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Bibliographie zur europäischen Dimension des Bildungswesens = Bibliography on the European Dimension of Education. Heinz Bartel. Berlin: VWB, Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. 21 cm. ISSN 0949-5231 1994-95 (1996). xxviii, 225 p. ISBN 3-86135-630-9: DM 48.00
This bibliography of publications on education for the years 1994-1995 is the first of a series which will update the retrospective bibliography Die Europäische Gemeinschaft und das Bildungswesen: eine Bibliographie (The European Union and Education: A Bibliography; Berlin, 1994). The earlier work covered monographs and articles appearing since 1947 with a concentration on publications after 1980. The current bibliography focuses on publications by the European Union and articles, 1206 in all, mainly in German and English but also in the other official languages of the EU, with titles indexed by German and English keywords, as well as by author, document number, etc. Given the role of the EU in European education since the Maastricht Treaty, this bibliography takes on a new significance. The same information, with citations back to 1988, is now also available on diskette with two annual updates, under the title EU-LIT. [sh/cmc]
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