entries include bibliographical references. [wc/hh]
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