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The fall of the Berlin Wall necessitated this complete revision of the first edition of this atlas, published in 1987 for the 750th anniversary of Berlin. Only five of the 68 maps are from the 55 originals in the 1987 edition, and all 20 aerial photos, equal in number to the 1987 edition, are new. The first edition covered only West Berlin; the new edition shows Greater Berlin. The size of the area and the varied elements of city geography make the unique combination of topographical maps and aerial aerial a good one. The appended map serves as an index. (wc/mm)
In contrast to the first edition (1992) (IFB 95-2-281, note 7 ), this new edition covers all eleven districts of eastern Berlin. Like the previous edition, it is arranged alphabetically by district. Each section contains a historical introduction, streets in alphabetical order, and appendixes listing new and renamed streets. A new index lists all present street names (with district) and all old names with references to the new ones. Location information for streets by beginning and end points is lacking, as is a separate index by last name to persons with streets named after them. This edition provides two new and rather long introductions -- on street names as a source of city history and on the history of street names in Berlin. A similarly up-to-date volume with western districts would be desirable. (Limited to West Berlin, but no longer completely current: Berlins Straszlig;ennahmen: ihre Herkunft und Bedeutung [Berlin's Street Names: Their Origin and Significance] by Klaus Katzur [2d ed., Berlin, 1987]). For the entirety of Berlin, one can also consult Wegweiser zu Berlins Straszlig;ennamen [Guide to Berlin Street Names], edited by Hans-Jürgen Mende (Berlin, 1995), an ambitious project to compile street names in individual volumes for all of Berlin's districts, though the Gärtner and Katzur guides together cost less and provide comparable information). [wc/mm]
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Last update: July 31, 2000 [RD]
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