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A Bibliography of Dutch Dictionaries. Frans Claes and Peter Bakema. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995. xviii, 377 p. 24 cm. (Lexicographica: Series maior, 67). ISBN 3-484-30967-9: DM 196.00
This revision of Frans M. Claes' Bibliography of Netherlandic Dictionaries (München: Kraus, 1980) differs from the earlier edition in concept, as well as in its inclusion of titles from the years 1978-1990, along with those missed previously from the years 1477-1977. While the original volume was limited to dictionaries and to reference works that combined language and subject lexicography, the present volume includes encyclopedias and even biographical reference works. It lists 4863 titles, compared to 3092 in the previous edition, all of them either Dutch-language publications or polyglot works that include Dutch. Bibliographic information is very brief and often incomplete, and annotations are not precise. A long list of sources appears in an appendix, but it is neither current nor complete. The indexes are unsatisfactory. The authors would have done better to continue to limit themselves to dictionaries, which are thoroughly covered here, rather than to try to include other types of reference works, which are not. [sh/nb]
Kleines Fremdwörterbuch: mit einem Verzeichnis gebräuchlicher Abkürzungen. [Concise Dictionary of German Loan Words: With a List of Common Abbreviations]. Comp. Michael Müller. Stuttgart: Reclam, 1996. 349 p. 15 cm. (Universal-Bibliothek, 8438). ISBN 3-15-008438-5: DM 12.00
Published frequently since 1960 under the title Reclams Fremdwörterbuch, each time with only slight changes, the previous edition of the dictionary of loan words in German has now been completely revised. The section devoted to foreign words has been augmented by about 100 pages, and the information concerning lemmas thoroughly updated, although it is still limited to pronunciation, gender, and language of origin. The work is intended for less scholarly users, such as secondary school students and crossword puzzle solvers; others, particularly libraries, will prefer the highly regarded loan-word dictionaries from the Duden publishing house. [sh/nb]
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